Chapter 786 661. Studio
"You are a busy person who is finally late. Otherwise, I thought you forgot these things. You would never come to me if there is nothing to do. You just disappeared after taking the photo. It's like It's like a flirtatious lover."

After Gu Cheng finished processing the emails in his hand that needed to be replied, the time had unconsciously arrived in the afternoon after noon. After stretching his waist and walking out of the room where he had been sleeping all morning, he originally wanted to make out with his daughter After playing for a while, I didn't expect that the other party had already entered the lunch break, so I could only regretfully look at the sleeping cute face and bowed my head to kiss a little, smoothed the other party's hair with my hands, did a good job of keeping warm, and left the quiet place. bedroom.

After eating the lunch that Sun Ya specially reserved for himself, Gu Cheng originally wanted to lie down beside his daughter and take a short rest to relax his tense nerves and tired brain. He suddenly remembered that he was filming his daughter's first birthday at someone else's place. According to the photo, it has not been retrieved yet, and I have seen the other party's reply in the email just now, and it has been about 10 days since the notification that it can be retrieved.

While lamenting his hard life in his heart, Gu Cheng took the car keys and took the elevator all the way to the underground garage, and drove the car towards the studio not far away.

Even if shooting in the cold winter, there may be many inconveniences, but Qu Xiao's studio is still full of people, and there are people who decide the subject of the interesting photos and are working on the shooting.

Squeezing through the rushing crowd, Gu Cheng went directly to the front desk to express his intention of coming, and the lady at the front desk was also impressed by this handsome and tall client, and very enthusiastically pointed out the location of her boss. position, while staring at Gu Cheng's leaving figure with obsessive eyes.

Although she is very clear about her boss's sexual orientation, this charming man is unlikely to be her boss's partner, but the lady at the front desk is still very clear that the other party is beyond her reach. Expensive, I really don't have much competitiveness in the face of this kind of crowd, and I can only enjoy my eyes every time the other party comes over. Like many boys, when girls meet those outstanding men, they also You will feel a burst of satisfaction and visual shock.

Going up to the top position of the photo studio, still in the artistic and shocking office, Gu Cheng immediately saw Qu Xiao who was working hard and constantly trimming the photos.Originally, these tasks should be handed over to the staff below, but as the end of the year approaches, it seems that more and more people set their wedding dates on these days when they feel that they can get the blessings of all their relatives, and the work of the photo studio has become extraordinarily important. Get busy.

At this juncture, it can almost be regarded as a relatively busy season for the studio. Seeing that there is a steady stream of profit output, at this time, Qu Xiao doesn't care about putting himself on the boss's airs, and even went to the battle to take care of a lot. Where I can work, I will try my best to cooperate with all the staff of the studio to get through this relatively busy and prosperous period.

When Gu Cheng saw Qu Xiao, he had already been busy for about a week, and it was precisely because of such a busy schedule that Qu Xiao could barely find time to urge Gu Cheng after sending a notification email. Come get the photo.

And the arrival of Gu Cheng also added a different color to Qu Xiao's busy life during this period. It is a good thing to have a friend come to visit. It is a good thing to cancel, temporarily throw away the mountain of follow-up work in hand, and stand up first. Greeted each other, and then opened his mouth to tease.

Gu Cheng didn't respond to Qu Xiao's teasing at all, but just used his kind smile to decorate a lot of decorations for 4 weeks, and there was a big change from the time he came last time. It can be seen that Qu Xiao's artistic aesthetic The above still maintains the same vision and state as before, and the things selected are niche, but they also appear to be extraordinarily charming, and they always have an artistic atmosphere.

"I'm busy because I don't have much money to earn. You are different. When you are busy, it means that there is a steady stream of funds coming in. The big boss of this song just watched this battle, and this year can be called so much .”

Although I don't know much about the photography industry, Gu Cheng paid attention to similar reports in his previous life. The most prosperous time for photo studios may be the Chinese New Year, because too many people choose to get married during this time in order to please everyone. What is essential for newlywed families is the shooting of wedding photos, and this kind of wedding photos requires less labor and earns very high profits. It can almost be regarded as the most profitable project that can support the normal revenue of a studio.

It is precisely because of this that almost every studio has specially planned quite a lot of wedding photo shooting plans, setting different prices according to different grades and degrees of difficulty, and almost every price has made some good fortune. adjustment.

For example, price figures such as 666, 888, and 1314 not only make these newcomers feel blessed, but also guarantee huge profits.

Hearing Gucheng's retaliation, Qu Xiao originally wanted to refute a few words, but thinking of the amount of funds that had entered the studio's public account during this period of time, she couldn't help closing her mouth, but she could feel it from her unconcealed smile. She realized that the amount that could make her feel so good must be very rich.

"Okay, let's stop bragging about each other. How about traveling during this time? Have you gained a lot? I feel that you seem to be exuding a sense of happiness now. Could it be that you met during the journey?" What kind of love affair did you have?"

Whether a person is happy or not can be seen from the energy of the whole person and the face that expresses the mood. Gu Cheng did not study some acting skills too much, so even though he tried his best to demonstrate, he still did not escape the song Akatsuki's sharp observation.

Photographers are very meticulous when observing a person. They have to use their own eyes to define the subject in front of them, and then find a suitable angle to present the beauty and uniqueness of the person in front of them with the greatest technical difficulty. .

There is no need to observe too carefully, just glance at it and you can feel the slightly raised corner of the mouth and the high spirit of the whole person.

"What kind of affair, it's so ugly to say, I'm not the kind of man who messes around, how can I say it, sometimes things or fate are so wonderful, it seems that there are always some things that can surprise you."

(End of this chapter)

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