As the promised land of Rampage, Night City is being affected by Tang Ji's growth. The Rampage movement was initiated at the moment Tang Ji was provoked on the moon.

The violent rage movement has a very wide range, and the entire urban area of ​​Night City, as well as the surrounding fringe towns and several trafficker camps, have all been affected.

What Rickard Ndom saw at the border checkpoint was only the aftermath of the ending, but even so, he was still shocked.

He had been forced to participate in a survival game, but he had never seen that scene before.

Whether it is street fighters trying to escape or spontaneously organized citizens, at the moment of the exchange of fire, what they vent is the purest anger.

One side is angry because they have been squeezed for many years, and the other side is angry because they were kicked out of Night City in such a mess.

Although Rickard didn't know his identity as the scarlet disciple, he was still sensitive to the anger-related emotions on those people.

This made him very cautious after entering the city, and he didn't even dare to honk the horn when crossing the road.

From time to time on both sides of the road, he saw the bloodstains of sanitation workers on the clear road, and the law enforcement patrol car speeded up to the fastest speed, constantly overtaking so as to quickly rush to his destination.

Through the vehicle, Rickard could feel the impatience and fatigue of those law enforcement officers. His first impression of the city was like this, a barrel of powder that was ignited, and no one knew when it would really explode.

With this feeling of apprehension, Rickard drove the car all the way to the Night City Branch of the FBAS Bureau.

"May I help you?" The sweet-looking receptionist wore an outdated bulletproof vest outside his suit, and a heavy pistol hung under his armpit, as if he was ready to kill visitors at any time.

Rickard was stunned for a few seconds before speaking under the scrutiny of the front desk: "I have an appointment. I'm Rickard Ndom, a new field agent who came here for an internship."

Hearing what Rickard said, the attitude of the front desk immediately relaxed, she smiled at Rickard, and then said: "Wait a minute, I need to check your appointment, leave a blood sample here, you know we Sometimes it’s not safe to just look at your face in this business.”

"Yes, leave a blood sample here, let me see that the blood is indeed coming from your finger, okay, go sit and wait over there, the blood sample verification will take at least 15 minutes." The front desk pointed to the chair in the waiting area : "If you haven't eaten lunch, you can go to the Big Jim chain burger on the right at the door. He is our cooperative enterprise. Agents can get a [-]% discount on consumption, just leave your name."

"Thank you, or not, I'll just wait here." Rickard rejected the kindness of the front desk, he was worried that he would be shot on the way to the district burger shop.

Although he is not sensitive to bullets now, the long-standing thinking mode still binds Rickard in the persona of a good man who does not cause trouble.

However, this fiery city will not treat any of the Scarlet disciples badly, and this feast of fury is prepared for them.

Just as Rickard was walking towards the waiting area, a road rider riding a heavy motorcycle entered the lobby of the FBAS bureau.

The thick tempered glass instantly shattered under the horsepower of the locomotive, and the cavalry roared and rushed to the front desk. The cavalier held the handlebar in one hand and a DS-1 pulse submachine gun in the other hand and began to sweep the hall.

Rickard saw the front desk activated the alarm procedure in a panic, and then shrank directly behind the circular reception desk at the front desk.

He touched it just now, that thing is all metal structure
At this time, there were more than a dozen citizens waiting to handle business in the entire hall, nearly half of them were newly awakened people who came to register, and there were seven or eight staff members from the FBAS Bureau, including four security personnel and one cleaner.

Everyone seemed to have agreed to the training, lowered their heads in an instant, and used their fastest speed to find a bunker. The good news is that this is the lobby of the FBAS bureau, and there are bunkers everywhere.

The bad news is that the only person whose reaction was half a beat slow was Rickard Ndom himself. He felt as if he had been shot three times by some insect. He lowered his head in astonishment and found that he had been shot three times.

