I am in good spirits

Chapter 61 My World

Chapter 61 My World
"Brother~ good brother. Xiaobi's good brother!"

Lovebird, who was still stubborn 2 minutes ago, after Bai Jin's physical education, Lovebird, whose face was swollen by spirit stones, is now able to shyly hug Bai Jin's thigh, and speaks a standard clip sound to make it cute.

Especially after being reminded by Queen Wen Feng, after learning that Bai Jin's teacher is from Sui Ming Xing.
The lovebirds sang more happily, singing melodious melodies like orioles.

"It seems that you monster race also like to compromise."

With a weird smile on his face, Bai Jin picked off the last peach heart fruit on the ground cage grass, looked at the lovebird hugging his thigh with tears in his eyes and said: "It doesn't matter, we are acquaintances, I won't pursue it. "

"Come on, I'll give you a garland, wear it, and from now on you won't be an ordinary lovebird."

The light blue arm that was ferocious like a monster brushed gently over Lovebird's head, the teary-eyed Bier looked up at the smiling Bai Xianchang, and nodded very hard to agree to his brother's request.
Lovebird didn't know why the famous disciple in front of him was able to perform such a weird mana concentration technique.

I also don't want to know whether it hurts from being slapped by the light blue monster's arm on the left, or from being stabbed into the body by the wooden skewer held by the right hand.
Or, if you pat yourself with the monster's arm, it will hurt even more if the wooden skewer keeps piercing into your body.

Lovebirds who know a little bit about the inside story don't want to experience any of the above projects.

"Be good in the future, and if you don't, I'll beat you!" Bai Jin put two garlands on the lovebird's head, and said, "In the future, you and Queen Wen Feng will be good sisters, and you should help her to share some of the work in the back mountain." .”

"Well, in the future, I believe that there will be more and more sisters among you, and you will even form a branch of the Hehuan Sect in the Xingluo Xianmen Mountain Gate Yaozu."

"Acacia Acacia Sect?!"

Lovebird was stunned, and was almost scared out of his wits by Bai Jin's plain words.

"Get ready to serve! After eating, go back to the mountain gate."

Bai Jin left the warehouse deep in the hive, and walked towards the hall where Zhu Fu and Jin Lin were with a happy face.

"Little sister must be obedient in the future, otherwise, be careful that one day the head of the fairy will turn you into four dishes and one soup on the dining table."

Queen Wenbee squatted down meaningfully, pulled out the bee needles nailed to the meridian for Lovebird, touched Lovebird's stiff head, and said, "Work hard, the bag of Xianchang's trousers is very loose, he is happy, hello me That's fine too."

"Otherwise, starve you for nine meals in three days!"



"Come on, brother Jin, don't be modest. This is the monkey wine that Queen Wen Bee specially bought from the spirit monkey. It is all spirit wine brewed from spirit fruits. If you drink two jars more, you might become a monk in the foundation building period."

After eating meat and drinking wine, and listening to the full-headed monkeys playing the percussion moon, Bai Jin began to persuade him to drink with a smile, and was going to fool Brother Jin into getting drunk, and see how Brother Jin behaved when he was drunk.

As for Zhu Fu?

After Bai Jin said that monkey wine can improve cultivation, he had already consciously picked up an altar and started blowing it.

"Thank you."

Jinlin tore off the bandage near his mouth, revealing part of the wound that had just healed, and carefully aimed the wine glass at his mouth and drank it down, for fear that the strong wine would spill on the wound and cause him to hiss in pain.

"Huh? It's starting to get raw. It doesn't take long for Brother Jin to undo the stuffy bandage." Bai Jin congratulated with a chuckle.

The skin under the bandage was healing, it was as red and tender as a newborn baby, and there was no trace of lightning strike at all.

Bai Jin was very curious and said: "Brother Jin, I wonder if I can untie the bandage to take a peek at your face. It seems like we haven't seen your face for so long."

"I'm afraid that if we meet, we won't know each other. If we meet, we won't know each other."

