big week bad guy

Chapter 68 Liaozhai

Chapter 68 Liaozhai
Zhao Xun, who returned to Duke Cheng's mansion, was like a fish seeing water, instantly recovering his expectations for life.

Well, how did you say that?

Life is more than just the preoccupation, but also poetry and distance.

Of course, you have to live with it first, and then go far away.

Going far away first and then living on your own life is really poor travel.

This sentence couldn't be more suitable for Zhao Xun.

Zhao Danshu also felt the enthusiasm for life.

As soon as the little loli saw Zhao Xun, she acted like a baby: "I want brother Xun to hug me!"

The milky's completely irresistible.

Zhao Xun knew that little Lolita was crazy by herself and was very close to him, so he didn't say much, but tried his best to cooperate with the little guy in his arms and began to tell her the story.

"Once upon a time there was an ugly duckling"

"I've heard this story before, Brother Xun, let's change it."

Zhao Xun's heart almost melted when he heard the soft sound of milk.


"Well, let's tell a story about Snow White and the dwarfs. A long time ago"

Little Lolita obviously paid more attention to Zhao Xun than to the story.

Not long after Zhao Xun spoke, she fell asleep sweetly in the arms of her elder brother.

Zhao Xun hurriedly handed the little Lolita to the servants in the Duke's mansion, and then got up to greet his parents.

Cheng Guogong Zhao Yuan is a loving father, and it has been a long time since he saw Zhao Xun's mouth full of concern.

As for Zhao Liushi, there is no need to talk about it.

How is my son doing in the yamen, is the food good, is the clothes warm, is he being bullied?

It can be described as caring and meticulous.

Zhao Xun answered one by one without the slightest bit of boredom.

For him, today's life is like a fairy.Born in a wealthy family, he thought he would be trapped by feudal etiquette, but he did not expect to have such loving parents, which is simply a blessing he cultivated in eight lifetimes.

Of course, now Zhao Xun has completely lost the idea of ​​eating and waiting to die.

After joining the bad guys, he saw too many things that he couldn't see before.He deeply understands that he must practice hard and climb up to protect himself and the people he values ​​and cherishes.

Otherwise, you can only look at other people's faces and look up to them.

After chatting with the two elders for half an hour, Zhao Xun stood up and left.

At this moment, he urgently needs time to rest and relax his tense nerves.

I have to say that investigating cases is really not a human job. Zhao Xun started earlier than chickens and did more than donkeys. Fortunately, the results are not bad, otherwise he would really want to cry but have no tears.

Back in the room, Zhao Xun ordered his servants to boil water, and then took a comfortable bath in a bucket.

After washing himself refreshed, Zhao Xun changed into a brand new Shu brocade gown.

The price of this thing is several times more expensive than the top Jiangnan silk.

The reason is also simple.Rare things are more expensive.

The production process of Shu brocade is much more complicated than that of ordinary silk.

Coupled with the difficulty of transportation, under such circumstances, if you want to buy Shu brocade made by Bashu craftsmen, you will naturally have to spend a lot of money.

A premium is inevitable.

However, the government of Chengguo obviously does not need to consider these issues.

Zhao Xun felt at ease when he wore it.

He smoked the incense, and then sat comfortably in front of the desk to write.

As a liberal arts student, soft-brush calligraphy is one of the elective courses. Zhao Xun likes to write calligraphy since he was a child, so he also practiced a lot on a daily basis.

Diligence can make up for weakness, although Zhao Xun's lower case letters are not outstanding, at least they are neat and clean.

After laying out the good Huzhou rice paper, Zhao Xun was thinking about what to write while studying the ink.

Although Wang Cai had promised to deliver the manuscript in three days, Zhao Xun actually didn't think about what kind of novel he wanted to write.

He also analyzed before that people in this era believe in strange powers and gods, and there are indeed practitioners.

Therefore, ghost novels should be relatively easy to become popular.

As for the hegemony theme of the Three Kingdoms, it is definitely not pleasing, and there are many things that need to be changed, so rule it out.

The Water Margin is a taboo that is easy to offend the court.From Zhao Xun's limited contact with Emperor Xianlong, he can judge that His Majesty's mind is as small as the nose of a needle.

If this kind of person sees something that makes him feel disgusted, he will definitely use his power without hesitation to launch the harmonious beast, and kill the work immediately.

Instead of writing about loneliness, it is better to rule out this possibility from the beginning.

It is possible to write about the Red Chamber, but even Zhao Xun, who was born as a liberal arts student, cannot fully remember the details of the Dream of the Red Chamber.

This is not the same as memorizing poems. After all, there are so many words in Dream of Red Mansions plus the continuation part, how can it be possible to remember every chapter clearly and clearly.

The most exciting part of Dream of Red Mansions is the text.To put it bluntly, this novel takes a lot of writing.If the same story is written by someone else, the taste will be completely different.

Of course, Zhao Xun didn't think that his writing style would be better than that of Mr. Cao Xueqin, so this proposal was also passed.

the rest
The West Chamber?Jin Ping Mei?Peach Blossom Fan?
NoNoNo, even if the people of the Great Zhou Dynasty were open to the public, Zhao Xun still believed that once these books were written, they would be directly banned by the court on the grounds that they were indecent.

After thinking about it, it seems that I can only write ghost novels.

After determining the general direction, the next step is selection.

Zhao Xun was a professional counterpart in his previous life, and had read a lot of strange novels from the Tang Dynasty.

But these novels are not very well-known, and some of them may be very attractive, but after reading the whole novel, you can obviously feel that the quality of the stories is uneven.

This should be left to future generations, isn't it just hydrology.

Zhao Xun shook his head, secretly saying no.

If this kind of story collection is written, readers will definitely be chasing and scolding the big water monster.

After much deliberation, it seems that Liaozhai is the most suitable.

Regardless of the popularity, story integrity, and quality of this collection of novels, it is absolutely online in later generations.

"Well, it's up to you."

Zhao Xun didn't want to waste any more time, so he immediately decided to start.

"Well, which one should I write first?"

Zhao Xun has written web articles in his previous life, and knows that there is a so-called golden three chapters in the web literature world.

In fact, it is necessary to write attractively at the beginning of the story, not to mention the writing style, the story must first be strong.

In this way, readers will have the desire to continue reading.

Of course, web articles are not the same as ghost novels.

Strange novels, such as Liaozhai, are essentially collections of novels, one story after another.

Each story is an independent chapter, and if you haven't read it, it will not affect reading other parts.

So the first article must be Wang Zha in the whole story collection.

As soon as it comes out, it attracts readers.

Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, and decided to write about Nie Xiaoqian in the first article.

Influenced by film and television dramas, Zhao Xun has a soft spot for the IP of Nie Xiaoqian.

It can be said that Nie Xiaoqian and Ning Caichen, a pair of fateful mandarin ducks with different paths, have occupied people's hearts for quite a period of time, and their ability to attract money is absolutely strong.

Offering this pair of CPs is hard to think about.



(End of this chapter)

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