Chapter 400 Chen Zhen
Shanghai Wharf
Mitsui Makotosuke's eyes were red, and his originally flamboyant aura seemed a little lonely. When he came back from Nanyang with doubts, his first stop was Shanghai, where he transited back to Tokyo, Japan.How to put it, he was once Mitsui's No. [-] person, and under the layers of connections, he finally knew why he was ordered to return to China.

British!It was the British who directly reprimanded their emperor, accusing Japan of extending its tentacles to the British sphere of influence. The number one in the world is so hard.

Even though Japan is now the number one in Asia, in the eyes of the British, they were raised in East Asia after all. In order to contain the dogs of Tsarist Russia, the first-rate empires of Britain, the United States, Russia, France, and Germany and the second-rate Japan still have a lot of differences. big gap.

Now, the United Kingdom supports Japan's annexation of North Korea in order to resist the pressure of Tsarist Russia in East Asia in the future.

It's like a dog has a stinky shit tied to its head, but the dog thinks it's honey.Of course, if the Japanese don't care, the British still have the ability to follow the example of the Americans in another black ship incident. The British Royal Navy all over the world is just a matter of dispatching a few Dreadnought-class battleships for a cruise...

But now, Makotosuke Mitsui got the news that he will go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan to "make it clear" in his own name: the sale of the four shell subsidiaries to the stock exchange market in London, England, is purely a personal act. The Mitsui group has already abandoned this middle-aged man whose son died, and the way forward will depend on his fate.

But Makoto Mitsui helped hate, originally he should be surrounded by many people when he travels, but at this time there is only one secretary, and the two walked lonely towards the "Kazuru" passenger ship that had just landed from Japan.

A young man in black Japanese college student clothes had a hasty look on his face, and he was obviously thinking about something in his mind. He didn't pay attention to the two Japanese men in kimonos walking in the middle of the pier road.

"Hey!" Mitsui Seinosuke was awakened by the feeling as if he had hit the steel.

Both of them were a little distracted on the road just now!

"Baga!" Mitsui Makotosuke's secretary was not happy at first, this is still the territory of the Qing court, they have to be so domineering, even in their own home, these two people are already down.

This collision brought Mitsui Makotosuke back to his senses. Seeing that the young man who hit him was still wearing the uniform of the University of Tokyo, he raised his arm with his left elbow and suppressed the last two pronunciations that the secretary was going to utter.

"Japanese?" Seinosuke Mitsui asked the young man with a guilty face.

"No, people from the Qing Dynasty!" The young man took off his hat, his crew-cut hair stood up, full of heroism.The young man was a reasonable person, and he was actually a little anxious after getting off the "Jiahe" passenger ship, wishing to hurry back to the Jingwumen in the British Concession in Shanghai.

This young man was Chen Zhen who had just returned to Shanghai from Tokyo, Japan.

Fumio Funakoshi returned to Japan from Shanghai. In addition to restarting the trade between Hanyao and Yasuda Chamber of Commerce, he also brought back a regrettable news-Huo Yuanjia died.

Died in a contest with Akutagawa Ryuichi at the Hongkou Dojo of the Black Dragon Society.

"Young man, be more cautious!" Mitsui Makotosuke didn't make it difficult for Chen Zhen. If he left him in the past, he would definitely make the Qing people pay the price, but now, his own affairs are not enough for him to worry about. The fart let go of the person in front of him, of course, more because he didn't want to cause more trouble.

"I'm sorry, sir!" Chen Zhen put down the box in his hand and cupped his fists to express his apology. He didn't like the bowing etiquette of the Japanese, and he accepted what happened just now.But he glanced fiercely at the secretary who was swearing. If the complete "Bageyalu" swears out, he, who is in the same bad mood as Mitsui Makotosuke, will inevitably take action to teach others.

For Chen Zhen, who is proficient in Japanese, this word knows how dirty it is.

The two met in a hurry at the pier in Shanghai. One got off the "Jiahe" passenger ship and went straight to Jingwumen, and the other boarded the "Jiahe" passenger ship and walked towards the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tokyo, Japan...

