Chapter 941

Gan Ning successfully occupied the entire territory of Lujiang River, and the troops of Wei State in Huainan were forced to concentrate in the two cities of Hefei.

During the Battle of Lujiang, Gan Ning's troops showed strong land combat capabilities, so Xia Houshang paid special attention to Gan Ning, and asked Xia Houru to help defend the new city, and did not pay attention to Lu Xun's old Jiangdong troops.

The story of eight hundred breaking one hundred thousand has been circulating in the Huainan area. Xia Houru's Taishan soldiers fought against the Eastern Wu army many times, forming an inertial thinking that Jiangdong soldiers are weak in land battles.

After the start of the strategy of attacking the Huaihe River in an all-round way, the entrapment army, which had not been seen for a long time, joined the battlefield by water. Neither the main general Xia Houru nor the Taishan soldiers under his command had ever seen the strength of the entrapment army, and mistakenly thought that Lu Xun had come here to put on a show.

The Taishan soldiers who were originally commanded by Zang Ba had seen Gao Shun's trapped camp during Lv Bu's occupation of Xuzhou. Unfortunately, more than 20 years have passed. After completing the replacement, Xia Houru suffered from the confusion of information.

Seeing that the "Jiangdong soldiers" disembarked and fought on land on their own initiative, Xia Houru happily went out of the city to confront them head-on. As a result, the old Soochow army, led by the fallen army, defeated the Taishan soldiers and captured Hefei in the first battle.

The Taishan soldiers were defeated by the "Jiangdong soldiers", and the leader of Xincheng, Xia Houshang, was stunned. He was dispatching troops to meet Gan Ning, and in a panic, sent [-] troops to Jiang Ji.

After the victory of the diplomatic war in Hefei City, Lan Yuan led the trapped army to chase to the west of the city, and the soldiers and horses covering Lu Xun took advantage of the chaos to seize the city. During this period, they happened to encounter Jiang Ji and Xia Houba.

The news of the tiger and leopard riding in Huainan was detected in advance by Lanyuan's reconnaissance battalion. He brought his favorite chariot and set up many bunkers out of thin air on the battlefield, successfully limiting the impact of the heavy armored tiger and leopard rider. .

Two legendary armies from the Three Kingdoms era had a fateful confrontation outside the city of Hefei. In the end, the trapped army defeated the opponent with relatively small losses.

There are many reasons for the victory of the trapped army. In addition to Lan Yuan's flexible use of chariots as cover, it is also related to the fact that the soldiers and generals of the trapped army are improving, while the quality of the soldiers and generals of the tiger and leopard cavalry is deteriorating.

Just like spoiled fruit, when the skin is damaged, the inside is already rotten.

Xia Houru lost Hefei, and it didn't matter whether he fought in the new city or not, because the Jiangdong warships could not be fettered, and the artificial canal dug during the Cao Cao period in the north of the city was transferred from Chaohu to Feishui and Huaihe Rivers, directly attacking Xiahoushang's rear important town Shouchun.

Cao Cao's purpose of digging the artificial canal was mainly for the military to go south to Jiangdong. At this time, it became the help of Yangzhou warships to go north, which belonged to shooting himself in the foot.

Wei Guo lost Hefei, and the Yangzhou warship went north to Shouchunhui to cut off the grain road. Xia Houshang panicked when he had no choice.

Xia Houshang saw that the boat was done, so he led his army back to Shouchun and sent Man Chong, Jia Kui and others to the south to help. During this period, Gan Ning, Lu Xun, and Lan Yuan took advantage of the victory to pursue them.

During the northward retreat of Wei State's army, Wenpin's navy stationed in Shaoling came to rescue, but was completely defeated by Lu Xunyu Feishui, and Wei State's navy disappeared.

The three tribes of Gan Ning, Lu Xun, and Lan Yuan fought more and more bravely, and cooperated with each other very tacitly.

The joining of Jia Kui and Man Chong did not stop the defeat. Xia Houshang abandoned Shouchun after the defeat in early May and fled north to Yuzhou. The split Yangzhou was restored to integrity in the hands of Lantian.

The news of Huainan's great victory spread back to Jianye, and the people and gentry in Jiangdong rejoiced as if they were celebrating the new year. From then on, they could enjoy peace and no longer worry about Wei's military threat.

