Chapter 279 Sun Lu's Conspiracy
In the early morning of the next day, Cao Cao left Cao Hong to guard the camp, and then mobilized [-] troops to bypass Qibao Mountain and directly surrounded Sun Quan's Xijiang camp.

There is a lookout post at Dongguan on Ruxu Mountain, and when they find the enemy's situation, they urgently report to Sun Quan in Ruxuwu.

Qibao Mountain and Ruxu Mountain face each other across the river. If Cao Cao built an imitation pass on Qibao Mountain, the lookout post on Ruxu Mountain would lose its advantage, and half of Chaohu Lake would be exposed to Cao Jun.

Sun Quan was shocked when he heard this. The purpose of setting up the Xijiang camp was to control the Qibao Mountain on the opposite side. Originally, the side with fewer troops was most afraid of dividing troops, but Jiangdong had no choice but to give up the strategic location to Cao Cao.

Originally thinking that if the Xijiang camp was attacked, Ruxuwu could send troops to help at any time, and he could withdraw the troops at any time, but he was dumbfounded when this situation really happened.

Cao Jun set off before dawn, and had completed the encirclement when the Dongguan outpost found out, but did not send troops to intercept the reinforcements on the west bank of Ruxushui.

"My lord, the Xijiang camp is in danger, and if we don't rescue it, the tens of thousands of children will not be able to return it," Cheng Pu said worriedly.

Sun Quan frowned and asked, "How many people did Cao Cao send to besiege the Xijiang camp?"

"There are mountains and plains all over the place, and the sky is covered by flags. There should be tens of thousands of them." Cheng Pu replied.

Sun Quan's scalp tingled when he heard that, how many soldiers would it take to save Cao's army with tens of thousands of strength?
"Cao Cao didn't set up a garrison on the west bank of the Ruxu River. In fact, he could send troops to rescue him. If he was really no match, he could easily withdraw." Lu Su analyzed with his beard.

Sun Quan couldn't make a decision, he turned his head and asked Lu Meng, "What do you think of Ziming? Xijiang rescue or not?"

Lu Meng sat on the wax immediately after hearing this. He had seen the power of Cao Jun with his own eyes. How many people could save Gongsunyang?How do you think of yourself if you don't save the colleagues next to you?
"Uh, could this be Cao thief's conspiracy?" Lu Meng changed the subject, not daring to answer directly.

"What conspiracy?" Cheng Pu asked.

Lu Meng rolled his eyes and said, "Could it be that Cao Cao wants to surround some places for reinforcements? Our troops are far inferior to them."

Cheng Pu shook his head quickly: "I don't think Cao Cao is that stupid. He really wants to attract us to save him, so he shouldn't have sent so many troops."

"Cao thief likes to use falsehoods and realities when using troops, maybe he did it on purpose." Lv Meng argued.

There was endless debate in Ruxuwu, but in the end it was not decided whether to save or not, but the Dongguan Watchtower was asked to step up observation.

How can the Xijiang camp of Gongsun Yang, the governor of Gongsunyang, beat the tiger-like Cao army?After being besieged, even a sparrow could not fly out, these Jiangdong children had to wait for the 'trial'.

At this time, Cao Jun surrounded but did not attack, just like a lion playing with its prey.

Seeing that there was no movement in Ruxuwu after half a day, Cao Cao smiled and said to Cheng Yu beside him, "Zhongde's guess was really accurate. Sun Quan really didn't send out a single soldier. It seems that the encirclement and reinforcements will not work."

Cheng Yu had to answer: "If there is no experience on Chaohu Island, maybe the lord can send a small group of troops to lure, but it is basically impossible now. No matter how stupid Sun Quan is, he will not send troops to die, so it is better for us to occupy the Xijiang camp as soon as possible. .”

"It's a pity." Cao Cao sighed.

Jia Xu followed up with suggestions: "If you want to confront each other for a long time, you can build a pass on Qibao Mountain, so that the enemy's reality can be fully seen, and then use the waterway army to force them to the front of the dock, and send troops to fight against each other in turn, so that they are exhausted and exposed. Our army is many and the enemy is few, and this cycle goes on and on to wear out the enemy."

Cao Cao nodded, "For the present plan, it has to be like this."

