Perhaps Sanchun and the others were really in good spirits, and they didn't want to leave when they sat in Jia Lian's room. After talking about the Lai family, they also talked about their moving into the garden.Including where I live, what the scenery is like, and how I plan to play in the future, I have talked to Jia Lian.

Fortunately, Sister Feng was well prepared and ordered people to bring snacks and drinks from the big kitchen, so that the sisters-in-law and uncles had enough to eat and drink before they could send them off.

"They all like you."

After sending Yingchun and the others away, Sister Feng walked back to the house, looked at Jia Lian who was still leaning on the kang, but asked Qingwen to take off her boots and get on the kang to rub his shoulders, and smiled jokingly.

Jia Lian glanced at her, didn't feel that Sister Feng was mocking her, nodded and said, "It's natural, Ben Hou is so humorous and good at doing good things, so he is naturally likable."


Sister Feng laughed and cursed, moved a bench and sat in front of Jia Lian, with a bare hand on Jia Lian's lap, and was about to talk.Seeing Jia Lian enjoying the servant girl's service, she looked really comfortable, she curled her lips, and looked back at Xiang Ling, the dumb girl standing beside her, with a hooked look in her eyes.

Xiangling was stunned for a moment, following the gestures in Sister Feng's eyes repeatedly, Fang understood, hurried over, stood behind Sister Feng, imitated Qingwen, and held Sister Feng's shoulders.

Then I heard Sister Feng talking to my grandfather in a soft voice: "You are so majestic tonight that you really took down the Lai family. Speaking of which, when I heard that the old lady went out to look for you in person, I But I'm sweating for you."

Jia Lian just smiled. It wasn't the first time he had done something against Jia Mu's will, and he didn't feel a great sense of accomplishment, but he knew that tonight might touch Jia Mu's bottom line, so he prepared thoroughly.

But thinking about it, they should all be in good spirits at this moment, because the mansion always needs a manager, and Lai Da has stepped down, and Lin Zhixiao is the most qualified to compete for this position.At this time, it would be unreasonable for the couple not to be motivated and strive for performance.

"Tch, I don't care about what the second master wants to do, and I don't want to care about it...I just want to say..."

"I'm afraid that the old lady is angry on the surface, but she is also happy in the dark. When the old mother Lai was crying in the Rongqing hall at the end, the old lady was obviously a little impatient and perfunctory."

Jia Lian scolded with a smile, and deliberately scratched Sister Feng's nose to show her favor.In fact, he was a little guilty, and he was also thinking about how Youshi had always acted cautiously and spoke carefully, so why did he invite him alone in front of those servants and maids tonight, and then Sister Feng found out.

Jia Liansu knew that his wife was good, so he didn't care. He just asked Ping'er: "I'm going to repay the [-] silver to Dongfu, but I'm ready?"

Sister Feng snuggled up in front of Jia Lian, enjoying Xiangling's technique, and said these words one after another.

"Hmph, there is such a truth in the world, the moneylenders should treat the debtors to dinner..."

Qingwen glanced at Jia Lian, and then said: "I just want to say, Second Master, in the future, if there are things like confiscating slaves and greedy ink, can you not just send Ping'er, but let me do it, I also want to Do something for the second master!"

But when Fang Jiang reached into his robe and touched the silk sweater, Qingwen's handsome face showed a smirk of revenge, and her little hand turned down quickly, pinching Jia Lian accurately and accurately. , and then retreated quickly.

"It's really not easy for the old couple to have accumulated so much property, which is more than all our family properties combined..."

"Master, don't worry. Don't say that my Jia's family has made great achievements in the country, but you can say that the whole dynasty is noble. Which family has not made great contributions to the court? Your Majesty is a wise monarch, and he will consider the wishes of the heroes.

"Do you know that the imperial court is planning to unify the fields and acres in the world and tax them together?"

At first Qingwen was still struggling, but gradually softened in Jia Lian's arms, especially after realizing Jia Lian's rise, she was even more charming and dimpled, looking at Jia Lian with charming eyes like silk.

Some of Jia Lian came back, some didn't, and the distance between the couple was less than a foot. Such a statement showed the privacy and affection between the husband and wife.

There are a large number of farms in the north and south of Jia's mansion, basically relying on these fields, the two mansions can live a carefree, stable and prosperous life.

It wasn't until the room was empty that Jia Lian was convinced that Qingwen, a daring little girl, really dared to do this?If it was normal, it would be fine to pinch like this, but she chose this time, how dare she?
The steel and iron bones are not paired with soft fingers, but a sneaky and vicious sneak attack. Who can stand this?

