Three Kingdoms: I help Liu Bei grow thousands of miles

Chapter 906 Killing the Enemy Chieftain with 1 String and 3 Arrows

Chapter 906
Zhao Yun came first before he arrived, his majestic whistling sound was like a dragon's chant, his unique frequency sound waves shattered the noisy fighting in the river valley like a sharp blade.

The soldiers of the Wei army were like animals reacting to stress, and their attacking state immediately became unnatural. In addition, Yang Qiu asked the archers to shoot randomly, and the Wei soldiers slowed down the offensive by coincidence.

Yang Qiu watched the battle from a high place anxiously, and saw that Huang Zhong's entourage was getting smaller and smaller, but the encircled soldiers were shouted back by Zhao Yun's roar, and the army moved around suddenly, blocking the sight of the archers behind.

The opportunity to kill Huang Zhong is right in front of him, once he loses it, there will be no more, even if he knows that he is dancing on the tip of the knife, Yang Qiu is on the sidelines, wanting to take this risk, rushing into the rebellious army with his horse, beheading a few people with his own hands The retreating pawn yelled sharply: "Those who retreat further will end up with the same fate, let me do it."

The general took the place of the supervising army and went to 'enforce the law' himself. The soldiers of the Wei army could only bite the bullet and move forward, but just before they ran a few steps, they heard Yang Qiu's magical voice: "Where is the archer? Keep shooting arrows for me. "

Wei Bing, who ran to the forefront, instantly became a moving target. Yang Qiu's coquettish manipulation directly caused the soldiers to tangle collectively. If they retreated, they would be dealt with by military law. arrow.

Dilemma and survival, Wei Bing finally screamed frantically after a lot of pain and struggle, but collectively chose to slow down in pace.

Where is Yang Qiu willing to endure?After beheading several soldiers in succession to 'enforce the law', Wei Bing passively 'evolved' into a milling donkey, moving quickly every time the main general 'enforced the law', and then slowed down after a round of arrow rain.

Repeated several times, Zhao Yun's front reinforcements arrived, which brought great pressure to the Wei soldiers on the southern front, and soon there was a rout situation. At this time, Yang Qiu's killing was useless.

"General, it's better to withdraw first, or it will be too late." The deputy general pressed Yang Qiu's hand and made a suggestion.

Yang Qiu was red-eyed just now, but at this moment he suddenly came to his senses. He sat on his horse and looked to the south. He saw that the formation was in disarray, and the soldiers of the Wei army were collapsing towards the position of the central army. He shouted out the word Wei Bing wanted to hear most: "Withdraw."

Before leaving, Yang Qiu regretfully glanced in the southeast direction.

Only a few feet away, Huang Zhong's guards were left with less than a hundred riders, but Yang Qiu couldn't get the credit.

"Quick retreat." The moment Yang Qiu turned his head, deserters were already crowded around him.

The Han army in the rear took advantage of the situation to chase and kill, causing the Wei soldiers to scurry around like headless chickens. Because the retreat was very hasty, the organizational system of each battalion was instantly disrupted, and the deserters without restraint completely blocked the way of the cavalry. In addition, there were many infantry and few cavalry. , making the cavalry stand out in the crowd.

The shouts of the Han army were getting closer and closer, but the Wei cavalrymen sitting on the horses passively slowed down. Seeing this, Yang Qiu could only sacrifice the butcher's knife again and order the guards to cut out the way.

At this time, General Pi pointed to the front and reminded Huang Zhong: "The one in the purple robe is Yang Qiu. The old general pierces Yang with a hundred steps. Why don't you shoot him?"

The distance between the two sides was more than a hundred steps, but Huang Zhong was quite confident in his physical strength and bow skills. He thought that he might not be able to catch up with Yang Qiu, and shooting him directly would be a way. The carved bow is in his hand.

With a whoosh, three feathered arrows flew out at the same time. Yang Qiu, who was a hundred steps away, hit all three arrows. One of the arrows shot into the back of his neck.

