Chapter 364 Aaron Corporation
After the Hanyao annual meeting, Xia Yuanzhang carried out the key tasks of the annual meeting almost non-stop.

"President, on the European side, the funds for the laboratory have already been in place. And the funds for the establishment of American Hanyao have also been fully paid, and the US office has begun to actively establish American Hanyao."

"Has the name of the American company been confirmed?" On the sofa in Xia Yuanzhang's office, Zhu Chuanwen crossed his legs, a boot on one foot rattled on the wooden floor, and a wisp of white smoke curled up from the index finger and middle finger .

"It is confirmed that the Prime Minister, Aron Company, is also one of the three names you chose at the beginning, and your favorite Tesla company. Well, the feedback from the US office is not good, and you are also concerned about Edison and Tesla. Be clear."

Although, in terms of Hanyao's affiliation, American Hanyao belongs to a branch, but in order to better put on the American skin, there will be a wholly-owned company, and there is even a brand new name - Ailon company.

The other two names, Tesla and Wall-Mart, were not adopted by Zhu Chuanjie.

Of course, Zhu Chuanwen has also heard about the two inventor giants, so I won’t go into details. Speaking of this batch of radio equipment, Tesla’s improvement is also related. In this case, Hanyao’s American branch will not go into it. The water is muddy, and it is also a good thing to grow quietly.

"Okay, you are busy, I will also start arranging people to go to the United States."

After inquiring about the progress of the funds, Zhu Chuanwen also thought that it is time to send people to Bingcheng, and the Hanyao Chamber of Commerce and the Hunter Department will support the early formation of the American Hanyao.

"Xia Chi!"

"Teacher." Xia Chi stood upright in front of Zhu Chuanwen.

"You have to leave too! The first remittance of 100 million silver dollars from the Hanyao branch in the United States has arrived at the San Francisco office in the United States through Citibank. Originally, I wanted to keep you by my side for a while, but there is no one in the world. The banquet that lasts, you will leave early or late, so you can start. By the way, how is your subordinate?"

When Xia Chi heard the words, he knew that his boss had made up his mind, and it was time for him to leave for the United States.He knew that this move means that Hanyao will take root in the United States, because Zhu Chuanwen's request from the very beginning was very clear. With the current stage of the United States sending a friendly signal to the Qing Dynasty, where to establish his own company, use its own people to develop, and even Absorb local Chinese into Aaron Company.

The United States is a realistic society. Although there are endless news about some black knees in later generations, black people still have sufficient social status in American society.But bills are emerging one after another, why?In Zhu Chuanwen's view, apart from the number of reasons, there is also the fact that the Chinese are too docile, and there is no leading figure like Martin Luther King. It can be said that the thousand-year-old Confucian culture has caused this kind of resignation...

The team of hunters led by Xia Chi may set off a different wave in the United States.Zhu Chuanwen thinks this way: With the support of Bingcheng, the American Hunter branch has no shortage of firepower, and Zhu Chuanwen's concept of "killers are always killed" has also been passed on. Organized, premeditated, a sub-force operating in the United States in order to protect the interests of Han Yao of the United States.

And Zhu Chuanjie is now moving closer to the American legal profession. With the help of American Steel, the exclusive Hanyao law firm in the United States is also recruiting personnel in advance and developing within the rules. It can be said that this is what Zhu Chuanwen is best at. black gloves.Think about it, the development of Hanyao in the United States is very exciting.

"No problem, I always taught that the people who were selected at the beginning were not bad. If you go to the United States, you won't be deaf or dumb." Xia Chi is very concerned about his direct team of [-] people, and naturally pays close attention to it all the time. Going to the United States can’t be said to be able to communicate fluently. This is the advantage of Bingcheng, and there are many foreigners!With the basics of dealing with the Russians in Bingcheng, I will not be so afraid. I can even make gestures and guesses. After a long time, I will naturally be able to master English proficiently.

"Okay, let's go. Contact Zhu Fan, one of his freighters is on standby, and this time there are still 2 bicycles to be delivered to San Francisco." Zhu Chuanwen said, this is the first product sold by the Hanyao branch in the United States up.One freighter went to the ship, and four came back. Hanyao Shipping is also booming.

