The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 193 The Taijun 8th Road has fiddled with a new weapon

Chapter 193 Taijun's eight roads fiddled with new weapons (ask for a monthly ticket)

... The devil's artillery counterattack did come very quickly.

It's a pity that by the time the little devil's shells hit the area where Li Wenjie and his party had previously fired, Li Wenjie had already moved to the shelling position in another direction with the grenadier squad.

The highest military officer in charge of the garrison of the stronghold, Lieutenant Yumura, the leader of the Japanese army squad, assembled the Japanese army and the imperial alliance army angrily. The sneak attack of the Eighth Route Army.

He noticed at a glance that the machine gun fortifications of the outlying fortifications were directly blown up by the hateful Eighth Route Army shells, and they were buried together with two crooked light machine guns and two imperial warriors who had been sticking to the positions of machine gunners. Exploding.

Seeing this scene, Xiongcun was a little terrified. These days, the Eighth Route Army is really rampant. It is said that it is madly attacking the communication lines of the Great Japanese Empire, and even took away many strongholds.

Just around Xiongcun, in less than two weeks, four small strongholds were blown up by the Eighth Route Army.

In fact, Xiongcun has always been worried in his heart, fearing that the Eighth Route Army will suddenly attack him.

Who would have thought that what would come from fear!
As soon as the gunfire rang out, the outer machine gun fortifications were blown up. Xiongcun subconsciously thought that the Eighth Route Army was going to blow up the barbed wire fences for the outer defenses and launch a charge.

So Xiong Cun hurriedly assembled his troops and went straight to the outlying fortifications in an attempt to resist the attack of the Eighth Route Army.

From the one-story house in the devil's stronghold, that is, the residence, there is still nearly a hundred meters away from the outlying fortifications. The road connecting the two is the road where the stronghold is located. On the left side of the road, there is a tower standing upright.

The Japanese and puppet troops were divided into two teams, walked side by side through the path, and trotted towards the outer fortifications.

Neither the devils nor the puppet soldiers thought much about it, they thought the enemy was still outside the barbed wire fence!
So, leaning against the explosive pack under the wall of the turret, the devils and puppet soldiers trotted past, but no one noticed.

On Jiulian's side, Li Wenjie arranged a scout post early in the morning, and kept a close watch on the movement in the stronghold from the higher slope.

When the Japanese and puppet troops rushing out of the stronghold, almost the central part passed the base of the gun tower wall, the scout sentinel waved his hand to pass the communication to the soldiers of the Ninth Company who were responsible for detonating.

"Got it!"

The soldier in charge of the detonator of the explosive package at the base of the wall of the turret, full of excitement, pressed the button of the detonator.

boom -

The propagation speed of the current was astonishingly fast, and the electric detonator connected to the other end of the wire exploded instantly.

The sound of the sudden explosion was even more violent than the shelling of the grenadier.

The soldiers only heard screams coming from the direction of the base of the gun tower wall. They couldn't help but mourn for the tragic fate of the devils and puppet soldiers for two seconds, and then secretly said happily.

...Looking at the soldiers lying on the ground, all of them were made of flesh and blood, including the corpses of the imperial association army and imperial soldiers, the Japanese lieutenant Xiongcun was stunned.


Where did the explosion come from?

Why so suddenly?Could it be that the nasty Eight Routes infiltrated the stronghold and planted landmines on the roadside in advance?

But mines aren't that powerful, are they?In addition, if there were indeed landmines buried, and the team led by myself was the first to pass under the gun tower, why didn't the explosion be triggered just now?
Xiongcun was puzzled, when suddenly there was another explosion sound. He saw the outer barbed wire fence, and the usual entrance and exit were directly blasted into a huge gap.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sudden cry of killing in the dark night.

There is also the sound of the charge horn unique to the Eighth Route Army, which Xiongcun is all too familiar with.

beep beep beep beep beep beep—

"The Eighth Route Army has launched an attack, hurry up, go to the fortifications to fight against it!"

