Breaking through Guandong, I became Zhu Chuanwen

Chapter 316 The National Anti-Smoking Association

Chapter 316 The International Anti-Smoking Association (Proofed)
Zhu Chuanwen stared at the pedestrians coming and going on both sides, and pedestrians passing by far away would avoid the convoy.

It is self-evident who travels with such a momentum, and among the workers, some people occasionally show off.

"Do you know who I met after get off work today? President Zhu, our boss! In that battle, two two-horse carriages, front and rear bicycles cleared the way, even the general of the Black Province did not have the style of our president!" Always tsk-tsk.

Indeed, Zhu Chuanwen now travels naturally with such battles, planning routes in advance, hunters, pickets, etc., he is a life-saving person, the Russians are okay, and now there are Japanese who are often harassed and brains when dealing with them. For North Koreans who are short of strings, some situations are indeed unpredictable.

The speed of the carriage is actually not fast, because there are guards riding bicycles around.When we arrived at the familiar China Street, we first passed by the Hanyao headquarters under construction. In July and August this year, the building will be ready for official use.

Zhu Chuanwen thought that there would be nothing to do today, so he opened the window of the carriage and said to the secretary sitting next to the coachman, "Wu Tong, go back to the porcelain house directly!"

Like a trotting carriage, the development of Hanyao seems to be tied to a group of galloping horses. Hanyao's plan can never keep up with changes, and is constantly being adjusted. The main direction remains unchanged and the scale is constantly expanding.

This time, his brother's letter really broadened his thinking, and he couldn't always focus on one place. It was only for the business empire of Zhu's territory. To borrow a sentence from James Tobin who was not yet born, All eggs cannot be put in one basket.

Gotta take advantage and hatch eggs into different breeds.To be realistic, Hanyao will need more and more capital flow in the future, which will be used to provide nutrition for different types of eggs.

Therefore, Zhu Chuanwen has already made up his mind about the American branch.Zhu Chuanjie wants to set up a flag and set a benchmark, and it may be possible to take advantage of the goodwill of Americans towards the Qing Dynasty.

In fact, Zhu Chuanwen has been thinking about why Jews can become a kind of political correctness in the United States later?To be sympathized with because of that tragic time?Shouldn't the Indians be more protected?Perhaps a special group of people described by Oda can explain this group very well. This status similar to that of the Tianlong people is due to their deep-rooted participation in the United States, which was founded by business.

In the same way, does Hanyao have a chance to participate?

Zhu Chuanwen intends to try it out. While the Americans are starting to pro-American elites of the Qing Dynasty, Zhu Chuanwen thinks that he can take a small part of the staunch supporters trained by Hanyao Middle School to take root in the United States.

Your undercover agent is also mine. As for the commercial structure of the Hanyao Chamber of Commerce, it will certainly not attract enough attention from the US government when it does not reach a certain scale. When it reaches a certain scale, a community of American interests will emerge.

A Hanyao American branch with the plan to build the Hanyao Building in Times Square began to quietly take shape in Zhu Chuanwen's heart.

In order to start this plan, Zhu Chuanwen handed over 20 silver dollars to Hanyao Trading Co., Ltd. as a payment for flour mill machines.Counting before, the Shanghai branch of Hanyao has already manipulated more than 57 silver dollars, and the previous 37 silver dollars have been invested in Shanghai and the London stock market with Hong Kong as the springboard. It was very tight, and more than 20 stock managers under him directly lived in the Hanyao office in Shanghai, and immediately began to sell at the slightest sign of trouble, trying to recover the losses.

And this 20 silver dollars has an even crazier plan...

Today's Gu Ansheng is at the Huizhong Hotel in Shanghai at this time, approaching the target person in order to get back 20 yuan from the China Merchants Shipping Bureau of the Qing Dynasty.

At the end of February 1909, the Huizhong Hotel, which belonged to the British Concession, was extremely lively. Qing Dynasty, the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Japan, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Austria-Hungary, Siam (now Thailand), Persia (now Persia) The national flags of 2 countries of Iran were fluttering in the wind, which was very grand.

Gu Ansheng was dressed in a suit, and was sitting in the meeting room below, whispering to each other.

"Zheng Huiban, can this meeting end today?" Gu Ansheng asked the Qing court officials beside him.

His name was Zheng Guanying, and he was dressed in casual clothes.Chinese people like to make up numbers, such as the four great classics, the eight imperial merchants and so on.And this older Zheng Guanying, Tang Tingshu, Xu Run, and Xi Zhengfu were called the four big compradors by the major newspapers at this time.

