Chapter 301 On Europe

Resolutely ordered the purchase of firearms, and the two began to stuff napkins towards their necklines, because the first frozen appetizer had already been served, and Doug took over the work of the waiter in the Modern Hotel and served in the room.

While eating French food, Andre said something like this without thinking: "Mr. Zhu, Europe seems to be caught in an endless arms race."

"Yes, I read in the newspaper that Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire have started to expand their armies."

"Are you also paying attention to Europe?" Han Yao collected newspapers from various countries, which Andre did not collect.

"Hanyao intends to build a thermal power plant in Xiaoqingshan, and some equipment has to be purchased from Europe." Zhu Chuanwen gave this explanation.

"Now is a very good time. I think Germany and the UK should be very willing to sell such equipment. Of course, I am also willing to help Mr. Zhu." After eating the dishes on the plate, Andre drove Doug to The skill of the plate said.

Now that Russia's finances are tight, it might be a good idea to buy and sell some industrial products.

Zhu Chuanwen understood, this "I" refers to Russia, Russia's thermal power generation technology... He hesitated, as a country that has not yet popularized industrialization in Russia, this technology...but then he figured it out, skinny A camel is bigger than a horse. After all, it is close to the center of the world at this time, and with Andre's help, no matter what, Chu Keqiu's trip to Europe this time will definitely go much smoother.

The two talked about the power generation technology for a while, and Zhu Chuanwen felt more credible the more they talked, and became more concerned about Andre's words. Maybe they had to show their value and let the ice city garrison commander take some light.After pondering for a while, I opened my mouth: "Thank you General, I am very interested in Russia's thermal power generation. But, I heard that the domestic industrialization reform has been blocked?"

"His Majesty the Emperor insists on changing his clothes, and the limited money can only be invested in armaments first." I bought all the guns, so what else can I say.

"This is also inevitable. After all, some countries must rise." Just as Zhu Chuanwen was saying this, a lamb chop was served. This is today's main course.

"You mean Germany?"

"Germany and Austria-Hungary are both facing this problem," Zhu Chuanwen said.

"Appreciate further details."

"Let's talk about Germany first." Zhu Chuanwen cut the lamb chops and put them aside, and asked Andre: "General, what is the relationship between your country and Germany now?"

"After the 3B railway, there is basically nothing to talk about." Andre knew that Germany finally chose the Austro-Hungarian Empire, a brother who once competed with them for the domination of the German Empire, and was regarded as a brother of the same origin. nation.Russia, on the other hand, chose Britain and France as its allies.

"That's exactly what I expected. Germany's industrial reform has been completely over, and the emerging industrial country now has ambitions."

"Ambition? To dominate the European continent?" Andre didn't think so. If so, Zhu Chuanwen's analysis was not very good. He got up from the table and began to cut the lamb chops.

"Maybe it's the whole world!" Zhu Chuanwen's words made Andre stop what he was doing. "His Majesty the Emperor of Germany seems to be obsessed with the navy. In recent years, German warships have been launched a lot."

Andre was thinking, it’s not just the navy, the newspapers will publish the launch of such a big thing, but according to Andre’s intelligence from Russia, Mauser rifles, Maxim, and Krupp guns are also constantly assembling troops, That's why he became nervous, trying to look at the problem from his father's position, and equipped the Russian Army. Now his eyes are no longer on the Far East, but he is always paying attention to the situation in Europe.

A powder keg is constantly piling up.

"The unified German Empire created by Bismarck has changed the political structure of the whole of Europe. Don't they still want to take action against Britain?" Because today's world hegemony is in the hands of Britain. The whole world that Zhu Chuanwen said shakes the foundation of Britain .

"Perhaps the Germans have such an idea..."

These words can't help but make Andre start to think. Nowadays, European countries are competing for the position of the second child. It is really out of reach for the boss. The United Kingdom is too powerful. Just talking about the British colony is enough for everyone to drink. pot.

"If your country and Germany can't talk, then Germany, which is located at the crossroads of Europe surrounded by great powers and strategically disadvantaged, will either live on its knees or die standing up. I think they will definitely choose the latter." Zhu Chuanwen said again.

"You mean they'll be the first to do it?"

