The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 555 Arriving at the Independent Regiment

Chapter 555 Arriving at the Independent Regiment (seeking a monthly ticket)

...As Mu Mu pulled the trigger, a devil artilleryman who was setting up a grenadier more than 300 meters away fell down.

The sniper members of several other groups, reminded by the observers, also targeted the devil's artillery.

This is what Ye Min always emphasized when the commandos were training:

The commando members who have been tempered and tempered, naturally have various military qualities, but they are flesh and blood after all, and what they fear most is the mass artillery shells fired by the devils.

Therefore, on the battlefield, when the commandos are fighting, the first priority is to ensure their own concealment, and the second priority is to take the lead in destroying the artillery that poses the greatest threat to the commandos in the Japanese army.

The priority level of destroying artillery is even higher than that of enemy snipers.

After all, the enemy sniper can only kill one team member at a time, while the opponent's artillery can directly destroy the entire commando team.

With several teams locking the Devils artillery shot.

The few artillerymen in the Japanese squad that chased them all the way were destroyed immediately.

Three grenadiers that had been lined up in a row were placed in an open space without a bunker, plus five fallen devil artillerymen.

Of course, the operation of the grenadier is relatively simple. Other soldiers in the Japanese squad, even if they are not artillery, can also operate it, but their proficiency is not as good as that of the corresponding grenadier soldiers.

Some soldiers tried to get close to the grenade to fight back, but they were shot down by commando members in the distant mountains and forests as soon as they got off the road from the bunker.

After the first shot hit, under Ye Min's prompt, Mu Mu, who quickly switched to the second sniping location, licked his chapped lips, but his face was full of excitement.

"Deputy team, I will perform a classic siege for you!"

The devil soldier who tried to snatch the grenadier and was knocked down by the wood was shot in the left leg and would not die. He was holding on to a grenadier, trying to drag it back to the back of the bunker.

Mu Mu raised his gun, and with a bang, it hit the devil's left arm again.

Behind the big rock next to it, devil soldiers rushed out quickly, trying to drag the injured teammate back.

Snipers from other groups took the opportunity to open fire and killed the devil who rushed out with one shot.

On Mu Mu's side, he wounded the devil instead of killing him. His intention had already been understood by the other team members, and they cooperated tacitly.

Surround the corpse for help.

cruel?Of course cruel.

Mean?It is indeed a bit despicable.

But if it is used on an invader like the Japanese army, the team members feel that this is a perfectly suitable style of play.

So, in this little-known hillside area.

A small group of Japanese soldiers is overwhelmed by the fear brought by the snipers of the Independence Regiment Commando.

Below the hillside, the Japanese squad leader clenched his fists so tightly that his nails almost dug into his palms.

be angry!

Has the Japanese Empire ever been so humiliated?

These damn Eighth Route Army snipers are torturing and torturing them bit by bit with the cruelest and most despicable means.

The wounded comrade was just a few meters away, but the other Japanese soldiers could only watch helplessly as his blood flowed continuously.

Exposed to the enemy's sniper's vision, the injured companion may be killed by a single shot at any time.

But no one dares to show their heads, and showing their heads is death.

The opponent's sniper marksmanship is very powerful, and the rifle used in the hand should have a scope, and each shot will quickly adjust its position.

Even if you want to use machine gun fire to shoot the opponent out, you can't find the target point at all.

The captain of the devil squad promptly arranged for the veteran special shooters in the team to take the opportunity to find the location of the enemy snipers.

Instead, three or four people were killed by snipers.

The Eighth Route Army snipers who blocked their Japanese team all had amazing marksmanship and subtle tactics, far exceeding the judgment of the Japanese team leader.

And the only three grenade launchers that could deal with such an elite small bone combat unit of the Eighth Route Army were stared to death by the enemy's snipers at this moment, unable to snatch them.

Under the leadership of Ye Min, ten commando members abruptly stopped a small group of devils at the bottom of the hillside.

In less than 5 minutes, the Japanese army suffered more than ten casualties.

The devil's squad leader naturally understood that the reason why the enemy's snipers appeared here was mostly to delay the time and provide cover for the fleeing troops.

Realizing that it would be difficult to defeat these powerful snipers of the Eighth Route Army with a frontal counterattack, Captain Guizi immediately ordered:

"The machine gunner is not allowed to show his head, and shoots towards the opponent's general area, covering the firepower, and the others immediately split into two lanes, go into the woods, and outflank the opponent's snipers!"

The leader of this devil's squad is quite shrewd in commanding.

If you want to deal with snipers, you are definitely at a disadvantage in the open and lower terrain.

Only by quickly closing the distance with the sniper through the cover of the woods can it be possible to turn defeat into victory.


The devil's machine gunners moved quickly, and the three light machine guns with crooked handles just stretched out of the bunker and fired blindly towards the approximate area where Ye Min and his party were located.

At the same time, two groups of devils rushed out quickly and got into the woods on both sides of the mountain road.

In the woods on the hillside, Ye Min, as an observer, immediately noticed the devil's intentions, with a smile on his lips: "The devil's commander on the other side reacted quite quickly, okay, we have enough time to delay, delay If it takes too long, the subsequent ambush may not be able to be fought, wood, retreat!"


