Breaking through Guandong, I became Zhu Chuanwen

Chapter 368 Han Yao after the year

Chapter 368 Han Yao after the year
The New Year flavor of Bingcheng is still very strong, and it is not yet the fifteenth day. Although the factories in Bingcheng are moving, there are still many people walking around.

Zhu Chuanwen looked at a chicken in his left hand and a duck in his right walking on the road in the carriage. He should be a person from Bingcheng who planned to pay New Year's greetings. Carrying hard goods, and some even pushing bicycles, obviously belong to the wealthy class of Ice City.

Immediately, he opened the small window in front of the carriage and said, "Zhong Xuan, wait a minute and go to the garrison headquarters. While walking, come in and have a chat with me."

The carriage stopped and started again...

"Zhong Xuan, how did you spend the Chinese New Year this year?"

"Teacher, I'm just like I was in Bingcheng. You know, I just got married." Zhong Xuan said with a smile. After being Zhu Chuanwen's secretary for a long time, he no longer felt awkward.

"Yeah, you and Wu Tong really do everything at the same time, work hard, and hug a big fat boy next year." Zhu Chuanwen smiled, and asked again: "The family courtyard, have your parents picked you up?"

"Well, they originally wanted to grow land at the grain shop for a few years. Although they now have tractors, farming and harvesting are much more convenient, but after thinking about it, I still took it over. Now I can afford it with my own labor. To support them, my younger brother is in the insurance team, and they should enjoy themselves."

"Yeah, you should enjoy the blessings, life, the more you live, the more enjoyable it is." Zhu Chuanwen didn't have any other opinions on this. Compared with filial piety, it's not a big deal that Zhu's grain shop has a few acres of land that no one has to cultivate. .This is also a kind of class transition, which makes people have a good head start.

"I always taught you that you are right. In the past two years, the people in the grain shop have become more and more enjoyable. There are more and more people in the grain shop who exchange work points for meat, tooth sacrifices and dumplings during the Chinese New Year. My father still Tell me, where in the past have you seen the scene of using a cart to transport meat." Zhong Xuan said, it is really convenient to send meat from Xiaoqingshan to the area radiating from the Bingcheng area in winter.

The locomotive dragged a carload of slaughtered cattle and sheep that were frozen hard, and it was also a good year for the grain store farmers with some savings.Zhu Chuanwen still remembers what he saw and heard in the capital city. The neighbors are surrounded by low walls. If someone eats dumplings and minced meat during the festivals, it will take a lot of energy.

"See, our family is eating dumplings today!" It can be said that this can be compared. Some good-looking people have to go to the chopping board twice even if they have no meat to chop at home. Save face.

But now, between the white mountains and the black waters, the Zhu Family Grain Shop in Hei Province has taken a step ahead.

While the two were talking, the car stopped in the courtyard of Hanyao headquarters, Zhu Chuanwen went upstairs, and Zhong Xuan walked towards the bicycle shed next to the entrance of the courtyard. It is convenient to take a horse-drawn carriage, although there are also Hanyao's official horse-drawn carriages that can be used.But Zhong Xuan still chose this new car, Hanyao's internal price!
Zhu Chuanwen walked into Hanyao's headquarters and walked towards his office.

"Wu Tong, is there anything to do?"

"President, I'm ready." Wu Tong hurriedly got up and handed the sorted documents to Zhu Chuanwen. His secretary's office is outside the door of Zhu Chuanwen's office, which is also a small cubicle. It can be said that this design has absorbed certain British office concept.

"Okay, just give it to me." Zhu Chuanwen took the document and entered the door, looking at the basin of water on the window sill in his office, he couldn't help feeling a little more satisfied with Wu Tong. This kid has become more and more proficient in recent years Take care of people.I also know that there is heating in winter to keep the house dry, so put a basin of water to humidify it.

After flipping through the documents roughly, Zhu Chuanwen first took the phone on the table: "Wu Tong, let Chu Keqiu come to see me, and bring the trial-manufactured samples from the No. [-] Iron Ware Factory along the way."

Wu Tong's documents are very good and categorized. Some of the advantages of Kuribayashi Shunyuan, a Japanese orthodox college student, are gradually being applied in the gradual promotion of Hanyao.