Fist of Fury

"Fifth Senior Brother is here!" After seeing Chen Zhen's appearance, the Jingwumen disciple at the door first showed joy, then shouted into the yard, but ran towards Chen Zhen who was carrying the salute box.

When Chen Zhendao saw the familiar figure, a trace of comfort flashed in his eyes, but it seemed that he was dressed in sackcloth and filial piety, and he felt sad from his heart.

"Five senior brothers!"

"Fifth senior brother!" There was a burst of greetings.

"Chen Zhen! You're back?" This was the voice of Huo Yuanjia's eldest son, Huo Tingen, and his tone was full of surprises.

"Senior brother!" After entering the gate, without taking a sip of water, Chen Zhen took the filial piety clothes brought up by his juniors and quickly put them on.He was raised by Huo Yuanjia, taught him martial arts, raised him, and then sent him to Japan to study.

The teacher's teaching and nurturing grace are as important as Mount Tai.

"Bang bang bang!" This is the sound of head-on bumping.

After the three kowtowed, Chen Zhen asked Huo Tingen, who was in charge among the crowd: "Where is the Hongkou dojo of the Black Dragon Association?" Yes, he wanted revenge, or kicked the hall.

Modern martial arts originated in Jinmen, bringing together martial arts elites from Zhili, Qilu, and even surrounding provinces. Wenwu is the first, and martial arts is the second. It is about martial arts, and it is necessary to make a difference!

Kicking the hall actually comes from Cantonese, and changing it to the northern dialect means smashing the field, but the warrior earns to the end, it is a face, the form of kicking the hall is fair, just, and open. In order to get a foothold, the door actually did such things. Now, Chen Zhen has to make sure of one thing, if it is true that his kicking skills are not as good as others, he will admit it.

Maybe he can't beat Akutagawa Ryuichi from the Hongkou Dojo of the Black Dragon Association, so this trip he holds the belief that he must die, the second life is given by Huo Yuanjia, this is his filial piety!

"Fifth senior brother, you can't go!" Hearing Chen Zhen's question, some disciples who had a good relationship dissuaded him.

"Yes, Chen Zhen, I can't go!" Huo Tingen also dissuaded him.

"Eldest brother, my life was given by my master, not him, I would have starved to death at the joint in Jinmen." Chen Zhen's eyes were determined, his face full of duty.

Huo Yuanjia's good brother Nong Jinsun stood behind Huo Tingen. At this time, he saw that the kid who grew up in his eyes was a donkey. During the dispute, a pair of rubbings and a plaque with the word "forbearance" were carried out by two Jingwumen disciples.

Being dissuaded by the crowd, and seeing the master's calligraphy being carried out, the surging anger in his heart suddenly made Chen Zhen lose his mind, kicked his body, and the plaque with the word "forbearance" was torn apart under the horrified eyes of everyone.

Unbearable, there is no need to bear it anymore, Chen Zhen expressed his attitude to everyone.

The one under the nose was actually called the road, kicked the plaque, and Chen Zhen ran out of the Fist of Fury, and a rickshaw took him to the Hongkou gymnasium of the Black Dragon Club.

"Hahaha!" The sound of karate practicing martial arts was endless, and Chen Zhen, dressed in black, appeared in the dojo.

"I'm looking for you Akutagawa Ryuichi!" A deep voice sounded, and a group of ronin wearing white martial arts uniforms stopped, and a minion stepped forward with a fierce look on his face, because Chen Zhen spoke Chinese, and although he was dressed in the same At this time, the people of the Qing Dynasty were different, but they were so proficient that the wanderers instantly understood that this was just a person from the Qing Dynasty.

"The name of our curator..."


Chen Zhen exerted strength with his arms, and pressed the head of this minion heavily on the floor, his feet trembled, and he fainted.

From the attitude of the minions just now, Chen Zhen has already seen contempt and disdain.Since the normal procedures cannot be followed, then I will type in. This is what he thought at this time.


"Damn the pigs of the Qing Dynasty!" The rogues instantly erupted, clamoring and rushing towards Chen Zhen!

1 hit 21!Chen Zhen's boxing and kicking skills are extremely fierce, and his moves are aimed at the rogues' weak spots and weak points.He is a follower of traditional martial arts, but also an innovator.After arriving in Japan, he came into contact with Western martial arts, and he was proficient in free combat, jujitsu, and lock techniques.