If the imperial court really wanted to deprive them of the right to tax the land under their names, wouldn't it mean breaking their foundation?
Although they have heard similar rumors before, most people scoff at them.Not to mention the Great Wei, even in the past dynasties, it is only natural for the nobles to sit on fertile land and collect taxes to support themselves. How could the court take it back? Isn’t this cutting off their way of life?

"That's not true, it's just that the rumors have become more and more serious recently. After today's court meeting, His Majesty called all those who supported the reform of land tax to the South Study Room to discuss matters, which made everyone very disturbed..."

As for maids, Qingwen and Xiangling, it was inconvenient to intervene at this time, so they played with the work at hand.The main one is Qingwen, who has a strong desire to win and lose, and it is rare to compete with Xiangling on the same stage, so she spared no effort to use eighteen skills on Jia Lian's shoulders, arms, etc., intending to compare Xiangling.

As she said that, Sister Feng looked back at Xiangling, thinking that this girl has really come out of practice, she looks so weak, she was a little hurt just now, but she was too embarrassed to show timidity in front of Jia Lian, because it was obvious that Qingwen The little hoof worked harder on Jia Lian.She was bouncing up and down every time she pressed her shoulder, and she almost lost all her energy for breastfeeding, but Jia Lian still remained motionless.



As soon as Sister Feng left, Qingwen sat down, hugged Jia Lian's arm, tilted her head and asked seriously.

Qingwen tidied up her skirts, rolled her eyes at Jia Lian, got off the kang, squatted on the footstool, and obediently reached out to untie Jia Lian's sweat towel.

Seeing Jia Lian gasping in shock, Qing Wenfang covered her mouth and laughed, "I told you to look down on others, and you wanted them to help you, hmph, you deserve it."

After clutching her hands and examining it, Jia Lian decided to catch her back and clean her up properly, teaching her how to know better!After all, I felt that it was disgraceful to be attacked by a little maid, and I was embarrassed to make a big fanfare.

"Second Master, you are really going to Dong Mansion for dinner tomorrow. Grandma You really invited you alone?"

Jia Lian was also taken aback when he first heard it. Could it be that Emperor Ningkang and his cabinet ministers were really bewildered, and they really wanted to take such a big step?But after thinking about it, I still felt that it was unlikely, so I hurriedly asked: "The news is true, did His Majesty approve it at the court meeting?"

Jia Zheng seemed a little worried, and spoke to Jia Lian very solemnly.

Jia Lian said with a smile, as if she didn't trust her ability and character very much.Qingwen frowned bitterly, and was very upset. Seeing Jia Lian laughing more and more, she became annoyed, and tried to scratch Jia Lian, but Jia Lian took advantage of the situation and sat in her arms. Looking at her small mouth, she was fierce and domineering. a kiss.

"Didn't I invite you? I thought everyone was invited... Well, maybe it's because I have to pay back the money tomorrow, so sister-in-law You invited me to dinner by the way."

After finishing speaking, Qingwen, who was afraid of being punished by Jia Lian, turned around and ran away with obviously cheerful small steps.

"Second Master..."

So the poor Lord Jia scolded Qingwen severely in his heart, vowed not to let her touch his baby again for three months, and then quietly touched the bathroom room, ready to let his wife and concubine testify... Whether the inspection is solid and durable...

The next day, after Jia Lian came back from the yamen, he was called to Meng Pozhai by Jia Zheng.

"Hehe, this is great. My wife and eldest wife must be happy. There will be money in the official treasury all at once. I said that you are not worth it. The bad guys let you do it alone. Everyone has the benefit..."

Could it be, that woman did it on purpose... Jia Lian shook his head, thinking that women should not be underestimated, even if Youshi is so considerate and considerate.

"It's a matter of course to pay back the debts, why do others say that they don't need it?"

Her movements are so obvious, and her will to fight is so clear, Xiangling is naturally easy to spot.Although Xiangling doesn't like to compete with others, she is also afraid that Sister Feng will think she is lazy in comparison, so she cheers up and massages Sister Feng seriously and vigorously.

In front of several maidservants, being coaxed by Jia Lian as a child and calling her jealous, Sister Feng was extremely ashamed.Just at this time, Xiaohong was spreading the news that the bath water was ready, so Sister Feng pinched Jia Lian's thigh, then stood up and said, "Bah, who cares about you. If you want to go, go and take me to do it." What, they didn't invite me, so I don't have the face to eat and drink."

Jia Lian breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, as long as it hasn't been formally implemented.

Sister Feng took it quickly and started flipping through it.

