Chapter 935

In the Battle of Bowangpo 20 years ago, Liu Bei only had a small town in Xinye, and the generals who accompanied Guan Yu in the Northern Expedition were either latecomers or unborn like Lan Ji.

Because he didn't experience the hardships in the early stage, he couldn't empathize with Guan Yu. Only Zhou Cang, who was carrying the knife, felt the same way. He walked over to pour wine for Guan Yu silently, and his master-servant relationship with Guan Yu is also more than 20 years.

Guan Ping saw that Zhou Cang 'robbed' his job, so he smiled awkwardly, and then asked Guan Yu suspiciously: "Father, now we are alone in the rear of Cao Xiu, and the warships of Jingzhou can now sail freely in the water. If Cao Xiu sends someone What should we do if we go downstream to intercept them? If the tens of thousands of troops lose their supplies, the direction of the war will change, and I heard that Wancheng has sufficient food and grass.”

"Zhang Wenyuan's troops are stable. I estimate that Wancheng has at least three months of food reserves, but if Cao Xiu turns around and comes back to win Bowang, the food and grass consumption will be much faster." Guan Yu stroked his beautiful beard without panic.

"Ah? Our food can only last for more than a month. If Cao Xiu intends to spend it with us, why don't you abandon the warship and return by land?" Guan Ping frowned.

Guan Yu used the warships to cooperate and played a wonderful mobile battle in Nanyang, especially the "mobile turret" tactic this time, which opened the eyes of the generals in Jingzhou. Although Guan Ping felt it was a pity, he did not feel flustered. The ship can be rebuilt if it is gone. The terrain of Nanyang is mainly plains. It is impossible for Cao Xiu to completely block their retreat.

Cao Zhang felt that Cao Xiu’s statement was also correct. The upper reaches of the Feishui River was Funiu Mountain. All the Jingxiang waterways ended in Nanyang. There was no river boat for six hundred miles from Bowang to Luoyang. Warships entered the Central Plains by water and had to detour to the Huaihe River. The Surabaya Network must also take the capture of Huainan as a prerequisite, so the role of the Jingzhou Navy will be greatly reduced after completing the Nanyang strategy.

Guan Yu smiled slightly, "How can a father not know about Tan Zhi's worries? Yuan Zhi gave a solution before we set off."

"Xu Sikong is transporting grain by land from Xinye? Then divide the troops to guard the grain road. Otherwise, Cao Xiu will cut off the flow to block the warships, and then cross the river to intercept my grain road. Then our army will be in danger." Guan Ping quickly reminded.

"Naturally, the division of troops is necessary, but it is not to guard the grain road, but to cut off the grain road in the direction of Caoxiu Runan, and also to prevent Wei soldiers from crossing the Fei River and fleeing to Runan. The place will give it to us." Guan Yu, who was serious and unsmiling, also raised the corners of his mouth, he thought of the plan Xu Shu had made with himself, and said in his heart that Lantian's tactics harmed others and benefited himself, and it was really fun to use.

"General, what is this?" Pound looked puzzled.

Guan Yu stroked his beard and explained to everyone: "Nanyang's supplies all come from the Central Plains. Xu Sikong sent dozens of "Yangtze River News" to report to the army. The county asks for food, we just sit and watch Bowang and wait for food and drink."

"It turns out that it's like this. It's really a fantastic idea of ​​Xu Sikong to use Wei's grain to supply our army." Pang De complimented.

"Xu Sikong bluntly said that this plan was inspired by Ziyu, so it is enough to defeat the enemy." Guan Yu nodded, and then told Pang De: "Lingming, you will lead an army of [-] tomorrow, and use Bowang's troops as a bait to take it down." Du Yang, let's maintain a strategic buffer so as not to make Cao Wei's food team suspicious."

"Wei." Pound stood up and clasped his fists.

"Frankly, you lead [-] troops on the east bank of the Feishui River, patrolling back and forth between Bowang and Wancheng, to prevent the Wei army from crossing the river in this area. Even if Cao Xiu really reacts, you have to let him go south a few dozen more times. Here." Guan Yu continued to order.

"Wei." Guan Ping followed suit.

After Guan Yu ordered the two groups of soldiers and horses, he continued to drink with the generals. Seeing this, Lan Ji asked in surprise, "Uncle, what about me?"