In the past two years, Lantian has lived in harmony with the Jiangdong gentry. The fresh seeds he buried in Yuzhang and Luling took root and sprouted. Jiaozhou's advanced system has improved governance capabilities, and Guangzhou's targeted assistance to Luling has given local people confidence in life The enthusiasm for production has increased, and the tax revenue of the government has also increased.

Champa rice, which was successfully trial-planted in Luling, has now been popularized and planted in Yuzhang. It has fewer diseases and insect pests, does not choose soil, has a short growth cycle, and has a relatively stable yield. It has replaced the original rice seed and has become the staple food.

The prosperity of Yuzhang and Luling was displayed in front of the entire Jiangdong by the "Yangzhou News". The economies of the two counties are catching up, and I believe they will catch up with the prosperity similar to Wu County in the near future.

The realization of rights is a benefit, and when the benefits are limited, the rights are not so important. The gentry who were going to see the jokes of Yuzhang and Luling found that the Yuzhang and Luling systems seemed to have many merits.

Driven by interests, the gentry instigated Zhang Wen to discuss with Lantian, hoping to adopt a new system that would improve some of the beneficial parts in the three counties of Wujun, Danyang, and Kuaiji. Borrow the textbooks from Guangzhou Academy, and the source of students needs to be selected.

Lan Tian refused because he had an appointment with the gentry. He didn't allow himself to plant trees. Others would pick and eat peaches without watering or fertilizing.

Lantian built Luling as a model, and the gentry in the three eastern counties would eventually succumb to their interests. This kind of conspiracy is aimed at the greed of human nature and guides the people to yearn for a better life.

Lan Yuan and others regained Huainan, and the sword pointing to the Central Plains is just around the corner, and Jiangdong's stubborn illness has improved, so Lan Tian went to Shu Liu Bei to resign as Yangzhou pastor.

At the beginning of the year, Zhao Yun was preparing to march west to Wuwei, and he also asked Liu Bei to send generals to help him. Liu Bei left Zhang Fei to put pressure on Tongguan, and returned to Chang'an with Pang Tong and Ma Chao.

In the end, at the insistence of the veteran Huang Zhong, the general Zhengxi was sent, and Ma Chao continued to partner with Zhang Fei.

In July of the third year of Zhangwu, Liu Bei appointed Zhuge Jin as the governor of Yangzhou, summoned Lantian to Chang'an as the chief minister, promoted Ganning to the right general, governor of Yuzhou, and Marquis of Guangxiang; promoted Lu Xun to the post of general, governor of Xuzhou, and Feng Ling Xianghou; promoted Lanyuan to general Zhengdong and prefect of Langya.

Most of the appointments issued by Liu Bei referred to Lan Tian’s suggestion, but changed Lanyuan’s Runan prefect to Langya prefect, because he trusted Lan Yuan more than Lu Xun, which meant that Lan Yuan and Lu Xun teamed up to attack Xuzhou, and Gan Ning Ze went north to take Yuzhou.

Lan Tian originally wanted Lanyuan to send troops to Runan to cooperate with Guan Yu in Jingzhou to attack Xuchang and Luoyang, but Liu Bei thought that Guan Yu alone was enough, and the great victory in Nanyang has already explained everything.

After Lan Tian and Zhuge Jin handed over, he only wrote a letter and sent it to Huainan to Lan Yuan, then packed his bags and went to Guangzhou to pick up his family. He left Yu Xiu in Jianye to help Zhuge Jin stabilize Jiangdong, and only took away his assistant Ji Yan to run the newspaper Song Chen.

The Huaisi faction was "driven out" of Jiangdong by Lantian and the gentry, but Zhuge Jin transformed himself into the new ruler. Gu Yong and others showed bitterness when they greeted the "shangbai". No one expected such an ending.

Zhuge Jin did not have the aura of Lantian, and he was an old acquaintance with Jiangdong officials. Maybe he could introduce the good systems of Yuzhang and Luling, and the Jiangdong gentry suddenly felt that the future was promising.

Lan Tian returned to Guangzhou two years later. Nine-year-old Lan Qing had grown into a big girl. After dinner, she went back to the house with the maid to read and memorize medicine, looking eager for knowledge.

"It is said that girls are sensible earlier, and they are more stable than Boyang and Zhongling at that time." Lan Tian looked at Lan Qing's back and stroked his beard and nodded.

"It's not that my husband persuaded her to study medicine, but it's not bad to find something to do." Lu Lingqi comforted herself first, then suddenly seemed to remember something important, and said anxiously: "My husband, wait a moment, I will show you something."

(End of this chapter)

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