Breaking through Guandong, I became Zhu Chuanwen

Chapter 374 Kill the enemy 1, self-damage 0!

Chapter 374 Killing [-] Enemies, Zero Self-Injury!
Valentin's words were filled with righteous indignation, and Zhu Chuanwen felt the same way, which made Zhu Chuanwen a little puzzled, wishing to blurt out: Brother, are you from the new world too?Does Ukraine know?

Of course, this is impossible, but the environmental protection fighter was born more than 50 years earlier, which made Zhu Chuanwen unexpected.

To put it bluntly, Valentin, a Russian, has no feelings for this land. What does it matter to him if the water in the Songjiang River stinks?What he has is only loyalty to the empire, out of consideration for his own interests.

According to the information that Valentin has learned, since January this year, the radio factory has been fully loaded since it was put into production, and all of them use electric-driven production lines.The monosodium glutamate factory and the glass factory were expanded to provide supplies to the Japanese Yasuda Chamber of Commerce.

According to intelligence, the output value of these factories is very large, accounting for half of Hanyao's profit.

So the most profitable factory didn't make any contribution to the Russian Empire?Valentin felt a little displeased...

It's not that Hanyao has no business relationship with Tsarist Russia.

The transportation of crops has always accounted for a large proportion.

However, compared with Hanyao's step-by-step expansion of the export scale of industrial products.

In Valentin's view, the proportion is still too small.

Can't tolerate it!After temporarily setting a policy on the top priority—Mongolian affairs, Valentin kept thinking about how to limit the development of Hanyao?
If you go to Valentin's office, there is a piece of paper on his desk.A piece of paper with Zhu Chuanwen's name written on it, and next to the name, the word "Han Yao" is the same size, juxtaposed with Zhu Chuanwen's name.In Valentin's recent thinking, Han Yao and Zhu Chuanwen complement each other and are equally important. What he does to Han Yao, in a disguised form, is also restraining Zhu Chuanwen.

What about Wu?Definitely not, mainly because there is no advantage.

By the way, Valentin is the chief executive, and the Hanyao Manufacturing General Administration happens to be under his jurisdiction, so what should be used as a starting point?When patrolling the banks of the Songjiang River, the stinky environment gave him a plan.

Urban disease, before the term environmental protection appeared, was the earliest concept of urban environmental problems, which was first proposed by British scholars in the past two years. The main purpose was to think based on the increasingly polluted environment in London. And put forward a series of views on urban pollution caused by industrial development.

It is still purely at the stage of theoretical construction. The situation in Europe is so tense, and the authorities are making continuous efforts to deal with the situation. The environment?who cares!
Valentin came from a background in intelligence matters.

The concept of urban disease was originally just a point of his daily understanding of the situation.However, in practice, a development plan to curb the Hanyao General Manufacturing Bureau gradually came to mind.

Slowing down Hanyao's development is his first step.In the future, only a qualified Hanyao would be built to serve the interests of the Tsarist Russian Empire, and this would be his final plan.

In order to start the plan, it was Valentin's goal to bring Zhu Chuanwen to the Songjiang River.

"Mr. Zhu, you are from the Qing Dynasty. Do you feel as sad as me when you see this river being destroyed?" Valentin's face was full of regret, regret, and unbearable, just like his grandma's Volga River is now Is it clean?In this era, which river in an industrialized country is clean?
Not to mention the industrial wastewater inside, under the squeeze of capitalists, there is the blood and sweat of the emerging class of workers.

Watching Valentin's performance in front of him...

Surprise flashed across Zhu Chuanwen's eyes, not because he was infected by Valentin's emotional performance, but because he didn't expect the industry to be really scary. It's only been a few years?
I thought to myself, industrial development and the natural environment are really a pair of natural contradictions.It is certainly not advisable to waste food because of choking, but it is necessary to consider the coexistence of industry and the environment in an acceptable range from the very beginning.

Seeing Zhu Chuanwen thinking without speaking, Valentin began to perform again: "Mr. Zhu, as far as I know, this is the nearest one, and it is also the one with the most serious damage. The waste water discharged here is mainly composed of two components." .

One is Hanyao's monosodium glutamate factory, and the other is Hanyao's printing and dyeing factory and some small-scale factories of Russian businessmen.It was all brought here by the urban wastewater discharge channel that started to be built this year! "

Hey, does that mean there was something wrong with my previous urban sewage overall traction?Zhu Chuanwen asked helplessly: "Then what does Mr. President mean?"

During Valentin's hard-working performance, Zhu Chuanwen certainly understood what Valentin meant. It was nothing more than asking Hanyao to increase the process of sewage treatment and other aspects. This was naturally not shocking to Zhu Chuanwen, who came from later generations, but doing so What is the purpose?

