auspicious time has come

Chapter 222 Sleeping

Chapter 222 Sleeping
On the same day, Yan Ming accompanied Jiang Xuexi to leave the Jiang Mansion and went to Zhuangzi outside the city.

The journey of less than two hours already made Jiang Xuexi extremely exhausted.When they got to the Zhuangzi, after barely eating some food, they fell asleep.

After such a drowsy sleep, when she opened her eyes again, she saw only black and blue outside the window, and she didn't know what time it was.

There was a light in the room, she turned her head, and saw someone beside the bed guarding her, he just sat on the edge of the bed, resting his head on the bed post, and fell asleep.

Jiang Xuexi stretched out her hand, and touched his tired brow with her fingers.

This light and light movement also caused him to open his eyes immediately and wake up.

The four eyes met, and there was no haze of early awakening in his eyes, only endless tenderness: "Are you awake?"

"Did I sleep for a long time?" Jiang Xuexi smiled slightly: "What time is it?"

Seeing that she was about to sit up, Yan Ming helped her up and said, "One more hour, it will be dawn soon."

Jiang Xuexi looked out the window, and said with great interest: "Then how about we go to the back mountain to watch the sunrise? I have never seen the sunrise again for so many years."

Yan Ming didn't say much, just nodded in response "OK."

The maid Qing Jin came in after hearing the sound, her eyes were red, but she first showed a big smile: "The servant girl washes and dresses the girl."

Jiang Xuexi nodded.

After going around the screen, Qing Jin walked out holding a set of cumbersome blue dark clothes, and asked with a smile, "Miss, would you like to try on dresses?"

The so-called gowns are wedding clothes.

"Why... are you still wearing a dress?" Jiang Xuexi was quite surprised.

"I asked Qingjin to wear it." Yan Ming said with a smile, "It just so happened to try it on, if there is something that doesn't fit, there is still a day to modify it."

Qing Jin came forward with both hands in her hands: "Girl, why don't you give it a try?"

Jiang Xuexi raised her hand and caressed the cumbersome and delicate blue and green wedding gown of gauze fine silk, and nodded slightly.

Qing Jin then helped her to go behind the screen, and put it on carefully for her girl inside and out, layer by layer.

When Jiang Xuexi was supported and came out from behind the screen——

"Does it look good?"

"Does it look good?"

She and Yan Ming asked each other almost at the same time.

Jiang Xuexi looked at Yan Ming who had also changed into the crimson wedding gown, and nodded with a smile: "It looks good."

He looked at her with a smile and nodded, "It's pretty."

He walked over and held out his hand to her.

Jiang Xuexi handed over her hand, and the moment he held it, he bent down and gently hugged her.

Yan Ming carried her to the yellow pear wood four-wheel chair prepared outside the room, squatted down and carefully adjusted the skirt and wide sleeves for her, and then pushed her slowly back to the mountain.

When they came to the front of the back mountain, the sky was already bright, and Qing Jin, who was carrying a lantern, did not follow up.

"Rongji, shall we go and sit there?" Jiang Xuexi pointed to the old boulder by the river.

Yan Ming hugged her, and the two sat together, looking at the low green hills beyond the river - where the morning sun is about to rise.

"Among the years, the climate at this time is the most pleasant... It's still a bit cool before the summer, and the scenery is also the best."

Looking at the hazy scenery around, Jiang Xuexi felt the tranquility and vitality, and said with a smile: "It's really lucky to be able to sit here with my family Rong Ji at this time, waiting for the sun to rise."

Yan Ming hugged her, made her lean in front of him, and said: "Four seasons turn around, each has its own good times. If you don't want to live in the city in the future, we will live in this village for the rest of our lives."

"Death..." Jiang Xuexi said softly, "I often think that there are so many accidents and illnesses in a person's life... It is such a blessing to be able to die in peace."

Her blessing is also great, but maybe it is too great, so it is used up too early, and it can only support her to the present.

There is nothing to complain about, she is already luckier than too many people.

I don't know if he sensed her thoughts, Yan Mingwu held her tighter.

"Rongji, I seem to be sleepy again."

"Wait a little longer, you will see the sunrise soon."

She raised the corner of her mouth slightly: "Then let's talk..."

"Okay, I'll talk to you."

"I'll show you something..." Jiang Xuexi slowly took out a piece of corrugated paper from his sleeve, smiled and said slowly: "You don't want to laugh at me when you see it."

Yan Ming took it, and carefully looked at the line of delicate handwriting on it, until he saw the last line, his eyes trembled - find Yue Yan, know that he is safe, and see him.

"The above are all things I want to do." Jiang Xuexi gently pointed his fingers to show him, "Birthday banquet, going to a teahouse to listen to an opera, going to the West Market, watching juggling and acrobatics...these are all sister Aheng Finish it with me."