Of course he is not afraid in the Xingluo Xianmen, but Bai Jin suspects that when he leaves the Xingluo Xianmen and regains his prestige and turns into a demon boy, he might slap his hapless brother to death with a single mistake.

With Jinlin's luck, it's really possible!

"My appearance?"

Jinlin, who was drinking the spirit wine, was stunned for a moment, and said with a slightly drunken smile, "It's easy to say. Brother Bai, wait a minute, I will draw a portrait for you now. The first seat of the year's life star confessed that only she can remove my bandages." Nothing can be done."

Without giving Bai Jin time to react, the slightly drunk Jinlin reached into his bosom and took out a storage bracelet, moved the food on the table to a corner, and spread the white rice paper on top.

"Come on monkey, grind ink for me!"

Jinlin raised his hand to beckon one of the monkeys, took out the ink stick and inkstone and pushed it in front of the monkey: "Study better, don't spoil everyone's taste, I will treat you to eat bananas in the future."

Jin Lin, who was slightly drunk, seemed to have a social overwhelmed disorder, losing the streamlined structure of his previous discourse, and speaking in a long paragraph.


With a brush in hand, Jin Lin began to draw ink paintings on the rice paper, drinking while painting.


The corners of Bai Jin's eyes twitched slightly. He could see that Jin Lin knew how to play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. The ink painting was very good at first, but as the amount of alcohol ingested, the concentration deepened.
The drawn landscape and object lines become straight, as if chiseled out by a knife and an axe, and the real painting is bangbang hard.

Hmm. Just like the Hong Kong comics I watched before.Bai Jin groaned in her heart, stopped looking at Jin Lin, and prepared to see how drunk Zhu Fu was drinking.

Such a tough guy's Picasso style of painting made Bai Jin unable to see Jin Lin's appearance at all.

If you have time to watch him draw tough guys, why not go and see Zhu Fu, the tough guy in red in the Academy.

"Hi, what are you looking at? The eyes are weird, don't think that my aunt is easy to bully, I will kick you later. I will kick you until you are green and yellow."

Zhu Fu lay on the table with a wine jar in his arms, and there were three or four empty wine jars on the ground beside him.

During the few minutes when Bai Jin looked at Jin Lin, Zhu Fu got drunk without any notice.

"If you can't drink it, don't drink it. If you drink it like this, how do you want me to send you back to Zhu Liufeng?"

"I'm afraid your father kicked me down the mountain." Bai Jin looked at Zhu Fu's blushing face and complained with black hair.


Zhu Fuyao staggered and sat up straight, cupped her hands and directly emptied the wine jug, even the skirt of her clothes was soaked in the scent of monkey wine, her cheeks were bulging like a hamster, and she stared at Bai Jin very dissatisfied.


Bai Jin raised his hand with black lines all over his face, pinched Zhu Fu's pouted cheek and turned to Jin Lin, pinching his index finger and middle finger.

A bunch of wine sprang from Zhu Fu's mouth, and it landed on the feng shui painting of a tough guy with a golden scale brush.

Jin Lin was frightened by the sudden splash, instinctively dodged back and staggered and fell to the ground, muttering something in his mouth, and never got up again.


Zhu Fu also dazedly grabbed Bai Jin's hand and laid it on the table like a pillow.

"A grumpy uncle, a paralyzed old man, how do you want me to explain it?"

"I didn't do anything"

Bai Jin withdrew his hand full of disgust, wiped the drool that Zhu Fu had put on his hand, wiped it on her sleeve, and tasted the monkey wine calmly.

Monkey wine is made from spirit fruits, and it does have the effect of improving one's cultivation.

It's just that it's not very useful to Bai Jin, and the level of the back mountain spirit fruit is not very high.

"Hello, master? I'm lost, help me."

Bai Jin, who was slightly drunk, decisively took out the sound transmission jade slip and sent a message to Master, falsely claiming that he was drunk and couldn't recognize the way home, and asked Master to come pick him up.

No matter how casual you are, send those two goods home.

(End of this chapter)

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