The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 1256 You are such a fucking talent!

This secret military plan is highly confidential, and no one except the main persons in charge and high-level cadres in each base area knows about it.

Even in the special experimental area, only Kong Jie knew about this.

It’s not that I didn’t tell them intentionally. In the words of the Deputy Chief of General Staff: “If they are not in their positions and are not planning their policies, telling our cadres will not be of much use.

In addition, this matter is kept highly confidential, which can also be regarded as a kind of test. If even our own cadres cannot identify our series of combat deployments, the final plan will be laid out, let alone the enemy's Japanese army. . "

Inside the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army Special Experimental Zone.

As soon as Kong Jie arrived at the headquarters, Li Yunlong happily ran over with a photo and showed it to Kong Jie: "Haha, Lao Kong, come and take a look, our Lao Li is on camera again!"

Kong Jie was stunned for a moment and looked at the photo in Li Yunlong's hand.

In the photo, Li Yunlong also took a dog from nowhere and was taking a group photo with a delegation of Allied generals. Not far away were groups of prisoners being escorted, as well as Japanese guns, ammunition, artillery, armored vehicles, and tanks neatly stacked nearby.

The photo is still a color photo.

Li Yunlong said happily: "How about it, Lao Kong, isn't this photo taken very luxurious?

Apart from anything else, if this photo is published, it will be difficult for me, Mr. Li, to become famous. The propaganda meaning is completely different. Allied countries came to watch our victory over the Japanese invaders.

If that old devil Okamura saw this photo, he would probably turn green with anger. "

Kong Jie said with a smile: "If this had happened a few years ago, Lao Li, if you had really released this photo, maybe that old devil from Okamura would have sent the Yamamoto special agent team to kill you!"

Moreover, all aspects of information about important cadres of the Eighth Route Army must be kept confidential.

Naturally, it also includes the corresponding appearance issue.

How good is the Eighth Route Army's confidentiality work in this regard?

To this day, the Japanese army, which hates Kong Jie so much, has placed high rewards on Kong Jie's portrait in major counties. It is even hand-painted and does not even resemble Kong Jie's appearance.

I really couldn’t get a photo of Kong Jie.

Okamura, who wanted to cut Kong Jie into pieces all day long, didn't even know what Kong Jie looked like.

In addition, under Shi Dahu's operation, many versions were circulated, with various appearances, but there was no real appearance of Kong Jie, which completely confused the Japanese.

Later, it caused a special joke. The photos in some rewards and information about Kong Jie sent by the Japanese from different counties did not match at all.

Comrade Kong Jie, who was famous in northwest Shanxi, suddenly had many different faces.

Of course, with the growth of the special experimental zone and the need for publicity work, there must be a representative cadre of this special experimental zone to show up!

This old Li likes to be in the limelight, so Kong Jie naturally has to give way to his old comrades.

So Li Yunlong suddenly transformed and became the golden signature of the Special Experimental Zone.

In particular, his particularly eye-catching big head has almost become Li Yunlong's unique appearance label.

Back to business again.

Li Yunlong said: "Hey, Lao Kong, guess what? After the battle around the Eastern Mongolia defense line, when the comrades of the 35th Route Army were cleaning the battlefield, they made something special.

This mobile heavy artillery brigade of the Kwantung Army was so stubborn that it even brought a chemical artillery brigade.

As a result, because we were too deep into our defense line, we had no time to escape and were almost completely captured.

All these equipment and materials, including personnel, have been captured by us. Now we have irrefutable evidence that the Japanese used special gases on the battlefield and violated the Geneva Convention.

It happened that the generals from all the Allied countries were here, but after witnessing this scene with their own eyes, and after reporters from all over the world reported on it.

Let's see what these little devils have to say! "

The actual situation is that after the relevant reports spread completely, it indeed caused an international uproar. Countries around the world condemned Japan from the high ground of justice and morality.

In the end, both Umezu Yoshijiro and Okamura were severely reprimanded by the domestic base camp for this.

It made these two old devils very depressed.

While the two were talking, Ding Wei came with another interesting story.

"It's so damn interesting. There are so many talented people in this Japs team!"

"How do you say this?" Li Yunlong asked.

Ding Weidao: "I just went to our Cadre Teaching Department to observe, and found that a teacher with a strange face was explaining some knowledge about the maintenance and repair of heavy artillery. I have to say, what he taught was really good! The details were in place, and every detail was very good. Look, you are an expert in this field.

