blood plague

Chapter 317 Devotion

Chapter 317 Devotion
As the chatterbox opened, the worries in Iger and Dina's hearts gradually dissipated, and the atmosphere was no longer bitter and bitter. The stones in their hearts finally fell to the ground.

Iger said to Dina with admiration: "The plan you made to shrink the defense line is very high-level. I really can't see that you learned it temporarily."

Dina said helplessly: "My specialty is analysis, not creation.

This defense shrinkage plan was distilled from various reports.

Although those front-line reports did not fully mention this plan, but a large number of reports were collected piecemeal, which probably meant this. "

Dina does not produce information, she is a porter of information.

Being too talented is a double-edged sword.

On the one hand, excellent talent strengthens a person's specialties, and at the same time, it creates path dependence for people and reduces other abilities of the gifted person.

For example, Iger's physical ability has always been poor. His current height-to-weight ratio should be very flexible, but he looks clumsy like a middle-aged man during parkour training.

Dina thought Iger was relying too much on his shooting ability.

Similarly, Iger also believes that Dina relies too much on her analytical ability, which weakens her own thinking ability.She can't do it at all with such a big brain like Iger.

After the two chatted in the video for a while, everyone cut off the communication. Dina wanted to hold a staff meeting according to Iger's plan. She listened to Iger's opinion and handed it over to the staff to think about it beforehand. She was responsible for summarizing and analyzing and judging.

Iger believes that although they are not professionals, they must not be mediocre to be appointed as a staff officer by the general.

After turning off the communication, Iger locked his hot phone and put it in his pocket.

Just now Iger gave Dina guidance and counseling, and the stones of other mountains can be used to attack jade. Through telling Dina, Iger himself also thought of the battle plan for Puduo County.

Now Iger's frown was finally relieved, and he was going to eat something.

Since getting up in the middle of the night, Iger has not eaten a single grain of rice. Although he drank some water, he has no appetite at all.

Now that the mood is relaxed, Iger must force himself to eat something. If he falls down at a critical moment like Andy and the general, it will be completely over.

After Iger stretched his waist, he realized that Sister Alison had been standing behind him. Iger said to Sister Alison: "I'm sorry, Sister Alison, I forgot about you. Actually, you don't have to keep Stay by my side, if you have anything to do, go and get busy."

"Father Iger, the nun's job is to serve the priest." Sister Alison said to Iger.

"It's good, but I'm not used to you following me all day like this." Iger decided to speak bluntly so that the other party would not understand, "I don't like it, and I don't need to be stared at all day. Come on, I'm not feeling well."

"Okay, Father." Since it was Iger's order, Sister Alison nodded to Iger and left.

Father Iger's condition is not good, his spirit is full of irritability and anxiety.Sister Alison felt she needed to do something.

After Sister Alison left, Iger felt a little more relaxed.He glanced left and right, there was no one around, so he turned off the sound of the computer, and then clicked on the entertainment movie those guys were watching just now.

Man, what a blast this movie is.

Although Iger has read countless films, he has always preferred the more subtle Japanese films. Such simple, crude and direct Western films are relatively inferior in his heart.

However, how should I put it, Western films also have something to learn from!

After watching intently for a while, Iger heard footsteps outside the door, and he quickly turned off the video.

After waiting for a few seconds, the sound of footsteps did not stop, it seemed that they were just passing by.

Forget it, look at this in broad daylight, if someone finds out, where will I put my priest's face.Iger stood up and tidied his clothes, then prepared to inspect the kitchen with a dignified look.

After Iger left, Sister Alison turned back here. She was very curious about what Iger was doing after sitting there silently for a long time.

Sister Alison saw the icon that was left on the desktop by those convenience-minded guys at a glance. She clicked on it, and a high-definition high-definition picture came into view.

Sister Alison calmly operated the mouse and clicked on the playback record. She glanced at it and then turned off the video and cleared the playback record.

Sister Alison did not study adolescent psychology, but she participated in a performance of an opera called "The Sorrows of Young Werther". She played the heroine Lotte, which was Alison's first female lead.

Therefore, Sister Alison immediately understood what Iger's troubles were, and she also understood what she needed to do.

Catherine passed the trial and became the second nun of the Evangelical Church after Alison. Her behavior inspired many believers.

In order to pass the trials smoothly in the future, some believers began to imitate the ascetic monks in the Middle Ages, and one girl even wore a penance belt for herself.

After Sister Alison saw their behavior, she frowned slightly, and then said gently to the fanatical female believer who stabbed her waist with blood dripping without blinking: "If you want to use your Give everything to God, so why leave your body in tatters?"

Sister Alison's extremely gentle words were undoubtedly a bolt from the blue, scaring all the believers to stop their penance.

It is blasphemy whether it is intentionally dedicating something broken to God or deliberately destroying a tribute to God.


Ross town.

