blood plague

Chapter 329 Investigation

Chapter 329 Investigation
After the convoy arrived downstairs, as soon as the team members got out of the car, Iger asked Allen to help him choose two teams.

Allen originally wanted to lead the team himself, but Iger disagreed. He wanted Allen to lead the team instead of being his bodyguard.

Two lucky teams were selected, with a standard match of 4 people in each team.

Later, Iger asked Allen for an AR15 as his weapon.Now Iger only has an M17 on him. No matter whether Iger is a priest or a grand master, he doesn't want to waste his marksman talent.

Unexpectedly, Allen actually took out Iger's M4A1.

Iger forgot about the gun after he came back, and he didn't know where he lost it. As a result, Allen took out the gun in good condition, including the gun, the spare magazine, and the combat vest.

It seems that Allen has a very delicate mind.

Iger felt that he seemed to underestimate Allen. He judged people by their appearance, thinking that a big man with well-developed limbs would have a simple mind.

Iger hasn't touched a long gun for a long time, he picked up the M4A1 and stroked it gently.

It turns out that Allen is not stupid in at least some respects, at least he can see Iger's feelings for guns.

Although everyone was dazzled by Iger's labels one after another, Iger's first well-known label was "Sharp Shooter".

Marksman is not only an ability, but more importantly, a belief.

Absolute trust, absolute guarantee.

Under the protection of the sharpshooter, everyone will feel that they have an extra life.

It is unreasonable not to participate in high-risk tasks such as close-in and reconnaissance.

Without delay, a three-vehicle investigation team set off from Jixi Town.

The command car was in the lead, Joanna was driving, and Iger and Grant sat in the back seat together.

Being able to sit with Father Iger made Grant burst into tears of gratitude, and if it were someone else, he would probably have just let him sit in the cargo compartment.

It has to be said that after Grant got into the car, the smell on the pickup truck was very strong.This is a challenge for everyone, including Grant himself.

Grant was a little embarrassed. He opened the car window to let the wind blow in and take a breath.

It didn't take long for Joanna to close the car window, and then she turned the air conditioner to the lowest level.As the temperature in the car turned from hot to cool, the strange smell on Grant's body also gradually subsided.

In the back row of the car, Iger and Grant continued to chat, and Grant was a little embarrassed.

Regarding the smell on his body, Grant himself has not lost his sense of smell, so it is impossible not to know.

So, Grant said to Iger with apology: "Father Iger, I am sorry for my personal hygiene.

However, living in the mountains and forests, one must maintain a certain body odor, so as to prevent being attacked by ferocious beasts. "

Hearing what Grant said, Iger remembered.

He has seen some documentaries about Amazon Basin expeditions before, which mentioned that you cannot take a bath for a week before entering the jungle to ensure that you have enough "human flavor" when you enter the jungle.

As the most ferocious predator on this planet, the smell of humans is enough to scare away most animals. Even animals like tigers and bears that can easily tear people apart will take a detour once they smell humans.

Because if they run slower, they might become specimens hanging on the wall.

As for those herbivores, they are already very vigilant, and they will run away whether you take a bath or not, so when hunting, many hunters are emphasizing that they should stand in the downwind of their prey.

Seriously, if the smell on your body is not so strong, what's the matter with the southeast and northwest wind?
The topic gradually opened up. When Iger and Grant talked about the past, Grant mentioned that he used to be a securities trading manager.

"Wow, that's amazing!" Iger was stunned. After all, it was difficult for him to distinguish the person in front of him from the formal suit in his mind, with meticulously combed hair and a serious expression on his face. The upper and lower traders are connected.

Hearing Iger's praise, Grant said humbly: "In retrospect, those previous times were all wasted, and the present life is incomparably real."

Yo?Back to basics.

During the subsequent chat, Iger found out that Grant had originally taken his family to a villa on the mountain for vacation, and his family's genetics were also strong. More than a dozen people survived the outbreak of the blood epidemic, but some of them had severe symptoms. A flu symptom.

In the afternoon of that day, the children at home first complained that there was a problem with the game matching mechanism, and they could not match players for a long time, and then there were problems with the Internet and TV.

