auspicious time has come

Chapter 258 Can You Stop?

Those men in black made fierce moves quickly and quickly gained the upper hand.

With a loud sound of "哐!", a man in black swung a knife and slashed at the prison car, and the prison car shattered into pieces after two or three hits.

Li Cheng, whose eyes widened in shock, was torn from the prison car by the man in black, staggered and nearly fell, and asked in a trembling voice, "You... who are you!"

No one has the time to answer him.

After the man in black settled the official errands, he dragged him away.

"Okay, let's pick him up." Yin Hai stood up from the bushes and ordered.

A group of more than ten people came out in response to the sound, and hurried to catch up.

The officials who fell down looked at the group of men in black who appeared again, and dragged their wounded bodies back in horror—how could there be more? !
Not long after, Li Cheng also had this confusion.

Looking at the men in black who suddenly appeared and snatched him away from those who snatched him just now, the young man was amazed—why so many people wanted to snatch him tonight!
After succeeding, those people took him away from here and stuffed him into a carriage.

The carriage traveled through the night, bumping all the way, and finally he was brought into a small house.

The shackles on Li Cheng's body had already been removed by them, and he was sitting in the room wearing prison clothes, looking at the man in black who was standing silently by the side, he didn't know where to start.

After a long while, I was able to open my mouth and ask tentatively: "...Brother, you hijacked me... No no, you worked so hard to save me, who gave you the order?"

The man in black didn't answer.

"Cough, it's okay not to say..." Li Cheng laughed dryly, feeling like he was sitting on pins and needles: "Then dare to ask... what do I need to do to repay you?"

The man in black was not silent this time.


"...?" Li Cheng nodded, " must do it."

Then, there was another awkward silence.

Having seen these people's methods of "eating black people", Li Cheng didn't dare to stand up for a while, but the humming sound in his stomach gave him the courage to ask boldly, "Is there... any food?"

"Wait a minute."

Li Cheng smiled: "Okay."

Not long after, someone brought food over.

Looking at the three dishes and one soup in front of him, which was more meat than vegetarian, Li Cheng couldn't help but his eyes turned red: "All for me?"

The corner of the man in black's mouth twitched: "... let's eat."

The boy's saliva was about to drip, but he was still cautious, and asked aggrievedly: "Don't call me Grandpa?"

Man in black:"……??"

What's wrong with King Xiang?
I can't fix it for him!

"What... was robbed by someone else?" Princess Yongyang sneered.

"It's the people sent by my subordinates who are ineffective. Please punish me." Zhao Qinming pleaded guilty.

"Everyone has been robbed, so what's the use of punishing you." Princess Yongyang's eyes flickered slightly: "It seems that someone is afraid that this palace will attack King Xiang on the way..."

"Could it be that Jiang's faction... wants to change the King of Xiang?" Zhao Qinming guessed.

"It's all possible." Princess Yongyang frowned slightly: "Let someone secretly track down King Xiang's whereabouts first, and pay close attention to every movement."

"Yes." After Zhao Qinming answered, he asked, "Then Yan Ming... how to deal with it?"

The other party encouraged him to support the king of Xiang, but the king of Xiang was robbed by others at this time——

"Just tell the truth." Princess Yongyang said softly, "It's not that he really wants to support the king of Xiang, but he just wants to lure you into the bait. You just need to be anxious about finding the whereabouts of the king of Xiang. Everything is going according to plan, and he will not change his mind."

"Yes, my subordinates understand."

After discussing some other matters, Zhao Qinming just left.

As soon as his front foot left, Princess Yongyang called a hidden guard to step forward.

After hearing what she told the secret guard, Qi Zhen felt chills all over her body.

Over the years, she had heard too many such things, but at this moment, she still felt a chill coming from the bottom of her heart.

The chill is not because "one more person is going to die", but because she is on this road of killing, and at this moment she feels that there is no end in sight——

In the past, she only thought that as long as His Highness's wish is fulfilled, all this can stop...

Can you really stop?

Or, she, who is by His Highness's side, has been trying to paralyze herself with self-deception...

"By the way, how is that cat these days?" Princess Yongyang asked with her eyes closed, rubbing her temples wearily.

This extremely soft voice was like a giant hand pulling Qi Zhen's thoughts back.

She replied: "Since His Royal Highness sent the maidservant to deliver the message that day, Mrs. Heng no longer refuses to eat...but she doesn't use it much."

"But I always feel that she may not be what she seems on the surface..." Princess Yongyang confessed without opening her eyes: "Now is the critical moment, and I don't want to make any mistakes... Even if she doesn't have the ability to You can escape, but Ben Gong still can't really feel at ease, why don't you go back and watch her for Ben Gong for a few days, so as to prevent her from causing any trouble at this time."

"Yes." Qi Zhen replied, "After the maidservant has finished handling the affairs in the palace, I will leave the palace and return home."

Princess Yongyang gave a soft "hmm" and continued to close her eyes to rest.


While riding in the west camp, Yan Min arrived as scheduled.

The rice grains, gold and silver that followed were secretly transported into Zhao Qinming's arsenal.

Zhao Qinming smiled happily, and raised his hand to invite: "Please Mr. Yan and Mr. Zhao to go to the study to discuss important matters."

Yan Ming nodded with a smile, and the figures of the two disappeared into the twilight together.


At the same moment, nearly a hundred miles away from the city, in front of a dense forest, a carriage was stopped by bandits who suddenly rushed out.

"You... this is at the feet of the emperor, how dare you rob a car for money here!" The coachman was horrified, trying to scare off the vicious thieves: "Our family is the Pei family of the capital...! My wife is the Dou family of Weinan Daughter! Here we are facing Weinan!"

"What is the Pei family and the Dou family! At the feet of the emperor? Where is the emperor!" The bandit gave a "bah" and raised his knife and stepped forward: "Brothers, the gold and silver women are all ours!"

These desperadoes had no scruples, and a few servants quickly became overwhelmed.

A gangster came to the car with a knife, stretched out his hand and forcibly dragged a person out of the car.


Seeing his mother, Mrs. Dou, being dragged out of the car by the man, Pei Wushuang in the car suddenly pulled out the saber beside him, held it in front of him with both hands, and said in the direction of the bandit, "Don't come here! Let me go!" A Niang!... You are all asking for money, An Lan, give them all the money and jewelry!"

The maid next to her nodded with a pale face, almost crying in fright, and hurriedly threw all the valuables on the car.

"I've given you all the money...quickly let my mother go!" Pei Wushuang said tremblingly while holding the sword.

The man stared at her closely, and smiled "Hey": "Little lady, who said that if you give money, you don't want people?"

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