The military situation was urgent, and Xiongcun had no time to think about it, and even had no time to collect the bodies of the soldiers who were killed in the bombing, so he quickly issued an order, and then took the lead in rushing towards the outer fortifications.

"Add troops to the artillery tower, hurry up!"

After Xiongcun gave the order, a squad of devils and a squad of puppet soldiers entered the gun tower through the wooden door under the gun tower.

But then Xiongcun witnessed a big explosion at the entrance of the gun tower.

Three imperial soldiers and two imperial association soldiers were killed on the spot, and most of the soldiers who were about to rush into the gun tower were injured by the shock.

After being shocked, Xiongcun suddenly noticed the wires on the ground.

Only then did he realize that these explosions were not landmines laid in advance by Balu, but seemed to be a new type of weapon that controlled explosions with wires.

Surprised and angry, Xiongcun quickly reminded: "Check carefully, be careful of the enemy's explosives!"

Before the words fell, an unprecedented big explosion sounded.

A small mushroom cloud even rose from the devil's stronghold.

Xiongcun was stunned to see that the semi-underground heavy machine gun fortifications on the flanks of the stronghold were directly reduced to ruins in the big explosion.

As for the heavy machine guns in the fortification, and the few heavy machine gunners who have been sticking to the heavy machine gun fortification, I am afraid that they have long been turned into fly ash.

Fear began to grow in the hearts of the Japanese and puppet troops.

The Eighth Route Army hadn't come up yet, and just the explosion caused heavy casualties to the defenders of the stronghold.

This kind of sudden explosion that was everywhere and hard to guard against made the devils and puppet soldiers frightened.

Before the battle started, the momentum was already weak by three points.

The attacking Eighth Route Army obviously came prepared.

the other end.

When the largest explosive package placed in the devil's semi-underground heavy machine gun fortification exploded.

Not to mention the devils and puppet soldiers, the soldiers of the Ninth Company were startled.

The platoon leader who was leading the attack couldn't help swallowing.

At the beginning, when he saw that large explosive bag that was strenuous to carry alone, he guessed that it must be quite powerful.

But the big explosion in front of him was beyond his imagination. He even wondered if the explosive pack was big enough to send the devil's entire stronghold to the west in one go!

The eyes of Zhu Wu, commander of the Ninth Company, were also full of shock:
"Hey, the power of the explosive package sent by the leader this time is really not covered."

Speaking of this, Zhu Wu suddenly wanted to go and have a look at the large explosive bag buried in the middle of the road by the reinforcement team. When the devil's support troops passed by the explosive bag, it suddenly exploded. What would happen?
... boom -

It seems that there is only this last sound left in the world.

The Japanese and puppet reinforcements who came to support from the medium-sized stronghold never expected that the landmine that was suddenly stepped on before was just an appetizer, and what was in front of them was the grand finale.

The original reinforcement team of hundreds of people, after encountering the explosion of the explosive package buried under the road, seemed to be directly chewed off by a giant python, and a vacuum appeared.

As for the part that was gnawed off... the devils and puppet soldiers who were shrouded in front of the explosion were basically dead.

The devils and puppet soldiers within a range of nearly ten meters before and after also fell down. The little devil was full of horror and went forward to investigate and found that these soldiers could not even find wounds on their bodies, but they were still dead, obviously from the explosion The shock wave shocked him to death.

Looking at the shocking big explosion in front of him, the hellish scene just now seemed to be still echoing in his mind.

The platoon leader of the puppet army who came to support with the devil was so frightened that he couldn't speak, "Mrs. Ba... Balu has invented a new type of weapon. This is terrible. We are afraid that we will not be able to support them, so we should withdraw... ...Retreat! Otherwise, we will all die here if we are ambushed by the Eighth Route Army!"

"Yaoxi, you are so clever, immediately contact the Captain and ask for tactical guidance!"

The squad leader of the Japanese army looked at the smoke remaining after the big explosion in front of him, and said with lingering fear that as long as the squadron leader above him agreed to evacuate, he would lead his troops back without hesitation...

(End of this chapter)

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