blood plague

Chapter 333 4 sub-shots

“Feeding Zombies”

When Maria heard such horrifying words from Iger, she acted decisively. She immediately rang the bell and called her internal security captain.

This security captain is Erica's designated successor after leaving office. Originally, he did not eat the rice of security, but being selected by Erica as the successor shows that he is naturally more suitable for this bowl of rice.

The designation of successors by the security and field teams seems to have become a tradition.The advantage is that in the short term, appointing a successor can make capable people stand out as quickly as possible. The disadvantage is that after a certain period of time, this designating successor will become a monopoly of interests.

In fact, nothing in the world is eternally beautiful and unchangeable, even the delicious food has a time to go bad.Therefore, real-time adjustment and update are the real constant method.

A few minutes later, the security captain came to Maria's chairman's office.

Maria also didn't like to say polite words, so she ordered directly to the security captain: "Captain Todd, Father Iger just called an emergency call, saying that John's farm is conducting an evil ceremony. You bring enough people and put Everyone in John's Farm took control, and then thoroughly searched all the space on the farm."

"Yes, Miss Maria." Todd stood straight and saluted Maria, then turned and left.

After walking out of the Morgan Building, Todd gave instructions to the security team on duty at the door, and the security team quickly ran away.

More than ten minutes later, three cars roared out of Rapid Creek Town, and they rushed towards John's farm a few kilometers away.


Rama city.

Rama City is the state capital of the state, and it is similar in structure to other cities.

First of all, the most eye-catching is the high-rise business district, where there are many landmark buildings.

Outside the commercial area is the civilian residential area, and the American commercial area and the civilian area are often only one street apart.It is full of dense low- and middle-rise housing, and it is the most densely populated area in the city.

Outside the civilian residential areas, there are large areas of ordinary residential areas, which are often referred to as middle-class homes.

Each house is a single-family house with grass in the front and backyard. Many yards have big trees planted in the front and back of the house. These greening needs to be borne by the head of the household. If the greening is not well maintained, the head of the household may (99.9% probability) will be sued by neighbors.

The area of ​​ordinary residential areas is very large. Standing on the tallest building in the city center and looking out, you can see a pleasing group of buildings extending to the sky.

However, it is not an easy task to quickly find the blood plague heart in such a large city.

Standing on the high ground at the edge of the city, Nicholas and Bill were watching with binoculars. As far as they could see, there was emptiness everywhere.

The four investigation teams have been released, and they plan to quickly run through the city to see if there are any infected people left in the city.

The scouting team radioed every few minutes to report, but the third team fell silent before 10 minutes.

"The third team, the third team, please answer."

"The third team, the third team, please answer."

After another call, the third team remained silent.

"All teams report the situation."

"First team, we just passed the Taco Bell fast food restaurant, nothing unusual, over."

"The second team, we are in the city library, there is no abnormality, over."

After waiting for a few seconds, the fourth team also fell silent.

Nicholas put down the binoculars, snatched the walkie-talkie from his subordinates, and shouted: "Teams one and two, return immediately."

"The first team received."

"The second team understands."

At this time, Bill also put down the binoculars, and he and Nicholas looked at each other, and both of them understood what the other was thinking.

Rama City is not an empty city, it is a modern jungle best suited for hunting.


Dina came to the medical room, and the general was lying in the medical cabin taking oxygen.

The general's physical condition is not very good. After passing the comprehensive physical examination of the treatment equipment, the treatment suggestion given by the AI ​​​​is to perform heart surgery as soon as possible.

In the past, whether it was heart stent surgery or heart bypass surgery, these were considered relatively routine surgical operations.But now, neither of these surgeries is available.

Just now, the general had a second episode of acute angina.

There are many causes of acute angina pectoris. Most of the acute onset in young people is caused by coronary artery spasm. After drug treatment, the symptoms of angina pectoris in most patients can be relieved or even cured.

But the general is an exception. Although he is only 35 years old this year, just like his appearance, his body functions have entered old age.

The indulgent life before the outbreak of the blood plague, and the ultra-high pressure and high-load work conditions after the outbreak of the blood plague made the general's body like an overrun machine, and it was on the verge of being scrapped ahead of time.

