Great Sui Storyteller

Chapter 552. Chapter 551.

Chapter 552. Chapter 551.
"I will send you off for thousands of miles, but I will have to say goodbye at the end. I would like to thank shopkeeper Cui for paying, but the city is busy, so please go back quickly."

Hearing his words, Cui Wanrong also knew that sending her farewell to this enough.

If it goes on like this, there will be a lot of people coming and going inside and outside the city, which is not good.


Looking at the Taoist in front of her, she pursed her lips again.

She seems to like this action very much, and when she expresses her emotions, she will show such an expression.

And after looking at him a few times, after all, the words in his heart could not be spoken.

It just turned into a response:
"Okay, then... Taoist priest, take care."

"Shopkeeper Cui, too."


Cui Wanrong nodded, and rode on.

"Congratulations from the poor."

Hearing this, she turned her head subconsciously, and looked at the Taoist priest who was saluting at the head... The words of the other party's "send you a thousand miles and you will have to say goodbye" just now began to churn in her mind.


There are hills and valleys in the chest?

Neither matter.

She doesn't care, it's just icing on the cake.


Eyes fluttered, and finally, the woman withdrew her gaze, and rode on the horse step by step, walking into the shadow of the city gate.

She has never felt how long the shadow that is just separated by a wall is, but when her eyes are bathed in sunlight again, she feels that her vision is a little blurred.

Blinking, eyes clear again.

She walked forward.


The Taoist with a dog's tail grass in his mouth leaned against the base of the wall, clicked his tongue twice, shook his shoulders, and disappeared.

When it appeared again, it happened to pass by a carriage.

Under the watchful eyes of countless people, the handsome monk driving the car saw his profile.

take a look.

Doubts come to mind.

Looking at the silhouette brushing against the carriage in some puzzlement, he blinked suspiciously.

"……What's wrong?"

Du Ruhui, who was sitting on the other side, saw Xuanzang looking at him, and asked suspiciously.

But Xuanzang was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook his head.

That smile won the hearts of many daughters.

"It's nothing, I just saw a person who looks like a Taoist leader."


Du Ruhui thought for a while and said with a smile:
"Probably because the Taoist priest's appearance is too ordinary."

Upon hearing this, Xuanzang couldn't help saying:
"But he always thought that he was a handsome and handsome talent."


I don't know if it's jealousy or what.

Du Ruhui shook his head and sighed:
"Ordinary and confident."

The carriage rolls away.

But the face of the Taoist who passed by them has become the bottom of the casserole.

He turned his head viciously and looked at the carriage going away.

All right, Old Du, thief Sun!
I will have your good fruit to eat in the future!

He stomped his footsteps again, and when the Taoist reappeared, he was already outside the west city gate.

Outside the city gate, those refugees were still waiting for work by the city pool with nothing to do.

However, as the supplies in the ferry have increased over the past few days, everyone has realized something.In addition to the news that the Cui family deliberately released through the people in the ferry, these people have already understood...Yu Kuan works honestly, it may be the only way for him to be reunited with his wife and children, and to be buried after death The opportunity to enter the grave of the ancestors.

So this group of people became more and more down-to-earth.

But when people are down-to-earth, time slows down.

Time is slow, and some adjustments are needed.

It's not...

When the group with the sharpest eyes saw the appearance of the Taoist priest in the blue Taoist robe, their eyes lit up instantly.

Without saying a word, seven or eight people quickly surrounded them.

"The Taoist priest is here!...Hurry up, let's escort the Taoist priest there!"

The Taoist knew very well what a few people were thinking.

It's called an escort, but it's actually to grab a front row seat.

That's up to them.

And walking this way, the originally spread out crowd quickly began to gather, and within a distance of thirty or fifty steps, the Taoist was already surrounded in the middle.

Looking forward to it.

I saw the Taoist still stroking the sleeves of his robe, and the earth platform arched.

Fans, Xingmu, and handkerchiefs are laid out one by one.

After preparing everything in an orderly manner, he raised his head and looked at these people with glowing eyes:

"Everyone, let's talk now?"


A group of people nodded and responded to express their joy for this story of nine heads and thirteen lives.

The Taoist smiled slightly, picked up the Xingmu in his hand, and patted it down with no seriousness.

"Xuanying, do you know how similar Buddhism and Taoism are?"

Immediately, Xuanzang, who was kicked out of the driver's seat for some reason and rushed back into the carriage, asked his disciple with a smile.


Cheng Xuanying, who had been holding the "Maha Prajna Paramita Mantra" that Xuanzang carried with him all the time, raised his head.

