blood plague

Chapter 337 1 will be successful

"It's noon."

This is a line that the gunmen in western movies love to say.

According to legend, for the fairest duel, the sun should not affect both parties involved in the duel, so the gunmen dueling on the street will choose to start the life-and-death battle when the sun hits the ground directly at noon.

As for the real situation...

Since it is a legend, it must be false.

Those guys who live in such a lawless place in the west are all scum, villains, and thugs. There are no lower limits and rules for doing things. How can there be a fair duel.

Wouldn't it be more enjoyable for me to shoot the enemy secretly from behind and then pee on his corpse?
Of course, it doesn't mean that there has never been a fair and just duel. For example, the duel that Wild Bill participated in is the kind of serious one that can even be recognized by the official.

There are many reasons here. The biggest factor is that the goal of those who duel with Wild Bill is not to kill Bill, but to defeat him and take away his honor as the number one fast gunner in the West.

In other words, Bill's head is not worth much, but his name is.

Being famous is beneficial, who wouldn't want to be number one in the world?
So Wild Bill was shot to death from behind, which was a huge loss to all the gunmen at that time-Wild Bill took his reputation into the coffin, and no one could take it away.

Subsequently, even the title of "the fastest gunner in the West" also entered history.

Because once the title is mentioned, some people say that isn't Wild Bill?

No matter how fast and powerful you are, you can't beat a dead man.

So after Wild Bill, there is no "first".

Now Bill said to himself, "It's noon." Of course, it had nothing to do with the duel. He just thought this sentence was very cool.

Several black shadows bounced and shuttled quickly on the tall buildings. Although there were guns in the pickup trucks on the street, they were confident.

Due to the influence of gravity, the shooting trajectory of all bullets is a parabola, so it is very difficult to shoot from the bottom up. Almost all sights will fail, and the shooter will fire based on the feeling of the shooter.

Not to mention that the shooter's eyes are also stimulated by sunlight, and it is difficult to capture the beating figure.

The special infected still retain most of their previous memories and consciousness, and they know how to deal with the "gun".

To be honest, this is really true.

Bill is a quick shooter, but not a marksman.If Iger is there, just give him an M700, and the no-fly zone is above his head.

Although Bill's talent is extremely good, he has been jealous of Iger since he was a child, because Iger's talent is even better.Iger's shooting talent is suitable for almost all situations, while Bill's rapid fire is very limited.

After Bill looked up for a while, he found that those black figures were not in a hurry to jump off, they were looking for the best time to attack.Bill didn't dare to tell the pick-up truck to slow down so that he could aim at it. Who knows if there is a second pickup truck flying towards him.

This opportunity is once in a lifetime, and these guys who only hide in the dark corners and secretly sneak attack finally showed up, and Bill didn't want to miss this opportunity.

Bill lowered his head to rest his teary eyes stimulated by the sun, and then said to the other spearman in the carriage: "Gail, shoot them down."

After hearing Bill's order, Gail raised the AR-15 in his hand and fired at the top.

Although Bill's order was to "shoot them down", as far as Gail's ability is concerned, this sentence can only be understood as a goal of hard work.


After Gale pulled the trigger one last time, the AR-15 in his hand was out of bullets.

Gale leveled the rifle, and quickly pulled out a spare magazine from his waist to replace it, but at this moment, the shadow moved.

one two three four.

Four black shadows swooped down from different directions at the same time. No matter whether the pickup truck driving on the street accelerated, decelerated, or turned and changed lanes, they couldn't escape their swooping.

The gap between the gunmen in the pickup truck to reload was the long-awaited opportunity for those shadows.

As long as any shadow falls on the car, he can easily kill the two gunmen in the cargo compartment before the human can react to the limit.

Bill squinted his eyes and looked into the air, he was also waiting for this opportunity.


A shot went off.

The black shadow who was originally aiming at the carriage froze in mid-air, his free-fall movement was distorted by the huge external kinetic energy, and the black shadow directly hit the street, turning into a puddle of mud.