"One of Mr. Zhu's factories has to stop working and start to rectify!" Valenkin clenched his fists and waved them fiercely, like a soldier fighting for the cause of environmental protection.But he is not Swedish, and he doesn't have the ability to see carbon dioxide.


Slow down Hanyao's development?

Such words flashed across Zhu Chuanwen's mind for an instant, and he felt a little disapproving, but superficial skills still had to be done.

"Impossible, Mr. President! Do you know how much Hanyao lost for one day's shutdown? I will personally report this matter to the Far East Command and the Governor's Mansion of Siberia!
Mr. President, you have crossed the line!The development of the Hanyao General Manufacturing Bureau is a matter personally urged by His Excellency Kokovtsev (Minister of Finance), and I will personally report this matter! "

Zhu Chuanwen also started his own performance, he was out of breath, and became angry from embarrassment, which made him perform vividly.

Andre and Berg, two guys who like to figure out people's hearts, have left, well, here comes a showman!Come, come, "Actor's Self-cultivation"!It's funny, not many people know how to use skills these days, in the intricate Kanto, they don't even know how to die!

"Mr. Zhu, I don't really think much about it. You know, I just came here, and I have nothing but admiration for what Mr. Zhu has done for Hanyao. But you said that you are starting to get in your eyes, so what is the disease of this city?" Shouldn't you take a look?"

There was a hint of cunning in Valentin's eyes wearing a mask, and he enjoyed Zhu Chuanwen's outraged look very much. From him, the image Zhu Chuanwen gave him was too indifferent, and now he was finally pushed by him, with a Caught Zhu Chuanwen's death spot.

"Stopping work is impossible. Chairman, if you have nothing else to do, I will go back first. You know, the training of the detachment is very busy, and I have to handle it myself!" Zhu Chuanwen waved his big stick , trying to frighten Valentin.

But in Valentin's view, this is a bit stern!
Not using the detachment was a consensus reached between the two just before. If he used it again, then Valenkin would not have no cards, but would be disgraceful.

Valentin didn't respond, Zhu Chuanwen changed the direction: "Mr. President, I think you are mistaken. I have been to Japan before, and I have been to their Tokyo Bay. It can be said that even if there is an ocean, their Tokyo Bay It's even worse.

Besides, the development of the factory is not only related to me, Hanyao, but also a plan made by the Far East Command and the Governor's Office of Siberia.Mr. President, I think this little bit of urban disease is still acceptable, just like the soles of my feet, at most I have a corn. "Zhu Chuanwen made a metaphor and continued to emphasize the importance of development. The meaning is very clear. You are not qualified. This is the meaning of the Far East executives.

In fact, Zhu Chuanwen wanted to deal with it, especially the discharge of industrial wastewater into Songjiang.Because it is conceivable that there must be more than this one place. The steel mills, gunpowder factories, glass factories, etc. that Hanyao belongs to all use water, and there must be many such situations.

Now that Valentin has brought this up, don't blame Zhu Chuanwen for taking a good chunk of the council's operating funds.

"Mr. Zhu, no, no, this is not just a corn problem, but a life-threatening health problem. I have learned that fishermen will not eat this kind of dead fish. It is said that they will get sick and the fish cannot be eaten. Now, is the water in the Songjiang River still drinkable?" Valentin did not continue to talk to Zhu Chuanwen about the Far East Command and the Siberian Governor's Mansion, but started to talk about people.

In fact, he said in his heart that the development of urban industrialization is important, but when the development of your Hanyao is not beneficial to our Tsarist Russian Empire, Valentin, as the chairman of the city council and the chief executive, has the right to speak on this matter.

Stop work, stop work!
"Mr. President, it's fine if you don't drink. I don't think the people downstream have this trouble." Zhu Chuanwen was as firm as ever, and he couldn't agree, especially when the Russians didn't offer certain benefits.

"It seems that Mr. Zhu doesn't care! But I do care. Environmental improvement is urgent. This matter is within the scope of my duties even if this matter is brought up to the Far East Command and the Siberian Governor's Palace." Valentin said righteously, just Walk towards your carriage.

A few days later

The Congregation came up with a bill beyond Zhu Chuanwen's expectation.It's not that he didn't think of it, but he didn't think that Valentin was playing nice or something, taking advantage of the hygienic campaign he created.

However, another piece of skin was used, and a thing called the "Sanitary Campaign-Supplementary Act" was created by Valentin. The bill restricts all factories to build their own sewage treatment plants, and prohibits the direct discharge of untreated sewage into rivers and rivers. , Among the creeks.

However, this bill directly moved the cake of the two parties.

On Zhu Chuanwen's side, he could only smile and pinch his nose to admit it, what can he do?Zhu Chuanwen even received a letter of consent signed by the governor of Siberia's governor's office. The tiger's skin was rotten, and Valenkin seemed to be playing tricks on him to draw his salary from the bottom of the pot.