"Treasurer Gu, according to the meeting date, the meeting ends today, but you came late this time. If you come at the beginning of the month, you can still see Governor Liangjiang's impassioned speech in front of Wan Guo and Representative Tang's verbal battle with British representatives." Zheng Guanying said.

Since the beginning of this year, Sheng Xuanhuai has been transferred to the capital. He has been working for China Merchants Shipping Co., Ltd., and he is responsible for the flour mill equipment that connects with Huizhou merchants. The kind of profit that comes without any effort, Hanyao will cover the transportation and installation.

Zheng Guanying was delighted to be able to pick up a bargain when he was newly appointed. At the same time, he kept his curiosity about the Chamber of Commerce of the Qing Dynasty, which was called Hanyao and was under the Russian rule in Bingcheng, because the quality of its products was indeed comparable to that of foreigners. There was no difference in the machines, and he also looked at the steam engines that arrived in Shanghai, and he liked the joysticks marked with Chinese characters very much.

Let's talk about Gu Ansheng's location at this time, which is the venue of the Wan Guo No Smoking Conference.

To put it simply, the IWC can actually be seen as the United States, under the operation of its think tank team, has begun to gradually disintegrate Britain's right to rule the world.As the United States with the largest industrial output value in the world at this time, in fact, there is no ambition to dominate the world. After the War of Independence, the elites of the United States have long thought of backstabbing their former suzerain country. Only half-dead brothers are good. big brother.

Can block guns without delaying the benefits.

Who is the biggest beneficiary of foreign cigarettes now? It is the United Kingdom. It is precisely because of this poisonous thing that Britain gradually evened out the trade gap with the Qing Dynasty after 1860, and it also caused the return of silver. At this time, the Qing Dynasty had actually already There was a shortage of silver.

But relying on the multi-national currencies such as the British pound, the US dollar, and the ruble, it is just standing up.

Having said that, Zheng Guanying said that the governor of Liangjiang, named Ruifang, organized the smoking ban in Qing Dynasty, the largest dumping place for foreign cigarettes, and the proposal was made by the President of the United States. Cai Naihuang from Cheng and Jianghai Customs Roads attended as a delegation.

Ingeniously, in order to avoid disputes over seats, the conference decided to use lottery to determine seats, and the representatives of each country grabbed their seat numbers from a box.

And this Tang representative's tongue-in-cheek battle with the British representative is something that Zheng Guanying likes to talk about in these two days. It can be called a famous scene of this conference.Naturally, he disagrees with the Qing Dynasty's comprehensive smoking ban, but as a Yale law student who returned from studying in the United States, Representative Tang is also Tang Guoan. I was speechless.

"What did representative Tang say?" Gu Ansheng was not interested in any generous statement from the Swedish side, but curiously asked about the British representative.

"How do you say it? Let me organize it for a while." The United States proposed that the United Kingdom participate. The language of the participants will naturally be English. These days, compradors in the Qing Dynasty are all talents who can speak several languages, and Zheng Guanying is no exception. .

After a while, Zheng Guanying said: "What Representative Tang said is similar to the win-win situation that you Hanyao always mentioned in front of me. Representative Tang cleverly used diplomatic rhetoric, and did not directly attack Britain and other big powers with violent words. , but expounded the inadvisability of the foreign tobacco trade from an economic point of view. After being annoyed by the British representative, he slightly denounced that the British were short-sighted.

The original words are as follows, "Some people think that they have seized this trivial foreign tobacco trade, but sacrificed the infinite and far-reaching future of trade." He advised Britain that no country can be as good as the Qing Dynasty. could provide a place for such enormous growth in foreign trade.Who can estimate the extent of the Qing's influence on world trade as it developed its own commerce and industry?If there is no destruction of the opium trade, the whole world can earn 30 billion taels of silver from China every year! "

"30 billion taels of silver?" Gu Ansheng said dumbfounded, this is the first time he has seen such a person, isn't this what his boss often calls "painting big cakes"? "England letter?"

"Believe it or not, it's already the general trend. And the last paragraph is also very exciting. Tang represents Confucius's "Do not do to others what you don't want yourself to do to yourself" and "Love your neighbor as yourself" in the "Bible" The same" as the conclusion of the speech aroused applause from all the halls." Zheng Guanying's already wrinkled face was slightly longing, and there was a kind of envy that came out of blue.

Speaking of which, Zheng Guanying is also in his 60s, and it is hard work to still be in office.

On the temples of the Qing Dynasty, there are many old-fashioned people.

Although Gu Ansheng was fascinated after hearing this, he thought for a while and said, "Zheng will do it. In fact, this is also what the British did when they went along with the tide."

