big week bad guy

Chapter 1139 Return to Zhang Academy

After the faceless man disappeared, Zhao Xun returned to Zhongnan Mountain.

Everything in Haoran Academy was as before, as if what Zhao Xun had just experienced was just a dream and nothing happened.

"Zhuang Zhou Mengdie."

Zhao Xun murmured, not knowing what to say.

At this moment everything seems like an illusion.

This feeling is really weird.

Zhao Xun didn't know how to describe it for a while.

"Why do you have this dreamy feeling? It's simply indescribable to most people."

At this moment, it is even more necessary to adjust your mentality and emotions.

For Zhao Xun, his mentality cannot be disturbed in any case.

Because he knew very well that everything must be planned reasonably in the next period of time.

He is now the talker of the academy, so no matter what happens, he needs to withstand the pressure.

If they cannot withstand the pressure at this time, they are likely to fall short.

Zhao Xun has quite a lot of experience in fighting against dark forces.

In this case, Zhao Xun was not so panicked even if more and more variables appeared.

"So at this stage, I must try my best to perceive everything. It is best to go to the academy library, so that I can get more high-quality experiences."

Zhao Xun has great trust in the Academy Library. No matter what happens, he won't feel trapped.

Everything is destined.

So Zhao Xun only needs to make himself more reasonable and in a better state.

"It will get better slowly. I have this ability."

At this stage, Zhao Xun has already realized a lot of things.

For him, he must reasonably summarize the things he has realized.

Everything will go much smoother after this.

At this point, Zhao Xun has seen a lot of things clearly. He hoped everything would get better.

"I hope the academy will gradually gain an advantage. Although it doesn't look like it will be easy."

"Junior brother, what's wrong with you? You were mumbling to yourself just now."

At this time, Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan came over and asked with great concern.


"I just went to Sunshine Ring, which is Cyberpunk."

"The situation there is very similar to what we saw in the academy library."

Zhao Xun paused for a moment and said: "So what we have to do next is to find the key points of this place as much as possible and find the faceless man."

"The Faceless One."

"Yes, this faceless man is the master of cyberpunk."


"Is this guy good or bad?"

"It's not bad. It's similar to the existence of Irakanpur Noliha Chiathir or Diadonas Lorenzo Harreeves."

Zhao Xun paused for a moment, then continued: "I've fought this guy twice, and I feel like I can still win. It can't be said that I can guarantee victory, but I can still gain an advantage."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, junior brother, if that's the case, we still have to pay more attention."


"Yes, we must be prepared in advance. Because the Faceless Ones may invade at any time. Diadonas Lorenzo Harreeves or Irakanpur Noliha Chiathir In fact, that’s how it works. So we must always be vigilant.”

"Tsk tsk tsk"

"So now we must be able to understand the logic of their invasion. If we don't figure this out, we will definitely be led by the nose."

Although Zhao Xun doesn't know much about the faceless people and the cyberpunk world at present, he still intends to popularize some important science knowledge for the senior brothers and sisters in the academy.

After all, even now, we have to understand that people have the ability to stretch.

Human potential is unlimited, but it is not unleashed at critical moments.

When it comes to life-and-death moments, he can unleash astonishing power at any time.


At this stage, each person needs to exhibit a completely different trait.

With Zhao Xun leading by example, everyone in the academy will definitely be very different.

"So. What can we do next to avoid being affected by these faceless men?"

"I think telepathy will do the trick."


"So we must stay vigilant. Telepathy may also malfunction. We must all participate so that the risk can be minimized."


"That's the way it is. We still have to try it if necessary."

"Well, junior brother, you are still experienced in this area. We will all follow your lead. No matter what the decision is, junior brother, just let us know. Only in this way can we unite as one."

In the view of third senior brother Long Qingquan, unity is very important.

The reason why the academy was able to gain an advantage at critical moments before was because the academy disciples were united enough.

So what they want to do now is exactly the same.

We must be united to face any risk.

"I will."

Zhao Xun still sees the current situation very clearly.

Nothing is impossible for him.

The key depends on attitude.

Attitude is really important.

If there is an extreme pull, then attitude will be everything.