When the children clamored to go home, Grant's cousin berated the children who were spending all day on the Internet, and then demanded that the vacation must be completed according to the schedule.

That holiday was really fulfilling and meaningful. Everyone experienced disconnection, power outages, and a life cut off from modern civilization.

Finally, the seven-day vacation was over, and the extremely happy children were sitting in the car, yelling and preparing to return to the city.

After walking on the mountain road for several hours, they were in a small town at the foot of the mountain, and everyone saw a group of infected people having a group meal there.

Just when everyone was frightened, Grant's cousin made a decisive decision and took everyone back to the villa, and then everyone used the resources in the villa to start a wilderness survival.

The location of the villa is very good. It was originally a private territory, and no strangers would ever pass by, so no infected people would come close.Everyone is living a good life.

Not long ago, when they were hunting in the wild, they encountered survivors passing by, and they didn't know what the world outside was like.

Some time ago, Grant also took some mountain goods to Rapid Creek Town, but he felt that it was safer to live in the mountains.

After listening to Grant's narration, Iger asked, "Where's your cousin?"

Grant sighed and said: "Poor Hughes, he slipped and fell to his death while climbing a mountain in winter."

During the chat, the convoy soon came down the mountain, and Iger said to Grant: "Where did you escape from? How do we get from the road?"

"We were surrounded by infected people in the villa on the mountain." Grant pointed to the mountain outside the window and said to Iger: "We fled along the path and fled down the mountain. Filled up, the forest around us is full of infected people.

Just when I thought the time was up, all the infected people suddenly became motionless.So I took my family and fled down the mountain.

That location was about 4/5 of the height of the mountain, and then we ran all the way down, and there were all infected people in the woods around us, densely packed, I don’t know how many there were, until we ran halfway up the mountain, the infected people didn’t see them anymore trace. "

Wait, Iger heard a very important word.

Iger asked Grant, "Are there many trees on the mountain?"

Grant didn't know how to answer this question. He said to Iger, "Father Iger, this place is an untouched virgin forest with very lush trees."

A famous saying suddenly popped up in Iger's mind: "Set fire to the mountain, and sit in prison."

Wildfires are not a rare event in the United States. California has wildfires every year, and every year there is no fire, it seems that there has never been a summer.

Although the wildfires in other states are not so regular, once they burn, they are huge.

In the final analysis, the land of America is too vast and sparsely populated. Wildfires are a common phenomenon in nature. Without human intervention, they can burn as they want.

Iger suddenly had an inspiration. Since all the infected people went into the woods, would it be okay to directly light up the woods?

Thinking of this, Iger decided not to go up the mountain. He asked Joanna to stop, and then took Grant to find a ventilated place to stand.

While looking at the map with his mobile phone, Iger and Grant were gesticulating against the mountains.

After making gestures for a long time, Iger called Maria's phone number, and the field combat plan had a major adjustment.


In the evening, when the Gospel was broadcast, Lily finally received the task of breaking the news. She said to the audience in an excited tone: "Listeners, please pay attention, listeners, please pay attention, the following is the announcement of the Gospel Alliance's combat plan: In order to eliminate the coming Due to the flood of infected people, the Gospel Alliance decided to use the Pars Mountains to carry out a fire attack, and asked the survivors in the Pars Mountains to evacuate in time.

This is the second broadcast, in order to eliminate the tide of incoming infected people..."

That night, the reconnaissance convoy naturally did not go up the mountain to stay. They retreated a little and returned to Vasa Town.The leaders of the sub-team warmly welcomed Iger and others, and they greeted Iger with the etiquette of entertaining distinguished guests.

Joanna had a lot of feelings about this familiar yet unfamiliar place. If she counted the time, she had just graduated from high school at this time, and what was waiting for her was a crazy prom.

Elegant dresses, dazzling jewelry, the most exquisite dress, and a sunny boy who has washed his body several times and sprayed a lot of perfume...

No more, nothing more.

It was really disappointing not to be able to attend the prom. After all, the reason why Joanna chose to go to high school was to look forward to the prom.

Prom isn't much to look forward to, though.

Before the outbreak of the blood epidemic, all young people pursued an exciting life, but now life is already exciting enough, and everyone just wants to live in peace.