"I'm leaving, always teaching. You..." You were about to say "take care" but were interrupted by Zhu Chuanwen.

"Hey~ It's better not to learn from Zhu Fan! Don't act like a little girl, a man with ambitions everywhere. It's all for Hanyao!" The parting is the most sentimental, and Zhu Chuanwen also hates it the most, but shouted slogans like brainwashing.

Xia Chi also knew that even if he left, he would still follow Zhu Chuanwen's instructions more often, but he still couldn't let go across the Pacific Ocean. "It's all for Han Yao!" He took a deep breath, moved his Adam's apple up and down, and suppressed a surge of reluctance, his voice was unspeakably dry, and he roared loudly.

"Well, go to settle down first. When you are settled down, I will send your family over. Haha, you will become Americans in the future." Zhu Chuanwen patted Xia Chi on the shoulder with a smile, as if wishing them well bright future.

"Don't worry, I will teach you. I will take good care of Hanyao in the United States!" At the end, Xia Chi said with assurance.

Xia Chi left, and Gu Ansheng also mobilized a group of "elite soldiers" trained by the Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai to set off from Shanghai and meet Xia Chi in San Francisco. Zhu Chuanjie also knew what to do in the future, because the United States The development plan of the Hanyao branch has been sent to the United States.

Zhu Chuanwen dealt with the documents on the table, and he knew that it was time to deal with the aftermath of Bingcheng.

"Zhong Xuan, did Valentin say hello?"

"President, I've greeted you. I originally said to meet you in the council office, but the result changed. At 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, Valentin will visit you at the Ice City Garrison Command." Secretary Zhong Xuan said, Zhu Chuanwen's itinerary Almost all of them are arranged by him.

"The reaction was quick. It's because you've come to tell me the conditions. That's right." Zhu Chuanwen smiled and signed the last document on hand, and then said to Secretary Zhong Zhongxuan: "Tomorrow, let Wu Tong stay Here, you also go to pack your things, let's go to the garrison headquarters and wait for the president of the Ice City Council."

Zhu Chuanwen has now been relieved of his position as the vice president of the Ice City Council. As the current military leader of the Ice City, he and Valenkin are naturally on an equal footing.Valentin finally came to his senses, the sky in Bingcheng has changed!

The next morning, Zhu Chuanwen looked at the Bingcheng detachment from the window. They started the morning training from the gate of the garrison outside the gate of the garrison one by one, and they felt an unprecedented satisfaction in their hearts.

"Chief teacher, President Valentin is here." Zhong Xuan was also wearing the uniform of the Bingcheng Detachment's insurance team, and the two secretaries also divided up their work. Xia Chi left, and Zhong Xuan will be the garrison commander from now on Department, waiting for the summary document to be submitted to Zhu Chuanwen for approval.And Wu Tong is Han Yao's secretary.

"Come in, please. Has the coffee from the factory arrived? Let our president have a taste!"

"Understood, I will teach you." Zhong Xuan said salutingly, with a bit of a look.

Shanghai is indeed gradually setting off a coffee boom, especially after the completion of the Shanghai Headquarters Building at No. 1 Bund, Shanghai, in January this year.The Shanghai General Assembly Building has become the most popular social place for British expatriates in Shanghai recently. The bar counter with a length of more than 2 meters is the highlight.It is true that ordinary Qing people cannot come here, but there are still officials and gentry who can be invited to go.

Driven by this superior level, Hanyao's coffee factory in Bingcheng reported good sales according to the Chamber of Commerce's report.Of course, the packaging is also very interesting, a magpie lying in a bird's nest.

"You gave me a big surprise." As soon as Valenkin entered the door, he looked enthusiastic and hugged Zhu Chuanwen very hard. Those who didn't know it thought that the two were intimate.

"Chairman Valentin, there is a Chinese saying that if you don't see each other every day, it's like three autumns. I haven't seen the president for a long time, and I miss it very much. However, where are the surprises? Could it be that the traditional Chinese medicine given to the president played a role?" ?” Zhu Chuanwen pretended to be confused while pretending to understand.

"The medicine is good." Valentin pointed out.

The two sat down, and Zhong Xuan also brought coffee in a timely manner, leaving the closed space for the two of them.

