Chapter 284
Lan Tian, ​​Zhuge Liang, and Xu Shu had a good time drinking and chatting, and they all felt a little bit of sympathy for each other.

Zhuge Liang told Guan Yu and Xu Shu a lot, but he and Lan Tian mostly exchanged big-frame things, such as the results of Sun Cao's war in Ruxukou, changes in the world situation, and so on.

Although Lantian's internal affairs are not as good as Zhuge Liang's, he started to focus on the agricultural field that he is good at, and raised the grain in the four counties of Jingnan. He also had countermeasures for the borer disaster last year.

After chatting for a while, Xu Shu joked with Zhuge Liang, "Ziyu talked with Yide for a long time just now, probably to teach him how to break into Xichuan? Why don't you teach General Zilong?"

Zhuge Liang also looked at Lan Tian expectantly, wondering how he would explain it.

Lan Tian smiled and said: "General Zilong has a calm personality, and he is extremely principled in his conduct. I am quite relieved that he leads the army in battle. The two military advisers know Yide's nature, and he has to ask for more instructions."

Zhuge Liang shook his head, "Zilong is good at cavalry combat, but it's a pity that Jingzhou has many waterways and Yizhou has many mountains, so it's really useless for heroes."

"There is an opportunity to recover the Central Plains in the future, but it should be done according to local conditions. General Guan used to be the cavalry general of the lord, so now he can command the water army?" Lan Tian said, looking at Guan Yu who was above him.

"My lord, there are heroes like Yunchang, why should the world be uncertain?" Zhuge Liang sighed.

Xu Shu said with a leisurely smile: "How many? Kong Ming is really greedy, but the Lord has the potential to take over the dragon now, and the heroes of the world will definitely wait for the wind to vote."

"There is one thing I almost forgot. After the lord collects all the waste from Yizhou, Ziyu has to arrange a group of agricultural science institutes from Quanling to enter Sichuan. This has a great relationship with stabilizing the situation in central Sichuan." Zhuge Liang said solemnly.

Lan Tian smiled mysteriously when he heard that, Zhuge Liang frowned worriedly and asked, "Could it be that Ziyu wants to open Quanling Academy to Yizhou?"

"Hehe, military advisor, but relax, I know the priorities, but I have prepared for what I just said." Lan Tian nodded slightly.

"Oh?" Zhuge Liang looked at him suspiciously.

Lantian Zhengse said: "As early as a year ago, I asked Li Yang to select nearly a thousand young men in Xindengzhuang, and let these people rush to Jiameng only after you open the passage to Shu."

"Jiameng Pass?" Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu showed surprised expressions at the same time.

Lan Tian explained solemnly: "The three-divided world is gradually formed. Han Sui and Ma Chao can no longer contain Cao Jun in Liangzhou. If the news of the lord's collection of Xichuan spreads to the Central Plains, Cao Cao will definitely stabilize Sun Quan in the east and attack Zhang Zhang in Hanzhong first." Lu, thus blocking the road to attack Yongliang from the north of Yizhou. My lord will fight for Hanzhong grain and grass first, but no matter whether the army grain is transported from Yizhou or Jingzhou, it will consume people's energy because of the difficult road to Shu."

"Ziyu wants to farm in Jiameng Pass?" Xu Shu suddenly realized.

Lan Tian nodded, "It's a pity that a snake can't do without a head. The villagers in Xindengzhuang need someone to lead them. Originally, I planned to transfer the military order Xu An to Sichuan, but I was still worried that he would not be able to do well. If there were not so many things in Jingnan, I would I intend to personally lead the team to Jiameng Pass."

Zhuge Liang comforted: "Xu An's ability to appear in the first issue of the Yangtze River News shows that Ziyu attaches great importance to him. Anyway, it will take time for us to enter Sichuan. You can cultivate it slowly. Ziyu is not a talented person, so don't take light burdens. You stay in Sichuan. Jingzhou is more important."

Xu Shu also quickly added: "Ziyu can't talk nonsense, if you also follow into Sichuan, what will happen to Jingnan and Jiaozhou?"

"That's all I said." Lan Tian smiled awkwardly.

Two days later, everything was ready. In the early morning, Guan Yu saw Zhang Fei off outside the city, while Xu Shu and Lan Tian went to the pier to see off Zhuge Liang and Zhao Yun.

The commanders of the three routes each led [-] troops. Zhang Fei attacked Jiangzhou and Brazil by land, and approached Liu Bei from the north to Fucheng and Mianzhu. The south besieged Chengdu.

The newly recruited soldiers had been trained for less than a month. Guan Yu mixed veterans from Jingzhou with them, and allocated navy warships and Gan Ning's transport ships. The strongest team is still the entrapment army stationed in Lingling.

At this time, Lan Tian also took Gao Shun and Gan Ning to return to Lingling. When saying goodbye at the pier, Lan Tian said that he would use the Yangtze River News to continue to build momentum. Zhuge Liang smiled nonchalantly.

Zhuge Liang and Zhao Yun sailed westward, Lantian took a boat to Lingling, Zhang Fei's troops also raised dust on the land, and the whole Jingzhou moved in early February.

The military rations, weapons, and armor of tens of thousands of soldiers used up half of Lantian's wealth accumulated in the past few years. Even so, he did not intentionally raise taxes, but prepared to vigorously develop production and build additional official warehouses to store food in various places.

Although Jingnan's planting technology leads the world, because the original foundation is too weak, it will take time for the population of the counties to continue to grow. Lantian believes that it will not take too long to change from quantitative to qualitative.

After a year of development, the Bureau of Books and Newspapers has become familiar with all the subordinate yamen. Starting from the sixth issue of Changjiang Daily, Lantian no longer conducts final review and checks. Now Jiang Wan can grasp the content well and serve public opinion in politics and war.

Among the common people students of Quanling Academy, many of them stood out and became the focus of Jiang Wan and Lantian's attention when they were handling the complicated work of the newspaper office. come.

The establishment of Quanling Academy in Lantian is an upward channel for poor families and ordinary people. The purpose is to break the current pattern of gentry dominating power. The training of low-level officials by the Book and Newspaper Office is also the first step for Lantian. He will gradually join the management model of modern society. When selected After the talent model has a set of processes, the governance of counties will become easier.

Lantian plans to start from Lingling, and gradually spread to surrounding counties and counties. Eventually, the advantages of the system will be reflected, and the cake of interests will be gradually enlarged, and most people will vote with their feet.

In April of the 18th year of Jian'an, Zhang Fei's army entered the border of Jiangzhou in two months. Because of Xi Su's circling around, the defenders of Yubu, Xingren, Linjiang, Pingdu and other counties along the way surrendered in anticipation.

Jiangzhou is the seat of Berkshire, where the rivers of Yizhou meet the Yangtze River. Yan Yan, the prefect of Berkshire, has only [-] garrisons.

Liu Zhang's attention was always on Hanzhong, and he didn't pay enough attention to Berkshire to the east. When Zhuge Liang and Zhao Yun arrived by water, Jiangzhou's navy was less than [-], and the warships were relatively small and rudimentary.

Facing Jingzhou's elite navy, Yan Yan had no choice but to let go after a little resistance. Zhuge Liang and Zhao Yun parted ways in Jiangzhou, Zhao Yunxi attacked Jiangyang, and Zhuge Liang went north to detour around Dianjiang to attack Deyang.

Yan Yan could only mend the situation, while sending scouts along the river to follow up, and at the same time sending people to send a report to Chengdu for an early warning.

(End of this chapter)

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