The documents sent from Shanghai are about rubber. The Shanghai stock market began to clear after the year. Now it is the situation that the demand exceeds the supply, and it is easy to sell. Don't worry about this part.In London, England, Hanyao, as the four behind-the-scenes rubber plantation companies, has sold 4% of its shares and collected more than 25 silver dollars, which has been remitted to the United States by the British Barclays Bank.

Under the operation of the Hanyao office in the United States, the foreigner who received the money came forward, and the four established leather bag companies signed for it. After turning it into cash, they would bring back part of it, and part of it would stay in the United States. The leather bag company will after this plan Disband immediately.

As for the conditions of the four rubber plantations, Zhu Chuanwen couldn’t be more clear. The land is huge. Apart from the exhibition part, the rubber seedlings are hollow radishes. It can be said that if you want to make a profit, you must continue to invest in them. Not to mention the money for replanting, the profit has to be extended for about 5 years.Of course, I am not afraid to investigate. Around the rubber planting, the atmosphere created by the indigenous people planting and collecting money is already in place, unless there are really people counting rubber trees all over the mountains and plains.

The hunters sent by Hanyao are not vegetarians for this kind of work that takes a long time and has a delicate mind. They are on patrol. There are many poisonous insects in Nanyang, and it is reasonable for snakes and insects to kill people.

But when he saw the chamber of commerce that purchased Nanyang Rubber Plantation Company, Zhu Chuanwen smiled for no reason. His real name was Mitsui Industrial.

Japan's industries in Nanyang have increased in recent years. Japan's domestic chaebols continue to disperse to Nanyang and even the world. Cheap raw materials are constantly gathering towards Japan. The territory is owned by foreigners, British, Dutch, etc., but business It is also prosperity, the colonists are making money by selling raw materials, natives?Isn't it an exploited group in their eyes?

Ordinarily, why did Zhu Chuanwen sell the shares of the rubber plantation so early? Zhu Chuanwen also had his own ideas. What is the current situation in the rubber stock market?This is where it gets interesting.

Mitsui Industries bought the rubber plantation shares of 4 leather bag companies. If they really sent people to investigate, they happened to encounter hunters who failed to guard against them. Would they expose this loophole?Zhu Chuanwen smiled.

Will the son cheat on his father?I am looking forward to what Mitsui will do in the future...

Thinking about this, Zhu Chuanwen wrote down his suggestion, "Speed ​​up the sale of shares in four rubber plantations!"

Afterwards, I picked up the message from Gu Ansheng from Japan. This time when Lao Gu went to Japan, he was received by Yasuda Zenjiro. It can be said that the Japanese are very generous every time. Making money can be said to continue to make money in the future. This is a long-term business. Seasoning is a sustainable industry at any time.

In Japan, there are not many imitation factories of MSG. How did the formula flow out?
That's because Kikunae Ikeda, a researcher at Tokyo Imperial University in Japan, also discovered the effect of monosodium glutamate from kelp last year, and was leaked by a familiar businessman, but Yasuda has already firmly controlled it from the channel. MSG sales end.

And there is still a patent, coupled with the blessing of the giant Yasuda, the Japanese professor just published some papers and gained some academic achievements. It can be said that this is also under the manipulation of the Yasuda Chamber of Commerce. It's just the platform.

Yasuda Zenjiro and Tokyo Imperial University are also related. As early as when Yasuda developed to a certain scale, Yasuda Lecture Hall was opened in the school. It can be said that this person is a real big shot in Japan.

Speaking of the order from the Yasuda Chamber of Commerce, in 1910, the Japanese once again increased the demand for MSG, 1600 million bottles of MSG!That is an order of 800 million silver dollars. At the same time, Yasuda Zenjiro and Gu Ansheng also discussed the distribution of interests in Nanyang.

Yes, in 1910, the Hanyao Chamber of Commerce planned to focus its development on the South Seas. With 5 cargo ships, Hanyao's ocean transportation capacity has been strengthened, so developing the market is also a matter to be done now.

The raw materials there are on the one hand, on the other hand, Nanyang has many Chinese sons and daughters.It can be said that in the future, these patriotic overseas Chinese in Nanyang will contribute to this disaster-ridden land.Influenced by the Confucian cultural circle, the eating habits are roughly the same, and MSG will still sell there.This is the consensus between Han Yao and Yasuda.

So the monosodium glutamate factory has to expand again this year, but those things that were added at the beginning to cover the formula will be removed and simplified.And Hanyao Manufacturing Bureau and Yasuda Chamber of Commerce will join hands to expand the Nanyang market, and Hanyao will add a layer of Japanese partner status to itself when the Qing court has no sea power.