"If the cyberpunk world completely collapses, I'm afraid the entire universe will become different."

"Maybe. But we really have no way to predict things that haven't happened."

Zhao Xun smiled and said: "We must be cautious enough now to ensure nothing goes wrong."

"Third Senior Brother, I think the magic circle is still very necessary. If we can build a powerful magic circle, we can ensure that there will not be a sneak attack by the enemy. As for whether other situations will occur, no one can know. "

Zhao Xun has actually done quite well, but he still has to consider some possible situations.

After all, he has experienced too many things, and if faced with a certain crisis, it will affect the team's decision-making ability.

Zhao Xun knows this very well.

So they must think ahead on how to deal with the problem.

As long as you do this, you can basically be invincible.


"I think we should start taking action now. Without further delay, the longer it takes, the easier it will be for the situation to get out of control."

"Okay, let's build a defense line now. But I think I have to make one thing clear to you, little junior brother. You must not go to the cyberpunk world alone. This is really dangerous."

Third senior brother Long Qingquan still pays great attention to Zhao Xun's safety.

No matter what happens, safety comes first.

Going to a place like that alone is basically a narrow escape.

It can only be said that they are lucky that the junior brother can come back this time. But it cannot be said that luck is always good.

What if you are unlucky?

What if an extreme situation occurs?

If this is really the case, it would be really terrible.

"Okay, I promise you, Third Senior Brother. I will not explore alone."

At this moment, Zhao Xun is sure that things will turn around.

Once the situation worsens, it will lead to a series of problems.

So he must ensure his own safety first.

On the premise of achieving this, we can effectively deal with various situations.

"Okay, let's go get some food. I'm still very hungry after all this."

At this moment, Zhao Xun just wanted to have a big meal.

No matter what, you can't fight the enemy hungry.

"Okay, little junior brother, what do you want to eat?"


Zhao Xun was really confused.

There are countless delicacies in the world, but if Zhao Xun is forced to name one in a short time, Zhao Xun really can't.

"How about barbecue and hot pot. This can guarantee the lower limit, and it won't be too bad after all."


"Indeed. Both of those things you said are indeed good."

"Well, let's have a barbecue. The sense of participation in barbecue is stronger." Compared to hot pot, Zhao Xun still prefers barbecue.

No matter what, you can always find fun in barbecue.

This is not found in hot pot.

"Yeah, so we're going to start skewering now."

This is the most important step in preparation. Only when this step is done well will the next steps make sense.

Otherwise, it will always be top-heavy and inappropriate.

Food is all about participation.

Depending on the degree of participation, the feelings are also completely different.

At this moment, Zhao Xun became quite proactive.

Whether it is meat skewers or vegetable skewers, Zhao Xun is very good at skewering them.

"Hahaha, it's really cool."

Zhao Xun felt that Chuan Chuan was quite a relief. No matter what worries he had, they would be gone as soon as Chuan Chuan was over.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's absolutely amazing."

"Junior brother, how long has it been since we made skewers together?"

"Um, I don't know. A month?"

For a long time, Zhao Xun has been thinking about how to fight against cyberpunk people.

At present, it seems that appropriate relaxation is still necessary.

"Tsk tsk tsk"

The more times like this, the more you need to ensure that you are relaxed and relaxed.

There is no point in being too relaxed or too tired.


"This is indeed a long time. We still have to try our best to ensure that we cannot be influenced by other things."


"Well, get some rest if you can."

At this moment, Zhao Xun had begun to have an epiphany.

Things that you can’t figure out at first can be thought about now.

The longer you immerse yourself, the easier it is to fall into a blind spot.

Only by withdrawing from things can you have a deeper understanding.

Awareness is important.

Only with correct understanding can big problems avoid occurrence.

"It's so difficult. The current situation is really too difficult for us."

"Don't be afraid, Third Senior Brother. Our ability is enough to support us to continue on."

Zhao Xun has become very focused at this moment.

For him, as long as he can lead the senior brothers and sisters in the academy to move forward, he can move in a better direction.

“The barbecue feels really good.”

After a big meal, Zhao Xun felt quite enjoying it.