Even when I talk about it, I don’t know what’s going on, it always smells like a small life.

I couldn't hold back my curiosity, so I asked a cadre and guess what? He's really a fucking Japanese officer.

I heard that he was really the commander of the Japanese heavy artillery brigade before this. It seems that he was a Japanese major general who was captured by us during the battle on the eastern Mongolian defense line. "

At this point, seeing that there was no surprised look on Kong Jie's face, Ding Wei said suspiciously: "I'm talking about Lao Kong, could you have arranged this?"

Cough cough--

Kong Jie smiled and said: "Our Eighth Route Army has always promoted talents in an eclectic way.

This Major General Kubo is obviously such a talent. During the battle around the Eastern Mongolia defense line, Major General Kubo and his heavy artillery brigade were captured by us.

Mr. Major General is still staying with us.

People have said that I have long heard that our Eighth Route Army treats prisoners preferentially and values ​​talents. He has a lot of experience in the fields of heavy artillery operations and maintenance. He studied in the field of heavy artillery back then.

What do you mean?

I hope that our Eighth Route Army can make full use of its personnel and find him a suitable position so that he can earn a living.

In order to express his sincerity, after surrendering to our Eighth Route Army, this major general also acted as a commentator for us, introducing on the spot some cannons that the Japanese army had missed or captured on the battlefield.

Not only that, Mr. Kubo even fished out all the relevant personnel of the siege heavy artillery maintenance brigade, school shooting brigade, surveying and mapping brigade, and teaching brigade that were captured by his brigade from our prisoner-of-war road construction camp.

After helping us persuade these people to surrender, we also set up a special heavy artillery training instructor class.

After I heard about this, I immediately told Commander Fu and recruited people. It happened that we were very scarce in teaching cadres in the field of heavy artillery.

After all, this special officer who graduated from a military academy is quite knowledgeable in the professional military field. "

"Haha, damn, this guy is really a talent!" After hearing this, Li Yunlong clapped his hands happily.

Ding Wei couldn't help but shook his head and sighed: "I didn't expect there to be such a weirdo among these Japanese officers!"

Kong Jie said with a smile: "It's human nature. Today, the little devil is on the decline. The so-called tree falls and the beard is loose, so what's the point of people's hearts? Kubo abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side and found another job in our Eighth Route Army. This is a sign of great wisdom and foolishness.

In fact, this little devil is very smart. His old troops are all gone. If he really returns to the Japanese camp, the war might not go well that day, and Okamura will drag him out to sacrifice the flag.

It is better to stay and be happy with our Eighth Route Army. Anyway, it is not uncommon for the Japanese to be captured by our Eighth Route Army. "

Speaking of the follow-up resettlement issue of the increasing number of Japanese prisoners.

Kong Jie's attitude was very firm: "It is true that our Eighth Route Army treats prisoners preferentially, but as prisoners, you must have the consciousness of a prisoner and keep your head down.

In addition, our base area is not a place where the Japanese can eat for free.

We take care of three meals a day and don’t treat them harshly.

But we have to work. This work includes building bridges and roads, digging mountains and controlling floods. Although the work is difficult, it is more fulfilling than anything else. We soldiers can all do the work. Why, is this little devil more noble? "

In the meeting of the Prisoners’ Political Department, Kong Jie pointed out clearly:

"This is called reform through labor! Compared with the Soviet side, which dragged prisoners to the freezing ice fields to build fortifications where they were not even fed all day long, our Eighth Route Army was extremely benevolent.

Giving the Japanese prisoners a job can wash away the guilt in their hearts and lead a more fulfilling life. You see, maybe they will even be grateful to me! "

This is true.

When some of the new captives were first sent to work at the prisoner of war camp construction site, they were originally cursing and dissatisfied.

But then they would be surprised to find that although the ancestors who had been captured long ago were working hard and sweating, they had no complaints and even had smiles on their faces.

At first they were very confused.

Until they were completely integrated into a down-to-earth life, they were suddenly enveloped in a strange feeling of being able to get food through hard work, the realization of self-worth, and the special emotion of gaining respect from others.


When they were in the Japanese camp, as the invaders, when had they ever felt so at ease?