The hospitality of the garrison command was very comprehensive, just like Doug entertained Zhu Chuanwen at the beginning, with a lot of added ingredients.Valentin was not too polite, and began to add things to the coffee according to his own habits. Without vodka, tequila is also good.

After taking a sip, I felt that the coffee was pretty good, and said in admiration, "Is this the product of your newly opened coffee factory in Bingcheng?"

"Mr. President still knows the goods! Yes, we have made some minor adjustments according to our habits, and it is a bit sweet."


"As long as the president likes it."

"By the way, Mr. Zhu, when is the sanitation improvement plan for Bingcheng?" Valentin also cut directly to the point, and this question was naturally about whether the Bingcheng detachment would go to the member's house again.

"This matter was clearly written in the plan when I proposed it in Bingcheng. This will be a very important daily work in Bingcheng in the future..." Zhu Chuanwen said and observed the face that gradually became gloomy. Valentin then made a turning point: "However, the work of home-based hygiene guidance will not happen in the future. As long as the Bingcheng detachment and the picket team are rectified, they will be happy and easy."

Hearing this, Valenkin felt relieved, this time, what he wanted was Zhu Chuanwen's words, if military power continued to threaten his daily work in Bingcheng.Although it was not good for him, he had to report it inevitably. There was always someone who could put pressure on the Ice City garrison commander, but this was the last step Valentin wanted to take. "I think so, maybe our expatriate's house is a little messy, which makes Mr. Zhu worry."

Since Zhu Chuanwen still wants to play within the rules set by the Russians before, Valenkin can also make some concessions, and then said: "Deputy Director Zhu Chunshan, the future division of labor will still be the work in the mixed-living area. Do you have any other comments, Mr. Zhu?"

"All of this is still in accordance with the president's wishes. You also know that the garrison commander will only be responsible for the safety of the ice city."

Oh, believe you again, I am a mallet!Valentin snorted inwardly, and then the two discussed various affairs of Bingcheng, but during the discussion, Zhu Chuanwen always acted according to the president's wishes, which made him puzzled. Thinking to his head, he thought in his heart that this Qing countryman was really difficult to deal with.

Finally, Valentin asked about the construction of the Ice City. The meaning of the Governor’s Mansion of Tsarist Russia in Siberia is that the Ice City still needs to be developed. The current situation is very good. Hanyao has a large loan from Russia. Since Hanyao is willing to cooperate, then continue Building an ice city is one of Valentin's tasks.

"Mr. Zhu, I heard that Hanyao has allocated a piece of land in the mixed-habitation area before. Is this the second thermal power plant to be built in Bingcheng?"

"In the future, the industry in Ice City will still have to continue to complete industrial upgrading. I heard that the current advanced regions in Europe use electricity to drive factory production. Naturally, Hanyao's industries intend to follow suit."

The construction of Hanyao's own power plant has been determined long ago, but the construction period is very long. At present, Chu Keqiu has already started work, and it is expected to start production in the spring of 1912.

"Mr. Zhu's vision is really powerful! What about the Russian power plant?" Valentin was still worried. The construction of the Russian power plant in Bingcheng can be said to have been built with the operating funds of Bingcheng after Andrei took office. The slick Berg is under the jurisdiction of the Ice City Council. It can be said that in addition to the tax revenue of the Ice City, the electricity bills of the power plant account for a large proportion of the Ice City's operating funds.

Electricity isn't cheap these days.

"Actually, I also want to suggest to the Russian Chamber of Commerce that Mr. Alexei (the president of the Russian Chamber of Commerce in Ice City) start electrifying the factories of Russian merchants. At present, Hanyao's No. [-] Ironware Factory is fully capable of completing this part. Mr. President can also push forward the transformation, after all, the advantage of electricity is still there, and this is just to use the money from buying coal to pay the electricity bill.”

Valentin hesitated. To be honest, this kind of thing is beyond his ability. In his opinion, what is the difference between steam engine drive and electric drive.However, under Zhu Chuanwen's deliberate science popularization, he decided to go back and think about it.

Coming out of the Ice City Garrison Command, Valentin's mind was still a little dizzy, and it was all about efficiency conversion.But on the good side, this time it was guaranteed by Zhu Chuanwen, and the Bingcheng detachment would only dispatch this once.