It is difficult for ordinary people to feel this feeling. Only those who have experienced it can feel the beauty of peace.

"Tsk tsk tsk. It would be great if I could always have this wonderful feeling."


"But it's up to us to fight for it."

"Junior brother, do you think we can withstand the pressure if we encounter a large-scale invasion by the Faceless Men?"

"It should be possible. Even if it's not possible, we still have to withstand the pressure."


"Turning the bad into something magical. That's what we have to do. We have a deep responsibility."

This moment has to take on something different.

"Tsk tsk tsk"

At this moment, as long as you have a certain degree of confidence, you can ignore the risks.

If you can't do it, it will only get harder.

"Okay, junior brother, we can rest assured with your words. Just think about it. Whether it is facing Iracanpur Noliha Chiathir or Diadonas Lorenzo We didn't have any fear when we were in Harvevs, we were all able to take on the challenge bravely, and we all achieved good results in the end. Now it seems that perseverance is still necessary."

At this moment, the confidence that Zhao Xun brought to the academy disciples was quite crucial.

This is not something that ordinary people can bring.

It can be said that Zhao Xun has brought quite a lot of different things to where he is today.

As long as they keep walking, they can finally see the sunshine.

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to do this?

After a period of adjustment and rest, Zhao Xun returned to the academy library again and began to research information about cyberpunk and the faceless men.

In Zhao Xun's opinion, knowing oneself and the enemy will lead to victory in any battle.

Understanding your opponent is very important.

Only by knowing your opponent clearly can you be foolproof.

Otherwise, you will only be plotted by the Faceless Ones.

Once you fall into such a state, no matter how good your performance is, there will be flaws.

Zhao Xun definitely doesn't want this to happen.

"The Faceless Men are the highest-level creatures in Cyberpunk. They rule the entire planet. Everything there is dominated by the will of the Faceless Men. No matter what happens, it will be executed according to their ideas. The core of the Cyberpunk world is inside Living things can be copied infinitely. The more they copy, the easier it will be to crush the natives of other planets."

At this moment, Zhao Xun was shocked.

Unlimited copy

No matter where it is, it will have a huge impact.

Once a creature can replicate infinitely, there are even more possibilities.

Once restricted, the entire process becomes difficult.

The aborigines of the Dazhou world are definitely incomparable to the aborigines of the cyberpunk world.

Once it is really invaded, the consequences can be described as terrible.

"Tsk tsk tsk"

At this moment, Zhao Xun must prevent the aboriginal expansion of cyberpunk.

The Faceless Men were supposed to be giving the orders.

Once Zhao Xun begins to come into contact with the Faceless Men, it will easily cause drastic changes in the world of Great Zhou.

These are all things Zhao Xun needs to consider in advance.

If the situation really becomes uncontrollable, who can withstand the pressure?

Some things have to be considered.

If you only consider one detail, you will easily miss many things.


These must be studied carefully.

"It seems like we really need to build some shelters to ensure that extreme situations don't occur."

This kind of thing is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

You have to think about possibilities as much as possible.

When you face different situations, you will have completely different situations.

"It's best for the shelter to be invisible. As long as this is done, it will be foolproof."

Zhao Xun learned that the aboriginal people in the cyberpunk world could not break the invisibility spell.

So as long as they can hide the shelter, there won't be much of a problem.

Next is the peak showdown with the Faceless Men.

The Faceless Men are very powerful.

It's so powerful that most people can't face it head-on.

But Zhao Xun still has this strength.

As long as he can deal with this situation, no matter what happens, he can compete with the Faceless Men.

"The Faceless Man is actually not that scary. It's just that he can't see his true face, so he has a sense of fear. But as long as this fear is overcome, everything will be fine."

At this moment, Zhao Xun already possesses the ultimate judgment.

The battle between him and the Faceless Men would be impossible to tell in a short period of time.

But this is not critical.

As long as he can adapt to the environment, Zhao Xun will eventually gain the upper hand.

So the next period of time is the preparation period. As long as Zhao Xun can spend this period, he will definitely have a good result.

Zhao Xun firmly believes in this.

(End of this chapter)

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