Zhu Chuanwu once told Chen Zhen that learning from barbarians to control barbarians is not only in science and technology, but also in all aspects.We do not belittle our own culture, because we have a profound historical heritage, and existence is the reason. The culture that has been passed down for more than 5000 years has its own advantages, and we must have cultural confidence.

But we are not blindly confident, keep our eyes open, walk in every cultural exchange point in the world, and learn from our strengths is the mission of our generation.These were all told by Zhu Chuanwen to his younger brother, but they also contained Zhu Chuanwu's own understanding. In the correspondence between Chen Zhen and Zhu Chuanwu, Zhu Chuanwu also taught them all.

The 21 people, either attacking in twos or swarming up, could not do anything to Chen Zhen.

crush!Two words instantly appeared in the minds of these Japanese ronin.When the last seemingly strongest minion was kicked down by Chen Zhen, Ryuichi Akutagawa had to show up.

"Who are you?" Akutagawa Dragon asked solemnly, looking at the black-clothed youth who beat all his disciples to the ground and wailed in front of him.His family is clear about his own affairs, and he knows that it is impossible for him to defeat these people so easily.

"Fist of Fury, Chen Zhen!"

Fist of Fury?Akutagawa Ryuichi's pupils dilated in an instant. The establishment of the Jingwu Gymnastics Club last year brought the development of the entire Black Dragon Club in Shanghai to a standstill, and the collection of Japanese ronin in Shanghai was exhausted.The next step is to use their karate to draw the Qing people into this black dragon club that seems to be for physical fitness.

The actual competition with the Black Dragon Club is the Jingwu Gymnastics Club, and after this gymnastics club, there is the Jingwu School founded by Huo Yuanjia who came from Jinmen to the south.

Some time ago in the competition with Huo Yuanjia, Akutagawa Ryuichi won easily, and shortly after the competition, he heard that Huo Yuanjia was going west with a crane.Akutagawa Ryuichi couldn't help sighing, Huo Yuanjia's reputation, like the Beiyang Fleet that once made the whole of Japan panic, is a paper tiger.

And now...

Chen Zhen's strength gave Akutagawa Ryuichi a bad feeling.

In the contest with Akutagawa Ryuichi, Chen Zhen used 12 points of caution. He knew the strength of his master. If the person in front of him killed his master, would he win?
Things are often dramatic. After the initial confrontation, Chen Zhen instantly understood the depth of Akutagawa Ryuichi's kung fu.

If it is said that the little guy who fought in the Hongkou dojo before, Chen Zhen turned into a god of war and defeated ten times with one force.Then when he hit Akutagawa Ryuichi at this time, he was like a ghost, with agile movements and nimble steps, he kept approaching Akutagawa, but he just didn't fight.

After getting close, his eyes were about to spit fire, and he stared at the rare Japanese man who was a head taller than him.


Of course Akutagawa Ryuichi understood that this was a provocation!

But when he punched hard, it was like hitting the air, and his eyes only caught the black shadow of Chen Zhen.

"Ah!" Akutagawa Ryuichi howled in pain, his ears were severely torn by Chen Zhen.He is like a mount under Chen Zhen's crotch. The force on his ears makes him turn left and turn right.

Afterwards, Chen Zhen kicked him violently to the ground of Hongkou Dojo.

"Come again!" Akutagawa Ryuichi roared, and rushed up again, but was knocked down three times, and his ears were pulled all the time, so that everyone present could understand that Akutagawa, whom the Ronin regarded as the strongest, was not Chen Zhen's opponent at all.

This time, Chen Zhen didn't hold back, because Akutagawa used the samurai tricks to attack his vitals.

"Ah!" The tragic cry resounded throughout the Hongkou dojo, Chen Zhen directly crippled Akutagawa's hand, and shook his head solemnly, with a very clear meaning - you!Do not!Row!
There was a burst of noise at the entrance of the Hongkou Dojo.

"Fifth Senior Brother!" Filed in, the panic-stricken members of the Fist of Fury Sect saw howls all over the floor as soon as they entered, and their morale was instantly boosted.

