auspicious time has come

Chapter 244 I Give Her Time

"But my elder brother just sighed, and said that he also followed his father's confession before he died, and wanted to find a stable home for me... The fool is hypocritical, and he really can't hide it at all." Princess Yongyang held her hands slowly. Slowly withdrawing, looking at the long scar, said: "Since that day, I have never begged him again. These hands have never held a spear or sword again."

Regarding all the things after getting married, she didn't say any more, just looked at Jiang Zhengfu with a smile: "Why is Brother Jiang's family the same as before, just listening to everything and not talking?"

"Madman." Jiang Zhengfu suppressed the turbulence in his heart: "No matter how unsatisfactory you are, it is not the reason for you to use any means to slaughter innocent relatives and friends!"

"Yes, I'm a lunatic." Princess Yongyang stood up with a smile, straightened her wide sleeves slowly, and said with emotion: "But it's better than brother Jiang's blindness. Up to now, he doesn't even know who the murderer is."

Jiang Zhengfu's body froze suddenly, and two voices flashed in his mind at the same time——

That day in the dark room of Dali Temple, he heard Xiao Mu interrogate Gu Changwu, claiming that Yun Chao died in a "bizarre way" in the Jin army camp...

Later, Yan Ming also told him that the so-called Xiao Mu's theory of eagerness for quick success and quick benefits was just a provocative rhetoric of the Jin army...

He never believed these words on the surface, but step by step to today, the initial certainty has gradually been shaken.

And at this moment, looking at the person in front of him...

"Yun Chao is really a good boy. Among them, besides Jingzhi, I liked him the most." Princess Yongyang sighed: "It's a pity, he is too meddling. To persuade the King of Jin to surrender...but they have a deep friendship, and the King of Jin is really about to be persuaded by him."

When Jiang Zhengfu, who had been ill for a long time, heard this, his mind was already buzzing.

But I can still hear the indifferent voice slowly saying——

"Since it blocked my way, I could only reluctantly remove him."

Jiang Zhengfu's eyes were so red that he was about to bleed: "Li Wei——!"

Princess Yongyang just looked at him with a slight smile.

"It turns out that King Jin's rebellion was also instigated by you! You killed Yun Chao to force King Jin to a dead end...!" Jiang Zhengfu, who has always been calm, even trembled at this moment: "All of them... are you Looking at the children who have grown up! Everyone respects and trusts you! How can you be so cruel!"

"I often feel that it is a pity...they could all be the pillars of Dasheng, but they are so unlucky."

Jiang Zhengfu's liver and gallbladder were torn apart, and resentment and resentment intertwined: "You crazy woman!"

"You wish you could kill me, don't you?" Princess Yongyang stretched her expression, "I'm right here. If Brother Jiang has the skills, just kill me."

She raised her hand and pointed to the horse-cutting sword that represented the majesty of the emperor hanging on the sandalwood stand beside her.

Jiang Zhengfu suddenly clenched his fingers, and walked towards the horse-killing sword.

When he raised his hand to take the sword, his hand, which was trembling slightly due to anger, froze in mid-air.

He closed his eyes, trying to suppress the almost unbearable grief and anger in his heart.

"You don't have to provoke me with this... In the end, you just want to take the opportunity to get rid of me by accusing me, so that you can accuse Zhongshu Sheng... don't even think about it!"

Jiang Zhengfu's gaze was fixed on her face like a knife: "You want to usurp the throne as the regent of the country, and you have to ask me whether the whole secretary of the Communist Party of China agrees!... Sooner or later, I will find evidence and expose your crimes to the public! Don't say Emperor, you can only be punished by everyone in the eyes of the world in the future, and you will never be a rebellious official and family thief who will be scolded forever, and there will never be a place for you, Li Wei, in the Li family tree and ancestral grave!"

Princess Yongyang smiled: "Okay, then I will wait for Brother Jiang to punish me as soon as possible."

Jiang Zhengfu didn't want to look at her any more, turned around and left the place.

"Your Highness..." Qi Zhen walked in quickly.

"What are you afraid of?" Princess Yongyang turned and walked towards the window, and said softly: "This is an old fox, even in the face of revenge for killing his son, he is still so calm... I hope he raises his sword at me, or He ran out and loudly declared that I wanted to usurp the throne, so he would be the lunatic."

Qi Zhen just said: "Your Highness is fine."

"He is not curious why I have kept him alone all these years." Princess Yongyang raised her hand and pushed the window lattice open: "One, the Jiang family tree has deep roots and cannot be easily shaken. Two, I need their gang The gentry came to contain the power of the Eastern Palace, so as not to let Chang'er hold the power..."

"The third reason...Naturally, he needs to be the scapegoat."

Princess Yongyang looked at the old plum tree outside the window: "If he also died early, it would be difficult to explain the Shi family's affairs to Jingzhi and the others... It's a pity that I have taken so much pains to show them the evidence time and time again." Look, Jingzhi's child has been having doubts all these years, it's really not worrying."

She sighed: "To this day...since we can't hide it anymore, this scapegoat is useless."

Qizhen lowered her eyes when she heard the words, and said in a low voice: "Your Highness, please don't disturb your heart too much, or your body may not be able to hold on."

"How can this be disturbing? I've been waiting for so many years, just for this moment." Princess Yongyang suddenly said in a daze: "I liked the plum tree outside the window when I was young. But when I grow up, I knew right away that the Ganlu Palace would belong to the emperor's brother in the future. And I can only match up with a son-in-law and move out of the palace—"

"Plum trees are also planted in the Eldest Princess' Mansion, but they are not as good as the one in Ganlu Palace." She gradually regained her composure and smiled contentedly: "This winter, we can enjoy plum trees here."

Qizhen just listened quietly, then took a robe and put it on for her.

"By the way, my cat...has he ever looked for me?" Princess Yongyang asked casually.

Qi Zhen shook her head: "Returning to Your Highness, since the crown prince's accident that day... the servant girl has never seen Mrs. Heng again."

Princess Yongyang sighed lightly: "That's fine, let's tell her to calm down for now."

Qizhen said with a rare tone of hesitation: "Your Highness, Mrs. Heng is probably..."

"She should think about it, it's just a matter of time, I will give her time to slowly adapt to accept it." Princess Yongyang said softly: "She was taught by me, and like me, she yearns for the word justice in her heart. Dissatisfied with the secular shackles on women... and I can help her do what she wants to do."

"But..." Qi Zhen hesitated to speak.

"Don't judge her with those mediocre eyes." Princess Yongyang smiled in her eyes: "Tomorrow, I will let someone clean up a study room in this Ganlu Palace and give it to my cat for future use."

After a moment of silence, Qi Zhen agreed.

Jiang Zhengfu left the inner palace with the help of an official who was waiting outside the Ganlu Hall, and just got into the carriage when he couldn't hold on any longer and suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood.

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