"How do you say it?" Zheng Guanying wanted to hear Gu Ansheng's opinion. Although this person seemed very young to him, he often had amazing words. Now that such a meeting is held in the British Concession, it is not actually a good location. Advantages, to achieve such results, in him, an old man who witnessed the decline of the Qing Dynasty, he has already seen the hope of victory.

"Have you rarely been to the countryside recently?" Gu Ansheng asked.

"Hey, I often travel to major ports, and rarely go to the countryside." Zheng Guanying replied patiently, the biggest advantage of the old man is that he likes to listen to you.

"That's it. In fact, the probability of growing foreign tobacco in the countryside of the Qing Dynasty is high. The British can't earn much money from planting in India. This is why they borrowed donkeys under the mediation of the United States. I think they will soon There is a backhand." Gu Ansheng pointedly pointed out that the conspiracy of the rubber stock market was too shocking, and it was a little bit of peace of mind to stop it.

The gossip that I got from the Japanese was passed on in this way. As for whether Zheng Guanying can react, it depends on him. However, in Lao Gu’s view, a stock market shock would not be able to cause a big country like the Qing Dynasty. What trouble, because the British and American stock markets also show signs of rising rubber prices.

"Follower?" Zheng Guanying memorized this sentence, thinking that it would be better to think about it later.But he began to think about it in his heart. Is this Xu Shichang passing the news through the person in front of him?or how?
Gu Ansheng, who was patient, heard that after the nine resolutions were announced at the meeting, the anti-smoking meeting of all nations came to an end.Wait until I go back and write these details to my boss. In Lao Gu’s view, if the Qing government does not vigorously ban it from the countryside, foreign tobacco will only become a money-making tool in the hands of foreigners and become a local tycoon to make money. The sharp weapon, nothing more.

Unless, like in Heilongjiang Province, the insurance team came forward directly and saw that one place was being governed with an iron fist, otherwise this meeting would only have a little guiding effect, and it would have no practical effect at all.I heard that Rui Fang, the governor of Liangjiang, even made up a nursery rhyme that prohibits planting. Isn't this even more nonsense?In the face of naked interests, if there is no threat of live ammunition, who can let go of the gold planted in the ground?

The foreigners who were sitting got up one by one, and Gu Ansheng said: "Zheng Huiban, you see, I am preparing a little wine upstairs?" This is the real purpose of Lao Gu.

The 20 silver dollars is still with the China Merchants Bureau. I have dealt with Qing court officials a lot, and sometimes things negotiated at the dinner table are more useful than going to the Yamen.

"Treasurer Gu, you really are..." Zheng Guanying agreed with a smile, he knew that Gu Ansheng must have his own thoughts in accompanying him to Huizhong Restaurant.

At the dinner table, the steak was also eaten, and the red wine was opened. Gu Ansheng officially entered the topic: "Zheng Huiban, the payment for our Hanyao?"

"Treasurer Gu, Han Yao's Minister Qian Sheng has already sent a letter. Later, you can come to me to get a note and go directly to withdraw it." Zheng Guanying said, secretly thinking that Gu Ansheng is really capable of dealing with it. , Sheng Xuanhuai is now in the capital, serving as the Minister of the Postal Department, and his immediate boss is Xu Shichang who has just arrived. Your Hanyao has a relationship with Xu Shichang, and China Merchants was founded by Sheng Xuanhuai. Isn’t this a family? What?However, the etiquette is thoughtful, which makes him very satisfied.

"Preparing a small gift is not a respect." Gu Ansheng is actually a master who does not see rabbits and does not scatter eagles. Hearing that, he immediately took out a box and handed it over. Ginseng.There is also a smaller box, which contains Han Yao's bicycle ticket.

As for the wild ginseng, Zheng Guanying handed it to the followers behind him directly after reading it, but picked up the bicycle exchange ticket in the small box and looked at it carefully: "This is the bicycle ticket, but I have seen that many colleagues have received the Han Yao's gift."

"It's not really a novelty. Compared with Ford's T-model car, Hanyao is just a small car. This thing is given to the children in the family of the master. In Ice City, there are already bicycle racing cars. Games are just toys." Gu Ansheng said with a smile.

For these officials of the Qing court, especially the figures of the Westernization School, they can be said to have seen the most technologically advanced thing on the planet at this time, and now they only regard bicycles as toys, and do not realize This is a means of transportation that changes the way people travel.

"Haha, it's much better than the big and small British wheels." Zheng Guanying also echoed.

(End of this chapter)

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