"Zhongling will guard Bowang City with me, and Cao Xiu will definitely not be willing to guard Wancheng. There will be a battle between us sooner or later, and your battle will be indispensable." Guan Yu understood Lan Ji's personality, which was when he was young and aggressive.

"Hey, that's good." Lan Ji scratched his head and smirked.

Tongguan, Nanyang, and Huainan have two real places and one false one. The king and ministers of the Wei State have little peace this winter. Hanoi and other counties asked for military supplies.

As the great Sima, Cao Xiu was in charge of the entire southern battlefield. He had the right to mobilize the strategic resources of the surrounding counties, and he did not need to report to Cao Pi for approval at all, so the counties had to follow orders.

However, although the Central Plains is extremely rich, it cannot withstand the constant consumption of wars, especially the need to recruit civilians to transport food. Even the gentry in Henan are miserable, but they all know that Nanyang is the gateway to the Central Plains, and Guan Yu's Jingzhou soldiers and horses If the generals go in, the ultimate threat is their own interests.

In order to protect the family's fields and houses, and to protect the rights of the family, the Henan gentry, as the first "shareholders" of the Wei State, were surprisingly "selfless" in difficult times, and took out their private possessions to fill military supplies.

However, Cao Xiu's "greed" made the Henan gentry unable to resist. After several "severe" urgings by the frontline scouts, the voice from below gradually spread to the top.

At the beginning of February of the following year, Chen Qun took a package of "Cao Xiu's Letters" and went to the Luoyang Harem to look for Cao Pi's face.

There are constant wars in various places, and there are often memorials to urge food and soldiers. Cao Pi became numb after hearing too much, and directly claimed that he was sick and hid in the harem instead of going to court, but he couldn't see Chen Qun.

When Chen Qun submitted the letter to the imperial case, Cao Pi only looked at it briefly with empty eyes, and then said lazily: "Since it was requested by the great Sima, Changwen will follow the arrangement."

"Your Majesty, Wen Lie will be urging food every few days. The treasuries of the counties have been emptied, and the ministers mobilized the big clan to donate some. It seems that it is not enough."

Before Chen Qun finished speaking, he was interrupted by Cao Pi raising his hand, "Da Sima's opponent is Guan Yu, and the military supplies must be satisfied as much as possible. Otherwise, if he is defeated by the red-faced thief, Jingzhou soldiers and horses will be able to march to Luoyang. As for Tongguan, Changwen also dispatches the military supplies and military sources requested by Huainan Zou, and I have a headache, please step down first."

"Uh Wei." Chen Qun bowed and retreated.

Chen Qun's original intention was not to reduce Cao Xiu's military supplies, but that Wei State was not limited to Henan. In the past few years, it had almost continued to fight abroad. No matter how rich Henan was, it would soon be hollowed out. He hoped that the counties in Hebei would also provide support. It's a pity that Cao Pi didn't understand, Chen Qun planned to come back in a few days.

Walking out of Cao Pi's bedroom, he happened to see Sima Zhao standing on the porch.

Chen Qun walked over quickly, holding the other side's skirt and whispering: "In the face of a national crisis, what should your majesty do if you don't go to court for a long time? I think he has a lot of trust in his nephew, so you need to persuade him more."

"Your Majesty is upset. My nephew is no more than a courtier, so how dare I intervene in the affairs of the court." Sima Zhao deliberately evaded.

Chen Qun frowned and raised his tone, "Don't dare to intervene in the government? If my nephew did not do those things last year, if I hadn't been in the dark, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to live smoothly until now. In the name of investigating cases for His Majesty, how many innocent people have you killed unjustly? When I have no points in my heart?"

"They deserve to die." Sima Zhao's eyes darkened.

"These people have nothing to do with Sima Miemen, they just obtained official positions and land normally. I can understand that my nephew wants to take revenge, but it is too late. You must help me persuade His Majesty, otherwise I will not help you with the Sima family's case. Cover up." Chen Qun directly used a threatening tone.

"Uncle Chen, don't get angry, my nephew will try to persuade him, but it may not be effective." Sima Zhao softened his tone immediately when he saw Chen Qun's anger. He didn't have enough rights now, and he couldn't do without Chen Qun's support.

"Do your best."

(End of this chapter)

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