Rickard used his mobile phone as a throwing object, and threw it out forcefully. The huge force made the mobile phone instantly become a pile of fragments on the knight's helmet, and the knight himself seemed to be hit by a hammer, and his whole body fell backwards. Flying, the neck was twisted to an angle that is difficult for normal people to twist, and it was already a corpse when it landed.

But this is not the end. Two seconds after the body fell to the ground, there was a sudden explosion, and the shock wave sprayed out a lot of debris and black smoke along the glass door that was smashed by the motorcycle.

Rickard stood still and kept throwing his mobile phone, feeling numb all over. He suddenly felt that those bastard members of Lost Paradise don’t need to spend a lot of money to play such a survival game in the polluted area of ​​Ohio. Night City enjoys better services for free.

"Is anyone injured!" With a calm expression on the front desk, he patted his office area hard with a folder to clean up the dust and debris: "If you are injured, go to the public relations department on the second floor to fill out the application form before going Hospital, otherwise the FBAS Bureau will not bear any costs!"

"That newcomer, you too, remember to go to the public relations department to leave your mobile phone model, you haven't joined the job yet, so you can't go through the internal reimbursement." The front desk returned to his seat and gave Rickard a thumbs up: "By the way, well done, you're sure to fit in with the Bureau's style of doing things."

"Thank you?" Rickard Ndom looked at the cleaning and sighed and began to clean up the corpses and the chaos caused by the explosion, while the security personnel hurried outside to check the situation of other people, and the citizens in the waiting area They all returned to their previous positions, calm and waiting
These people acted as if nothing had happened just now, Rickard felt like a squirrel strayed into the lion's territory, and was out of place here.

Although his squirrel is an enhanced version of Popeye, in his heart, he knows that he is different from the people here, he is not a lion.

Although he also killed a lot of people, those people only did it after Rickard was sure that the other party was not innocent. The death of every club member made him feel like he was a little more complete.

The people here are different, they are used to this rhythm of life, to the big scene just now
After 15 minutes, Rickard finally got the result of his blood sample matching, and then was escorted into the elevator by four heavily armed superhuman agents.

Based on the fact that Rickard had just killed an intruder wearing a protective helmet with a level [-] security standard with a mobile phone on the first floor, all his security protection standards have been raised.

These days, those who can hold the position of branch chief in the FBAS bureau are all wise and courageous, especially the Night City branch, which is a treasure position where opportunities and risks coexist.

Because of Tang Ji's existence, the people of Night City have a very high acceptance of the "Superhuman Registration Act". In addition, the rate of superhuman awakening in Night City is much higher than that of other cities, and the population base is relatively large. The direct result is that The transhuman agents and agents of the Night City precinct are of an extraordinary caliber.

It can be said that the detectives and agents exported by the Night City branch support half of the FBAS bureau. There is such a group of arrogant soldiers. Of course it is best to have both.

Rye Wade is such a ruthless character. He is not only a superhuman, but also a well-trained professional soldier. Before his awakening, he has been in charge of the training of the military technology special strike team.

When he naturally awakened to become a red warrior-type superhuman, Rye became one of the best killing machines in the world, and he was also proficient in beheading tactics and had a deep understanding of all mainstream weapons on the market.

Thanks to the fact that Tang Jisui has no need for secular rights, Mikkelsen put his finely painted chess pieces in this position without hesitation.

But Rye Wade is still doing his old job in the Night City branch, responsible for training newcomers. The actual work of the branch is all in charge of the deputy director. As for who the deputy director is, there is almost no need to ask this question, just take a look at that Zhang and the deputy warden of the Central Prison have exactly the same face.

Rye Wade and the disguised Mikkelsen sat behind the huge desk, watching Rickard being escorted in, Rye waved his hand, and the four superhuman agents closed the door just like that, guarding outside.

This made Rickard feel as if he had been imprisoned. He looked at Rye Wade, who was wearing a tactical suit, and immediately looked at him, and introduced himself stiffly.

"We know your situation, Rickard Ndom, we have a task for you." Mikkelsen was wearing a black windbreaker, as if in COS Tanguy: "We need you to protect Tanguy."