"On our way to the south, many refugees fled to Jiangdong through Ruxu. Now we can only wait for changes in Sun Quan's rear." Jia Xu analyzed.

"It seems that we will fight a protracted battle like Guandu, but Gu is very patient. It depends on whether Sun Quan can hold his breath." Cao Cao sneered.

Cheng Yu reminded: "Our army's strength is several times that of Sun Quan's, and the consumption of food and grass is also several times that of Sun Quan. The prime minister has to investigate."

Cao Cao didn't take it seriously, "It's different from the past. Not only is there sufficient military rations in the rear, but also the Huaisi waterway to transport rations. The problem of food and grass is really not a concern. However, Zhong De's reminder is very reasonable. I will arrange for nearby counties to garrison on the spot. I don't think Sun Quan's children are panicking."

"Prime Minister is very considerate, so when will the Xijiang Camp be here?" Cheng Yu asked.

Cao Cao called Han Hao and ordered, "Let Wen Yuan (Zhang Liao), Xuan Gao (Zang Ba), Wen Lie (Cao Xiu) and others attack immediately, and Sun Quan will not send anyone to rescue him."

"Wei." Han Hao cupped his fists and accepted the order.

After receiving Cao Cao's order, all the soldiers and horses marched together. The Xijiang camp could not resist at all. It was captured in less than two hours. Sun Quan's governor, Sun Yang, was captured alive.

The next day Cao Cao ordered people to climb Qibao Mountain to build the West Pass. Sun Quan was in a bad mood when he got the news, but there was nothing he could do to stop it.

At the same time as the Xiguan was being built, the warships of Cao Jun’s water village in Chaohu Lake drove out of the gorge, and cooperated with the land troops of the Xijiang Daying Camp to go south to challenge and challenge Ruxuwu.

Back then, when Lu Meng and others scolded them so harshly, Cai Mao and Zhang Yun scolded them back so harshly.

One evening, Sun Quan hadn't eaten all day because of his bad mood. Zhang Zhao couldn't persuade himself, so he went straight to Lu Su.

When Sun Quan was in a bad mood, his temper was also very bad. Now Cheng Pu was sent back to Jianye by Sun Quan to urge food and bury Dong Xi by the way because Cheng Pu nagged a few more words.

When Zhang Zhao looked for Lu Su, Lu Su was not there. The guards on patrol told Lu Su that he had gone to Dongguan for inspection but had not returned. Zhang Zhao explained his purpose and turned to look for Lu Meng.

It was already dark when Lu Su came down the mountain from Dongguan. He was very anxious when he learned that Sun Quan refused to eat.

Lu Su strode out of Sun Quan's house, because Sun Quan was in a bad mood and even the guards withdrew.

Lu Su saw two shadows on the window, and it seemed that someone had "snapped first". He walked over slowly and was about to knock on the door, when there was a conversation between the two inside.

Lu Meng: "My lord, don't be depressed. We have to wait patiently at Ruxukou. Jiangdong's supply is much easier than that of Cao Bandit. How much food does his 20 soldiers have to eat every day? We earn a day for every day we consume."

Sun Quan: "I knew it was going to be a fight in Chaohu, but I just couldn't bear to hurt my Jiangdong children too much. Now I am being scolded by Cai Mao and Zhang Yun every day, and I can't let it go."

Lu Meng: "There is really no good strategy right now, unless you can defeat Cao Cao's land army, as you know."

The room was silent for a moment, Lu Su was about to open the door and go in to comfort the boss, when Sun Quan's incredible words suddenly came out.

Sun Quan: "Ziming, what do you think of Gan Ning? This fellow has some combat prowess, and may be able to fight Cao Cao."

Lv Meng: "The general heard some rumors, but Gan Ning only has [-] soldiers, and all of them are Jiangxia's navy."

Sun Quan: "It's better to let him try than to lose our troops. We can't let Jiang Xia's soldiers idle until the war is over, right? He should do something after drinking our wine. Besides, this person has revenge for killing his father with Gongji. Died at the hands of Cao Cao, Liu Xuande can't blame us."

Lu Su stopped raising his hand, never expecting the lord to say such words.

(End of this chapter)

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