Ming Zuo

Chapter 1710 Changed the world

Chapter 1710 Changed the world
Jessang Dorje and his dog legs were hung up, which caused a huge sensation.

The insensitive serfs couldn't believe it at all, and the nobles would also be punished.

However, after the short-lived commotion, the serfs watched secretly in fear.

They have suffered so much for thousands of years that they cannot accept changes all at once.

What if Jasang Dorje was only punished all at once?
What if Jasang Dorje is released again?

So how are their lives different?

The first day was spent amidst Jessang Dorje's yelling and cursing.

On the second day, Jasang Dorje breathed out more and breathed in less.

The climate on the plateau is hot and cold even in summer, not to mention that it has entered late autumn, and it will snow as long as it is cloudy.

Being hanged on a wooden frame and blowing the cold wind all night, how could such a pampered person as Jessang Dorje stand it?

The serfs hid in the distance and watched carefully, watching Jessang Dorje getting weaker and weaker, and his mentality was slowly changing.

What made them even more joyful was that the National Defense Forces started raiding the house.

If it is said that Jessang Dorje was hung up, it might be just a punishment.But copying the house...

What it means, everyone understands.

As a local slave owner, Jessang Dorje was very rich.

The gold and silver wares seized from his home were piled up like mountains, and the rest of the pearls, agates, gemstones and other items were also priceless.

The National Defense Forces scolded such slave owners while ransacking their homes and making statistics.

Everyone understands that all the wealth Jessang Dorje accumulated was exploited from the poor serfs.

In addition to floating wealth, more than 700 pieces of various furs and more than 8000 yaks are things that the government can use immediately.

Lin Qingye gave an order, and the National Defense Forces invited the people over.

"Because of the exploitation of slave owners, you live a life that is worse than dogs and pigs. But from now on, under the rule of the empire, the rules have changed. You are no longer anyone's slaves, you are human beings. Since you are human, you should Own everything you have. Jessang Dorje took this wealth from you, and today I will return it to you on behalf of the government.”

When they heard that yaks were going to be allocated to the big guys, the serfs were extremely surprised.

In fact, even today, they also know that Jessang Dorje is dead.

Although this vicious guy has not died yet, he is exhausted, and even if he is put down from the wooden shelf, there is no possibility of treatment.

They thought that after executing Jasang Dorje, they just changed their masters.

But they didn't expect that they would get yaks.

The good things don't stop there.

Lin Qingye continued: "Originally, these furs should also be distributed to everyone, but these things are not very useful in your hands. Therefore, this official decides to replace these furs with materials that everyone needs more, and distribute them to you as well."

A large amount of salt, cloth, tableware, agricultural tools, and food were brought up and piled up in front of the serfs, making them reluctant to close their eyes.

They have been poor for several lifetimes, when did they see so many good things?
Allocation begins.

The first one to come up was Dhondup.

The simple girl was very pitiful, only wearing a dirty felt cloth, and her bare feet were covered with mud.

She had no shoes and could not afford to use them.

"Dhondup, how is your brother?"

Li Zhenli, who sent her something, had red eyes and asked with concern.

After listening to the translator, Dundup nodded repeatedly.

"The doctor in the army treated my brother's injury. Although his hand was broken, my brother was saved."

Now Li Zhenli felt relieved.

She searched and searched in the pile of supplies, found two pairs of warm leather boots, and stuffed them into Dunzhu's hands.

"Remember to wear shoes, or your feet will freeze off."

Dunzhu was stunned, his rough fingers stroked the smooth and heavy leather boots, and he loved them very much.

Although she hasn't put it on yet, she knows it must be warm.

Seeing that she wanted to wear it immediately, Li Zhenli quickly stopped her, pulled her to the back, and washed her feet herself.

Not only that, Li Zhenli also put on the socks she brought for her.

Comfortable cotton socks were put on the feet, the cold air was isolated, and the warmth of the whole foot made Dunzhu's eyes widen.

But when he stepped on the ground again after stuffing his feet into the leather boots, Dundup suddenly discovered how wonderful it is to walk!

An unprecedented smile bloomed on the girl's face, she completely gave up her reserve, and danced under the blue sky and white clouds, like a beautiful butterfly.

Seeing this huge change with her own eyes, Li Zhenli felt extremely comfortable.

For the first time, she felt that the trip to the plateau...was really the right time.

Registering the serfs, distributing yaks and supplies, helping the serfs renovate their houses, and re-dividing the pastures, everything went smoothly.

All of this is due to the strength of the empire and its relatively brutal and straightforward way of handling it.

Everything was difficult at the beginning, but the first time it was dealt with smoothly, Lin Qingye, Duan Zhonglian and others all greatly increased their confidence.

Following in the footsteps of the National Defense Forces, they began to advance all the way to the core area of ​​the plateau.

Wherever they went, the vast number of serfs were liberated one after another, and they began to experience a different new life.

Although the huge changes made the serfs very uncomfortable and a little trembling, but a life without exploitation and oppression, who has experienced it is not good?
For the serfs at this time, what they fear most is that the situation will repeat.

They also understood that once the slave owners counterattacked, their fate would be extremely miserable.

In order to strengthen the confidence of the serfs and preserve the gains of liberation, what the government and the National Defense Forces can do is to use more resolute means to eliminate the old forces.

Not only slave owners, but also the lamas on the upper plateau have not escaped liquidation.

Moreover, it was Zuo Menggeng's instructions to liquidate Lama himself, and he demanded that they be resolutely implemented, and all evils should be eradicated.

Zuo Menggeng knew better than anyone that lamas on the plateau were far more entrenched than slave owners.

In particular, these lamas are more concealed and deceptive with the help of religious cloaks, and they are also more capable of deceiving people's hearts.

Since there is no need to worry about external public opinion, and the empire is absolutely strong, wouldn't it be too stupid to leave disaster behind instead of once and for all?
The practice of sweeping the fallen leaves by the autumn wind frightened all the old forces on the plateau.

Those lamas had had illusions at first. After Lumbateji escaped, they planned to put on a kind face in order to keep their status.

But after seeing the ruthless approach of the Wehrmacht, they went crazy in despair.

So they began to do their best to confuse believers, wanting to fight a desperate battle with the National Defense Forces.

But to their despair, the lama on the grassland came back.

The lamas on these grasslands have long surrendered completely and accepted the teachings and ideas provided by the empire.

The terrible thing is that the prestige of these prairie lamas is very high.

When they started to help the National Defense Forces, the believers on the plateau were confused.

Under this division, the Wehrmacht's offensive is no longer hindered.

(End of this chapter)

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