Looking at the peaceful eyes that were different from the master's carefree clear eyes, he pondered for a while and said:

"When I was on Longmen Mountain, my disciple asked my uncle, and my uncle told me: The way is different, the righteousness is different, and life and death are also different. This is the difference between Buddhism and Taoism."


Xuanzang nodded:
"That's the case, but do you know how to interpret this sentence?"

"This... Please ask the second teacher to clarify."

Xiao Daotong said that he was about to salute.

But Xuanzang supported him, then suddenly turned to Li Zhen and said:
"Does the Taoist priest know what to explain?"



Xuanzang was speechless, and Du Ruhui said helplessly:

"You are a role model..."


Looking at this scholar with a sweet tongue and a sword in his belly, Lao Li couldn't get angry at all.

Fortunately, I even stewed a big goose for you!
You black-hearted scholar who eats inside and out!
I can't compare to this monk!
"...It's really insulting!"

Du Ruhui simply rolled his eyes.

But after pondering for a while, he turned to the two people in the car and said:
"In my opinion, the difference between Buddhism and Taoism is actually the attitude towards life and death, right? Buddhism pays attention to Nirvana, which means breaking away from the cycle of life and death. It believes that life is suffering, and all living beings are practicing in suffering. Life is suffering, Death is suffering, and it goes back and forth. Only after enlightenment and realization of Nirvana can one transcend this kind of suffering. Taoism believes that living beings are natural, that people live for a lifetime, cultivate their nature and life, and pursue longevity in order to nourish body and spirit and coexist with heaven and earth. To put it simply... Daoism cultivates this life, Buddhism cultivates the afterlife? Right?"

On this carriage, one is the most promising Buddhist son in 500 years, and the other is a scholar who is determined to spread the Dharma all over the world, restrain all people, and has thousands of volumes of poems and books in his belly.

In addition, at the moment, I fell into the magic barrier of "am I not handsome?", too lazy to listen to a Taoist who is a Confucian and a bald donkey.

In terms of knowledge, it should be regarded as a high-end match.

The journey was boring, and since Xuanzang opened his mouth to chat with the Taoist boy, Du Ruhui, who had read many poems and books, wanted to follow the example of the sages who said that the three of us must have my teacher and wife, and exchange knowledge with this Taoist and Buddha through the mouth of admonishing his nephew.

Who stipulated that our old Du would only fight and kill?
As expected, after hearing what Uncle Du said, Cheng Xuanying subconsciously looked at Xuanzang:

"Second Master, is that so?"

Xuanzang smiled slightly:
"There is nothing wrong with talking about life and death, this life and the afterlife. But your Uncle Du used Confucianism to explain the difference between Buddhism and Taoism. But it is not accurate. The real difference between Buddha and Tao lies in the difference between "being" and "being". In the difference of "nothing". Buddhism does not talk about emptiness but realizes emptiness, and Taoism does not talk about existence. Do you understand?"



Let alone Xuanying, even Du Ruhui frowned.

Thinking about the true meaning of Xuanzang's words.


Rolling his eyes, Li Zhen, who couldn't bear to listen, sneered:

The Taoist shook his head:
"If you want to teach him this way, you will really mislead his disciples."

"Oh? Why?"

"Because, that's not how you teach your disciples... What you have to do is not to say some plausible truths, and then let the disciples guess for themselves. Instead, you should break apart those difficult and obscure knowledge in the simplest language. Knead it and feed it to him, let him digest it a little bit, and finally form his own cognition. It’s all right and nothing... He hasn’t read Buddhist scriptures, so how can he know what your words mean?”

After all, he still felt sorry for his apprentice. Li Zhen chose to let go of his "prejudice" and said to his little apprentice while driving:
"What your second teacher said is correct, but you don't understand it, right?"


"Then let me tell you, come on, recite Chapter 42 of the Tao Te Ching."

Hearing this, Cheng Xuanying recited subconsciously:

"Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things. All things bear yin and embrace yang, and rush qi for harmony..."

"it is good."

After interrupting the disciple's endorsement, Li Zhen said again:

"Do you know the source of the "Maha Prajna Paramita Mantra" in your hand?"

"This...disciple doesn't know. The second teacher..."

Seeing his disciple looking at him, Xuanzang explained with a smile:
"This scripture was translated by Venerable Kumarajiva when he taught Buddhism to the Eastern Kingdom. What you have in your hand is the original text. It was written by Venerable Kumarajiva after he planted the bodhi tree in the monastery."