It can be said that this is also the high-level Russian Far East, who expressed their dissatisfaction with Zhu Chuanwen.But within the controllable range, Zhu Chuanwen also thought of the reason. It may be that the export of Hanyao Radio Factory touched the sensitive nerves of the Russians.

As a factory purely exporting to the United States, you, Hanyao, started doing business with Yankees when the Russians united with the Japanese and drove away American capital to infiltrate industries in the three provinces of the Kanto region.Even taking advantage of the ocean-going capacity of the Russians?

The 3 radios in the early stage were rented Russian merchant ships and headed for San Francisco.

Then, don't blame the Russian Far East executives for beating you, the chosen Far East agent.

But it doesn't matter, it will be outside!They were just beatings without pain or itching. Although most of the factories were shut down, the gears of Hanyao were still running at high speed.

Hanyao headquarters meeting room

Zhu Chuanwen met Zhu Chunshan, Xia Yuanzhang, Chu Keqiu and other 12 representatives from Hanyao. When he entered the meeting room, he saw them talking and laughing, among them Mao Guangting.

"Why, so happy?" Zhu Chuanwen asked everyone while sitting in the middle seat of the conference room with a smile.

"Mr. Prime Minister, it's really exactly as you predicted. Valentin really played hard this time, and the Russians and Han Yao treated him the same way." Zhu Chunshan said with a smile, he is now the vice president of the Sanhedrin.Playing a full set, this time Hanyao's team directly voted against the vote of Valentin's public council, and even contacted some good Russian councilors.

But in the end, the Russians who had originally promised turned their backs. It may be the instruction of the Russian high-level officials in the Far East, which made Valentin pass the "Sanitary Campaign-Supplementary Act" with satisfaction.

"Let me take a look." Zhu Chuanwen took the Russian document, read it with a smile, and asked after turning a few pages: "Is this really aimed at us? By the way, where are the Russian businessmen? There are a lot of complaints, right?" ?”

"No, as soon as Guangting left the gate of the council, he was called away by Alexei, the Russian president of the chamber of commerce." Zhu Chunshan said.

My Prime Minister said hello. Today is the time when Hanyao and the Russians collectively sing against each other. Alexei, the president of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and a member of the Sanhedrin, voted for it by eating flies, but as soon as he went out, He also came forward to ask Mao Guangting to discuss countermeasures. After all, this incident caused too much loss to the Russians.

The scale of the Russian factory is not as large as that of Hanyao, and the industries are relatively scattered. It is really too much for one factory and one sewage treatment plant.Mao Guangting has completely accepted all of Gu Ansheng's business and communication activities here, and he is also very happy to cooperate with the Russians.

"Then wait for Guangting and see what kind of surprises the Russians will bring us!" Zhu Chuanwen said reassuringly, and then asked Chu Ke to roll his name: "Old Chu, many factories of Hanyao have shut down, you You can’t stop, take advantage of this time, first get me the electrification transformation project, and when the sewage treatment is over, can your electrification transformation be done well?”

"Yes, Prime Minister. Originally, it was a bit slow to produce and transform at the same time, but now the Russians think they have killed the enemy, but they gave us time to upgrade the industry. Some key equipment has enough time for this period of time! Change the rest slowly, Prime Minister, do you think that Valentin's brain has been kicked by the Qingshan horse?" Chu Keqiu's words made everyone laugh.

"I don't know if he was kicked by the horse or not, but if you can't handle this well, be careful that I will kick you with the Qingshan horse! By the way, brothers of the Zhou family!" Zhu Chuanwen called his name again.

"President!" Zhou Gui, the second son of the Zhou family, responded.

"Help Lao Chu here, and the machine tools that cannot be rebuilt will be phased out and sent to Zhu's Grain Shop. Spring plowing is about to happen. Don't let the farm tools be damaged and affect agricultural production. You recruit some craftsmen from the No. [-] Iron Ware Factory. Starting to be stationed at the Zhujia Grain Shop, it’s best to teach the farmers how to use these machine tools and then come back, and in the future, the damaged farm tools will not need to be sent to your first factory in batches.”

"Yes, Prime Minister, this is really a good idea that serves multiple purposes. With these obsolete machine tools, farmers can even make some simple equipment by themselves. There are blacksmiths in the gathering points of farmers under the grain shop. This is what the shopkeeper Cao recruited people to do. Come out, and it’s just in time to use it now.” Zhou Fu, the boss of the Zhou brothers, also said that repairing agricultural machinery every year takes up a part of the manpower of the No. [-] Ironware Factory.

Now that these machine tools can play a role, it is better to allow Zhou Fu, the technical director of the First Ironware Factory, to better complete the processing of some primary parts of the radio factory. Facing the primary parts of a series of Hanyao factories such as the gun factory and the second ironware factory, the production pressure is really high.

