blood plague

Chapter 311 The 1st Hand of God

Chapter 311 The Hand of God

Seeing is believing, hearing is not.

Instead of explaining it with empty teeth, it is better to let Iger actually see it.

Sister Catherine took off her nun dress very naturally in front of Iger, fully revealing her body.

Egger was stunned immediately.

In this kind of underground dark room, we are lonely men and widows, what do you want to do if you take off your clothes without saying a word?

Are you trying to mess with me?

Could it be that a group of people suddenly rushed in after waiting outside the door, even bringing Joanna with them.

Catherine's position just blocked the door. In order to distance herself from her, Iger stepped back into the room and was at least 4 meters away from Catherine.

Afterwards, Iger quickly tied two knots in the belt of his monastic uniform, which no one could untie.

If you want a fairy to dance me, don't even think about it.

However, everything was very quiet. After a while, Iger didn't hear any noise or footsteps.

Sister Catherine didn't feel that Iger was acting too aggressively when she saw Iger's face as if he was facing a formidable enemy. After all, Father Iger was still a pure child, and he probably hadn't seen a woman's body yet.

But it doesn't matter, Sister Catherine pointed to the very obvious wound on her chest and said to Iger: "Father Iger, this is a trial."

These are four new wounds, which don't look big, and are symmetrical in pairs, indicating that they are penetrating wounds formed after being pierced by small objects.

This kind of wound appeared in this kind of position, although the hole was very small, it was definitely an unbearable pain.

Then, Sister Catherine explained to Iger: "Faith and consciousness cannot be directly observed, so we need to confirm it through some special means.

You can rest assured that everything is voluntary, just being able to accept the trial is a supreme honor. "

Iger was silent, and he finally believed that this was a trial room, and these unpleasant smells were caused by the incontinence of the trialists in extreme pain.

As for physical torture, it is actually not uncommon.At least for various religions, believers use the torture of their own bodies to reflect their piety, which has never been cut off from ancient times to the present.

Iger just didn't expect that the Catholic Church, which seems to be quite formal, would also play this trick. In other words, Iger couldn't believe that someone would really do this. A word popped up in his mind: fanatics.

In fact, the Catholic Church of Asceticism has a long history. Ascetics believe that when a person believes in a specific thing with a degree of understanding beyond the surroundings, he can obtain spiritual power beyond what is usually possible.

In this world where spiritual power can be quantified, ascetics can obtain more intuitive rewards, and usually they will have extremely high morale bonuses.

This morale bonus can further strengthen their beliefs.

When the spiritual fanaticism and gain buff are superimposed, the ascetic can exert the limit ability of human beings.

After understanding this level, Iger thought fortunately that fortunately they are now his subordinates.

Seeing Sister Catherine showing her body without hesitation, Iger remembered what Maria said to him: "Sister Alison is always trustworthy."

And what Sister Alison said to herself: "Sister Catherine to your will."

No, this is not just a subordinate issue.

Iger could literally do whatever he wanted with the two nuns.

It's really good... so brainwashing!

Maria didn't know how to brainwash these two women into this in just one or two months. Iger felt that he still underestimated the power of religion.

A church that has become so weak can still develop fanatics. If the church is bigger, what kind of amazing power it can have.

Iger fell into thinking, and he had to think quickly.

I have to divert my attention, because facing Sister Catherine in this special environment, Iger found himself reacting shamefully.

The wide priest's robe concealed his ugliness, but Iger had to divert his attention first, otherwise he would be exposed if he moved.

divert attention, divert attention.

Religion is just a tool.

There is no need to have too much fear of a tool, people are often only afraid of fear itself.

In the history of mankind, great rulers use religion to consolidate their power everywhere. Of course, there are also many cases where rulers use religion to finally capsize.

My biggest advantage now is that I happen to have dual identities, that is to say, the power of religion should and must be used by me now.

First of all, the tool of religion must not be in the hands of others.If you don't occupy the ideological ground, others will occupy it, and ideological fighting is never tender.

With the status of a priest, Iger's biggest advantage now is that he can justifiably intervene in the field of thought.

If Iger only possesses secular power, such as the status of the head of the grand regiment, he really has nothing to do with the ideological position.