"The general is old and strong, and the arrow is invincible." Zhang Zhu hurriedly clasped his fists and expressed his joy.

Huang Zhong seemed dissatisfied, he shook his head and said: "The distance is still a bit far, otherwise, how can only one arrow hit the vital point with three arrows?"

"Uh, your knife." Zhang Zhu was speechless, and quickly handed over the big knife, thinking that it's really annoying to compare people to others, isn't this a proper way to show off your skills?
Huang Zhong held the knife in his hand, pointed to the front and ordered: "The enemy chieftain is dead, you continue to hunt and kill, the old man goes to thank Zilong."

"Wei." She clasped her fists together.

An hour later, the banks of the Jing River returned to calm. Yang Qiu and half of the soldiers fell in the river valley.

There was only a glimmer of light in the sky, and the soldiers of the Han army took advantage of the dark to sweep the battlefield. If Huang Zhong hadn't sent the cavalry after him, they should have camped and rested a few miles behind, but the current situation is that the follow-up main force and supply ships have not yet arrived. Zhao Yun had no choice but to choose the camping site in advance, and he had to work out the camping in the dark at night.

Huang Zhong came to Zhao Yun's side in shame, apologized and thanked again: "This old man was reckless today, if Zilong hadn't come to help in time, my white head has been taken by Yang Qiu, and you will be the main general in the next battle. "

"The old general's shooting and killing Yang Qiu can be regarded as a remedy for the dead. It doesn't matter if the general is in charge or not. There will be no mistakes after everyone discusses it." Zhao Yun smiled openly.

"Yang Qiu is just a small fish, he has to kill Zhang Yun and Cao Zhen to count as meritorious service." Huang Zhong said seriously.

Zhao Yun nodded, "Cao Zhen and Zhang Yun are not idlers, so there is no rush."

"Well, that guy Zhang He retreated to Yinpan in front of him. I don't know what clever plan Zilong has to break the city?" Huang Zhong asked.

"I marched past the mouth of the Nihe (Malian River) in the morning. I have left hundreds of people to set up guard posts. It is equivalent to cutting off the supplies of Cao Zhen Beidi County. Anding County has many soldiers but little food. Zhang Yun may not be trapped in the isolated city. Let's start with the army rations. You can defeat the enemy." Zhao Yun stroked his beard for analysis.

Huang Zhong smiled wryly: "After so many years of fighting with His Majesty, this old man feels the most relaxed in the battle of stability, and he can defeat the enemy by cooking soup."

"This is also due to the fact that we have enough food, otherwise I wouldn't be able to use this strategy. Mr. Ziyu is a real hero." Zhao Yun looked into the distance and sighed.

Huang Zhong nodded in agreement: "Zilong's words reminded me of the time when I won Jiangling with my husband. It was very relaxing and comfortable. My husband guarded Yangzhou and watched Huainan. I think he is busier than when he was in Jiaozhou. I don't know if we can see each other again in this life."

"Now the situation in the world is very different. It is no longer a situation where Cao Wei's family dominates. After we have completely pacified Yongliang, it is only a matter of time before Wei is destroyed. The old general is physically strong. I think it is no problem to live another 20 years. At that time The world has long been settled, so why not meet your husband?" Zhao Yun comforted.

"It makes sense, I try to live as long as I can." Huang Zhong is now in his seventies, thinking that living another 20 years is too much, and if he can live another five years, it is God's mercy.

The army arrived at the assembly point not long after nightfall, and the Han army then lit up the torches and set up camp to rest. The soldiers who had been in a hurry for a day were very tired, so they did not rush to set off the next day.

When the sun rose, there was very little smoke in the camp.

As soon as the guards gave the hot porridge to Zhao Yun, they saw Huang Zhong walking in with him, his face seemed a little unsightly.

"It's already dawn, why didn't Zilong wake up the old man?" Huang Zhong complained as he walked.

(End of this chapter)

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