Ice City Council Office
When Valentin returned from the garrison command, he began to write about the current situation in Ice City to the Governor's Office of Siberia and the Far East Army Command in Vladivostok. The Russians in charge in the Far East are not stupid roe deer.When the Russian Minister of Finance decided to cede the rights of the Bingcheng garrison, some things had already been expected, such as handing over part of the rights to the Qing people, of course, it was also done well, that is, loans.

Smart as Andrei has already started to act. As a Russian nobleman, will he really lack funds to build Khabarovsk?To be honest, Andrei’s goal in Bingcheng has already been achieved. The Bingcheng experiment has achieved the desired effect. He is one of the few sober people in Russia. Bingcheng is lonely. For him, Even if you still control the railway, it is not safe.

Soldiers always think of the worst, because by the time they are dispatched, things are often not easy to stop.And Andre had already seen that Zhu Chuanwen was not that easy to get along with.It's just a matter of saving face. In the future, the raw materials of the Kanto will be transported through Bingcheng, a transit station, and Andre is still counting on the Hanyao Chamber of Commerce to contribute...

In fact, before he knew it, Zhu Chuanwen was already on an equal footing with people like Andre.

"My lord, let's hold our noses and admit the loss that Mr. Zhu made us suffer?" His subordinates took over the materials that Valentin wrote to his superiors, and asked a lot when they were about to send a wired telegram.

"The Ice City Council has a vice president who is the garrison commander. This matter is really a bad start by General Andre, and it can only be like this at present..." Valentin actually said a little uncomfortable, For him, this meant that the original plan had to be changed.

Smiling tiger, this is Valentin's most appropriate evaluation of Zhu Chuanwen.

"My lord, why don't we report to the Far East Command..."

Valentin shot straight at him with murderous eyes.Naturally, Valentin knew exactly what kind of person the Tsarist Russian superiors liked.

This telegram is only to report the election situation of the Ice City Council to the two parties.But if you start complaining as soon as you come to Bingcheng, that's not a good thing. That's why he left to communicate with Zhu Chuanwen. Leaders always want subordinates who are capable of solving things, rather than needing their level to help you coordinate all day long. matter.

Valentin also did this in Tannu Wulianghai before he was transferred to Bingcheng.

This time in Bingcheng, Valentin has two tasks. One is to let Bingcheng continue to develop. Originally, he wanted to do it himself, but now it seems that Zhu Chuanwen will not let go.But don't worry about this matter, don't let it go if you don't let it go, but as the chief executive of Bingcheng, he is also thinking of a way to deal with it...

The second matter, which has attracted more attention from the Far East Command and the Siberian Governor's Office, is the Mongolian government. The situation in the Kanto region has been let go by the Mongolian government. It is really a dark loss from too many "Japanese".The Yellow Russia plan failed, and the splitting of Mongolia was also put on the agenda by the Russians. This is considered to be Valentin's old business.

Under such a light and heavy premise, Valentin naturally glared at his subordinates.stupid!stupid!He couldn't help but envy Zhu Chuanwen's councilors. Once he met, he concluded that these people had their own thinking, goals and constraints. The synchronous orders and prohibitions during the election of the Bingcheng Public Council made him admire Zhu Chuanwen's ability, Bingcheng This is true for the detachment, and so is the chamber of commerce under him.

"My lord, I said the wrong thing again." The subordinate hurriedly admitted his mistake. As Valenkin's deputy on the grassland, he was always used to giving ideas. He never expected that his lord would change so quickly when he came to Ice City...

"I have a clue in my heart." Valentin stood in front of his subordinates, still intending to mention something, first pushed his arms straight and asked, "Is this strength great?"

The subordinate looked blank and just shook his head because he didn't move a muscle.

"What about this?" Valentin bent his elbow again and pushed it hard.The force of contraction caused Valentin's deputy to stumble under his feet, almost falling, but still remembering Valentin's question, he hurriedly said: "My lord, your strength is really unmatched."

"Turgenev, should I say you are stupid? Or smart? I want to flatter you? Think about the key points!" Valentin waved his hand, making Turgenev back down.

(End of this chapter)

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