"Who is protecting?" Rickard felt as if his brain had suddenly dropped frames, and he couldn't hear what the other party said clearly.

"You heard me right, we need you to protect Tang Ji." Mikkelsen emphasized it again, although he himself felt awkward when he said this: "The situation is a bit special, the adult is going to visit the special zone, But for various reasons, he can’t reveal his presence in the SAR, so someone needs to act as his anger translator to prevent him from suddenly getting angry and ordering the entire SAR.”

This was an idea that Mikkelsen came up with on the spur of the moment. He couldn't just throw Tang Ji into the special zone, and at the same time hoped that he would not cause trouble in the special zone.

Find a strong bodyguard to ensure that Tang Ji does not have to take action himself, and test whether the scarlet disciple has a killing effect on the player by the way. This is undoubtedly killing two birds with one stone.

If all goes well, and the scarlet disciples can cause real damage to players, then the future of mankind may not be able to turn around against the wind. If not, they will continue to implement the previous plan.

At the same time, this is also a test, to test whether the scarlet disciple's ability will change when he is beside the furious deity.

Mikkelsen is full of expectations for the only two scarlet disciples. One Tang Ji may be just a deterrent, but if there is a second, what about the third?
Players will have to face up to the world's counterattack and hematopoietic capabilities, when humans will have an unprecedented initiative.

It will no longer be a luxury for players to stay in the special zone and act within the rules of restricted rights.

"What should I do?" Rickard asked with some guilt, he felt like the kind of shameless person who bought a pirated disc and wanted to get the star of the movie to sign.

"It's very simple. Whenever Tang Ji wants to do something, you do it for him. When he wants to scold someone, you scold him for him." Mikkelsen explained: "Of course, the latter is just a hypothesis. Tang Ji doesn't like it very much. curse."

"Why me?" Rickard finally asked the question in his heart. He had been full of speculation about the connection between himself and Tang Ji: "Because of this?"

A gray-black flame bloomed at Rickard's fingertips, but it was very unstable, and it seemed that it might go out at any time.

"Of course, otherwise, what reason could there be?" Mikkelsen looked at Rickard with mentally handicapped eyes: "Could it be because you killed more than 30 small characters in a row that we can't directly kill?"

Hearing what Mikkelsen said, Rickard's face froze, and he asked in disbelief: "So the hacker my friend paid for is you guys."

"Otherwise? 25 packages of personal information of 34 corporate executives? Do you think the Internet is a wholesale market?" Mikkelsen finally smiled: "That's a gift for you."

"You borrowed my hand to solve the target, and still charged my money?" The flame in Rickard's hand suddenly swelled up: "I mortgaged my house to the bank!"

Tang Ji frowned as Wu Qianying prepared a full set of camouflage for him in front of him. These clothes are mainly brown, and the main material is a durable and dirt-resistant one.

On his head was an old baseball cap, the visor was severely worn and the padding inside was exposed.

A pair of thick tactical eyepieces are used as a cover to block Tangy's view, while also preventing people or surveillance from identifying him.

Rickard stood just behind Tang Ji, wearing a ginger windbreaker, looking a little bloated.

"This is your anger interpreter, restrain your emotions, let him deal with anything." Wu Qianying explained in Tang Ji's ear: "By the way, keep an eye on the player's reaction."

Hearing the word "angry translator", Lao Wang, who was standing aside, burst out laughing. He looked at Tang Ji with a teasing look: "Do you need any more translators?"

"You can be my itinerary interpreter." Wang Zhengdao couldn't laugh at Tang Ji's words, because he was really.
"Listen to me, you just go and have a look, don't interfere with the order there." Mikkelsen finally emphasized: "Otherwise you will be found, and we will appear very passive."

"We still need to be patient for the time being. Believe me, it's not the time yet." Mikkelsen urged again worriedly: "Don't fight anyone!"

PS: John Wick 4 is about to be released, this is the movie I am most looking forward to this year

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