Chapter 292 The First Battle
As a golden dimensional gate appeared from the center of the matrix, Wang Zhengdao and Mikkelsen immediately realized what had happened.

At this time, Ethan had just pulled off his neural connector, forcibly disengaged from the neural connection with the drone, and shouted with fear on his face: "Go! There are hundreds of hypers down below!"

Before he could finish speaking, the severe nerve pain caused Ethan's body to fall to the ground. Mei Hezi picked up the thin Ethan and stood beside Wang Zhengdao. Staring around.

"Let's go now!" Wang Zhengdao clasped Miwako and Anthony's shoulders with both hands, intending to implement the retreat plan.

"Wait!" Mikkelsen looked at the dimensional gate with red eyes, and three naked players had already walked out of it, looking at everything around them curiously.

And that dimensional door flickered a few times, then suddenly shrunk to a point. The fourth player had a leg amputated before he could fully walk out of the dimensional door.

But neither the wounded nor the three players who had walked out of the portal took it as a big deal. Instead, they talked and laughed and studied the blood on the ground and the surrounding environment.

One of the players found a simple bunker that blocked the passage in the distance, and excitedly pointed at Martin to greet the others. In the next second, the player's head and half of his shoulder disappeared completely, leaving only the arm pointing at Martin still. Hold it flat.

Then several other players heard the gunshots, and Shadow reloaded the gun expressionlessly, waiting for the sharp weapon in his hand to be recharged.

The other three players seemed to be completely stunned by the scene in front of them. They had only entered this world for 3 minutes, and before they even found a piece of clothing, their souls had already returned to their hometowns.

"They are all rookies, and we still have a chance to prepare." Mikkelsen quickly confirmed the situation before him, but his face became more gloomy: "Their reinforcement plan has been advanced!"

"Bring Tang Ji here!" Mikkelsen tugged on Wang Zhengdao's collar, and said almost growling: "Go to the camp above to get enough explosives, I've prepared them up there, we Blow up this door!"

Twenty seconds ago, Mikkelsen was still worried that the place would be flooded, but now he has already started to prepare to destroy everything here.

The number here is unknown, but there will be no less than 5000 bodies, which is just a number for Mikkelsen.

Of course, even if these people were his acquaintances, he would not hesitate to call out everyone's name and know their families.

However, considering Mikkelsen's daily social life circle, maybe there are all his acquaintances here, so he will be more decisive in his actions.

Wang Zhengdao wasted no time arguing with Mikkelsen on humanitarian issues. Ever since he shot and killed the first superhuman who would commit a major crime in the future, but is now just a middle school teacher, Wang Zhengdao has become accustomed to this kind of trampling. The way forward with blood.

This is a war, and in war there is no place for justice.

Martin took out the remaining three players with a short burst, and they were as harmless as civilians who had strayed into the battlefield.

But everyone knows that they are just acting harmless at this time, and only need a short period of adaptation before these people will become the nightmare of this world.

"Cover me." Anthony suddenly broke the silence, his eyes showed a trace of firmness, and he jumped out of the cover and rushed into the body matrix.

Those eyes that see through the vicissitudes of the world have lost their former composure at this time, sweeping across the surface of each body's life support cabin like eagle eyes.

35 years old, too old. 26 years old, sorry, you have at least enjoyed your own youth. Anthony quickly skimmed through the body support cabins, looking for individuals he thought were worth giving his life to save.

19 years old. Anthony skipped in front of a female body, and his pace slowed down for a second, but finally he gritted his teeth and continued to move forward.

He doesn't know how long he has left, he can only regard every minute as the last moment.

Anthony saw those spherical robots, and thanked God sincerely, because those robots have entered a state of sleep with the appearance of the players.

Obviously, in that small body, more modules cannot be integrated into it, and it does not have the ability to identify friend or foe at all.

14 years old. I wish I had time. Anthony saw a childish face. He shot and broke the fixed lock on the floor without hesitation. Push towards the cover.