The town of Vaasa has also been connected to electricity. After dark, the lights of Vaasa Middle School are brightly lit.

The defense of the sub-team was very good. They used the existing wall of Vassar Middle School, and then found many light bulbs to pull around the wall.In full lighting, it is inaccessible to both infected and survivors.

In the current situation, especially when it is uncertain whether there will be special infected people raiding the country, if you can’t spend the night in the wild, don’t stay in the wild. The best situation is to return to a strong stronghold to rest.

Iger is a life-saving person. He belatedly thought that maybe the reconnaissance team was not surrounded to death by the tide of infected people, maybe they were hunted by special infected people.

Thinking of this, Iger, who was already lying on the bed, turned over again. He took out his mobile phone and sent a warning message to Maria, asking Maria to use the radio to remind everyone to pay attention to special infected persons, especially the reconnaissance team.

Ross Town raided the Rama City team from another avenue, and Iger was not so worried, after all, Bill was there.

After watching the video of the military assault team being wiped out, Iger has a better understanding of the special infected. He feels that among the special infected, although the fat man looks very intimidating, those who dare to walk from the height of several floors The Hunter who jumped directly, this is the survivor's nightmare.

They were extremely fast and powerful. Not to mention single survivors, even a small team could easily be wiped out by Hunters of equal numbers in an instant.

If Bill was present, his ability could perfectly restrain Hunter. Hunter is fast, and Bill is even faster. With him, at least Erica can be guaranteed not to be widowed.

The current enemy is not only the infected. In the military's combat report, although the absolute number of casualties caused by the special infected is not large, but in terms of numbers, the relative amount is dozens of times that of ordinary infected.

Thinking of this, Iger, who was sleepy, couldn't fall asleep. He picked up his mobile phone and talked for a long time. After he finished speaking, he looked at the time and found that it was already midnight.

The potency of the mushy coffee finally passed, and Iger threw the phone away, and soon passed out.

The next day, in the gospel broadcast at 8 o'clock in the morning, Sister Alison read to the audience an important manuscript that Father Iger sent back from the front line late at night. The author, Elvira, edited and embellished it, and the title was "The New Enemy".

"Friends, I have decided not to hide this news from everyone. Apart from the infected, our enemies also have a new kind of enemy.

Most of their bodies still maintain their human form, but they have lost their original human structure, and have undergone various mutations.

They still have part of their minds, but they are no longer able to communicate in human language.

They have a variety of abilities beyond our expectations. They are in the vague state between survivors and infected people. I call them special infected people.

There have been many rumors of special infected people before. It turns out that survivors who eat a lot of carrion from infected people, whether they eat raw meat or cooked it, will only poison themselves to death without mutation.

Specially infected people are humans with rare genes. After they are infected by the blood plague, they will be transformed into special infected people by the blood plague. According to reliable sources, the proportion of special infected people is [-]/[-] of the original population.

Some people may think that these special infected people still retain human memories, human habits, human thinking, and even human emotions, and they can be objects of communication and exchange.

No they are not.

The special infected are still a kind of infected. Their body structure determines that they are no longer human beings. They are just a part of the brain of the blood plague. Their brains can directly receive the orders of the brain of the blood plague. Under the circumstances, they will have no mercy for the survivors.

It should be noted that special infected people are more dangerous than ordinary infected people, because they know us better and know where our weaknesses are.

In the past, the special infected were mainly scattered in the city. After the brain of the blood plague controlled the entire continent, they might leave the city and form a small team to attack the survivors.

There is a control area with strong comprehensive strength, but when they encounter the attack of special infected people, they skillfully break through the layers of defense to the civilian residential area, and attack the civilian residence in groups.

These particular infections kill everyone in the house, men, women, children, young and old, causing massive casualties every day.

Friends, no matter what area you are in, please try not to go out alone or in pairs outside the stronghold.

We not only have to be on guard at night, but we must not take it lightly in any place that may be dangerous during the day.

Being kind to the enemy is cruel to yourself.

There will be no mercy for these traitors who betrayed humanity, for these butchers whose hands are stained with the blood of innocents.

May God bless us.


(End of this chapter)

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