I give the world destruction and new life

Chapter 326 The Pioneer's New Plan

Chapter 326 The Pioneer's New Plan

The only veteran left half of his corpse and ran away, leaving a group of rookies who didn't know what was going on. Tang Ji killed all of them. There were 18 people in total, and seventeen of them exchanged their heads for 850 contribution points. One of the limbs was broken by Wang Zhengdao and left on the spot to serve as a tongue.

Someone has to tell the pioneers to quickly put the Prophet back honestly, otherwise such attacks will happen again and again.

Although Tang Ji and the others also know that these rookies are probably worthless cannon fodder in the eyes of the Blazers and that Makarian, and the information that this tongue can convey is limited.

After all, even Tongue himself felt that Tang Ji, a local aborigine, was bragging. No player believed that Tang Ji could really kill them, but everything has a beginning.

After doing this kind of thing a few more times, each time leaving a tongue to spread the word, the remaining people completely disappeared and no longer appeared in this world. After all, some players would realize that what Tang Ji said was true.

As for whether Makarian will wave his hand and directly replace a batch of new rookies at that time, that is beyond Tang Ji's control.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Makarian just mentioned Tang Ji's reappearance and killing seventeen players. He has submitted an astonishing number of death reports before, but judging from the feedback above, The higher-ups don't seem to care much about such casualties.

This allowed Makarian to immediately grasp the key points of the mission, and the specificity of the singularity was the focus of the higher-ups.

And he knew very well that even if he wanted to launch a counterattack, there was nothing he could do. They haven't found a way to directly confront the seven original sins yet.

Nuclear weapons have been proven to be an ineffective option. Maybe continuing to increase the yield and increase the density of bombs can solve the problem, but he came here to solve abnormal problems, not to destroy the world. Walter wouldn't do either.

If they want to destroy the world, there are more effective ways.

Makarian is arranging his own follow-up plan. After receiving the support of both the three committees and the company, the resources he can use are very considerable.

More than [-] players who meet the requirements can be thrown into this world at any time. Most of them have no previous experience of descending into another world, and their understanding of the concept of descending is very shallow.

There are also some people, like the captured Dan Turan, who have almost sold their own memory sectors. They don't even have a personal appearance on weekdays, and they live on social welfare.

Makarian looked at the progress of the various plans, and frowned slightly, because the seventeen dead players did not bring any progress to the guardian dog's analysis task.

The meaning of slow progress and no progress is too different, but the authority of the guardian dog is much higher than that of Makarian himself, so he can only hide this worry in his heart.

Fortunately, Cathy Walter is a qualified leader despite her many thoughts. Under her leadership, the Trailblazer Organization is rapidly recovering its organizational capabilities.

Under Cathy Walter's appeasement, most of those vacillating naturalized people showed loyalty, at least on the surface. Many naturalized families have passed down to the second or even third generation. It's too late to get off now.

After all, the background of the pioneers has been accumulated for more than a century. The set of wetware matrix alone is enough to monitor half of the world. When they wholeheartedly want to expand the body reserve, its efficiency is very high.

Nearly half of the members of the pioneer organization are called scavengers. They are action experts. In the early stage of pioneering, they are responsible for force coercion and cleaning up traces.

In the past, when the closed test has started, the main task of the scavengers will be to maintain the basic order, prevent the players from doing too much to disrupt the world order, and prevent the local aborigines from carrying out self-destruction doomsday plans.

But now, the scavengers had to go back to their old business. They were divided into twelve groups according to the degree of tacit understanding, and they captured the body around the world based on the information provided by the pretenders.

They originally had [-] action teams, ranging in number from two to ten, and they would continue to change according to the intensity of the mission objectives, but now they only have the size of the twelve teams, and the missing people don't need to be many Said, all lost in the hands of Tang Ji.

Aslan was born as a scavenger, while Cathy Walter was born as a pretender.

Pretenders are another important faction within the pioneers. They are often the first pioneers to enter the different world. They have to rely on the vague information provided by the planning department to gain a foothold in the different world.

