1635 Han style rises again

Chapter 861 Wild South Africa

On May 1671, 5, Estuary Fort (now East London, South Africa).

Chen Yongkuan stared dumbfounded at several high-nosed and deep-eyed barbarians, like examining livestock, and carefully inspected the teeth of the dark-skinned natives so that they could see the condition of their teeth.With this appearance, it is clear that they want to judge the age of the aborigine through the growth of the aborigine's teeth.If it is observed that the native's teeth have all fallen out, it means that he is very old, and the value that can be used is very limited (meaning that the labor time is shortened).

What's even more disgusting is that some Yi people even stick out their tongues and use them to lick the chin or face of the aborigines.According to the guards of the Qi State, these Yi people who bought slaves judged whether they were sick by identifying the sweat of the indigenous people's chins, cheeks and other body parts.

These screened and selected natives were divided into groups, young and old, old people, women and children, all squatting silently in the open space by the pier, neither crying nor struggling, waiting for their unknown destiny,
A few barbarians and the shopkeeper in Hekou Fort were arguing and bargaining fiercely. More than 30 Qi guards with muskets, wrapped in fur coats, lined up lazily around, smoking pipes, or pulling out The small flagon took a sip lightly, seeming to be accustomed to the affairs in front of him.

This fucking is no different from the way the Eight Banners of the Qing Dynasty robbed civilians as slaves!

These god-killing Qi people pretended to be sympathetic on the mainland, gathered hungry people everywhere, and rescued places. The living Bodhisattvas who were relied on by countless mainland people to save suffering and disasters rushed to the sea with their families in order to be on the throne of Qi. Big boat, go to Hanzhou mainland to find a way out.

But look what they're doing here? !I don’t know where to capture so many dark natives, and then sell them to the barbarians like livestock, and they have no shame in arguing with the barbarians about the price of each native!

Chen Yongkuan and other prisoners of the Qing army and their families, from more than 830 people before departure to South Africa, only 760 people survived, and more than [-] people who died on the way were thrown into the sea and buried in fish belly. Let everyone see each other as a sympathy.

After arriving in South Africa, more than 700 people were dispersed and resettled in various colonial strongholds like peas.

Previously, these colonial strongholds had never expected that the mainland would send so many immigrants, and they did not prepare extra housing and living supplies at all.In a hurry, the warehouses and warehouses could only be freed up a little space, and at the same time, some of the natives living outside the city were ordered to give up their wooden houses to accommodate the incoming immigrants.

After chopping down several people, they rushed to the middle of the camp, and a dozen thick native women and children ran towards them. Looking at Chen Yongkuan, who was covered in blood, they screamed and ran towards both sides.

"...Qi Kingdom's heavenly soldiers are mighty, their weapons are sharp, I am big..., I..., our combat strength is indeed no match for you." Chen Yongkuan lowered his head slightly, and said sternly.

"..." Chen Yongkuan blushed when he heard this question, and he didn't know how to answer for a moment.

The tribal man, who had been tired all day, leaned tiredly outside the hut, watched the children jumping happily, smelled the fragrance of the food, and enjoyed this rare relaxing moment.A dozen or so tribal elders drove the cattle and sheep back from grazing to the edge of the big river not far away (now the Buffalo River in South Africa) to drink some water for these animals.

"I heard that you used to be a general among the officers and soldiers of the Eight Banners?" Ma Zhengyong, deputy captain of the Hekou Fort Guards, squinted at Chen Yongkuan, "How old is the officer? How many soldiers are there?"

But in terms of food, everyone was very surprised and pleasantly surprised.Meat can be eaten here from time to time, or fish in the sea, or the kind of huge bird meat, and even beef and mutton.In addition, when cutting wood to build houses and firing bricks, there are many rough and dangerous jobs, and the people of Qi will give priority to using those dark natives.

In addition, in order to deal with these tyrannical enemies, the leaders of several surrounding tribes have negotiated several times to form a tribal alliance, trying to rely on the advantage of a large number of people to launch an attack on the foreign forces on the seashore and drive them away from this place completely. Avoid their threats again and restore peace and tranquility here.

"The original bid was the No. 12 assistant leader of the Right Association of the Eight Banners of the Qing and Han Dynasties, with a rank of four ranks, and 330 officers and soldiers under his command." Chen Yongkuan said with his fists clasped.

"He... has a wooden spear in his hand."