Once again, the golden light flashed, and a dimensional door opened at a distance of less than five meters from Anthony, and two players wearing pajama-like clothes walked out of it.

It's still the expression of being curious about everything, and the laughter that is out of tune with the environment, but this time, the two players used their abilities the first time they saw Anthony.

One of the players snapped his fingers in the air, and Anthony felt as if a grenade had exploded in his head, and he lay down on the body's life support cabin in a dark moment.

But the gunshots that followed were so familiar. When Anthony regained his vision and balance again, the two players had fallen to the ground. One was missing his head, and the other half of his upper body had disappeared.

Shadow gave Anthony a thumbs up from more than ten meters away, and the muzzle of the gun was still pointing in the direction of the dimension gate.

Tony picked up Anthony and started running back. Behind him, the saint picked up the life support cabin with violent veins and followed behind.

Since the saint's awakening, he has also received a small bonus in terms of physical strength. Although he is not as perverted as Surte, it is also very different from before.

"Sulte is already looking for him!" Tony restrained Anthony, preventing him from getting off his shoulders: "He is much faster and stronger than you, but you are the only reliable military doctor! Be honest!"

Martin in the distance fired another burst shot, blocking the players on the right wing coming out of another dimension gate. The unsuspecting players were immediately knocked down four or five times, and a few bullets flew into the back of the gate along the dimension gate. The door to the dimension was quickly closed.

But Martin was like stabbing a hornet's nest. In an instant, four or five dimensional gates opened at the same time in all parts of the body matrix. For a while, there was a lot of gunfire, and everyone was firing, blocking the player's actions.

Even Vicky was standing in front of Miwako, pointing a pistol straight ahead with a nervous face, and the first shot knocked Tony and Anthony apart.

"Hey! Calm down, little girl!" Tony resisted the bullet with Anthony's butt on his shoulder, and the bullet was bounced off by the dragon scale armor without accident.

But judging from Anthony's screams, Tony didn't want to get hurt in the last three months.
"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" Vicky stared nervously at the distant passage. As a member of the Ark organization, she certainly knew what players were, but when these players really appeared in groups, she was still a little bit overwhelmed .

"A 14-year-old kid? They're really ruthless." The saint leaned the body capsule against the wall, leaning on his knees with his hands and gasping for breath.

In the distance, Surte's figure suddenly appeared, threw another element life support capsule not far from the entrance of the passage, and disappeared again.

"God bless!" The saint cheered up and made a sign of the cross: "I can save another one!"

"They are here." Mikkelsen suddenly turned his head and said to Tang Ji: "Those players are here, not the pioneers."

"Internal test." Tang Ji tasted the words that Karcalf said: "Now?"

"Yes, it seems that we have indeed caught their weakness. They cannot accept the loss here." Mikkelsen stared at the icy water below: "It seems that we are facing a difficult choice, the players or the fury?"

"I choose the former." Tang Ji replied without hesitation: "If Gluttony is still alive, let him live in the sea. There is no shortage of another whale in this world."

"Maybe you are right, but I can't take it lightly." Mikkelsen on the downhill platform said: "Wang Zhengdao will come to pick you up soon, do what you have to do, let them know that this world is not their game." paradise."

"You..." Tang Ji was halfway through speaking, and Mikkelsen on the opposite side jumped and jumped directly into the icy water more than ten meters deep below.

"Well, I hope you can find the trace of that piece of meat in the sea." Tang Ji stood there and waited for a few seconds, and Wang Zhengdao just appeared in the place where Mikkelsen was before.

"We are in big trouble!" Wang Zhengdao held Tang Ji's shoulder with one hand, and the downhill platform was empty in the next second.

Then, the lonely downhill platform began to recover upwards, and more Mikkelsen needed to go into the water through this thing to catch the 'big whale'.

Tang Ji has become accustomed to Wang Zhengdao's style of jumping in space. His eyes blurred, and he has already arrived inside the body warehouse. A fog rose from the heavy radiation protection suit and blurred the eyepiece.