"I'm not sure about this. I lack sources of information, but judging from the letter sent back by my brother, the German army school is training a large number of grassroots commanders, and may be preparing for war."

Because there is bound to be a war after familiarization, Zhu Chuanwen can smell the taste of war from Zhu Chuanwu's words.

Is your news channel actually like this?Andre was surprised at first, and then looked at Zhu Chuanwen approvingly, "Indeed, the Germans really can't learn this general country. The establishment of the General Staff Headquarters has indeed greatly improved the combat effectiveness of the troops."

"Yes, it's hard to learn." Zhu Chuanwen also felt it. Today's insurance team has begun to experiment with this kind of staff system at the detachment level, but it is still difficult to learn the essence of it, which requires experience in war.

This is the end of the topic about Germany, because both of them lack information and can only start to analyze from the general trend.

"Where's the Austro-Hungarian Empire?" Andre asked again, eating the lamb chops gracefully during the period, and began to wait for the final dessert.

How do you say this?Zhu Chuanwen scratched his head. As the only constitutional dual monarchy in Europe, the Austro-Hungarian Empire spanned Eastern, Central and Southern Europe at this time. The problem still lies with Russia. It can be said that Russia is constantly trying to invade the Balkans and push this country towards Germany.

"Don't worry." Andre seemed to see Zhu Chuanwen's concerns.

"The Austro-Hungarian Empire is a typical multi-ethnic country, and no single ethnicity accounts for more than 50% of the population. I think that participating in wars in the future is largely to ease the conflicts among various ethnic groups."

The Austro-Hungarian Empire is one of the five traditional European powers. At this time, its territory spanned Eastern, Central, and Southern Europe. Its area was the second largest in Europe, second only to Russia; its population was slightly smaller than that of Russia and the German Empire, and it was the third largest in Europe.

Of course, this has ruled out the United Kingdom. Counting British India, Britain has a population of 3.3 million at this time, second only to the 4.7 million of the Qing Dynasty.

"Use war to ease conflicts?" Andre murmured. At this time, Russia wanted to expand to the Balkans of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It might not be the idea. The country is very troublesome.

The two talked for a while about the situation in Europe, and each got something.

With the pretext of eating vegetables, Zhu Chuanwen had to think twice before speaking, for fear of saying something confidential, such as the three generations of the German General Staff Chief Moltke-Schlieffen-Molke Jr. who foresaw the war and prepared for it step by step. Schlieffen plan.

"Mr. Zhu, this military procurement plan needs to be kept secret for the time being." Andre said as if remembering something while tasting the dessert with the tip of his tongue spinning.

He didn't expect this huge batch, and it's something he's considering unilaterally now, and it still needs to be weighed.

My family needs an arms dealer with no domestic connection, which is one of them, but it is important that the location of this arms dealer will make Ice City more sensitive. The Russians support agents in the Far East, that is to better control this In this area, there will be heavyweights coming to Ice City this year, and maybe they will negotiate with the Japanese. This is because the two strong men plan to share the meat on the plate.Ice City's re-sensitivity will definitely attract the attention of some people in the country, so the Far East region with arms dealers is bound to have Andrei personally sit in charge, and it will be a long time before he returns to St. Petersburg...

"I will rebuild the warehouse, how about next to the barracks in the garrison area?" Zhu Chuanwen also proposed his own plan.

"Yes, I will let people start to coordinate the land matter." Such a quick and simple solution to the problem is one of the reasons why Andre admires Zhu Chuanwen.

The two were eating dessert, and there was a brief silence at the dinner table.

"Maybe there will be a war in Europe. Does your brother need me to arrange for him to come back?"

"Your Excellency, General, Chuanwu has three years to graduate, and finally arrived at the German Army Academy..." Zhu Chuanwen hesitated to speak, as if he didn't want to miss such an opportunity, and tried his best to act as a short-sighted person.

"That's right." Andre was noncommittal. He was also probing. It seemed that Zhu Chuanwen, as he expected, judged that the war would not happen in the short term.

This kind of mutual confirmation happened very miraculously, and the two of them had almost talked about their serious business here.

While pushing and changing glasses, Andre became concerned about Zhu Chuanwen's family affairs: "I heard that your wife gave birth to a son?"