Fist of Fury regained its face, but Chen Zhen took a deep look at Akutagawa Ryuichi who fell on the ground, but there was no happy look on his face.

Chen Zhen from Fist of Fury Sect won. This news instantly ignited the martial arts circle in Shanghai. The Shanghai National Fitness Movement, which had been in decline, was once again on the rise.

Wang Mansion

Wang Keren was summarizing the news sent back by Gu Ansheng in Hong Kong, and sending it to Bingcheng.Since Gu Ansheng used to sit here in Shanghai, Shanghai has become another center of the Hanyao Chamber of Commerce in Shanhaiguan, which is second in level to Bingcheng. Now, Wang Keren is also summarizing these things in the dark.

One line from the chamber of commerce, one line from the hunter, two different channels of information are gathered towards Zhu Chuanwen, and only Wang Keren knows the complexity of all kinds of information.

Coming to Shanghai is even busier!

Wang Keren rubbed his sore eyes, and after reviewing the information, he signed the word of approval, and his subordinates sent a report to Bingcheng.

"The shopkeeper!" Lu Tingyun, Wang Keren's right-hand assistant, came in after knocking on the door.

"What's wrong Tingyun?"

"There is good news!"

"Oh?" Wang Keren also asked with joy on his face. The latest Shanghai news made him feel a little heavy. Either a bank went bankrupt, or a Shanghai official committed suicide. It's not a good thing after all. Moreover, it can be seen from the information that the businesses in Shanghai, Liangjiang, and even the entire Shanhaiguan are in decline...

"The friend of Director Chuanwu came back from Japan! Today is the first day back. After you arrived in Shanghai, the shopkeeper, the first order you gave us was to keep an eye on the Black Dragon Club, and the Black Dragon Club is in Shanghai. The largest dojo is Hongkou Dojo.

Originally, the Hongkou Dojo had recently planned to promote their Laoshizi karate, and I asked my subordinates to write a countermeasure, but when the friend of Chuanwu director came, it was solved easily. "Lu Tingyun pushed the glasses on his nose. The round glasses with black frames made people think that this person is a nerd, but after getting in touch with him, his methods are decisive and fierce, which always makes people feel lingering fear.

Lu Tingyun was the overseas talent that Wang Keren started to recruit as soon as he entered Jinmen.This can be regarded as the most remarkable achievement of Wang Keren after he settled in Jinmen. He was kept by Wang Keren's side and originally played the role of secretary.However, after a short-term instructor training in Bingcheng, he is now serving as the instructor of the squadron of the Hunter Department in Shanhaiguan, but in fact, he is Wang Keren's right-hand man and will soon face promotion.

"It's called Chen Zhen!" Wang Keren thought for a while, and then remembered the name of his friend Zhu Chuanwu.

"Yes, shopkeeper, Chen Zhen! I think, according to the idea of ​​the general teaching, this person should belong to the future team of Director Chuanwu, and we should not interfere, but now he appeared in Shanghai..." Lu Ting Yun's words were still full of meaning, and there was a strong personal subjective speculation in his tone.

As a scholar, you are always a little self-righteous.

Wang Keren doesn't care much about this, he still can't understand Zhu Chuanwen now, with such a smart person by his side, he can get something out of listening to it, in fact, if it wasn't for this kid who is always self-righteous in analyzing Zhu Chuanwen, he was transferred to Shanghai with him. I was already promoted when I went to work, and I was suppressed by him.

Still have to practice!

But after hearing Lu Tingyun's words, Wang Keren knew that he had to make his own decision.The future team of Chuanwu is all from the Zhu family, and there is only one person at the helm, and that is Zhu Chuanwen! "Keep observing, I remember I asked your people to watch the Black Dragon Society, and at the same time investigate the cause of Huo Yuanjia's death, this matter is an important supplement for us to observe Japan's methods.

And now, we just have this entry point, follow Chen Zhen! "

Wang Keren is as keen as ever, this is his intuition after several years of intelligence work. "Chen Zhen's ability to play with Chuanwu shows that he must have his own strengths. To find out the cause of his master's death, I think it is one of his goals for coming to Shanghai this time."

"Yes, the shopkeeper." Lu Tingyun pushed his glasses.

(End of this chapter)

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