"The last also guided by Sister Heng."

"Sister Heng, you are really my noble lady."

"I just wanted to see you... I didn't expect it, but I could lean in front of you and wait for the sun to rise, and talk about marriage with you..." Jiang Xuexi said, smiling: "It's the son-in-law who is Chongxi." The really not very nice."

"So—" Yan Ming's voice tensed slightly: "You delayed the wedding on purpose, didn't you?"

"It's also my fault that Mr. Bai's medicine is so good that it made me earn a few more days..." Her voice became softer and softer: "I have only reached this point in my life, but there is still more to come in your life." It's a long way... If I drag you into marriage so recklessly, how will you live in the future."

"Don't you want to say such unpleasant nonsense." Yan Ming squeezed her shoulders, his voice was hoarse: "The engagement has been fixed, and you are wearing a formal dress. The world and the mountains and rivers can prove that you are my wife."

"Is that so..." Jiang Xuexi gently closed her eyes, allowing herself to immerse herself in this short-lived delusion destined to accompany her for a long time: "Okay, let's do it like this."

Yan Ming didn't know when his eyes were red, and he looked at the fish-white color behind the green mountain with her.

"Rongji, there is one more thing..."

"Tell me, I can hear you clearly."

"I know, you have never been able to let go of the family affairs back then, and you have decided that my father used methods from it. Even if he was not the mastermind, he was also an accomplice..." Her voice was very weak, and there was still a shiver of chills Meaning: "I have no evidence to prove my father's innocence, and my father never wants to mention the old things to anyone... But, I dare to conclude that there must be something else in this matter... He is my father, I know What kind of person is my father?"

Yan Ming hugged her tighter and closer to himself, resting his chin on the top of her hair.

"I know, there is no basis for empty words, Dad has many suspicious things... I don't want to excuse him... I just don't want you to hate someone wrong."

Yan Ming closed his eyes, and said in a low voice: "Okay, I've made a note... I will definitely distinguish with my heart."

A reassuring smile appeared on the corner of Jiang Xuexi's mouth: "So... I can rest assured."

"Don't talk about that yet." Yan Ming said, "Look, the sun is about to come out."

Jiang Xuexi raised his eyes with difficulty and looked into the distance.

Behind the mountain was faintly shining, and a ray of light broke through the clouds.

It should be possible to see the sun soon - she could only say so in her heart.

Because she wanted to save some strength, she said to him: "Rong Ji, I can find you back and stay with you for so long, I often feel that I am dreaming..."

Yan Ming pressed a kiss on her forehead tremblingly.

"If you think it's still a good dream...then keep dreaming."

He wanted to hold her tighter, but gradually lost his strength.

The morning breeze blows gently, and the sun rises out of Xiu.

When all things wake up, there is also breath here to sleep forever.


The news that the girl from the Jiang family passed away the day before her marriage quickly spread throughout the capital.

Some expressed regret, and some said inappropriate words, but no one cared about them.

Yan Ming didn't care, and Jiang Zhengfu couldn't care less.

After Yan Ming sent Jiang Xuexi back to Jiang's house, Qing Jin took out two letters written by Jiang Xuexi.

"This is written by the girl before going to Zhuangzi, and the servant girl will hand it over to the master after the event."

Jiang Zhengfu seemed to take it calmly, but he still couldn't understand the meaning of the words, just glanced at the familiar handwriting of his daughter's house, and tears welled up in his eyes.

After many years of ups and downs in the officialdom, losing both his wife and son, at this age, this is the first time in his life that he lost his composure and shed tears in front of others.

After a long while, he closed his eyes with difficulty, and his voice trembled sadly: "I knew...she didn't want me to see her leave in person, so she found an excuse to go to Biezhuang."

Yan Ming stood quietly at the side, and after a while, he bowed deeply to the old man with gray hair in the bun: "Xue Xi said that Ling Gong didn't believe in the so-called Chongxi theory, this time it was just for the sake of the two of us... Rongji is grateful Endless."

Jiang Zhengfu stood there without responding.

He took the letter, turned around, and walked slowly towards the dim study.

Jiang Linggong, who has always been calm and composed, and who has gone through many storms, can't even take care of his daughter's funeral in person.

Arranging everything in a strict and orderly manner, the arranged wedding hall was removed and replaced with a mourning hall.

This move was condemned and ridiculed by members of the Jiang clan——

"It's clear that I haven't visited the church yet, so there are countless marriages. How can an outsider meddle in my Jiang's family affairs!"

"Why are you willing to be happy for Xi'er? If you really have such infatuation, how can you still carry out such a big deal after Xi'er left?"