"Yes, General, you don't know how interesting it is to watch children grow up slowly."

"Oh, it seems that your son is very naughty?"

"It's not naughty, but at least it's not the same as my hobbies." Zhu Chuanwen talked about today's parent-child activities with some resentment, and Andre laughed out loud.

Doug, who was watching, was also full of relief.

Andre's life has changed in the past six months. He used to live alone in the ice city, which made his personality a little withdrawn.But since Andre's mother and wife came with their two children, the young master Doug is familiar with has returned.

"I also have a son and a daughter?" This was the first time Andre talked about his family.

"The general is really blessed. He has both sons and daughters. The general's sons and daughters are all grown up."

"The son is 5 years old and the daughter is 8 years old."

It's like an old father showing off his age. Look, my daughter and son are all grown up!But Andre, who has been in the army, doesn't have such interesting stories as Zhu Chuanwen to tell, and he wants to go back and spend time with his children.

"But it's good to come to Bingcheng, at least I can accompany the general." Zhu Chuanwen said, however, St. Petersburg in Russia will not be very peaceful in the future, at least that monk is not very peaceful.A monk with special abilities, legend has it that the ladies of St. Petersburg have been obsessed for a long time, and even hooked up with the Russian queen. Regarding this, I can only sigh with emotion that Nicholas II is a real man!
If it were Zhu Chuanwen, maybe there would be nothing left of him.

The conversation between the two also ended in the discussion of their respective families.

On the way back, Zhu Chuanwen chose to walk again, while Doug and Andre rode in the same carriage.

"Doug, it seems that the matter of this Russian agent has to be settled." Andre said to Doug.

"It's Mr. Zhu."

"Yes, I thought about it for a long time when Hanyao started making firearms, but now, I have come to the point where I have to choose."

"Isn't this Mr. Zhu completely close to the empire?" Doug asked.

"Yes, but I found that this person is very principled." Andre paused, "Just now I made a point to hear about the situation in Europe, but this person deliberately changed the topic to Hanyao, pretending I didn't understand, but after I revealed that I could sell thermal power plant technology, he changed the topic back, exchange!"

"Really." Doug thought about the conversation between the two just now. It seemed smooth, but unexpectedly, it turned back and forth.

"I like people like this. It's a good thing to be able to exchange. Now it seems that it is difficult for this imperial agent to help in the military, so we have to use industrial power."

"Master, what do you mean by the technology of those family factories?"

"Yes, the family needs an arms manufacturer. This was not planned at the beginning. After all, my father's expectation was only to be the Minister of Commerce, but I did not expect to be entrusted with an important task by His Majesty the Emperor." Andre did not expect that there would be such a thing as being shot for the emperor. the benefits of. "But this person has to be firmly controlled by us. Now Zhu Chuanwen seems to have deviated from our original track, and he has to move forward for me in his track." This time, Andre made up his mind completely , intending to support Zhu Chuanwen.

"Then me?"

"Let's get in touch with Zhu Chuanwen. The businessmen and family factories you have contacted over the years are all our means. If you tie Hanyao firmly to the family, then you are tied to the empire." Andre said Grid issued such an order.

Zhu Chuanwen, who was walking around, did not expect that he could get such a large order of ordnance this time, but what price should he sell it to the Russians?This is really a question worth considering.

Back at the porcelain house, Xian'er had finished dealing with the affairs of Hanyao School, and wandered around the house with Xiaoman in her arms.

"Call me dad!" Zhu Chuanwen teased his child with great interest.

But a child of a few months can't talk, he just babbles, and he can only cry and laugh.

"Xian'er, did he think I was calling him?" Looking at his son's innocent smile, Zhu Chuanwen's face was full of black lines.

"Brother Chuanwen, how can a 4-month-old child talk? I will teach it when I am older. Also, you smell of alcohol, go and wash it off." Xian'er was amused to see Zhu Chuanwen's deflated appearance, and then smelled it outside. Smelling of alcohol, he suddenly felt a little unhappy.

After greeting his parents, Zhu Chuanwen went up to the third floor. He was really tired after using his brain for a long time today.

 There will be more points in the next two days, thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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