Obviously, the special infected people dare to jump from a high place, not because they can't fall, but because they can control their bodies to provide some kind of buffer when they land, just like cats.

But after a few rounds of .375 in mid-air, the special infected person's body balance was broken, and before he had time to make effective adjustments, he landed hard on the ground, so he fell to pieces.

There are still three in the air at this time, and under the action of gravity, their falling speed is getting faster and faster.

Bill concentrated his mind to the extreme, and he completely gave up control of his body, as if another soul was controlling it.

In this state of rapid hand-eye response, Bill's movements were so fast that only a series of afterimages could be seen.

"Boom," "Boom," "Boom."

Bill successfully gave each of them a series of fair volleys before the shadows landed, followed by three clicks, clicks, clicks, and the four shadows who tried to jump from mid-air to attack were all stuck in the rough and Hot concrete floor.

Unlike the thinking Iger, Bill doesn't like to use his brain, so until now, he doesn't know what his talent is.

Whatever it is, as long as it works.

Bill opened the magazine of the revolver, spluttered out a few hot rounds, loaded the last quickloader, and put the gun back in the holster.

Then, under Gail's respectful gaze, Bill shook his sore hands and began to reload the quick loader he had just used, which was his most important tool.


Bill is not afraid of encountering elite enemies, but he is afraid of encountering overwhelming enemies.

As long as the number of enemies is small, the more elite the better.

I fight the elite.


A loud roar came from behind, and Bill turned his head to see, oh fuck, a car flew towards him in mid-air.

But obviously, the speed of the thrown car was far behind the speed of the pickup truck, and the car landed tens of meters behind the pickup truck.

This kind of giant-type special infected person, Bill heard Iger told about it. At that time, Iger said it very lightly, what is big is not bulletproof, just aim at it and hit it casually.

Now it seems that this kind of giant-type special infected person is more dangerous. If he sneaks into him, the whole car will disappear in an instant.

However, the disadvantage of this infection is also obvious. Once the car escapes the ambush point, there is nothing he can do.

Bill certainly wouldn't foolishly turn around to look for draws. After confirming that the fourth team was wiped out, Bill's team made a report using the walkie-talkie, and then they went to the third team.

It didn't take long for Bill's team to find the wreckage of the third team.

Looks like the ambushers are all doing the same thing.

The car of the third team was overturned on the ground, and there was a twisted car next to it.Rather than climbing out of the overturned off-road vehicle by themselves, the four team members were dragged out, and their bodies were scattered all over the floor like torn dolls.

The pickup truck of Bill's team quickly passed the third team, but this time, the expected attack did not come.

After reporting the situation of the third team, Bill's team made a big turn at the next street and drove out of the city.


The mountain fire started.

The forest, which was already withering under the high temperature and drought, quickly ignited a large area under the help of the mountain wind, and continuous black smoke could be seen even in the town of Vasa dozens of kilometers away.

All the team members who were stimulated by the blood plague went to rest under the arrangement of Vasa Town, and Iger also fell asleep drowsily because of the exhaustion of the past few days.

In a daze, countless white noises like snowflakes kept ringing in Iger's mind. Unlike other white noises, these white noises made him upset.

After sleeping for a while, not only did he not have a good rest, but Iger, who felt more tired, opened his eyes. The white noise became louder and louder, rustling and rushing. These uninterrupted sounds caused a huge disturbance to his thinking .

The brain of the blood plague also invented an ability to hedge and shield consciousness?

Iger's condition was not very good at this time. After sitting for a while, Iger gave up on falling asleep, and also gave up a wave of mental strength to fight against
Iger walked to the window, clicked, and opened the curtains.

When the curtains were drawn, it was pitch black outside.

Iger remembered that it was noon when he fell asleep just now, and he only closed his eyes for a while, and he had slept for so long.

The mountains in the distance are red, and the fire at night is even more spectacular.

