Chapter 571
After sighing with emotion over the batch of equipment they got from the Yankees, the battalion and company commanders rolled their eyes and thought about the idea of ​​this batch of weapons.

The first battalion commander, Wang Leihu, was the first to speak. He didn't pay attention to anything else. He immediately hugged the two mortars and said:
"Comrades, we have to pay attention to the distribution of this batch of equipment this time. I am the first to see these two M2 60mm mortars. Don't rob me. Whoever robs me and whoever is anxious !"

Shen Quan said: "I said Lei Hu, can we have something to do, can you change your old problem?"

"When you see something good, you start with it. The current equipment of your first battalion is missing these two mortars?"

Wang Leihu retorted: "Old Shen, what you say is better than what you sing, I don't believe your idea of ​​not using these two guns, the [-]-point mortar of the US military is better than the [-]-point mortar of the national army There are many, better than our [-] small cannon, it hits farther, it is more powerful, and it is heavier."

"Leaving aside, if each of our platoons can be equipped with two such 60mm mortars, the firepower strike capability will immediately be upgraded to a higher level."

"The most important thing is that this kind of 82 mortar is light in weight, with a total weight of only [-] to [-] kilograms, and it is easy to conceal. Two soldiers carry it and run away. Whether it is fighting guerrilla warfare or mountain warfare, this small-caliber Mortars are much better than the bulky [-]mm mortars we usually use."

Lei Dasheng, the commander of the fourth battalion, said: "Hey, commander of the first battalion, since you have told me all the benefits, we can't give up these two guns. We have to listen to the regimental commander for how to divide them."

"That's right! When it comes to the level of equipment in our battalions, how can it compare to your first and second battalions?"

Third Battalion Commander Wang Huaibao took the opportunity to speak, but his words were a bit embellished.

The Fifth Battalion Commander Du Aiguo laughed as usual and remained silent.

The company commanders didn't have that much appetite, and soon set their sights on the remaining heavy machine guns, light machine guns, and some sniper rifles.

Tao Shunmin, commander of the Seventh Company, focused on the American pump-action shotgun, and a perfect plan even came to his mind. He wanted to use this trench gun to form an assault team to quickly clean the trenches.

The courtyard of the regiment headquarters soon became lively.

In the end, Kong Jie couldn't stand it anymore, and scolded coldly:
"Look at the prospects of each of you. I know that you all want to try this American equipment. Those who don't know think that our independent regiment is the same as a year ago. The ammunition in the army is scarce, the equipment is backward, and I have never seen the world. With some American equipment, treat it as a baby and refuse to let go!"

"Take a long-term view. With this little equipment, where is it going?"

"Afterwards, our business with the Yankees is completed, and this batch of arms can be multiplied ten times, or even twenty times."

"Each battalion and company must have equipment. If you are really courageous, you can guarantee that your company can maximize the power of these equipment."

"I just want to equip our independent regiment as a whole into a beautiful weapon regiment, what's wrong?"

Having said that, Kong Jie continued, seeing the battalion commanders and company commanders putting down the equipment they were holding in their hands and not letting go on the ground.

"As for this batch of equipment, I have already thought about it, and I will equip it all on the mountain company."

"Mountain Company?"

The cadres were confused.

Kong Jie said: "It is the mountain company that Han Feng brought to fight in Zhongtiao Mountain a month ago."

Han Feng was originally the deputy company commander of the third battalion. As Han Feng's old battalion commander, Wang Huaibao immediately echoed with a smile:
"If it is equipped with a mountain company, commander, I am the first to agree. During this period of time, there have been no large-scale battles in our base area, and most of the equipment left in our hands is idle.

On the contrary, the battle in the Zhongtiao Mountain area is still raging, and this batch of equipment can be used to the greatest extent when it is sent there. "

The other battalion commanders were speechless. Your old Wang said it nicely. Who didn't know that Han Feng was originally the deputy company commander of your third battalion. Didn't the equipment of the mountain company fall into your own bowl?

Kong Jie didn't bother to pay attention to the small thoughts of the cadres, nodded and said:
"Yes, that's one of the reasons."

"I also want to see the other thing. If this batch of American equipment is equipped with the mountain company, how powerful it can be under the hands of the mountain company."

"Just a few days ago, the communications platoon sent out by the regiment headquarters had already contacted Han Feng's mountain company.

During this period, although Han Feng and his party jumped out of the encirclement of the Japanese army time and time again, there were also many wounded soldiers in the team, who needed to be sent back to the base area for treatment urgently. "

"I am going to support the mountain company with a batch of equipment, including the American equipment in front of me, plus some new explosives and firearms to support Han Feng's guerrilla operations in the Zhongtiao Mountain area."

As he said that, Kong Jie looked at the battalion commanders again: "Han Feng led the mountain company to fight mountain warfare and guerrilla warfare in the Zhongtiao Mountain area. It is very important for our independent regiment to accumulate experience in mountain warfare."

"At present, our main base is becoming more stable, and the combat environment for training troops is not as good as Zhongtiao Mountain."

"I'm thinking, while sending this batch of equipment to the mountain company this time, some military backbones and soldiers who have been in the army for about half a year, who are between recruits and veterans, will be transferred from your battalions to Zhongtiao Mountain to support the mountain At the same time as the company, we will conduct military training along the way."