"That's fine. If necessary, you can go to the Zhujialiang Shop for guidance and guidance!" Zhu Chuanwen means that some things such as wheels can also be made by Zhujialiangpu in the future, not for Hanyao's use, but In order to allow farmers to make the transition to self-assembled bicycles.Although the ones made by ourselves are not as good as those produced by Hanyao Bicycle Factory, they are still usable.

The wooden tires and wooden pegs of the carriage must be phased out gradually, and it is most appropriate to leave such matters to Zhu's Grain Shop.

After talking about the business, Mao Guangting trotted into the conference room under the chatter of the crowd.

"Guangting, don't worry, drink some water first!" Seeing Mao Guangting's appearance, Zhu Chuanwen knew that he was anxious to report to Zhu Chuanwen. After getting out of the Russian chamber of commerce, he must have trotted here.

"Good! Prime Minister."

Seeing that Mao Guangting was in a good mood, Zhu Chuanwen asked, "Guangting, how are you talking with the Russians?"

"Prime Minister, the Russians are in contact, saying how to promote the centralized drainage of sewage pipes. The merchants can't let all the money. How can the public council come up with something to connect the sewage pipes outside the factory?" stand up."

Valentin now has the support of the Governor of Siberia. It is clear that it is definitely not in the interests of the Russians. After all, their factories have to do business with Russia. If they are ruthless, they will be targeted by the Russian government. If you can't go back, it's really a big loss again.

The Russian businessman was actually complaining about Zhu Chuanwen in his heart.Why, the boss and the second child fight, and their third child suffers the most. I really want to scold you, motherfucker.

"It seems that the Russians are not monolithic when it comes to their own interests." Zhu Chuanwen smiled and said to everyone.

The senior staff of Hanyao had heard Zhu Chuanwen's remarks more than once.

To do business in this era, you have to win over, divide, and suppress.

Win over some groups with vested interests, and attack those groups that are contrary to their interests.It can be said that Hanyao has tied these Russian businessmen to its own business territory. Although they are sending raw materials and primary industrial products to Russia, Russia's domestic purchasing power is still a bit short.

The transportation of the Trans-Siberian Railway is expensive after all, and most of them are in the circle of the Far East.

Hanyao is actually the biggest customer of these junior factories of the Russians.

"Yes, Prime Minister, look at it. The Russian businessman has already begun to work hard. The sewage pipes will soon need to be built with Valentin's money. The water pipes from our steel factory are still used. According to what you mean, I also made a promise to the Russian Chamber of Commerce that Hanyao will build a large sewage treatment plant, and their sewage will be connected to our sewage plant in the future.

Just taking advantage of the transparency of the city's operating funds from the Sanhedrin, Valentin also bleeds a bit, and repairs the urban sewage pipes connected to the factory, at least to the sewage treatment plant that Hanyao agreed to fund and build. "Mao Guangting said clearly.

Yes, Zhu Chuanwen agreed, and Hanyao will build a large-scale sewage treatment facility for the treatment and re-discharge of sewage.

"It seems that Guangting has made another contribution here. Congratulations!" Zhu Chuanwen smiled and congratulated Mao Guangting.

What does it mean to kill a thousand enemies and lose zero!
Valentin wanted Han Yao to slow down, so Han Yao simply stopped, and during this time he was doing maintenance and maintenance for the big ship Han Yao.After waiting, the accelerator was directly welded dead, and he ran towards the road of development again.

Environmental protection, he, Valentin, knows how to protect the environment with a hammer. He doesn't have his own purpose, but it just follows Zhu Chuanwen's intention, and by the way, he collects a sewage treatment fee from the Russian factory. For the Russian businessmen here It is said that this is much cheaper than building a sewage treatment plant by yourself.

"Guangting, have you figured out the sewage treatment process over there?" Zhu Chuanwen asked.

"After thinking about it, Director Qu and Director Qiao are helping me!"

"It should be!" Qu Zhengqian and Qiao Hongguo clasped their hands together.

"That's fine. Lao Qu's side will start producing corrosion-resistant steel pipes. Like last time, the public council can only place orders with us. As for Hong Guo, I will use all the bulldozers for the construction team. 5 In the middle of the month, I want Hanyao to fully resume production, do you have confidence?"


Everyone walked out of the conference room full of confidence. With Zhu Chuanwen, they have the backbone.As the Prime Minister, he always overcomes difficulties and overcomes difficulties. Sewage treatment is the first example of the development of a modern city in the world!

 With the full support of all the masters, I finally have a little immature manuscript.

  Adjust the update time in the future, every morning at 9:6000, update [-] words on time, in fact, it is mainly for exposure, and being on the list from time to time also gives me some confidence.

  There is another factor, that is, after writing at night and reading it again in the morning, you can also correct typos and understand the logic. Thank you again for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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