Seeing Dina approaching, the general opened the medical cabin and sat up.

"What's the result?" The general didn't like too much nonsense when speaking. He knew that his time was running out, so he hated long-winded and time-wasting even more.

Dina reported to the general what she had observed and the content of Iger's phone call. This time Dina was careful not to mix her emotions in the report.

For the general, his momentary kindness cannot be regarded as the bottom line of tolerance, and then stepped on repeatedly.

In Chrisburg, Joanna likes to pester Iger to tell an epic war story that happened in another country. That day Dina heard a very interesting branch story: the death of a wise man.

A smart subordinate, he thinks he is smarter than his superiors, constantly showing off his IQ in front of his stingy superiors, and mocking them.Because none of these acts of showing off his IQ violated any regulations, the superior had no choice but to show great tolerance for all his actions with a very generous gesture.

Finally, one day, this smart man was caught by his superiors for a serious violation of management regulations. According to the wartime regulations, the superiors killed him in a reasonable and compliant manner.

Dina didn't know why, but when Iger was telling this story, she kept looking at herself. At that time, Dina felt a chill: Could it be that I offended Iger somewhere, and he was trying to find a way to get rid of him?

Now that Dina thinks back, Iger may be reminding herself how to get along with the general, in short, don't learn from this young (young) smart man.

After listening to Dina's words, the general thought for a while. He looked up at Dina and said, "Chief of Staff, prepare yourself. I will hold a military meeting in 30 minutes."

"Yes, sir." Dina saluted the general. She sincerely hoped that the general would change her plan after hearing her report.


Allen came with his men.It is very narrow here, and the car can't turn around, so Iger led the team to continue forward for a few kilometers.

There is a huge meadow here, where all the vehicles are parked, and the team members are busy according to their own division of labor under the command of the captain.

Members of the security team set up squad machine guns on the pickup truck, and members of the watering team carried heavy iron buckets to water the trees one by one.

Inspired by high morale, the team members ran fast with heavy loads on their backs, and the heavy physical work seemed to become much easier.

Iger was still sitting in the co-pilot of the pickup truck, and Grant had already got out of the car to guide the team members to water. He had lived in the mountains for a long time and knew which direction the mountain wind would blow.

If you set fire without looking at the direction of the wind, you are not burning yourself.

Although Iger was sitting in the car, he was not idle. He made "beep" and "beep" sounds periodically in his mind.

Amidst the noisy auditory hallucinations, after Iger made a "beep", there was no more response.


Iger beeped again. Unexpectedly, this beep was followed by three responses immediately.

Suddenly, Iger sat up straight.


"Beep", "beep", "beep".

Sure enough, there were three.

Iger pushed open the co-pilot's door. He looked around after getting out of the car, and then quickly walked to a pickup truck with a squad machine gun.

"Are the ammunition loaded? Give me the gun." Iger said to the two shooters.

The two shooters quickly gave up the machine gun position to Iger.


"Beep", "beep", "beep".



"Beep", "beep", "beep".


After Iger mumbled against the machine gun for a few minutes, a reaction finally appeared in his mind.

There are really three hot spots.

However, this time the hotspots move at a relatively slow speed, which is completely incomparable with the group of special senses just now.


Hurry up, all the flowers I've been waiting for are gone.

After a few more minutes, Iger was finally able to clearly perceive the positions of the three hot spots.They were not in the woods, but on a hillside higher than their current position, and there was a small raised slope in front of them just blocking each other.

Iger set up the squad machine gun. He adjusted the machine gun to fully automatic state, and then slowly pressed the muzzle upwards. In the field of vision, the green crosshair rose into the sky, and then fell down again.

Iger pulled the trigger as the green reticle caught one of the hot spots.

"Chug, chug...!"

Under the surprised eyes of the two shooters watching from the sidelines, Iger fired a string of bullets into the sky.

A few seconds later, Iger sensed that a hot spot went off.


"Beep", "beep".

Iger had a cruel smile on his face. It felt so good to be a betrayer.

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