"Read it."

Hearing this, Cheng Xuanying began to chant:
"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, when practicing the deep prajna paramita for a long time, sees that the five aggregates are all empty, and overcomes all hardships. Sariputra, form is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from form, form is emptiness, emptiness is form, and the same is true for thinking and knowing."


After the Taoist driving the car interrupted the disciple, he said:

"The sentence in this scripture that form is emptiness, and emptiness is form, can actually be the same as the 42 chapters of the "Tao Te Ching" that I asked you to recite just now, as the best interpretation of Buddhism. Buddhism teaches people to realize emptiness. The process of all things is formed and lived. , It ends up in emptiness, existence is also emptiness, nothing is also emptiness. Why is Buddhism called the door of emptiness? This emptiness is the nirvana after life and death, which is the highest state of Buddhism. It is what your second teacher said to realize emptiness without talking about emptiness.

As for Taoism, the Taoist ancestor told us: There is a way in the world, and there is a way out of nothing.All things are born from three things, all things are born, nature changes due to movement, grows and changes, and there is no end.What is there will always be, and it will never return to nothing.Heaven and earth have spirits, and spirits exist forever.If Tao has roots, then there is Tao, and in the end, it will last forever.It is called "immortal".That is to say, there is something to be said about the ignorance of Taoism in his mouth.Everything comes from nothing, we will not deny the existence of a thing, because it exists, there must be a reason for it.

Buddhism wants to find the "emptiness" that can be accepted regardless of whether it exists or not.Therefore, in the final analysis, Taoism and Buddhism are actually pursuing the source and end of the development of things.From this point of view, there is no distinction between Buddhism and Taoism.Because the existence of "human beings" is an uncertain cognition of the world itself.

Or, you can think of it this way, whether it is cultivating Buddhism or Taoism, whether it is cultivating to the end, whether it is becoming a fairy or becoming a Buddha, the reason for its existence and non-existence is the same.What we pursue is a kind of detachment at the level of life.Become a Buddha and save all living beings, and hope that all living beings will be Buddhas.Chengxian also teaches people to cultivate their nature and life to achieve immortality.There is no distinction between the two. It all depends on how you choose, think, and think as a "human being". Do you understand? "

He broke Xuanzang's profound words, crushed them, and spread them in front of his disciples.

The most detailed explanation is given.

The reasoning is simple and straightforward, and you can understand it at first glance, but you can only understand it, but it triggers Daotong's deep thinking.

He thinks he understands.

But after understanding, there is a kind of doubt that I can't figure out how to ask the question.

It's like a chain of buckles, untie one and see another.But he still hasn't found a clue about the new buttons...

Daotong was stumped all of a sudden.

At the same time, the previous doubts were solved.

Let the child fall into thinking.

And the same is true for Du Ruhui at the side...

It's just that, after all, he lived a long time and read a lot of books. After savoring it carefully for a while, he understood the truth of the Taoist priest.

Can't help but admire:

"So that's the case. The Taoist priest is worthy of being a teacher. These words... have been taught."

Li Zhen didn't get angry when he heard what he said.

He simply rolled his eyes.

I regard you as a buddy, but you say that I am ordinary and confident.

If you don't inquire, you old bachelor, who wouldn't say that our old Li is a handsome young man from all over the world?

So he sneered:
"Hmph, a sour scholar with no knowledge or skills!"


The corner of Du Ruhui's mouth twitched.

A good academic study, imitating the saint's actions, how come you have become a sarcasm!
"You guy, it's an insult to gentleness!"


Li Zhen ignored him and continued to drive.

He was running at a normal speed, not in such a hurry.

When there is a child in the car, the bumps of the long journey are actually quite painful for the child.

Whoever's apprentice is distressed.

Secondly, there is no need to rush in these two days.

So I walked on the road for a whole day and night, and finally arrived in Hejin City on the afternoon of the second day of departure.

But after arriving in Hejin, Li Zhen and Xuanzang's hearts sank.

It's not in town yet.

Looking left and right, I can vaguely see that the original rice fields are barren, and there are no crops at all...

Only a group of people were mowing the grass and busy, and in the distance... one after another shacks were lined up in rows, and large swaths of smoke were emitted from the shacks.

After getting used to Yu Quan's "prosperity" in this scene, Li Zhen found it difficult to accept the sudden change in painting style.

"...are they... smoked fish?"


Du Ruhui nodded:

"I'm smoking fish. It's like summer now, it's too late to grow anything... that's the only way to go."




(End of this chapter)

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