In addition, even if the imperial court wants to gather all the land in the world, it is impossible to bypass the clan, otherwise it will be difficult to convince the public. Therefore, the clan is the first to bear the brunt. Naturally, we don't need to worry, and it is enough to wait and see the situation. "

Looking at the time, it was already very late at this time, thinking that Lin Zhixiao and his wife were still busy and working overtime, which was very similar to the laborers of later generations.


Seeing that Jia Lian just nodded, but Sister Feng looked eagerly and was obviously very interested, so she handed the brochure to Sister Feng.

After making up her mind, she would only let Ping'er, Xiaohong and the others take care of it. She couldn't afford Jia Lian's people, so she asked Ping'er to leave the house.

Sister Feng made a mocking look, and Jia Lian said, "It's just a meal. Why are there so many? If you don't worry about me, I'll take you with me tomorrow, or I'll just push it away. Really." ...a little vinegar jar."

"Well, I know you are the most reasonable, and I'm just talking casually. But you..."

Of course, her kind words were tactful, even in the opposite way.At that time, in order to calm Jia Mu, she stood on Jia Mu's standpoint and complained to Jia Lian, and then together with Mrs. Wang and others, she succeeded in making Jia Mu relieved.As for how she arranged Jia Lian at that time, she would not tell Jia Lian.

Jia Lian smiled and said, "Aren't you going to help me with something? Now is your chance to show yourself."

The more Jia Lian was like this, the more Sister Feng lost her temper, and she felt that she deserved to be oppressed by this man.But thinking about Jia Lian not letting her get involved in this matter tonight, I feel sweet in my heart. Otherwise, seeing the value of Jia Mu's evil thoughts tonight, I can't do anything about Jia Lian's eldest grandson, so I will probably vent my anger on her. How could she In Rongqing Hall, it was an opportunity to speak well for Jia Lian.

Suddenly, Ping'er, who was dressed in plain clothes, came steadily, "Second Master, all the things found by the Lai family have been counted and put into storage. This is the list."

At this time, Sister Feng also finished scanning the booklet, and she gave it to Jia Lian when she knew what she knew, and said with a smile, "there are not two people in Dongfu, and they are not short of money. Why are you returning the money in such a hurry?" ?”

Jia Lian took advantage of the opportunity to pinch her little Qiong's nose, and scolded: "Why, your second grandma just interrogated me, and you plan to come again?"

"When I left, Steward Lin and Mrs. Lin were busy with this matter. I think there were twenty or thirty thousand in deposits in the mansion, and among the gold and silver guys in the Lai family, there were more than seventy thousand in cash. It's as easy as it gets to come together."

"Oh, really? Why do you only invite you and not others?"

Jia Lian was surprised by Qingwen's obedience, and subconsciously let her go.

Hearing this, Jia Lian thought that some gossip woman had acted as a reward, but she didn't show it on her face, and even simply changed her posture, "What else can happen, just eat."

"Let you go? But pull it down, just like this, you will be turned upside down, and you will be given power? At that time, with your cruelty, you still don't ruin my reputation. No, no, no, no."

It was only later that Qingwen learned that Ping'er was entrusted with important tasks by Jia Lian and others. In the compound, she was envious of Ping'er when she saw Ping'er leading the Lai family and returning with countless belongings.

Sister Feng didn't know why, but suddenly the corners of her eyes twitched up, and she looked at Jia Lian with a smile on her face: "I don't know if someone is really for fairness and justice, or if he has other plans. I heard that sister-in-law Zhen invited you to eat." Xi, why, don't you plan to tell me what's going on?"

Jia Lian didn't care much about the one-third of an acre of land at home, because he already had enough family assets.But knowing that Jia Zheng and others regard the inheritance of their ancestors as the most important thing, they comforted them with words.

Hearing this, Jia Zheng felt relieved.That's right, in terms of who occupies the most land in the world, it must be the clan, especially those princes. If His Majesty does this thing and bypasses the clan, how can the nobles and clans in the world be convinced?If it is treated equally and involves the clan, how can those clan princes be reconciled...

"Lian'er, you have always been trusted by His Majesty. What do you think will be the final result of this matter?"

"I can't predict the outcome, but in my opinion, the imperial court should not act arbitrarily and directly. It is mostly just a compromise method. For example, expropriation is expropriated, but it is actually given in the form of yearly rewards. Another example, Gongqing Exemption from royalties, etc. But even so, I am afraid that there will still be a lot of resistance, and it depends on the means of Your Majesty and the princes of the court."

When Jia Zheng heard the words, he asked Jia Lian carefully what he meant, and finally felt that what Jia Lian said was very reasonable, so he felt relieved.

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