I am in good spirits

Chapter 28 Shi Feiyan

Chapter 28 Shi Feiyan

"When you enter the city, pay two taels first, one person two taels!"

The city guards stood in front of the city gate and yelled, and began to organize the team and let people enter the capital city of Dayan.

Peddlers and merchants are free, and the richly dressed aristocrats and dignified families are not accepted. The city guards only accept loose cultivators and small sects.

As for the magic door?They will usually kick the city guards. When they meet the disciples of the three major demon sects, they may pay 20 taels to invite you to play inside.
"Let's settle down in the inn first, and don't appear alone when we go out. The bottom line is a group of three."

Deacon Yan glanced around, frowned, and told all the students: "Be vigilant, I smell the evil spirit of the evil sect."

"I think we seem to be fiercer"

Bai Jin looked at the casual cultivators who were retreating all around, and the casual cultivators who gave way to a broad road, looked at Deacon Yan with a strange expression as if he was facing an enemy.

He could still faintly hear the scattered cultivators discussing what kind of family tree the Xingluo Immortal Sect had hunted.

Then he pushed the head of some demon into the cesspit, and said indifferently, "Is your food good?"

Bai Jin would like to call him the 'Brother of High Quality'.

Arriving safely along the way, in the state-run Lianlian Inn in the capital city, Deacon Yan took out a spirit stone from the storage ring and put it on the table: "No need to cut it, all of it is used to settle the cost of the five rooms."

"Ah this."

The shopkeeper looked at Deacon Yan with suspicion on his face: "...Are you sure you don't mean to entertain the family?"

A Lingshi is worth about 900 taels, and the purchasing power of one tael of silver can buy about [-] kilograms of high-quality rice.

Living in the five top-level guest rooms for a day only costs about three taels, including food, drinks, bed warming and maids, 25 taels is enough for a day's consumption.

Now that it costs 900 taels, the shopkeeper suspects that the middle-aged man in front of him has just dug a Lingshi mine.

"Come here, take good care of the young masters and ladies, even if you want to warm your bed, you can't refuse!"

The shopkeeper turned his hand around, raised his hand to his mouth and let out a loud roar.

"No, it's normal. If it's not enough, you can just ask me for money."

"No, no, what are the elders talking about? It is my blessing to serve the elders. Besides, this spirit stone is square and upright, does it look like the base of a stone lion?"

The shopkeeper didn't know what he was about to face, and greeted the distinguished guests with a proud face.

"Deacon Yan, I'm going out to sacrifice myself for others."

After the dormitory was arranged, Bai Jin raised his hand to greet Deacon Yan, and was about to go out to find the witch.


Zhu Fu's eyes lit up, and he looked at Bai Jin brightly.

"Yes, the girls in the capital are all naked, they are immoral and corrupt, I'm going to educate them."

Bai Jin smiled, raised the fence to the level of saving people from fire and water for the country and the people.

After Bai Jin finished speaking, without waiting for Deacon Yan to make a sound, he jumped out of the window from the fourth floor onto the street.



In the Wanhua Pavilion, the capital city of great displeasure.

"Six meals a day, call everything! Call!"

The carpet in Wanhua Pavilion is bright red, and there are also lit lanterns hanging in broad daylight. The surrounding windows are closed, and the lanterns and pink ribbons create an ambiguous atmosphere.

The green plants and the indoor viewing pool add a touch of elegance to the dull and ambiguous atmosphere.

A woman with gray hair, dressed more gorgeously than the Wanhuage girls, with flushed cheeks, stopped shaking the dice cup in her hand and looked at Wanhuage's oiran, shouting out her dice numbers with drunk eyes.

"Then my name is 33 Threes?"

An oiran dressed in an off-the-shoulder outfit, with heavy makeup on her cheeks, extremely red lips, and silver ornaments in her hair bun, spoke cautiously.

As she spoke, she still looked worried, looking at the cicadas, sparrows, caterpillars, and spiders lined up on the table.

And the dagger in the woman's hand.

She said that hacking is a physical chop, if the four oirans in front of her dared to win a spirit stone from her, she would randomly stab and kill a natal Gu worm of one of the oirans in front of her.

The oirans of Wanhua Pavilion tried to resist, but the Gu worms in the dantian were all beaten up by the person in front of them until they spit them out.

"Sister, don't be like this, Xiaoyan, I really don't know how to play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. I came to work in Wanhua Pavilion purely for the sake of handsome men."

"Mom-san, save me!"

The table on the left was playing an asymmetric game, and the table on the right was a girl who was about to cry, and was forced to perform a performance of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting by a young fairy.

"A sin."

Mother Sang leaned on the doorpost with her left shoulder, and in her hand, the fan embroidered with a hundred scenes of Goulan couldn't help touching her forehead and began to push it up and down to relieve the pain in her head.

"Xiaoyan, just pant twice as a song, and make the Aunt Hehuan's aunts happy."

When the door was opened early in the morning, a group of female monks from the Hehuan Sect entered the door, causing Mama Sang to have a splitting headache.

One forced the oirans to gamble and drink with each other, and the other forced the prostitutes to play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and even listen to her singing.

Mother Sandoval is dead, is this something a human can do?

"Stay out of the way"

"Hey? Young Master, someone has reserved the venue today, you"

A man's voice came from outside the door, and Mom Sang turned around with a charming smile on her face, ready to drive away the young master who came to Wanhua Pavilion.

Although the mother-in-law of the Hehuan sect has tormented her Wanhua Pavilion girl a lot, her mother, Sang, is someone who would never dare to offend the Hehuan sect.

The Ten Thousand Flowers Pavilion is related to the Demon Sect Ten Thousand Flowers Valley, but the Ten Thousand Flowers Pavilion is not the Ten Thousand Flowers Valley, and they dare not offend the highest sect of the Demon Sect at all.

Ruo let the young masters outside come into the Wanhua Pavilion, and treat the aunts and grandmas of the Hehuan Sect as beauties.

Mom can't stand the head hanging on the beam

As soon as Mama Sang turned her head, she saw a strange creature whose whole body was white, without physical features, face or gender.

A group of words suddenly appeared in her mind: "It is the top hidden magic power in the Acacia Sect."

Another old devil, I, Wanhua Pavilion, what virtue and what ability.

"Hey, sir, please, what kind of girl do we want in Wanhua Pavilion? If not, I will immediately force someone you like to come here."

Mama Sang, who weighs more than three hundred catties, bends down with a flattering face and throws a wink, making way for the master of the Hehuan Sect to meet the milkmen of the Hehuan Sect inside.

".I don't like this, thank you for your care."

Bai Jin stretched out her hand, grabbed her mother Sang's strapless collar and lifted it directly, tied a bow for her, and entered Wanhua Pavilion secretly in her heart.

"Hi, Shi Feiyan, Mengqi."

Standing on the steps, Bai Jin looked at the senior sisters of the Hehuan Sect who were enjoying themselves so much that they were drunk and dreaming of death, and expressed their dissatisfaction.

As Bai Jin's voice came out, everyone in Wanhua Pavilion was surprised to see a white figure standing at the door.

Shi Feiyan with gray hair turned her head and saw the white figure and asked, "Xiaobai?"

Bai Jin clasped her hands in her arms and nodded in extreme displeasure.

"Tick tock."

Shi Feiyan's eyes were red, tears flowed from her eyes, she didn't care about any Gu insects and oirans, she turned into a beam of light and threw herself into Bai Jin's arms, crying loudly.

"Damn Xiaobai, where did you go? Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

"Woooooo lend me another five hundred spirit stones, and I guarantee that I will get back my capital with a profit next time."

(End of this chapter)

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