Great Sui Storyteller

Chapter 123 122. Calligraphy 4 Realms

Chapter 123 122. The Four Realms of Calligraphy

"Then how can we achieve the state of freedom?"

Li Zhen asked again.

But this time, Sun Jingchan shook her head:

"It's not that I didn't tell the Taoist priest, it's just that each family's exercises are different. There are different cultivation methods. Even if I told the Taoist priest about my Pegasus Sect's "Pegasus Treading the Clouds", the Taoist Growth does not start from the basics, but mistakes will occur instead. But..."

Speaking of which, she picked up the wine glass again:
"There is one thing that can never be wrong."


"The so-called free state is to break the limitations of human beings and integrate oneself with the world. To put it bluntly, there is no room for a single qi in the body, and it is already full. If you want to pretend, you can only Break the human body and make it compatible with the heaven and the earth, from now on there will be no distinction between you and me. You are the heaven and the earth, and the heaven and the earth are you. This is the state of ease."


Li Zhen was stunned for a while, and summed up her words...

Tentatively asked:

"In other words, it's like blowing pig urine (polyphonic character, SUIPAO), blowing air in it all the time, and blowing, the urine will explode...Is that what you mean?"

But these words made Sun Jingchan a little puzzled, and asked:

"What is pig urine?"

"A place where pigs hold urine."

"How to blow?"

"...Blow it with your mouth."


After Li Zhen explained, Sun Jingchan's face was full of disgust:

"In such a dirty place, the Taoist priest actually... actually..."

Looking at Li Zhen's lips, Sun Jingchan's and Hongying's expressions were exactly the same.

So dirty.

Li Zhenxin said that this man had never killed a pig when he saw the family.

Blowing up that thing as a balloon is the best fun...

But it would be a little embarrassing to watch. When he was young, he didn't think it was dirty at all when he slaughtered pigs at home, but he just thought it was very interesting.But now that I think about it... I really think it was a little too much.

But at this time, seeing that Li Zhen was fine, it was Sun Jingchan's turn to speak:

"Daoist, I also have something on my mind, please ask the Taoist to clarify..."

Li Zhen nodded:
"Layman, but it's okay to talk."

Hearing this, Sun Jingchan picked up the pen on the side of the table, wrote a word on the paper, and pushed the paper to Li Zhen:
"Please take a look."

Li Zhen took it and looked at it, and found that it was a word "forever".

Then he understood what Sun Jingchan meant.

Writing this "forever" is not a single word.

Rather, it reveals a person's degree of control over the written word.

The beauty of calligraphy lies in the use of pens.The beauty of using the pen is always respected by the word.

The point of this word is side, horizontal is strenuous, straight pen is nu, hook is swaying (TI), long skimming is skimming, short skimming is pecking, and pressing pen is zhe (ZHE).

With one word, it brings together the wonderfulness of writing in the world.

If you look at one word, you can see everything.

It is the method created by the calligrapher Wang Xizhi.

When Sun Jingchan wrote this word, the subtext was to ask herself to comment.

How about Sun Jingchan's handwriting?
In Li Zhen's view, it is wonderful.

It's so wonderful that it's not like a woman's book.

Women's characters are usually respected as soft and beautiful.

Because of the natural weakness of the wrist strength, when a woman writes, the strokes are softer, which is pleasing to the eye.

But Sun Jingchan's characters are different.

You can't tell a man or a woman just by reading the words.

There are heavy fronts and light mentions.

It looks somewhat similar to official script, with the characteristics of "silkworm head and swallow tail" and "one wave and three drums".

But it is also different from Lishu's continuation of the characters of Qin and Han Dynasties.It looks more chic.

The pen walks the dragon and the snake, and the dragonfly touches the water.

It seems that there is an aura hidden in it.

At first glance, it is amazing.


Li Zhen frowned after watching for about a hundred breaths.

After thinking for a while, he picked up his own wine cup, and pressed the bottom of the wine cup under the word "Yong", leaving only a "严".

After a few glances, I covered the "严" again, revealing the "一" and "丿" below, and then covered it again, and started to look to the right again.

Just looking at it bit by bit, using the method of covering the characters to observe the sidelines, after reading the entire Yong character, he stretched out his hand and said:
"Borrow a pen."

Hongying quickly handed over the pen.

I saw that Li Zhen also wrote a similar-sized "Yong" character under the "Yong" character.

Blow dry the ink and hand it back to Sun Jingchan.

After Sun Jingchan took it, she stared at the "Yong" written by Shoujin and also frowned.

However, compared to Li Zhen's silence, she muttered to herself:

"Spot, like the side eye of a phoenix, its shape is beautiful and spirited."

"Horizontal, like sparse shadows slanting horizontally, its shape is vigorous and graceful."

"Vertical, as independent as a crane, its rhyme is elegant and outstanding."

"Leave, like a sword to ward off evil spirits, its sharp edge is exposed and invincible!"

"Na, like a fine willow in the wind, its posture is elegant and graceful!"

"Tick, like a silver needle flying into the air, its power is fierce and it pierces the air with a sound!"

"The hook is like a crescent moon hanging in the sky, its meaning is unrestrained and unpredictable!"

"Folding, like the strong joints of old bamboo, its bones are thin and hard, and it breaks like gold and jade!"

The more she spoke, the more excited she became, as if she was exerting all her strength, and she was gnashing her teeth in the end!
"Good words! Good words! Good words!"

Saying three good words in succession made Li Zhen blush a little.

But he still said:

"My word emphasizes the bones and despises the meaning, just like a person. If a person has no bones, the whole body is flesh and blood. And... reading your writing, I feel this way. There is something missing in your writing... like A person is obviously plump on the outside, but lacks a kind of support inside..."

Speaking of this, Li Zhen couldn't help but think of what his old man said when he was practicing calligraphy in his previous life.

There was a look of reminiscence in his eyes.

The voice has also become much softer:

"The so-called calligraphy actually has four realms. The first realm is "reasonable", how to hold a brush, how to write, and how to write. Just like a child learning to speak, being able to speak and write is an entry up.

And the second level is "strength". To put it bluntly, it means that after knowing how to write, you will use your strength. "丿" has a rounded pen, and "丿," has a sharp edge.A character, what structure, how to force the brush, is the knowledge. This is the difference between "Li Tong" and "Li Qiu".One can write and the other can write.

The third realm is "beauty of shape".When writing to this level, the pursuit is the strength and beauty of the pen.Just like a person, with a handsome body and a rich spirit like jade, it makes people feel good at first glance.However, there are some people who are short in stature and wretched in appearance. They are also human beings, but they are not happy.I don't dare to talk about calligraphy, and I have reached this point when I ask myself.

And the last stage is "Yun Sheng".Observing characters is like observing people. At this level, writing characters is like writing one's own life. What a person is like, the rhyme in the word is what it is.When we read words, we are actually watching people.In the heart of the person who reads Guanshu, he understands with him what kind of experience it is, which promotes his writing to be polished to the present situation.

Look at a word, and know its mind.Although it is a bystander, it can also empathize.This is what I think the four realms of calligraphy. "

As he spoke, he looked at Sun Jingchan who was frowning and speechless, and said in a gentle voice:
"Mr. Jing Chan's words are excellent, much better than mine. It's just that... when I look at Mr.'s words, there is nothing in my eyes. Mr.'s life, either the realm is too high, I can't see it. Or... maybe you have nothing, and you still don't know what you want?"

A thunderstorm came from nowhere.

It hit Sun Jingchan's heart.

 The tenth watch is here, please make the first order!
(End of this chapter)

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