Ming Zuo

Chapter 742

Chapter 742
The law and order in Linqing is very good.

A beautiful little daughter-in-law can also walk on the road with pork in her hand.

At the entrance of a secluded alley, there is no need to worry, just go in.

A peddler carrying a load from behind came here and also entered the alley.

The alleys are deep and deep, and the bustling streets outside are like two worlds.

The little daughter-in-law walked in front, and the peddler walked behind, yelling twice from time to time.

"Sharpen the scissors...a kitchen knife..."

In an ordinary market, such a picture is very normal.

Directly in front of them came two gentlemen, passed the little daughter-in-law, and stopped the peddler.

"How much is the sharpening scissors? I have several at home, come with me."

The peddler put on a smile.

"Second master, I'm sorry, it's almost time today, and the younger one will come back tomorrow."

The two were not happy when they heard it.

"What are you talking about? You were shouting so hard just now, but now you are quitting? Is my family still waiting to sharpen the knife and cook? If you come back tomorrow, my family won't be able to eat. Are you hungry?"

The hawker is very reluctant.

"My lord, didn't you want to sharpen your scissors just now? Why did you become a kitchen knife again?"

Those two were messing around.

"Grind everything, hurry up."

Seeing the two entangled, the peddler backed away.

Those two refused to follow, still blocking the road.

Two winds sounded from behind the peddler, and the two hurriedly raised their arms to block, but they were blocked.

Everyone had a dagger stuck in their necks, their eyes widened, and they died in disbelief.

After solving the two stumbling blocks, the three peddlers chased after them, their expressions visibly agitated.

After running a few turns along the alley, the three of them stopped involuntarily.

The little daughter-in-law was paralyzed on the ground, her head turned heavily to one side, silently.

The three of them ran over hurriedly, only glanced at it, and their expressions changed drastically.

"Great grabber..."

The little daughter-in-law is already dead, and died under superb martial arts.

Obviously only a few breaths have passed, and a living person just disappeared.

The hawker is clearly leading the way.


The other two immediately untied the young daughter-in-law's clothes, regardless of the male and female defenses, stripped each other clean, and inspected everything inside and out.


For this result, although the peddler had a premonition, his face was still clouded.

"Which side is it that is so ruthless?"

At noon, Butcher Zheng's business stopped for a while.

He was able to sit and catch his breath, drink water, and count how much money he had made.

A plain-looking man came over, took a stool from the door, and sat in front of the booth.

Seeing someone coming, Butcher Zheng hurried up to meet him.

"What kind of meat do you want, sir? The meat here is the best around here."

The man didn't know what came to mind, and he smiled very strangely.

"Come ten catties of lean meat, finely chop and make simmered meat."

Upon hearing this, Butcher Zheng couldn't help frowning.

But I want to open the door to do business, so I don't want to offend people.Then he took the meat, picked up the knife, and chopped it very finely.

Seeing that Butcher Zheng had wrapped the meat, the man said again: "Another ten catties of fat meat will be finely chopped and made into saozi."

This time, there was something that Butcher Zheng didn't understand, so he slashed it on the chopping board.

"Where did the talent come from, dare to entertain grandpa?"

Facing his sharp and heavy butcher's knife, that man was indifferent.

"Since you have done it, are you still afraid of coming to your door?"

Butcher Zheng's face changed drastically, he suddenly turned over, grabbed the handle of the knife and slashed at the man.

The person was still in the air, and there was a thunderbolt somewhere, and a flower of blood gushed out from Zheng Tuhu's chest, his strength quickly receded, and he fell down like a broken sack.

All the passers-by around screamed in fright, retreated one after another, and even pointed in this direction.

The man stood up and bowed his hands towards the people.

"The Ministry of Intelligence is doing business, please rest assured."

As soon as the passers-by heard this, they no longer panicked, but started to watch the excitement.

However, the speed of the intelligence department was so fast that a group of people rushed over, surrounded the pork shop, and even pulled up the curtain. No one knew what happened inside.

At the same time, Zheng Tuhu's home was also broken into by the intelligence department. His wife and children were all arrested and taken away, and the home was turned upside down.

The neighbors talked a lot and rumors spread.

Wang Weiran is going back.

He tried his best to come here, but in the end he lost his wife and lost his army.

"Commander, you can't let him go. This group of rats must be related to him."

Qu Shi put forward an idea, but was rejected by Zuo Menggeng.

"Is there any evidence?"

Qu Shi was quite dissatisfied.

"Do you still need evidence?"

Zuo Menggeng's head was full of black lines.

"The Wang family in Puzhou is famous all over the world. If we arrest Wang's children without evidence, do we want to lose our reputation?"

Qu style is quite staunch.

"Then let these young people come to my site to make troubles and come and go as they please?"

Zuo Fu comforted him from the side: "My Mayor Qu, the so-called way of intelligence is true and false, false and true. If Wang Weiran is not allowed to go back, how will our plan unfold?"

Qu Shi looked suspiciously.

"Aren't you afraid that Wang Weiran will take back the stolen things and eventually turn them into weapons against us?"

Zuo Fu smiled meaningfully.

"Who knows, maybe there may be some surprises."

Wang Weiran finally left smoothly.

"How about it, Young Master Wang, is the method of my White Lotus Sect going to work?"

Wang Weiran lost for a while and tried hard to get it back.

"For such a small thing, so many people have been lost, but there is nowhere to go."

A sternness flashed in the old woman's eyes.

"The little girl also prepared some gifts for Zuo Menggeng, I don't know if he took them properly?"

In the dark night, five shadows fell silently into the courtyard of Wang Sanzhu's house.

Seeing that the surroundings were calm as usual, the five black shadows gestured to each other before stepping forward.One of them took out a dagger as thin as a cicada's wing, inserted it into the crack of the door, jumped lightly, and the door bolt fell down.

These five people were obviously well-trained, they opened the door and caught the bolt in one go, without any movement at all.

Of course, the rain of arrows shot out of the door did not cause much movement.

Wang Sanzhu led a few people to the door, each holding a steel crossbow in their hands, as if they had done a trivial thing.

"Group leader Wang, you have to move."

Wang Sanzhu had no objection to this statement.

"What's my next identity?"

"I don't know, the minister will arrange it himself."

Wang Sanzhu understood, and ordered: "Clean up carefully, and don't leave anything behind."

Ordinary small courtyards have regained their calm.The people in the neighborhood didn't even know that on such an ordinary night, five human lives were sacrificed.

After dawn, all parts of Shandong suddenly became noisy.

The Ministry of Intelligence and the Police Department acted together and rushed into one place after another.

Many people who seemed to be honest and have a good reputation were taken away and disappeared from people's sight.

Wang Weiran and the old woman, who had already walked out of Shandong, paid more and more attention to the things in their hands.

(End of this chapter)

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