Speaking of this, Zhu Chuanwen couldn't help thinking of the correspondence with Zhang Boling of Jinmen.Nankai High School and Hanyao High School are also constantly in contact, and the students of Hanyao University will be introduced from Nankai High School in the future.

During one correspondence, Zhang Boling couldn't help but recall what he had seen and heard on board the Tongji ship of the Beiyang Navy in 1898. That year was 1898, when the British forced Japan to occupy Weihaiwei by force. Zhang Boling was on board the ship. During the day, the national flag changed three times.

For the first time, the sun flag of Japan was taken down and the yellow dragon flag of the Qing court was hung up, thinking that Weihaiwei had taken it back.

For the second time, the yellow dragon flag of the Qing court was taken down and the British rice flag was hung.

Zhang Boling also wrote in a letter to Zhu Chuanwen: "Mr. Zhu's behavior in Kanto is no different from mine. He is a fellow! If our country wants to survive in the modern world, we must rely on new education to create a new generation of people! Therefore, Yu I want to make up my mind to dedicate myself to the cause of saving the nation through education. The Nankai University Hall will also follow Mr. Zhu’s Hanyao University Hall and gradually prepare for it.”

Zhu Chuanwen interrupted his thoughts, and jointly opened up the Nanyang market with the Japanese, there is really no way out.

In addition to MSG, 3 bicycles will also be shipped to Japan and sold by Yasuda.This time, taking advantage of the good performance of Hanyao's bicycles, it took a wave of opportunities. In the future, Hanyao may not be able to intervene in Japanese bicycles. Taking advantage of the opportunities to exchange for a wave of funds is Zhu Chuanwen's purpose. .

The price of Hanyao bicycles was 90 silver dollars for Yasuda, which was a part of the profit. This was to let Yasuda contribute to the use of Lushun Port in the future. Yasuda Zenjiro also agreed, saying that he would consider it, and it should be regarded as a sure thing.

How to put it, the current Japan is dominated by the Yamada faction.

Finally, it is about the export of raw materials from the Kanto region in Japan, and the transportation of raw materials such as fur on the grasslands has been reduced. Yasuda Zenjiro also agreed to this part.According to what Lao Gu said, he hasn't mentioned this matter yet, it was Yasuda Zenjiro who mentioned it.

Yasuda Club is not only relying on Hanyao to provide these materials, they also opened up the supply of raw materials from British Australia last year, we can talk about the quality of wool.Merino sheep in British Australia are much better than the wool on the Mongolian grasslands.

Out of apology, Yasuda Zenjiro did not hide his secrets.In the reply sent by Gu Ansheng, there was also a suggestion to introduce Merino sheep from Australia.

Zhu Chuanwen thought for a while, and realized that the Xiaoqingshan Breeding Farm still lacks economical sheep breeds, but Australia and Mongolia have different climates, so he still needs to study, "Wu Tong, send this part of the document to Xiaoqingshan, let Lilin Shun Source research."

"Okay, Prime Minister."

"Also, the veterinary school in Xiaoqingshan is well established. Let's start from two aspects. The Mongolians have experience in animal husbandry and recruit a group of Mongolian youths to train them. Secondly, they also recruit a group of Han youths from the Han people in Xiaoqingshan. Mongolians account for three One-tenth." Zhu Chuanwen determined the composition of the number of veterinarians trained by Xiaoqingshan, and said at the same time: "Call Lilin Shunyuan back."

This is the message sent by Xiao Qingshan during the Chinese New Year. Veterinary professionals from Japan have been recruited in place, so they will open a school and train a group of people systematically.

It just so happens that Xiaoqingshan Breeding Farm is a large-scale experimental site. Veterinarians, in Zhu Chuanwen's opinion, don't need to be taken care of like humans.But the herdsmen’s livestock on the grassland are like the farmers’ crops, and releasing these people later can be regarded as strengthening the connection between Hanyao and the grassland. Zhu Chuanwen takes this matter very seriously. Doctors and veterinarians are the future for Hanyao to strengthen the connection with the grassland. Two main handles.

"Understood, Prime Minister." Wu Tong wrote it down with a small notebook in his hand, and walked outside.

Zhu Chuanwen stretched himself, and after a while, Chu Keqiu led two people into the office door with a large square box in their arms.

(End of this chapter)

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