Their first task is often to edit the data. With the efforts of the pretenders, as the planning department becomes more and more familiar with the data of the other world, the gap between the two worlds will gradually narrow. The most direct manifestation is that the two worlds The time flow of the two worlds will be gradually synchronized, and the cost of coming back and forth between the two worlds will become smaller and smaller.

The pretenders quickly transformed into intelligence officers, collected things they were interested in, and turned the vague goals proposed by the planning department into specific mission goals, so that the scavengers could complete the mission more smoothly.

When the first information node appears, it proves that they have collected enough information. This different world has been officially locked by the planning department. It is equivalent to an anchor point. From this stage, the mission goals given by the planning department will become more and more The more intuitive it is, and it will eventually be perfected into the task system that players see.

As for the door team, they are responsible for the logistics of the entire pioneer. In most worlds, they are not even inferior to the combatants. provide convenience.

The status of this world gate team is even more special, because the pioneers have mastered the ability of the dimension gate, and until the Battle of Paris, only members of the gate team would implant this non-combat ability.

But now, this ability has been popularized by the pioneers. All those who still have vacancies, the pioneers must equip this ability, so as to create opportunities for others to escape at the right time.

In addition, very few Portland Trail Blazers are promoted to Big Blazers, but Cathy Walter intends to break this phenomenon.

Paulina Kubera, the senior pioneer of the door team, the first person among the pioneers to upgrade the dimension gate skill to LV2.

In the LV2 state, the ability of the dimension gate has been greatly expanded, and it no longer requires the user to guide it for a long time.

When Paulina opens a dimensional door, she can disconnect from the dimensional door, and the dimensional door can still exist stably for about 15 minutes. During this period, Paulina can close the dimensional door at any time.

In addition, if the area of ​​the dimensional gate is small enough, Paulina can open multiple dimensional gates, and the total area depends only on Paulina's mental strength, which means that Paulina can use the dimensional gate as a means of attack. kind of space trap.

In this regard, a certain scavenger who implanted both the supernatural ability of the spiritual system and the ability of the dimension gate has achieved the ultimate. He can open a dimension gate with a diameter of about five meters.

"I plan to propose that you be promoted to a great pioneer." Cathy Walter said to Paulina Kubera. At this time, the two of them were walking on the country road outside Blarney Castle on the island of Ireland.

Cathy Walter's words immediately excited Paulina Kubera. This pioneer who occupied the Ganga-born body actually worked decades earlier than Cathy Walter, but because he was born in the door group, he had to work hard. opportunity for advancement.

But now, the authority of the Zaimen group in this world is infinitely high. Whether it is business operations or the power of the Dimension Gate itself, the status of the Zaimen group has begun to play an important role.

Cathy Walter chose to follow the trend. She wanted to draw the door team to her side to help her, and at the same time relieve the pressure she was under.

Aslan is a waste now, no one treats him as a big pioneer, and there are two privileged classes above him, Makarian and Mrs. Generosity, Cathy Walter is under great pressure.

"Change place." Cathy Walter said to Paulina immediately as she passed by two tourists dressed as college students.

Don't blame her for being suspicious, it's December, and there aren't even any decent attractions near the castle, yet she meets two tourists, and the cautious Cassie Walter immediately senses a hint of danger.

Paulina obeyed, and the two of them turned a tacit understanding. There was already an open dimensional door waiting there. They stepped forward, and the surrounding scenery instantly changed from a cold and bleak ancient castle to an endless prairie.

Three minutes after the light of the Dimension Gate went out, Wang Zhengdao had already appeared with Tang Ji, and the two men stood on the path looking around, but there was no one there.

As the leader of the Ark organization and the sponsor of the ECS Bureau, Wang Zhengdao has almost the support of the entire European Union in terms of intelligence. Even if it is beneficial to the British Kingdom outside the European Union all the year round, he is willing to express goodwill.

When Wang Zhengdao shared the photo library of the pioneers' common body photos held by the Ark organization with other countries, all intelligence agencies with some capabilities in the entire European Union became active.

