Chapter 241
Gan Gui hurriedly said: "Let's talk about father's bravery, but elder father can't be counted."

Lan Ji was at a loss for words at once, but soon he pursed his lips and ignored it. Because of Lu Lingqi's powerful existence, Lan Ji really didn't know his father's ability. Seeing that outsiders respect him so much, maybe he is a hidden master?

Gan Gui looked at the crowd proudly, and found that except for Lan Ji who was a little displeased, the rest were like Lan Yuan, while A Dou and Gao Ling sat obediently in the carriage.

Gan Gui was a bit self-defeating, so she moved closer to Gao Ling and said, "I heard that these soldiers are called the Suppressing Army. They were all trained by your father, right? They look really majestic."

Gao Ling shook his head slightly: "Father is just an ordinary soldier."

Gao Ling and Gao Shun have the same personality and often become the terminator of the topic. There was a brief silence in the comparison car. A Dou took out the fighting beast chess and played with Lan Ji. Lan Ji lost a game and gave way to the honest Gao Ling.

Gan Gui suddenly felt that he was an outsider, but Lan Yuan still generously invited him to play.

The voice in the carriage was not low, and the conversation of the children was heard by the Lantian couple in its entirety.

"How does Gan Xingba teach children? He's not sensible at all." Lu Lingqi frowned. She didn't like anyone to speak ill of Lan Tian, ​​even a child like Gan Gui.

Lan Tian remembered a story where two children were comparing their fathers and who was more powerful. As a result, the style of painting changed suddenly and became a comparison whose father could eat shit better. In the end, his father couldn't hold back and forcibly stopped him. Thinking of this, he said openly: "Children's words are not taboo, why should Xiao Jun get angry? Children and women like to compare the most"

"I didn't compare myself with others." Lu Lingqi couldn't help saying, she had actually compared Lan Tian with many people, and finally found that her man was the best in her eyes.

At this time, Lan Ji made an anxious voice in the carriage. It was him directing Gao Ling to play fighting beast chess.

Lan Tian said with a smile: "Ji'er's character is really like yours, always so hot and hot."

Lu Lingqi retorted: "What's so bad about being in a hurry? They're all like Yuan'er, so they won't be suffocated at home? Besides, Ji'er is as black as you."

"It's called tan." Lan Tian was blanched in Quanling, but after going to Jiaozhou to fight in the past few months, he became tanned again when he was farming.

These more than a hundred people walked slowly through the mountain road. The broad-leaved trees at the southern foot of Jiuyi Mountain gradually withered, and the pines and cypresses on the right side of the mountain road were still lush and green.

As the sun went west in the afternoon, there was a howling sound from the pine forest on the right, and the dozen or so war horses in the crowd immediately began to neigh uneasy.

Gan Ning quickly stopped the front army, Gao Shun escorted Deng Ai to the side of the carriage, and the fallen army immediately put on a fighting stance.

"What is it?" Lan Tian looked suspiciously at the hillside on the right.

Gan Ning frowned and said, "It may be a wild animal, or it may be an ambush."

Lan Ji opened the curtain and poked his head out, and asked Lu Lingqi curiously: "Mother, why did we stop? I seemed to hear the cry of a wild animal just now."

Lu Lingqi sternly instructed: "Stay in the carriage and don't come out."

Then there were rustling sounds in the pine forest, and the howling of wild beasts sometimes disappeared. After a while, there were hurried footsteps on the side of the road, and two shadows slowly appeared, two people wearing hunter costumes.

"There are tigers on this mountain, please save us." The hunter was startled when he saw the stragglers on the road, and then shouted wildly, dancing and dancing.

Lan Tian waited suspiciously and didn't answer, wondering if there really was some ambush in this barren mountain?There is no problem with these adults, mainly the five children in the carriage.

Seeing that Lan Tian didn't speak, Gan Ning, Gao Shun and others didn't answer either.

"Mother, look quickly, there are two people wearing the same clothes as you in the forest." Lan Ji pointed at the pine forest and said.

Lu Lingqi didn't answer at all, because there were really two tigers in the forest, and the bright vertical stripes were very similar to her fur robe.

It was the first time for Lan Tian to see a tiger in this world. When he saw everyone, he only held the weapons in his hands tighter, without any sign of fear at all.

"Don't worry, husband, these two tigers won't hurt us." Lu Lingqi patted his hand to comfort him.

Halfway through the two tigers' pursuit, seeing so many people on the mountain path, the king of beasts suddenly stopped. This kind of animal has a high IQ and usually does not hunt dangerously. It only fights to the death when guarding its territory.

The two hunters rushed towards the crowd crazily. They heard the sound of running behind them gradually disappearing. One of them tripped over a dead tree stump and fell heavily to the ground.

The hunter struggled to get up, but found the pain in his ankle, and he broke his leg just by falling.

The two tigers seemed unwilling to give up the food brought to their mouths, one of them hung its eyes and moved forward slowly, and the fallen hunter called his companion miserably: "Agou, come and pull me, my leg is broken." "

As soon as the hunter named Agou turned his head, he saw the hanging eye tiger staring at him. He was frightened out of his wits in an instant, and ran towards the direction of the trapped army.

"Boping, you protect Mr., I'll kill these two beasts." Gan Ning couldn't stand it anymore, so he got off his horse and rushed up with a knife.

Seeing Gan Ning coming to grab the food, the hanging-eyed tiger opened its bloody mouth and let out a low growl. The smaller tiger that had been watching also rushed over, trying to scare Gan Ning away.

The huge roar made the horses of Lan Tian and the others sway from side to side, trampling the dirt on the road nervously.

The so-called one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and the smaller one is obviously a female tiger.

"Beast, don't leave yet." Gan Ning yelled loudly, the veins on his right arm holding the knife bulged.

The hanging-eyed tiger saw that Gan Ning ignored the warning and had entered its attack range, and suddenly leaped high and directly charged at Gan Ning. The tiger's attack consisted of one pounce, two lifts and three cuts, and then it controlled the prey before locking its throat and biting the prey's spine.

Gan Ning's pupils contracted, he raised the long knife in his hand and dodged first, then aimed at the tiger's belly and slashed into the air, only to see the hanging eye tiger was instantly disembowelled, and it was immobilized with just one knife.

The other tiger also arrived at the attack position in the blink of an eye. It crawled with its head lowered and was preparing to take off, but it witnessed the miserable condition of the eye-catching tiger with its own eyes. With its keen sense of smell, it sensed the powerful murderous aura on Gan Ning's body. The tiger's tail, which was erected like an iron rod, fell down.

Murderous intent is absolutely real, and animals have a stronger sense of smell than humans, so they are more sensitive. Lan Tian remembers when a butcher passed by the door when he was young, and the chickens and dogs at home were too scared to make a sound.

The tigress turned around and tucked its tail, and fled into the pine forest without looking back. It is the instinct of animals to fly separately in the face of disaster, and only a few animals can do their spouses to die in love.

Gan Ning beheaded the male tiger and frightened the female tiger away, and watched Lan Tian and others watching the battle dumbfounded.

Lan Tian has a new understanding of the generals of the Three Kingdoms. There have been heroes who fought tigers in all dynasties. Gan Ning just said so lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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