Moreover, the Eighth Route Army was indeed very benevolent and righteous. Although they were prisoners, they would not punch, kick or humiliate them at every turn. Instead, they gave them considerable respect. In addition to daily hard work, they even had a lot of collective entertainment. project.

Although there is no military pay, I heard that the Eighth Route Army has never received military pay, but they are provided with three meals a day, and the Eighth Route Army will arrange medical personnel for you if you get sick.

I heard from the newly arrived captured comrades that many troops in the Imperial Army now don't even have enough to eat. The daily tickets have depreciated so much that they have lost their military pay for a long time.

These Japanese prisoners who had begun to enjoy this down-to-earth life became increasingly determined not to leave.

In addition, the Eighth Route Army also promised that after the war, if the prisoners were well reformed through labor and performed well, they could be released back to the country and even paid travel expenses.

This not only shows respect for people, but also gives hope for the future.

For a time, these Japanese prisoners, as an excellent free labor force in Kong Jie's eyes, really exploded with considerable potential.

Even Xie Baoqing, head of the Eighth Route Army construction engineering team, lamented:

"If these little devils didn't fight, they would be really good workers. They would endure hardships and be obedient and do whatever they were told.

They are all workers, and these Japanese workers can even do as much work as ordinary people for two days in one day! "

Kong Jie was also speechless when he heard this. They are indeed a nation of beasts!

Due to their good performance, some Japanese soldiers were specially ordered to be released by Kong Jie and allowed to return to their original troops. However, the day they were sent off was shocking.

The little devils all cried bitterly, and many even expressed their unwillingness to go back and would rather stay in the base area.

After reluctantly returning to their original troops, these prisoners naturally spread the news that the Eighth Route Army treated prisoners well and that they were not terrible once captured by the Eighth Route Army.

You can have a full meal every time.

Just work, no fighting, no risk of death.

If you are sick, someone will treat you.

There are also various entertainment activities, sometimes meals, and even movies.

After the war is over, I can still pay you travel expenses and send you back to your country...

It is said that in the headquarters, after hearing what a Japanese second lieutenant who was released by the Eighth Route Army saw, heard and experienced in the Eighth Route Army prisoner-of-war camp, General Okamura's face was so gloomy that he could almost shed tears.

Kill people and kill your heart!

Not to mention ordinary soldiers captured, even some officers who were loyal to the empire would be shaken by the series of blows from the Eighth Route Army.

Okamura suddenly felt that this was the first time he realized how terrifying the Eighth Route Army was.

What follows is anger.

Especially the hateful Major General Kubo who took the lead in publicizing his work for the Eighth Route Army.

This bastard even went to the Eighth Route Army to find another job!

I heard that he secretly wrote some letters to his former comrades, telling how safe and superior life was in the Eighth Route Army base area!

The more Okamura thought about it, the angrier he became. He wanted to capture Major General Kubo and cut him into pieces.

After calming down, Okamura decided to further intensify his offensive.

The summer sweeps against the New Fourth Army base areas in the southern region have begun.

For this big plan, Okamura, with the cooperation of the Kwantung Army, stabilized the Eighth Route Army in North China and assembled a considerable force in the south to divide, outflank and raid the base areas of the New Fourth Army.

Facing the Japanese offensive.

Under the principle of using defense as offense, the New Fourth Army actively sought offensives and used various tactics such as mobile warfare, guerrilla warfare, ambush warfare, and detours to contain the Japanese troops in the south.

The anti-Japanese armed forces in North China, dominated by the Eighth Route Army, responded positively and launched an offensive dubbed the August Storm in response to the New Fourth Army's counter-mopping up.

The Japanese army and the Eighth Route Army started a tug-of-war around the Eighth Route Army's base areas and various recovered areas.

Since the Japanese army focused on defense in North China and focused on offense in Central and South China.

The Japanese offensive was not violent.

With the assistance of the elites of the five divisions moving south and the Kwantung Army, the Japanese and puppet troops in North China held important county towns and transportation lines, and gradually launched a counterattack against some areas recovered by the Eighth Route Army, and achieved certain results.

As for the Eighth Route Army, the main elites from each base area have actually secretly gathered in northern Shanxi, eastern Mongolia, and western Inner Mongolia.

The current Operation August Storm is nothing more than a bluff.

Therefore, the two sides are basically in a stalemate. You come and I go back and forth, fighting on their own defensive lines. As time goes by, each other wins or loses.

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