The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 665 Han Feng's Classic Ambush Teaching

Chapter 665 Han Feng's Classic Ambush Teaching

The candidate for the head of the Strategic Deception Bureau - Shi Dahu was decided in this way.

The Strategic Deception Bureau of the First Independent Anti-Japanese Detachment in Northwest Shanxi was formally established and became the original and original department of the Eighth Route Army.

For the strategic deception, Kong Jie gave a lot of support.

On the day the department was established, Kong Jie said earnestly to Shi Dahu and other cadres of the Bureau of Strategic Deception:
"Don't underestimate our special department, as long as it is played properly, it will play an amazing role."

"After our Bureau of Strategic Camouflage is officially established, the detachment will give you strong support, and all the troops in the station will fully cooperate with your camouflage operations."

"Right now, your first task is to camouflage the interior of the base area. There will be many camouflage projects in the future, such as camouflage troops, camouflage warehouses, camouflage artillery positions, etc."

"Excellent camouflage can prevent our soldiers from being discovered by the enemy. The same is true for our base areas. Excellent camouflage can paralyze the judgment of the Japanese army."

"Do you still remember the last time the devil's bomber came to bomb our base? It was because of those camouflaged artillery fortifications that the devil's plane was fooled."

"In the future, our camouflage will cover all aspects of the base area. Right now, it is the camouflage of the internal base area. In the future, I will allocate some radio stations to the Strategic Camouflage Bureau to release false information to the enemy."

Having said that, Kong Jie looked at Shi Dahu and said:
"Shi Dahu, the role of the Bureau of Strategic Camouflage is not limited to what I said, and its potential is unlimited. It depends on how you discover it."

"Yes, please rest assured, the leader, we promise to complete the task!"

Shi Dahu said loudly, his eyes were shining, and he was full of confidence in this professional counterpart position.



Zhongtiao Mountain area.

The Japanese army racked their brains to think about how to eliminate the main combat troops of the Eighth Route Army active in the Zhongtiao Mountain area.

Initially, the Japanese judged that after Kong Jie reinforced Zhongtiao Mountain, he added the three main combat regiments of the Eighth Route Army that had emerged.

There are nearly [-] main combat troops of the Eighth Route Army in Zhongtiao Mountain.

But after many times of combing and sweeping Zhongtiao Mountain, but found nothing.

The judgment of the Japanese army began to waver.

The little devil is not stupid. The devil officer believes that if there are really tens of thousands of the main force of the Eighth Route Army in the Zhongtiao Mountain area, it is absolutely impossible to avoid the sweeping net so easily.

On the other side, Wang Huaibao, head of the Third Independent Regiment under the jurisdiction of the first detachment, led the troops to station in the Zhongtiao Mountain area.

At the subsequent military meeting within the regiment, Wang Huaibao said:
"Our third regiment has entered Zhongtiao Mountain for a long time, and the Japanese army is not stupid. After a long time, problems will be discovered soon.

If we can't show enough fighting power, we will pose a greater threat to the Japanese army.

The devils were originally stationed in the 47th and 41st divisions in the Zhongtiao Mountain area, and it is very likely that they will free up their hands to reinforce the Taiyuan area. "

"Now the devil's sweep is gradually weakening, it's time for us to fight back and harass the devil."

Fourth Battalion Commander Han Feng proposed a plan for multi-line operations.

"Fighting on multiple lines in the front, middle, and back sections of Zhongtiao Mountain made the devils confused about how many troops we have."

Wang Huaibao agreed with this, and asked:

"We don't have many troops, so we can only rely on strong enough combat power and sophisticated equipment to paralyze the little devil's judgment."

"The current work is divided into three parts. The first part is guerrilla warfare outside the country. We will unite with some remnants of the guerrilla troops of the National Army that are still in the Zhongtiao Mountain area to jointly resist the Japanese invaders and strive to contain more Japanese troops in the Zhongtiao Mountain area. .”

"The second place is to strengthen ties with the people in the Zhongtiaoshan area and the people in the county, and secretly establish the regime of our Eighth Route Army."

"The third department, according to the command of the superior, embarked on our most important task this time, opening up the Zhongtiaoshan Anti-Japanese Revolutionary Base."

Speaking of this, Wang Huaibao smiled brightly.

"As for how to take root in Zhongtiao Mountain, first establish a local garrison of our troops, then spread to the periphery, gradually build an anti-Japanese revolutionary base, and expand the guerrilla area. I think the cadres present will not lack experience."

"In this regard, our independent regiment has developed all the way to the first anti-Japanese detachment today, which is the best example."

"Win over the puppet regime, develop the enemy's Ministry of Industry, build armed forces, establish a militia system, divide the military into three parts, divide politics into seven parts, and focus on both economic and military..."

"Comrades, on the way to open up the Anti-Japanese Revolutionary Base in Zhongtiao Mountain, we have a lot of experience that we can learn from our old independent group!"

Soon after the meeting ended, guerrilla warfare broke out in various places in the Zhongtiaoshan area.

In these guerrilla operations that seemed to be scattered in the front, middle, and second half of Zhongtiao Mountain without any rules.

The fighters of the Third Independent Regiment demonstrated their formidable combat effectiveness.

Every guerrilla warfare, ambush warfare, mobile warfare, and harassment warfare was fought beautifully.

The little devil, who had carried out many sweeps in the Zhongtiao Mountain area but found nothing, thought that there might not be so many Eight Routes in the Zhongtiao Mountain area, and there was no such a big threat to the Great Japanese Empire as expected.

The Thunder of the Independent Three Regiments Strikes Out!

The area around Dashu Village at the southwestern end of Zhongtiao Mountain.

A sweeping force of more than 100 Japanese troops was suddenly ambushed by troops from the Eighth Route Army.
The battle broke out quickly and ended quickly.