One miss only meant that they were lucky. Wang Zhengdao smiled regretfully at Tang Ji, and the two disappeared again in a blink of an eye. They were ready to taste local dishes in the idea that they were all here.

On the other side, Cathy Walter didn't know that she had just narrowly escaped death. She was explaining the current situation to Paulina and the pressure she would encounter after being promoted.

Cathy Walter is a smart person, and the rivalry between her and Aslan is unlikely to happen between her and Paulina, because Paulina's basic set is only the door group.

But because of Tang Ji's relationship, the door team now has a very special status. Every time anyone except Paulina opens the door in an emergency, it means life is in danger.

But the Blazers were not rich enough to escape by committing suicide every time they encountered Tang Ji, and the loss was too great.

After losing the Antarctic element warehouse, both pioneers and testers are facing the shortage of elements, especially high-end elements.

There is no Blazer who does not miss the days of body freedom a year ago, when Cathy Walter and Aslan even had to promulgate a ban on the Blazers from changing their bodies because they were not good-looking.

But now, even for Cathy Walter herself, besides her most commonly used ferrite, there are only two useful ferrites available, one is a private high-end ferrite, and the other is a modest one that has been temporarily put aside.

Paulina was surprised by the status quo described by Cathy Walter. Not all pioneers could see everything that was happening from the height of Cathy Walter.

The Blazers are currently staying in Tanguy's dangerous state, seeing him running fast, but in Cathy Walter's description, these players seem to be in a state of being uncoupled.

The two worlds are anchored because of information nodes, and the decoupling of the two worlds is naturally also due to information
Although the process is complicated and needs to meet countless conditions, the principle of decoupling can be summarized as that when the main world cannot effectively obtain information from other worlds, the distance between the two worlds begins to increase, and the difference in time flow becomes larger and larger, and decoupling is finally completed.

If it is up to Makarian to give a specific explanation, he will definitely give another example of the successful decoupling of the sea world.

Because the living space of the deep-sea subspecies is completely different from that of terrestrial humans and shallow-water species, the earliest pioneers and players who entered the different world later were completely unaware of the existence of the deep-sea subspecies. They established many information nodes based on the lack of deep-sea subspecies. basis of existence.

So when the deep-sea subspecies finally destroyed the terrestrial human civilization with doomsday force, although the only remaining information nodes based on the shallow-water subspecies maintained the connection between the two worlds, the flow of time was greatly increased. The direct result was The re-advent speed interval of the players is lengthened, and the efficiency of actions is greatly reduced.

Although the shallow water subspecies lingered for nine months, the overall strength of the players continued to decline during these nine months, and even when Makarian finally found the existence of the deep sea subspecies, the information nodes maintained by the shallow water subspecies were no longer available. Ensure that the two worlds continue to be in a stable connection state.

When Makarian finally found the deep-sea subspecies behind the scenes, the players and pioneers were limited by their individual strength and were unable to complete the task of crossing the ocean and expanding information nodes.

With the complete extinction of the shallow water species, the information nodes were further erased, and the remaining players became the only information nodes. When the last player died, the information nodes no longer existed, and the two worlds were completely decoupled.

In fact, Makarian has always suspected that the pioneers of that world made a fatal mistake at the very beginning. The terrestrial humans are not the original race at all, and the deep-sea subspecies are not subspecies.
On the contrary, the deep-sea species is the real master of that world. Those weak sub-species that cannot adapt to the deep-sea environment gradually degenerated into shallow-water species, and finally gave birth to the weakest terrestrial sub-species, humans.

That's why the information nodes are so fragile, and that's why the deep-sea species has technical strength that completely exceeds expectations.

If they don't want the tragedy to repeat itself, the Blazers must strengthen their presence in this world. More bodies and more players are always the easiest solution.

In addition, the naturalized ones, they are also part of the information nodes, and even their enemies are the same.

Makarian is considering a plan to disclose the existence of players. If there are no deep-sea species or underground subspecies in this world, once the entire human civilization is aware of the existence of players, the possibility of decoupling will disappear completely.

However, doing so will undoubtedly bring the whole world into turmoil and increase the degree of resistance
(End of this chapter)

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