The atmosphere in the town is a little dull now.

This dullness was not accumulated because of being called up by the Grand Commander in the middle of the night, but because everyone first heard the high-ranking officer's narration, and then listened to the Gospel broadcast in the morning.

No one doubted that the Grand Master was talking nonsense, and they would believe the Grand Master if the gates of hell were about to open.

The more people who are familiar with Iger, the more shocked they are by the mystery of him. The rumor that Iger is the savior originally came from Ross Town, even before the Gospel Church moved to Ross Town.

But today, even the head of the regiment personally told everyone that he had no choice, and everyone became scared.

After breakfast this morning, those who had jobs buried themselves in their work one after another. Those who had been on their shifts were even more panicked. They all came to the entrance of the Gospel Cathedral by coincidence.

Sister Catherine is reading the Bible to the believers. Whether it is Sister Catherine or the believers, they have not been half affected.

Sister Catherine saw the group members outside the door, she stopped reading the Bible, went to the door and made an exception to invite them in, then Sister Catherine returned to the altar, she continued to read the Bible for everyone:

Jesus said to his disciples, "The kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a vineyard who goes out early in the morning and invites workers to come and work in his vineyard.

He made a deal with the workers that their wages would be one denarius a day, and sent them off to the vineyard.

In the morning, the owner of the vineyard saw some unemployed people wandering in the market, so he said to them: "Come and work in my vineyard, and I will give you reasonable wages." ' and they went.

At noon, he went out again to recruit garden workers in the same way.

In the evening, when he went out again, he still found someone standing there.He asked: 'Why do you idle around all day, doing nothing? '

They said to him: 'Because no one hires us. '

He said to them: 'You too, go and work in my vineyard! '

In the evening, the owner of the garden said to the steward: "Let the workers come to collect their wages. The wages will be paid to the latest ones, and the first ones will be paid last." '

The workers who came in the evening received one silver coin each.

When it was the turn of those who came to work first to receive their wages, they thought they would get more, but each received only one silver coin.

They took their wages and said grumblingly:
'Those who are late have only done a while's work; and how can we get the same wages when we stay up all day under the hot sun? '

The owner of the garden said to one of the workers: "My friend, I don't owe you anything!"Didn't we agree that the daily salary is one silver coin? ..."


After Iger went to check the kitchen, he returned to his room after eating.

This room of mine has been reserved by the Gospel team, even if Iger rarely returns to Rapid Creek Town.

The room was cleaned well, but definitely not the fault of the other bed owner.Fran hadn't spent the night in Rapid Creek for a long time, and the more lively the place was, the more he couldn't get used to it.

In the beginning, Fran delivered goods to Ross Town a few times, but now he doesn't even go to Ross Town.Now that Fran has resigned from his position as director of the Gospel team, Iger is a little worried that he will degenerate into a wild man.

Iger is a little sleepy now, but he can't sleep. Although his mood has eased a little, the pressure of the blood plague heart still makes him very irritable.

Just as Iger was tossing and turning on the bed, the door opened, and he got up quickly, only to see Sister Alison in a black nun dress walking in.

When Sister Alison walked in, she closed the door and locked it from the inside.

"Alison, what's the matter with you?" Iger asked Sister Alison.

Sister Alison didn't speak, she went to the window and drew the curtains.

Iger looked at Sister Alison suspiciously. Unexpectedly, Sister Alison turned around and unbuttoned her clothes.

Sister Alison took two steps forward, and the large nun slipped off naturally, and Iger was stunned.

Are you Catholic? !
How come you take off your clothes at every turn!

You don't want to show me the scars of the trial, do you? To be honest, it's hard for me to hold back when you do this to me!

Sister Alison walked to the edge of the bed and said to Iger, "If you don't mind the scars on my face, I can take off the scarf." After speaking, Sister Alison knelt on the ground and reached out to go Untie Iger's clothes.

"Stop, stop!" Iger's mind is a little messed up now. Is this Alison's personal habit or everyone in the circle plays like this? It's a bit far from what I imagined!
Sister Alison didn't stop, she even reached into Iger's clothes.

Sister Alison's fingers were slender and flexible, and her skin was very delicate. She touched Iger's sensitive place in one go.

Iger jumped up like an electric shock.

What are you going to do!
"Please don't be too nervous." Sister Alison raised her head and said gently to Iger, "It is my duty to relieve your anxiety."

"No, no, no." Iger said to Sister Alison, "Can you please put on your clothes and go out? Thank you very much, but, but I still wish I could be alone."

After hearing Iger's order, Sister Alison stood up. She walked back to the window to pick up her nun dress and put it on again. After saluting to Iger, she unlocked the door and exited the room.

This morning, after listening to Iger's confession, Sister Alison finally understood what Maria had said to herself.

My body, mind, and spirit belong to my Lord.

Sister Alison felt her behavior was so justified.

(End of this chapter)

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