"The more complicated and dangerous the battlefield, the faster you can hone steel warriors."

"This training ground in the Zhongtiao Mountain area, your battalions should seize the opportunity."

"In addition, after the wounded veterans sent back from the mountain company recover from their injuries, the experience they have accumulated in mountain warfare in Zhongtiao Mountain is quite valuable. They can be used to lead recruits and pass on their experience in mountain warfare."

As soon as these words came out, the battalion commanders naturally moved their minds, and immediately made up their minds. After returning to the camp, they immediately pulled out their troops and sent them to Zhongtiao Mountain together with the transported arms.



Zhongtiao Mountain area.

With the passage of time, the Battle of Zhongtiao Mountain has gradually come to an end, and the main force of the Japanese First Army stationed in Shanxi has also begun to gradually withdraw from the Zhongtiao Mountain area.

Only part of the troops need to be left to garrison Zhongtiao Mountain to guard against the national army's counterattack.

More main forces were re-stationed in Taiyuan City and surrounding areas to deal with the Eighth Route Army troops.

In this Zhongtiaoshan battle, the Japanese army undoubtedly achieved great prosperity, but during the period when the Japanese First Army went to fight in southern Shanxi, the Eighth Route Army troops were not idle.

Kind of like a fire in the backyard.

First, the Eighth Route Army in the Taihang and Taiyue areas did not know why they were crazy, and suddenly turned from defense to offense, breaking the Japanese army's military blockade of the Eighth Route Army's base areas in many places, and actively attacking some remote villages and towns.

Immediately afterwards, the Shanxi Northwest Iron Triangle started to do things again, and even besieged Ping'an County. With the help of Ping'an County, a siege came to help, which severely damaged the Japanese army's multiple reinforcements.

In the end, the Independent Regiment captured Ping'an County in one fell swoop.

This is another case where a county town has been captured by the Eighth Route Army since the Japanese army enforced law and order in North China for a long time.

When the headquarters was analyzing the situation, Yoshio Shinozuka, the commander of the Japanese First Army stationed in Shanxi, spoke calmly, but all the Japanese officers could feel the overwhelming anger contained in the calm words of the commander.

"The first time was during the Eighth Route Army's sabotage operation. It was also this independent regiment that used the cavalry company to surprise the imperial army's transportation hub Qu County."

"The second time was during the big raid in April, when the independent regiment raided Yangquan and other counties with the tactic of changing homes."

"Right now, Ping'an County has been taken down by the Independence Regiment. This is the third time that the Eighth Route Army Independence Regiment has captured a county occupied by our army."

"A small regiment-level combat unit of the Eighth Route Army has captured three different counties occupied by our army three times. Although it is only temporary, this is already a great shame for my First Army."

Then, Beichuan Bushi, the chief of staff of the Japanese First Army stationed in Shanxi, reported the actions of the Eighth Route Army around the Taihang Root during the Battle of Zhongtiaoshan from the direction of Taiyuan City.

Analyzed the security situation around Taihang to various Japanese military officers.

"After our army launched the campaign to cannibalize the Eighth Route Army, mainly targeting the vast Chinese countryside outside the occupied areas and counties, the Eighth Route Army also launched a targeted anti-cannibalization campaign."

"These Eight Routes are very cunning, and they have established one after another armed forces behind the enemy lines in the guerrilla areas of their villages, continuing to implement their so-called three-point military and seven-point politics.

Continue to confront our imperial forces militarily, and politically use the anti-cannibalization campaign to disintegrate the management regime we have established in various villages during the cannibalization campaign, and attempt to disintegrate the emperor controlled by our army by wooing, seducing, and threatening. Allies and auxiliary troops. "

"Especially during the nearly one-month period when the main force of my first army moved to Zhongtiao Mountain, the Eighth Route Army in Taihang and Taiyue became more and more rampant. With the help of temporary military advantages, they accelerated the pace of anti-cannibalization."

"So far, the situation in the vast villages around our base camp, Taiyuan City, is no longer optimistic."

Listening to the information brought by Ayumi Kitagawa, all the Japanese officers looked solemn.

Yoshio Shinozuka's mood also became a little impetuous, and the sound of tapping his fingers on the table, which was originally full of rhythm, gradually became chaotic.

After a while, Shinozuka Yoshio seemed to have made up his mind and said:

"We can't wait any longer. The Battle of Zhongtiao Mountain is over. With the disastrous defeat of the national army, the possibility of regrouping and fighting back is almost impossible."

"As for the remaining National Army and Eighth Route Army guerrillas in the Zhongtiao Mountain area, we can deal with them slowly. It is definitely not wise to continue to drag the main force of our army here."

"The follow-up main force will start to move towards Taiyuan City from tomorrow."

"Now that the external troubles have been eliminated, it is time to deal with the internal troubles. There is an old saying in China, how can others sleep soundly next to the couch? If the cancerous tumor of the Eighth Route Army is not eradicated, I am afraid that our imperial troops will die."

"This time, the Central Army in Zhongtiao Mountain has been eliminated, and the passage to the south has been opened. After the main force returns to aid, it will be free to clean up the Eighth Route Army!"


The devil officers in the meeting stood up and responded in unison...

(End of this chapter)

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