Yan Ming turned a deaf ear to this.

When Jiang Zhengfu heard about this, he ordered the steward to throw Yiying clansman out of the mansion on the grounds that "the spirit has disturbed Xi'er's cleanliness".

The next day, Heng Yu came to express his condolences and stayed in the mourning hall for a long time.

The Pei family always looked forward to Jiang Zhengfu's leadership. Pei Wushuang once heard Hengyu mention the matter between Yan Junjun and the Jiang family girl, so he also came to express condolences with his aunt at home.

Seeing Yan Ming who was guarding the spirit, Pei Wushuang did not show any acquaintance with him.

Ah Heng told her that Doctor Yan changed his identity in order to cheer up the Jiang family girl.

Xiao Mu also sent Yin Hai to come here—although the Dingbei Marquis Mansion is not on good terms with Jiang Zhengfu, but the officialdom is like this, and there are etiquette and customs to follow in everything, so this move is not eye-catching.

Yin Hai recited a sentence of Buddha, and said "sorry" to Yan Ming.

Pei Wushuang looked at him through the crowd of condolences.

Yin Hai noticed something, turned his head to look, and met that gaze.

Jiang Zhengfu's identity was placed here, and many people came to express their condolences. The two of them looked at each other through the bustling crowd. The girl's reddish eyes were different from the tranquility of the past.

In this quietness, it seems that for the first time there is a thought about the separation between life and death.

Burning paper money and burning materials in the copper basin, incense and mist curled up in front of the coffin, and the two looked at each other for a long time in the haze.

Before Hengyu left Jiang's mansion, the female envoy Qing Jin handed her another letter.

On the carriage home, Heng Yu opened the letter and read it carefully.

Most of the letters were thanks and wishes to her, and the lines between the lines were gentle and kind.

She is really a kind and gentle girl.

Hengyu moistened her eyelashes unknowingly.

In ancient times, there have always been many principles of reconciliation about the two characters of life and death, which are always full of the true meaning of Zen.

But as a layman, it is always difficult to really see through.

She and Jiang Xuexi have known each other for only a short time, and that's it, let alone the real people around her——

On the eve of the burial of the Jiang family girl, Jiang Zhengfu fell ill.

This disease persisted for a long time, and for more than ten days in a row, none of the officials in the early court could see Jiang Linggong.

Several close confidantes came to visit, and they felt uneasy when they saw the old man who had suddenly become silent and old.

Therefore, it is inevitable that there will be some strange voices from various factions in the court, and because Jiang Zhengfu has no heirs, the distribution of the unbreakable gentry forces headed by the Jiang family seems to be wavering.

In his later years, he lost his daughter and was alone, which made people sigh and sympathize.

However, human feelings belong to human feelings, and the court is the court.

Several staff members in the East Palace have expressed their opinions in front of Ji Nanxian more than once - they all think that Jiang Zhengfu fell ill at this time, which is really a good thing.

If the other party is left in a slump, taking advantage of this opportunity, the Eastern Palace faction will have a lot to do.

In addition, Donggong has also been preparing for another matter recently.

"Crown Princess... is there a birthday party at this time?" Ning Yu was a little surprised when she heard this, and lowered her voice, "Xiao Yu'er, didn't you and brother say that the saint had a stroke and couldn't move anymore... "

Hengyu closed the invitation for the birthday banquet, and said: "At this time, the envoys of all countries are in the capital. If the sage himself released them before, he would like to celebrate the Qianqiu Festival——in the current situation, there is chaos in the southern border. The royal family is the most taboo to show decadence, so this birthday banquet for the Crown Princess, even if it is for those people to see, must be held."

The crown princess's birthday banquet was scheduled for five days later.

In the next few days, the princess was often busy from morning to night.

Although it can't be said that it is a big event, the people attending the banquet are quite different from previous years, and many details must be carefully considered.

It was not until the eve of the birthday banquet that everything was finally roughly finalized.

Thinking that tomorrow is the birthday of the Crown Princess, the Crown Prince squeezed out some free time to have dinner with his wife, accompanied by Princess Jiayi.

With her husband and daughter by her side, the Crown Princess is in a good mood.

However, halfway through the meal, the discomfort that I sometimes felt when I woke up in the morning suddenly aggravated a lot.

"What's wrong, Auntie?" Princess Jiayi asked involuntarily, seeing that her mother's expression was not right, and pressed her hand on her chest.

The prince put down the chopsticks: "What's wrong with Yingying?"

The concubine suppressed her stomach churning: "It's fine as a concubine."

"But it's because of too much work lately? It's better to invite a medical officer to take a look—" the prince said, and ordered Gong'e to invite a medical officer.

 Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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