The peasant girl is not strong

Chapter 709 Draft Etiquette

In the palace, Ye Meiqi, in addition to learning etiquette, was also ostracized everywhere.

More than 200 women who were arranged to participate in the draft in the palace were arranged to live in several courtyards in the palace!

There will be several women living in each house, and many of these are ladies of the house. Usually, in addition to learning etiquette, eating, and sleeping, they will live with several people!
Although they live in separate beds and rooms, their clothes need to be washed by themselves every day. If you have money, you can ask the palace maid to do it for you!
The food is brought by the palace maid, but it also depends on whether you can give a reward for the food, which will be better!
In their room, everyone was originally relatively ordinary. For example, their father's official position and the family behind him were not as good as those who were powerful!
Perhaps it has been arranged during the room allocation, and the rooms you live in are divided into high-level and low-level rooms!

Ye Meiqi grew up in the countryside. When she was young, she shared a room with her parents. If her family was richer, her sisters would share a room.

I'm used to living in the same room with others. Even if the other person is a stranger and is on guard, it's just a matter of locking the luggage!

They didn't have any grudges before, so they probably wouldn't take action against her!
It's too naive to think so. On the first day, although the food was not very good, I spent it safely.

Starting from the second day, she realized that someone was causing trouble!
Breakfast is different from what people in the same room eat. Others have preserved egg and lean meat porridge with dumplings and pastries.

What she wanted was to buy a few grains of rice, porridge and water, and a small plate of pickles.

If others can't finish eating, she just thinks she's losing weight.

When they were learning etiquette, the nanny who taught them etiquette made things difficult for her intentionally or unintentionally.

There are more than 200 people in the same training room, including instructors and more than 20 nuns.

Originally, those who were also selected for the draft, although they were competitors, many of them had no connection with the nuns in the palace!
I don’t know if someone else took action, or if someone deliberately let someone take action!
The nun who taught her, among the ten people she taught, etiquette was easy for others to follow, but everything she did made that nun feel wrong!
It is better to walk with a bowl or vase on your head, so that they walk straight and the vase or bowl on their head cannot fall off!

Ye Meiqi has been trained at home for a month or two. She is already very familiar with this function and it is easy to master it!
Some of the same ten people had just encountered such a situation and almost dropped the bowl or vase on their head. The nun didn't punish them, and she didn't seem to see it!

Grandma was always picky with her with a feather duster, and would slap her on the body from time to time, as if she was trying to press it against a vase or bowl and drop it, so that she would be punished.

She couldn't even eat enough for breakfast. She had such a strong training. Fortunately, she was not a weak daughter. She usually practiced yoga and did some physical exercises with her sisters!
This was not difficult for her at all. She noticed the other party's malice and secretly watched the other training woman during the training!

He was the only one in their group who was being made things difficult for. There might also be some women in other groups who were made things difficult for them, such as those who were particularly gorgeous!
The only difference is that the girls in the team that the Prime Minister's daughter is on do not have much training. They are served tea, snacks and fruits, and eat.

Looking at the women who were being made difficult for them while training, there were malicious smiles in their eyes!
Ye Meiqi seriously suspected that someone was involved in corruption and bribery. She had seen this common social situation many times. The reason why she didn't take action was that she felt it was not necessary yet.

They were seeing some little people now, but they didn't think of their own negligence or someone deliberately causing trouble. As a result, she was made things difficult by the kid on the first day of training!

Everyone else was allowed to go to lunch, but she was punished when she went to have lunch later.

Her lunch is only a bowl of white rice and vegetables without oil and water!
The people in the same room had already eaten, and the people in the room seemed to be unable to see that she was being made difficult for.
Maybe he knew it, but he just didn't dare to say anything and swept the snow away from the door.

Ye Meiqi didn't say a word, she hadn't remembered the names of these people yet!
Maybe I will be a passerby in the future.After eating the tasteless food, I thought to myself, is this the food cooked by the royal chef in the palace?
She has learned a lot!
The rice is quite fragrant. Among the people, farmers are already very happy if they have a bowl of white rice to eat!

Still a free meal!
The word "free exchange" made her ignore it, and her heavy heart became lighter. When she entered this place, she had already thought that she would pass five levels and kill six generals.

The future is extremely difficult!

In the afternoon, there is another cultural class, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Then there will be a full schedule every day!

The female celebrity who played music, chess, calligraphy and painting was not made difficult for her!
After class in the evening, she was stopped by someone. The person who stopped her was a group of people headed by the prime minister's daughter-in-law!

The others haven’t dispersed yet, it’s still some time until dinner!
"Ye Meiqi, I saw that you couldn't walk this morning. No wonder the teacher gave you extra food. Haha, a peasant girl is really not that good!"


The other women covered their mouths and laughed, holding fans in their hands and pretending!
The other group of people haven't remembered their names yet, but they know that their family and our own family have become enemies!
Ye Meiqi was not annoyed when others laughed at her.
And smiled: "Thank you for your concern."

Seeing Ye Meiqi's expression of cutting flesh with a sword, contempt flashed in the eyes of the women, and their moods suddenly twisted!

"We'll see if you can laugh in the future. The palace is not the place where a country girl like you can stay. Just bear with it!"

Ye Meiqi's warning to them was speechless. She would not be stupid here, say any bad words in a place where people come and go, and make things difficult for others. She would go out of her way to make things difficult for them. Since she has already suffered it, she would not say anything to them. The person in front of me is complaining!
When she is weak, it is time to suffer. When she becomes strong, it is time to fight back.

Maybe if you are weak and suffer now, you will never be able to become strong enough to fight back in the future!

But she knew that every move she made now was being watched, this was the palace!

Don’t the emperor and queen know?
Not necessarily, it's just that she doesn't care about this little thing. This may be a test for her!

The nuns and palace maids who are in charge of the show girls here may be the spies of various parties. I don’t know if they have the queen’s spies. Maybe they have not been ordered not to interfere in the struggles of the show girls!
I had another simple meal in the evening, went to find hot water, wiped myself, changed my clothes, and prepared to do laundry.

Even if they live in the same room, they do their own laundry!
There was no interaction, they spent two days staying in the same house!
On the morning of the third day, Ye Meiqi was used to getting up early to do aerobics, but she was not used to it here. She danced in front of people. She just moved her hands and feet, washed her face, and waited for breakfast!

I still eat the same porridge as yesterday, with pickles!
Others had a different kind of breakfast, but it was better than hers!
She knows what awaits, and she may still have strong training!
(End of this chapter)

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