Fire attack has been a great weapon to kill the enemy since ancient times.In the face of natural disasters, weak human beings have almost no resistance except to run away.

Whether it was the Battle of Chibi or the Battle of Yiling, hundreds of thousands of troops were annihilated in the face of the fire attack.

However, fire attack is also an extremely cruel means of killing the enemy. After Zhuge Liang burned the rattan armor soldiers, he thought that he had lost his virtue and would lose his life, so his life-continuing seven-star lamp was overturned by Wei Yan who suddenly broke in. Zhuge Liang also believed that It is God's will.

The thoughts spread here, and Iger suddenly realized that the sound of snowflakes in his head might be the wailing of the infected in the burning forest.

Through contact with special infected people in the past few days, Iger found that in the psionic network, the only ones that can really broadcast on all channels may be the blood plague brain and himself. Although other special infected people have also joined the psionic network, but The psionic waves they emit can only be received at a certain distance.

Even ordinary infected people who have no thinking, no consciousness, and no self like ants will still make dying screams under the burning fire.

After discovering this, Iger fell silent.

He wasn't thinking about life and humanity, but was really estimating whether the fire could burn out the incoming wave of infected people.

In fact, when I first proposed the arson plan, Iger didn't have a bottom line in his mind, and he just held the idea that there was no other way, so let's give it a try.

I didn't expect that the right time, place and people were all in harmony. Now the entire sky in the north has been burned red, and the area of ​​the fire cannot be estimated. The best thing is that the infected people are filling the fire site by themselves.

If a large living person encountered a wildfire, he would have escaped long ago and lost his "human harmony". No matter how big the fire is, it will be useless.

I don't know if the brain of the blood plague will feel pain when so many "cells" die suddenly, and I don't know what kind of reaction it will have when it feels pain.

By the way, the screams of ordinary infected people after death should not be heard here. In fact, the sound of snowflakes should be made by the brain of the blood plague.

Iger leaned against the window and looked at the smoky "volcano" in the distance, his thoughts were wandering, the heart of the blood plague, the brain of the blood plague, the infected, the special infected, the infected, the relationship and connection between them to the end What is it like?
It's really curious.

But as Father Locke likes to say: it doesn't make sense where we are.

Iger stopped thinking meaninglessly. He took out his mobile phone to check the time. It was 2:[-] in the middle of the night, so he turned on the voice software and left a message for Maria.

After thinking for a long time, Iger decided to let the Gospel Broadcasting inform Bill and Nicholas, don't let the infected people all over the mountains and plains be smoked back by the fire, and turn around and block them in the city.

After sending the voice, it may have been a long sleep just now, Iger is not sleepy now, he is very worried about the Bill team.

I don't know how many infected people are still in Rama City, whether Bill's team has entered Rama City, and how it is going.

Iger felt anxious for a while, if only he could contact Bill immediately.

When I didn’t have mobile phone communication before, I got used to going out to work for ten days and a half months without news. Now that I have a mobile network, I can’t wait to send a message to everyone, and I can get through the call with a beep.

Thinking of this, Iger took out his mobile phone to make a voice call.

"Hey, you haven't slept yet." After the call was connected, Iger said to the phone.

To be honest, it would be even better if it could wake up Dina in the middle of the night.

Iger remembered that Dina was so inhuman to him, making a phone call was like urging her to die.

"Not yet." Dina's voice sounded a little tired.

"I said, can you help me open a few more mobile phone networks?" Iger said shamelessly to Dina, "I have too few mobile phones here, and it is inconvenient to use."

After a few seconds of silence, Dina said, "I'll ask about this tomorrow. Is there anything else?"

Iger heard the impatience in Dina's voice, and he said quickly: "It's okay, goodbye."

Beep, Iger hung up the phone first.

After hanging up the mobile phone communication, Iger looked at the fiery red sky outside the window again, and decided to continue to sleep.

Iger reached out to close the curtains, and lay back on the bed in the dark.

The white noise in my head is still the same, but Iger sounds so pleasant now.

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