Chen Yongkuan, along with more than 70 officers and soldiers of the Eight Banners, women and children, were placed in this Hekou Fort located at the mouth of the river half a month ago. In the warehouse, children and teenagers will be arranged to be looked after by family guards and farmers' houses.

Chen Yongkuan rushed a few steps, dodged to avoid the thrust of a wooden spear, and then waved his knife along the direction of the wooden spear.

However, as these foreign forces gradually gained a foothold, they became increasingly aggressive.They seized many grazing lands of nearby tribes and planted many high-stalk crops (sorghum and corn) and round fruits (potatoes and sweet potatoes) on them. People are forbidden to graze livestock and trample on them.

In panic, another nearby tribe withdrew from the sea and moved to a river valley more than ten kilometers inland to avoid conflict with this group of tyrannical foreign forces.

Looking at Xu Kaisheng who was cursing and walking away, Chen Yongkuan felt a little annoyed, I used to be the leader of the Eight Banners, a general of the fourth rank, you, a little guard captain, are so arrogant to me.

However, the Qi people here generally welcome their arrival and take care of their placement.Although the living conditions were a little worse, a dozen or so rough men were crowded into one room, and their clothes were simple, rough-processed fur.

However, even so, this poor tribe still did not escape the doom of destruction.At the beginning of this year, those foreign forces raided the tribes that migrated here along the big river, killed any tribe warriors who dared to resist, plundered all the livestock, and turned the captured tribesmen into slaves, all of which were sold overseas .

Last year, these outside forces broke out a fierce conflict with the local tribes over the ownership of livestock.Holding sharp spears and short knives, and a fire-breathing weapon that can make a loud noise, they easily defeated the powerful and wealthy seaside tribe, killed dozens of people on the spot, captured all the tribe's population, and captured there everything of.

"Hey..." Ma Zhengyong laughed darkly a few times, "Anyway, since you have arrived at the border of our country of Qi, and you are still in this wild South African region, don't think about your former Qing court anymore. .Besides, your Tartar court has been driven by Daming to the desert to be savages, and it is estimated that it will not be a few days. Hehe..., I am Qing? Shit! I was in the self-rescue army back then, Accompanying me with the Qi State Economic and Military Corps is not just to fight against you Eight Banners officers and soldiers, but you have not lost a single defeat so far."

After resting for a few days, all the young and half-grown teenagers were organized and went into the mountains to cut down trees and build temporary wooden houses.You must know that South Africa has already entered winter. Although the weather is not as cold as in the north of the mainland, the temperature is only a dozen degrees, and it will even drop to a few degrees at night.

With a scream, several fingers were cut off, and the wooden spear fell to the ground. Chen Yongkuan kicked the opponent over while covering his hands and screaming, and then stabbed him with a knife, killing him.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!..." A row of muskets knocked down a dozen or so native warriors rushing to the ground, and then dozens of bayonets and spears, shining with dazzling light, plunged straight into the depths of the tribal camp .

The next day, the guards, who had rested overnight, tied all the natives' hands with ropes, strung them together, and followed more than a dozen carriages, slowly heading towards the Hekou Fort by the sea.

According to the reward regulations of the trading company, anyone who captures a slave can get five to eight Hanzhou silver dollars as a reward.Calculated in this way, this operation will get a total of about 600 yuan in bonuses, which will be distributed to more than 60 team members who participated in the operation. That is ten yuan per person.

Dozens of fully armed "outsiders" are slowly approaching the tribal camp through the waist-deep grass, holding spears and knives. Under the afterglow of the setting sun, they look like a group of hells The demons rushed towards the bewildered tribe ferociously.

"Seeing that you are only about thirty years old, you can actually be a senior official of the fourth rank! Is this because you have killed countless Han people and gained your master's appreciation, or is it because your father is a Tartar in the Qing court?" The high-level servants of the family, relying on the favor of their fathers to succeed in their positions?"

"Doo..." Under the stern voice of the tribal leader, the stunned tribal warrior hastily blew the horn in his hand to warn the clansmen in the camp.

"What's the matter, is it possible that you can't ride a horse or lift a knife when you arrive in South Africa?"

In this raid, the guards of Hekou Fort easily controlled the indigenous tribe near the river bend with only five minor injuries. They killed 28 people, captured 110 five people, and captured more than 150 cattle and sheep (only) , some fur.

Also, colonizing this wild area, surrounded by native barbarians, these Qi people must have regarded us, the former Eight Banners officers and soldiers, as their own. After all, in terms of race, language, and traditional habits, we all belong to the same lineage of China.