It's different now, Iger can roll up his sleeves and do whatever he wants.


No reason is required.

The most fundamental core of monotheism is exclusivity. Even though monotheism has changed its face countless times, its core is still exclusivity.

Iger can take advantage of this feature, use his current identity and power, and first clean up his territory to prevent other weeds from growing in his garden.

Sister Catherine saw that Iger was lost in thought, and she stood quietly after putting on her monastic clothes.

In this subterranean, cold, cramped, and stinking room known as the "Revelation Room," Father Iger was contemplating his first and most important decree.

"Only the Gospel Church can exist in this world, and the Gospel Church can only be in my hands."

Of course, the decree that Iger really wants to promulgate will not be so domineering, but the general idea he wants to express is similar to this.

The high-intensity thinking transformation really eliminated Iger's embarrassment. While thinking, he walked outside.

After returning to his bedroom, Iger picked up the paper and pen and began to write, with Sister Catherine following her step by step.

At this time, Iger realized another benefit of dual identities. He can write whatever he wants to do with decrees.

Of course, decrees can be signed at will, and how many people can abide by it depends on their respective strengths.

But at this point, Iger just doesn't lack.Not only does he have the land reclamation team in Ross Town, but he also has the gospel team behind him. Maria is absolutely supportive of him, at least she won't sing the opposite.

At least Iger thinks so.

The decree issued by Iger is very simple, there are only a few in total.

[-]. The only legal church in Purdue County is the Evangelical Church, and the only church of the Evangelical Church is the Evangelical Cathedral in Ross Township.

[-]. Believers and clergymen of other sects can freely move and live in Puduo County, but collective religious activities and missionary activities are not allowed.

10. Those who are dissatisfied with the above and express no support can automatically leave Puduo County within [-] days.

After Iger wrote this, he read it carefully from the beginning to prevent spelling mistakes.

This time Iger didn't use his ugly earthworm characters, but seriously wrote letter by letter. Although it is not very good-looking, at least it is easy to recognize.

After Iger re-read the decree and confirmed that it was correct, he handed the decree to Sister Catherine. Iger knew that Sister Catherine had a way to spread his decree.

It can be said that the ignorant are fearless. Iger has not received systematic theological training. He has no idea about certain histories, let alone the stakes in them. He just did it for the purpose of weeding.

What Iger didn't know was that there were hundreds of years of confrontation between Catholicism and Protestantism, and even in order to escape the control of Catholicism, Protestant believers immigrated to the New World in large numbers, and the entire Americas were dominated by Protestants.

The most fundamental core contradiction between Catholicism and Protestantism is the issue of control that Iger realizes. Catholicism wants to control every church, every church, and every clergyman, while Protestantism does not recognize the Pope first, and the meaning is very simple. I am Do not accept your management.

The confrontation between Catholicism and Protestantism even triggered countless wars. According to the proportion of the local population at the time, there may not be fewer casualties in World War I and World War II.

After the Industrial Revolution, because religion was greatly impacted by the secular world, the contradiction between Catholicism and Protestantism gradually eased, coupled with the development of the colonies, there were a large number of "lambs to be saved", and the religious market suddenly changed from the red sea to the deep blue. Everyone There's no need to squeeze in the Euro Continent, so the conflict between the two sides gradually calms down.

Good guy, Iger, a Catholic priest, just signed the "unique decree" on his first day on the job. In addition to saying that the ignorant are fearless, it is really the hand of God (God's shit stick).

After Iger handed over his decree to Sister Catherine, Sister Catherine passed the decree to Sister Alison in Rapid Creek Town through the church’s communication channel, so during the Gospel broadcast that afternoon, Sister Maria read it directly on the radio Decree of Father Iger of the Evangelical Church.

When Maria found out about this, the live broadcast that night was over. She was surprised to find Sister Alison and questioned her that she did not know about this in advance. Sister Alison replied politely to Maria. Said: "Nuns serve priests. Maria, this is what you taught me."

 Today is Father's Day in China. This festival originated from commemorating the fathers who died heroically in the Anti-Japanese War, so it was positioned as Father's Day on August 1945, 8.

  Not much to say, wish me a happy holiday.

(End of this chapter)

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