big week bad guy

Chapter 36 Interrogation of Wang Zhongyi

Chapter 36 Interrogation of Wang Zhongyi

Zhao Xun is a person who doesn't follow the routine, his answer obviously surprised Wang Zhongyi.

However, Wang Zhongyi adjusted quickly, and his complexion returned to normal after a while.

"That being the case, Mr. Zhao, please start."

Zhao Xun had already made preparations before he came, but he was still a little nervous. He took a deep breath and asked, "According to the report of the Censor Yanguan, Mr. Wang had a lot of contact with the Mobei Hu people during his tenure as Shuozhou Jiedu envoy. They even sold salt, pig iron and other supplies to the Mobei Hu tribe, and secretly colluded with members of the Demon Cult to conspire against others."

"Nothing exists!"

Wang Zhongyi was very angry when he heard the words, his face was flushed red, and his beard was blown to the sides.

Wang Zhongyi has always wanted to know what crime he was arrested for, but since he was sent to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, the officials of the Ministry of Criminal Justice have been avoiding talking about it.

Wang Zhongyi had nothing to do.

I never thought it would be this crime.

Wang Zhongyi laughed angrily, arched his hands to the north and said: "I am deeply favored by the emperor, how could I do such a thing of collaborating with the enemy and treason. This is a frame, and someone deliberately framed me."

Ever since he asked this question, Zhao Xun has been carefully observing Wang Zhongyi's expression.

A very important part of criminal investigation is interrogation.

A prisoner's micro-expressions can often betray his true thoughts.

Some things cannot be pretended.

Especially the left face is more likely to reflect the details of the heart than the right face. If the left face is abnormal, the prisoner is probably lying.

But from the beginning to the end, there was no other emotion on Wang Zhongyi's face except anger.

No one, except the specially trained, can be so truthful when lying.

So Wang Zhongyi was either telling the truth, or he was a very old-fashioned old man.

Zhao Xun is more inclined to the former.

Not only because his mentor Wu Quanyi was optimistic about Wang Zhongyi and thought he was not the murderer.

It was because Zhao Xun went to the case file library before coming to the prison, and pulled out all the files related to Wang Zhongyi and read them through.

After reading it, Zhao Xun thought Wang Zhongyi was a good official.

If a few people say that there may be a possibility of fraud, but the dossier in the file library is the result of countless bad people's dark chess intelligence summary, and there should not be much discrepancy.

Of course, it doesn't rule out that Wang Zhongyi's hidden rank is too high, and he is too good at acting, avoiding all bad people's eyes and ears.

But Zhao Xun felt that this possibility was not high.

If Wang Zhongyi was wronged, then the censor who wrote to impeach Wang Zhongyi must have been instigated by others and had some conspiracy.

Who is behind him?Why point the finger at Wang Zhongyi?

These are the problems that Zhao Xun needs to solve.

But the meal has to be eaten one bite at a time, so there is no rush.

"Master Wang, please be calm and don't be impatient. If you are innocent, I will definitely return your innocence. Now I have a few questions to ask, and please answer them truthfully."

"It's natural."

Wang Zhongyi could feel the goodwill from Zhao Xun, because if Zhao Xun didn't want to handle the case impartially, he could conduct inductive interrogation.

"First, where were you and what were you doing the night of He Yushi's death?"

According to Liu Yushi who impeached Wang Zhongyi, He Yuanshan was killed by someone sent by Wang Zhongyi because He Yuanshan wanted to write a letter to impeach Wang Zhongyi because he had obtained black information about Wang Zhongyi.

Wang Zhongyi thought he could sit back and relax, but who knew that He Yushi had given Liu Yushi a copy of the black material before his death, and Liu Yushi wrote all the black material and Wang Zhongyi's evil deeds of buying and killing people in the memorial book. In the upper part is the Son of Heaven.

This set of rhetoric is very smooth, convincing and logical.

But Zhao Xun is not credulous, because there are still flaws in it.

It's how Liu Yushi proved that He Yushi told him about Wang Zhongyi's scandals, not fabricated by himself.

After all, these officials are the guns of the masters behind the scenes, and it is not impossible to act as minions.

"What day was He Yushi's death?"

Wang Zhongyi asked with some doubts.

Zhao Xun blurted out: "August [-]th."

"That night... let me think about it."

Wang Zhongyi rubbed his forehead, almost ten days had passed since August [-]th, he had to think carefully.

"I should have been drinking with my subordinates in Dongshi that night."

"Dongshi... write it down."

Zhao Xun ordered to the document beside him.

He Yushi's home was near the West Market, but Wang Zhongyi said that he went to the East Market that night.

If what he said is true, at least it can prove that Wang Zhongyi has evidence of his alibi.

Of course, it is possible for Wang Zhongyi to pay for murder, or to send his subordinates to kill, but these are all assumptions made on the premise of concluding that Wang Zhongyi is guilty.

The Great Zhou Dynasty pursued no doubt, but Zhao Xun knew that the reasonable model was no doubt.

Moreover, in Zhao Xun's impression, the cause of He Yuanshan's death was poisoning, but someone faked the illusion that he was killed by a monster.

Zhao Xun felt that the possibility of Wufu poisoning He Yushi was very small. Wufu always went straight, without those twists and turns.

It is very possible to fake it after paying for murder, but what kind of person can Wang Zhongyi trust so much?Isn't he afraid that the assassin will take the money and sell him?
There are too many doubts here.

But Zhao Xun is not worried, what he has to do now is to get as many clues as possible.

After a comprehensive summary, a systematic analysis is carried out, so that reasonable conclusions can be drawn.

"Second question, where were you and what were you doing the night Wu Ci died?"

This is what Zhao Xun is most concerned about.

Wu Ci is a bad person and Jia Xingwen's good brother, so it's unclear why he couldn't die.

If it is proved that the murderer is not Wang Zhongyi but someone else, then the charges on Wang Zhongyi can basically be cleared.

If Wang Zhongyi's explanation is not good, then his suspicion will increase sharply, because it proves that the files about Wang Zhongyi in the bad person's file library may be falsified.

"Wu Ci...he is a bad person."

Wang Zhongyi's answer surprised Zhao Xun.

"You know he's a bad person?"

Wang Zhongyi nodded: "He once worked as my staff in Shuozhou for two years, and then he said goodbye and said he went to Chang'an."

After a short pause, Wang Zhongyi continued: "When I was in Shuozhou, I felt that this person was unusual, because he was not only good at strategy, but also martial arts. Such a person with both civil and military skills is willing to be a counselor for me. Qu Cai. But I didn’t think much about it at the time, because he went to Chang’an later.”

Wang Zhongyi smiled bitterly and said: "Who would have thought that three years later, when I meet him again in Chang'an, it will be in Changlefang. At that time, he said that he was working in the residence of a fifth-rank doctor. But he has an unparalleled evil spirit, This is unique to bad people."

Zhao Xun was stunned for a moment.

Wang Zhongyi can feel the evil spirit of bad people, so... he is a practitioner?


(End of this chapter)

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