Ming Zuo

Chapter 1777 Spanish Surrender

[1660 was the darkest time in Spanish history.No one understands why the ancient and glorious eastern power has shown unprecedented hostility towards Spain.Spain lost Portugal, lost Catalonia, lost the Viceroyalty of New Spain, and lost Luzon. 】

In 1980, Spanish historian Jose Ramos wrote this sentence in his book, and it has become an eternal pain in the hearts of the Spaniards.

Only in the past few hundred years have the Spaniards truly felt what they have lost.

The resistance of the Viceroyalty of New Spain was negligible, and it was destroyed by the No.12 Division.

Rodriguez and others had to evacuate with the Spanish colonists in a hurry.

Fortunately, on their way back to Europe, they passed by the ocean-going fleet that received Dominica.

Otherwise, there will be many more Spanish blood and tears on the vast Atlantic Ocean.

But even so, when the news of the Governor General of New Spain came back, the whole of Spain was wailing, feeling the pain of the dark clouds.

Immediately, bad news came from the Governor General of New Granada.

The National Defense Forces suddenly appeared in Panama and captured Panama City.

The governor of New Granada, Fisher Sebastian, hastily organized [-] troops to go to the rescue. As a result, the corpses beaten by the National Defense Forces were scattered all over the field, and four of the colonels were killed.

Now it is not the Spaniards who are thinking about how to retake the Governor-General of New Spain, but I am afraid that the Governor-General of New Granada will not be able to keep it.

What's more, the Portuguese apparently got the news.

While the Governor-General of New Granada was struggling to deal with the National Defense Forces, he suddenly crossed the rainforest and attacked from behind.

Caught off guard, the Spaniards lost 35 plantations one after another, and the economy was devastated.

"Gentlemen, what should we do? Who can tell me why the Empire wants to wipe out Spain?"

Felipe IV was devastated and aged a lot for no reason.

After he became king, Spain's national power has begun to fade.

In the foreign war, firstly, it was unable to suppress the independence of the Netherlands, and secondly, it lost the competition with the United Kingdom. Now the independence of Catalonia and Portugal has begun to threaten the mainland.

Worst of all, overseas colonies began to be lost one after another.

European countries like Spain, without the blood transfusion from the colonies, will become extremely fragile and may collapse at any time.

But today, Spain is a little puzzled.

They couldn't understand why the empire was so hostile to Spain?

Even if the Spaniards invaded the territory of Ming Dynasty at the beginning, it was only a small matter. Why did they want to destroy Spain?

"Your Highness, judging from the current situation, the empire is more dangerous than France. We must find a way to get out of the quagmire, otherwise, we may be in danger of destroying the country."

Prime Minister Antónios Parejo is worried.

The current situation has made him powerless.

Beacon smoke is everywhere, and panic is everywhere.But Spain can't even handle the mainland, so how can it care about its overseas colonies?

The rest of the ministers and nobles also stood up and supported Parejo's opinion.

Everyone understands that if the fight with the empire continues, Spain will suffer even more serious losses.

"Your Highness, the King of France has been seeking a marriage with Princess Teresa. If France succeeds, I am afraid it will be detrimental to us in the long run. I suggest that it is better to negotiate peace with the Empire and marry at the same time, using the Empire to check and balance France."

Hearing this proposal of appeasement and compromise, Felipe IV couldn't help frowning.

If such a shameful thing happened to him, how would the future history record it?

Will he become disgraced?

But Parejo thought it was a good idea.

"My lord, in the final analysis, the empire is too far away, and France is too close."

Although this sentence was short, it immediately hit Felipe IV's weakness.

Yes, France is watching covetously, and can cross the Pyrenees at any time to fight Spain.

Although the empire is stronger and more terrifying, the center of gravity of the empire is in Asia, and what it wants cannot be compared with France.

One is a sharp blade that is always on the side of the neck, and the other is a dump truck that can rush from a distance at any time.

How to choose, Felipe IV will understand even if he is stupid.

The event that brought about the capitulation of the Spanish monarch and his subjects took place very quickly.

On January 1, the Spanish army besieging Barcelona suddenly encountered a major counterattack by the rebels.The Spanish army was caught off guard and completely lost its direction by the rebels' disguise.

In the end, they retreated to Zaragoza before they could hold their ground.

However, this battle caused Spain to lose one-third of its troops, and it was no longer able to continue to quell the Catalan uprising.

At the same time, the Portuguese army also won a great victory in the battle of Rodrigo City, and was about to rush into the Pisuerga Valley.

At that time, the Portuguese army will pass through the Guadarrama Mountains and even approach Madrid.

The ocean-going fleet also captured Bilbao, and could flank Zaragoza with the Catalan rebels at any time.

By this time, even the most ordinary Spaniard had a premonition of the danger of extinction.

Felipe IV no longer cared about his pride and face. He ordered Parejo to form a negotiating delegation and rush to Bilbao to fight for the last chance.

Shang Kexi and Xu Erjue met Parejo and his party in Bilbao.

"You Spaniards have carried out inhumane killings all over the world, killing countless aborigines. It can be described as heinous crimes. Even the Atlantic Ocean is full of blood made by you."

Speaking of the slave trade, Britain was the most criticized, but Portugal and Spain preceded Britain and the Netherlands.

Therefore, Xu Erjue's denunciation of Spain's conscienceless practice is still tenable.

The Spaniard who heard these words was puzzled.

Everyone does this!
Doesn't the empire do this?

How did the empire maintain a large number of overseas territories?

If they knew that the population of the empire had exceeded [-] million, they probably wouldn't think so.

But anyway, as a mature politician, Parejo also understands that Xu Erjue's criticisms are just excuses.

When the war is lost, everything is wrong.

In this regard, Europeans are still clear.

If you are beaten, you must stand at attention.

"We are fully aware of our mistakes and have decided to reconcile with the empire, so as not to cause more damage to innocent lives under the war."

Seeing the Spaniard being so upbeat, Xu Erjue saved a lot of time.

He gave the terms of the empire.

Spain ceded the Governorate of New Spain and the northern part of the Governorate of New Granada;
Recognize the independence of Catalonia and Portugal;
The dissolution of the alliance with Great Britain;

Allow the empire to set up embassies and consulates in Spain, and allow the empire to trade freely in Spain and its overseas territories;

The Empire has consular jurisdiction in Spain and its overseas territories, and customs matters require the consent of the Empire.

The conditions were not harsh, but the Spaniards were overjoyed.

They originally thought that with the strength of the empire, all overseas colonies might be lost.Unexpectedly, the empire only claimed a part of the Viceroyalty of New Spain and the Governorate of New Granada.

Parejo was afraid that things would change, so he quickly sent the corresponding terms to Madrid, hoping that Felipe IV would sign them immediately.

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