"Damn it, don't kill people indiscriminately!... If you cut it down, you will lose more than [-] yuan!" A rough voice sounded from behind, "Try to subdue them as much as possible, and don't kill anyone!"

However, within a few miles, a few scouts rode to the front of the team and reported an astonishing news.

Holding a scepter, the wise tribal leader, accompanied by several strong tribal warriors, was preparing to make a final inspection of his territory when the night was approaching.

Staring fiercely at the back of Xu Kaisheng's neck, he couldn't help but clenched the short knife tightly.But when the thought came, his wife and eight-year-old son showed worried eyes, took a deep breath, and ran towards other places in the camp that were still fighting.

"The armor you're wearing is a decoration!" Xu Kaisheng, the captain of the guard, gave Chen Yongkuan a look, "A broken wooden stick can hurt you? Damn it, if you kill an aborigine at random, you won't lose dozens of dollars." Money...Women and children are money too! You idiot! Clean up the remnants of the captives!"

These people are evil and powerful, and the omnipotent god will send down the wrath of thunder to punish them severely.However, although our tribe is far from the sea, we have to guard against these evil people coming to attack our tribe.

The sound of the horns made the intruders' actions suddenly speed up. They began to trot all the way, and rushed into the camp in a very short time.

That night, the harvested "invaders" slaughtered livestock in the camp of the indigenous tribes, took out the shochu and mead they carried, and held a grand party to celebrate the victory.

The tribal leader stopped in his tracks, as if he had sensed something, he stopped intently and looked towards the mountains and forests to the east.

"... Going to the inland to plunder the natives?" Chen Yongkuan looked at Ma Zhengyong in astonishment.

After thinking for a while, Chen Yongkuan turned his head and chased after the child on the left.An indigenous child ran away in a hurry and fell to the ground accidentally. He chased after two steps, rushed to the front, and chopped off with a knife.

"However, when we arrive at Hekoubao, you remnants of the Eight Banners can display your good killing skills." Ma Zhengyong said: "In a few days, I will take you to the inland to find a few indigenous tribes. , come back with abducted Dingkou, and get some more food for you by the way!"

Two years ago, a group of "white face" forces from overseas landed in the southeastern coastal area and built a strong stone castle.When they first got a foothold, they showed a relatively friendly attitude, and they lived in peace with several tribes by the sea, and they also took out all kinds of novelties in exchange for the cattle, sheep and animal skins of the local tribes.

"It doesn't matter." Ma Zhengyong said with a smile: "As long as you can swing a knife and hold a spear well, you can kill those ignorant and backward natives."
On the evening of May 5, a Xhosa tribe with a scale of more than 27 people was located in a bend in Linshui River, about 100 kilometers northwest of Hekoubao (now Mdantsa Nei District, Buffalo City, South Africa), with abundant water and grass. this.In the camp, there are dozens of huts made of twigs, leaves, grass, mud, etc. Many women are holding stone axes to kill and clean up the animals that the men hunted, and then mix the collected wild vegetables and grass seeds and fruit for a hearty dinner.

In other words, the Qi people in South Africa didn't treat them very harshly, the Qing army prisoners and their families who were "distributed".I originally thought that even if I didn't work as a slave or a handmaid in this wild overseas area, I would at least be treated as an inferior person.Just like when my Qing Dynasty treated those Ming officials and soldiers who surrendered and captured them, they were either organized into green camps to serve as cannon fodder on the battlefield, or they were collected as coats and lived as masters.

"Haha..." Ma Zhengyong burst out laughing after hearing this, causing more than a dozen armed guards to look sideways at him.

"Of course we can carry knives. But...we are the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty, and we are not good at riding and shooting."

"Did you see it clearly?" Xu Kaisheng stared wide-eyed, with a grim expression on his face, "Did four or five hundred natives come from the northeast?"

"Captain, let's take a closer look." The sentry swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "I roughly estimated that there are at least 450 people, all of them are strong and strong, and they hold wooden spears....These natives seem to be preparing to The ones going towards the seaside probably want to target our Hekou Fort!"

"Hey, shit, I didn't expect that we would run into each other on the road." Xu Kaisheng smiled and opened his mouth, "Are they coming towards us at this time?"

"That's right." The detective said: "Li San and I came to report first, and Old Wei continued to watch over there....Captain, are we going to beat them?"

"Why don't you want the money delivered to your door?... Be good, it's still 500 people, how much will it cost!"

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