The flickering flames from Martin's muzzle made the whole world seem to be flickering. Tang Ji tore off the mask of the radiation protection suit, and the whole world suddenly became real, and Wang Zhengdao beside him had disappeared again.

Tony shouted for support, the shotgun in his hand kept firing, and the scattered marbles hit the metal wall and splashed a burst of flames.

A naked man almost as fast as Sirte was passing by Tony and Saint, but he didn't have a suitable weapon. He hit the dragon scale armor with a pair of fists, causing the two to fly horizontally, but did not cause fatal damage. hurt.

Tang Ji's dynamic vision could barely see the speedy man, mainly because the dark skin of the other party naturally formed a color difference in this place, and he ran like an inseparable shadow.

And the other party's smile was too bright, and those white teeth were like indicators.
The prelude sounded, half of the calf was cut off by the bullet, and the speedster fell to the ground like a top whipped by a whip, spinning and flying himself out.

Tang Ji made another shot in mid-air, and the black speedster was already a corpse when he landed, but the death of one player obviously couldn't stop the enthusiasm of other players.

On the other side, Martin's gun barrels were all red, and dozens of players who hadn't fully understood their abilities threw their bodies in front of Martin's position.

A scalpel was stuck in front of Martin's right eye, penetrating three points into his brain, but he was not afraid, and kept moving the muzzle of the gun, forming a firepower net to harvest the players in the body matrix.

At this moment, he could no longer care about the life support cabins of the body. The life support cabins closest to him had been torn apart by bullets, and the built-in body was not human-shaped.

Martin roared furiously as he tore off the red barrel with his bare hands, replaced the barrel with a new one at an extremely fast speed, loaded it and fired again.

The whole process only took less than three seconds, but at least four players rushed to the vicinity of the defense line. Shadow made up his gun in time, but the hail sniper rifle exploded in an instant, taking half of Shadow's right hand away.

No one knew exactly what abilities caused this result. There were hundreds of metahumans present, each with different supernatural abilities.

Anthony dragged the shadow back to the back of the passage. Ethan and the bloody Miwako were still lying beside the shadow. It was obviously not safe even in the back.

Vicky stood in the corner, holding guns in both hands and staring vigilantly at the surroundings, as if the enemy would emerge from the air in the next second.

In fact, it was true. Tang Ji saw a woman jumping out from the ceiling suddenly, holding a dagger in her hand.

But after she landed, she didn't attack the wounded and Anthony, but looked around suspiciously, and locked her target on Tang Ji.

Vicky stood less than five meters behind the assassin, and a shot hit her in the chest. Obviously, she put herself and the wounded in a shielding state.

Tang Ji shot and killed the female assassin who was still struggling before Vicky: "Good job, next time I can consider letting you take a big gun."

"Your people must last for more than 10 minutes. I need to fix the gate and let the flood flood here." Mikkelsen crawled from the floor without two legs, and explained in an indifferent tone: "Otherwise the next time we go to war, it won't be so easy."

"Leave it to me." Tang Ji nodded and turned to join the battle.

In the front, there are dots of dimensional gates everywhere in the spectacular element matrix, and players are constantly crossing out from behind the dimensional gates.

Tang Ji didn't know how many players entered the world this time, but he knew that this was the beginning of an all-out war!
"Come on, let's see the determination of this world." Tang Ji stretched out his fingers to light a cigarette for himself, patted Martin on the shoulder, turned over the bunker built by the body warehouse, and broke into the center of the battlefield.

So many bodies, so many players, all of which made Tang Ji vent his anger without any scruples, and the gray-black flames swept along the ground in an instant.

The closest players were instantly captured by the flames, and the supernatural abilities that were not very aura immediately became decorations.

Before they could find out the reason, a few gunshots made them bid farewell to the troubles of eternal life forever.

The system reminds you like swiping the screen, [Hunting List] is being updated.
 PS: Start checking for typos, and I have to go to the community to volunteer tomorrow.
(End of this chapter)

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