Ye Min's order was communicated in a very simple way. You Mu blew a whistle, which was the order to retreat.

Of course, before retreating, according to what Ye Min said: "Old rules, leave some information for the little devil before leaving."

The other four sniper teams also quickly began to withdraw.

And before leaving, he set up some booby traps in the area where he was previously active.

Soon, the mountain forest where Ye Min and his party were originally was was quiet, only the gunshots of the devils rang out from time to time, and the birds in the forest had already been frightened away.

The devils on both sides of the mountain forest also began to turn around. The dozen or so devils who were still on the mountain road, led by the Japanese army squad leader, were still hiding behind the bunker, and no one dared to show their faces easily.

The devil who was wounded by the wood and used to surround the corpse was shot in the thigh and arm.

Miraculously, he used his other leg and arm to drag a grenadier, and before anyone could react, he climbed to the back of the bunker where the Japanese squad leader was.


The ghost soldier spoke.

Wood didn't kill him, leaving the devil with a disabled wounded, far more trouble than a dead soldier.

The captain of the ghost team was stunned, what's the matter?
Did the sniper on the opposite side just let Tian Sen crawl over?

But the fact is that the seriously injured Tian Sen dragged a grenadier over.

The devil squad leader gritted his teeth, and ordered another soldier: "Rush out as fast as you can, and grab the other two grenadiers back."


The devil soldier responded, swallowed his saliva hard, and rushed out with the determination of Feng Xiaoxiao and Yi Shuihan, and ran to the two grenadiers at the fastest speed, then grabbed the two grenadiers and shot them. Retracement.

The result was a complete surprise.

Under the terrified gaze of the devil soldiers around him, nothing happened to the soldier.


What about the sniper on the opposite side?
"Bastard, yours, go out and test it out again." Captain Guizi was still worried, he knew the cunning of the sniper's tactics, maybe he wanted to trick himself and his group to go out.

The soldier took the order, trembling in his heart, walked out from behind the bunker, and pointed his gun at the high slope in the distance.

For a long while, there was no movement.

"Sir, the sniper on the other side seems to be gone!"


The leader of the devil squad was furious, knowing that he was being tricked, the snipers on the opposite side had already evacuated, and he and his party were still trembling with fright!
It was roaring, and several loud bangs came from the slope not far away.

It seemed to be mixed with the screams of some Japanese soldiers.

The leader of the devil team quickly ordered the communication soldiers to blow their whistles fiercely, so that the Japanese soldiers who had detoured up on the two wings retreated back.

When the soldiers in the forest withdrew to the mountain road, seven or eight people were missing.

"Sir, the snipers on the opposite side have already evacuated. They set up booby traps in the forest, and we accidentally fell into the trap!"

"Bastards, these bastards—" the leader of the devil squad cursed.

The adjutant asked: "Sir, what should we do next? Do we want to continue the pursuit?"

The leader of the devil team took a deep breath and said: "We are the first wave of the chasing troops, and there are support troops behind, let the signal soldiers pass back the news of what happened here, and tell the rear headquarters, our department will continue to pursue in depth , please reinforce the rear in time according to the combat situation."



On the other hand, Ye Min and his party won enough time for Kong Jie and others to successfully join up with the troops brought by the Second Battalion Commander Shen Quan who came ahead of time.



Shen Quan and some company commanders saluted and shouted. After the salute, Shen Quan hurriedly went around Kong Jie to check.

Kong Jie laughed and scolded: "Okay, don't look at it, all the parts are there, not even a piece of skin is hurt."

Chief Shen Quan breathed a sigh of relief, "Head, you are finally back, what kind of place is Tianjin, there are devils everywhere, if you don't come back, we will all have to worry to death!"

Kong Jie smiled and said, "I've come back well, haven't I? And this trip has been quite rewarding!"

"Oh, head, has the business path for our independent group to expand outward?" Shen Quan asked.

Kong Jie said: "Let's not talk about this for now, there are devils biting all the way behind, let's kill this devil first."


Shen Quan responded, and then arranged a team to escort Kong Jie, experts and professors, overseas Chinese representatives, and the wounded back to the base.

Shen Quan led the rest of the troops and set up an ambush on the spot, waiting for the chasing devils to step into the ambush circle.

Walking on the road, Kong Jiecai introduced to the experts, professors and representatives: "The comrade just now is Shen Quan, the second battalion commander of our independent regiment. My old partner is now. He has strong command ability in battle and many tricks. That's my independent team." A member of the regiment, Tiger General."

"It's still some distance away from the headquarters. I'm afraid the wounded can't wait any longer. They have to be sent to the health center of our independent regiment for treatment."

"Experts, professors and representatives, right now, go to the base of my independent group to take a good look, take a rest, adjust and adjust, and I will arrange a team to escort you to the headquarters to report in two days."

Overseas Chinese representative Sun Nianguo said with a smile: "I heard that the independent regiments in the Taihang base area are the most prominent. Commander Kong, we should go and see them this time."

"Okay, welcome!"

Kong Jie was overjoyed, and said in his heart: I have seen the development of my independent group, your heart is placed here with our old Kong...

(End of this chapter)

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