When the devils in the nearby county town of the Japanese army received an emergency call for help and led a team to reinforce them, there were only white corpses of devils left in the combat area.

Other than that, there was no sign of the enemy.

Qingshan Village area in the middle of Zhongtiao Mountain.

The news that more than 100 Japanese troops in the Dashu Village area were wiped out in an ambush made the Japanese and puppet troops terrified.

The independent combat units that conduct follow-up sweeps are often up in the squadron.

The fear is that they will be wiped out by the powerful Eighth Route Army without reinforcements.

This time the mopping up was a full Japanese squadron with nearly 300 devils, plus a puppet barracks with more than [-] puppet troops.

A total of more than 500 Japanese puppet troops entered the mountains to sweep.

Han Feng led the troops of the Siyingyuan Mountain Company to attack decisively.

More than 200 American M1 Garand rifles made their debut in this battle.

Many little devils were knocked out by the continuous fire from the opposite side before they could pull the bolt again.

The fourth battalion is composed of the original three mountain companies.

In addition, he is familiar with the topography and topography of Zhongtiao Mountain.

When the actual battle started, the displayed combat power even had additional bonuses.

In this regard, the new fighters from the Third Independent Regiment who came to Zhongtiao Mountain couldn't compare.

In the deployment of this ambush operation.

Han Feng chose the location of the ambush at a location with excellent terrain and terrain. It was a long mountain road, and the entire ambush location was pocket-shaped.

The leader of the Devil Squadron was not bad in military quality.

In order to guard against a possible ambush by the Eighth Route Army troops on the way, he dispatched the leading scouts to search and advance, and at the same time pulled the troops into a long queue.

In response to the ambush of the Eighth Route Army troops at a certain point, the battle formation can be adjusted at any time.

After detecting the intelligence in advance and knowing the strength, firepower configuration and marching formation of the Japanese army.

Han Feng immediately and decisively adjusted his combat deployment.

In the pocket-shaped ambush area, he divided the troops into four combat units.

The two flanking units accounted for [-]% of the fourth battalion's strength and were distributed on the left and right sides of the mountain road.

The ambush point has sufficient front exit channels, which can well hide the troops on both sides. In addition, the blocking troops and tail attack troops are placed in the front and rear of the ambush mountain road respectively.

The interception unit was deployed on a high slope used to intercept the Japanese and puppet troops, on the right side of the mountain road.

To assume the role of blocking and intercepting the Japanese and puppet troops, and cooperate with the flanking unit to wipe out the enemy.

Before the devils arrived, the soldiers made full preparations and built machine guns and other important firepower points in concealed positions with good visibility to ensure that the firepower could be fully utilized to cover the infantry assault.

Mortars are deployed in hidden areas that can control dead angles to ensure that the Japanese and puppet troops have nowhere to hide.

The two flanking units built various firepower on both sides of the mountain road, presenting a direct, sideways, and oblique firepower network to ensure that there are no dead spots in the ambush area.

The ambush area is divided into two lines: the front ambush area, and the side and rear waiting area.

Only a small number of guard posts are deployed in the forward ambush area.

All the members covertly let go of the devil's vanguard scouts.

When the time is right, the side attack, block attack and tail attack units quickly and secretly move from the waiting area to the forward ambush area.

In addition, Han Feng also dispatched security forces to the surrounding area.

On the one hand, the changes in the marching positions of the Japanese and puppet troops are communicated at any time, and on the other hand, they are always alerted to the arrival of Japanese reinforcements after the battle begins.

In addition, in the surrounding villages, the propaganda cadres have already laid a good mass foundation, including the puppet regimes in some nearby villages, which have also been successfully won over by the soldiers.

When fighting broke out suddenly, the sound of guns and guns was transmitted in all directions.

The villagers in the surrounding villages, including the traitors of the puppet army, pretended not to know, turning a blind eye.

The news was blocked invisible like this, and it didn't reach the Japanese army headquarters.

As soon as the battle in the ambush area started, the two flanking units directly caught the devils and puppet troops by surprise.

The ambush location chosen by Han Feng was very good, which was convenient for the soldiers to attack from above.

Due to the constraints of the terrain, the Japanese army formed a long marching formation, but they could not deploy their troops immediately.

When the devils quickly adjusted their formation, Han Feng directly gave the order to fire.

Several mortars bombarded the central area of ​​the devil's team continuously.

Directly cut off the long dragon of the Japanese and puppet troops, so that the devils and puppet troops could not look at each other from head to tail.

Facing the relentless attack of the soldiers and the impact of powerful firepower, the devil finally panicked. He originally wanted to break out from the head and tail of the ambush mountain road, but was blocked by the blocking and tailing squads. Can't get out at all.

In the end, the battle lasted less than an hour, and it was directly declared over.

Nearly 200 devils were wiped out.

Seeing that the general situation was over, the remaining 100 puppet troops quickly chose to surrender.

It was not until the soldiers cleaned the battlefield thoroughly that some puppet troops nearby pretended to pass the news to the Japanese army.

When the devil reinforcements arrived, looking at the corpses all over the ground, they could only continue to do the sad aftermath work.

The news spread, and the Japanese troops stationed in Zhongtiao Mountain were shocked.

A mopping-up force with a full squadron, plus more than 300 imperial association troops, would be silently and completely wiped out by the Eighth Route Army troops.

This was tantamount to a bolt from the blue for the Japanese army.

As a result, the Sino-Japanese situation in the Zhongtiaoshan area became tense again.

Originally, he was thinking of mobilizing troops from Zhongtiao Mountain area to reinforce the little devils in Taiyuan City, so he had to cancel the plan for the time being...

(End of this chapter)

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