I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 774 649. The Beginning of a New Life

Chapter 774 649. The Beginning of a New Life

After the hot pot dinner at the beginning, everyone’s relationship has improved a lot. Both Shang Yan and Wang Jun were very pleasantly surprised when they received Jiang Ning’s gift after the meal. It’s not like they didn’t have similar experiences in their daily lives. But being able to have such trust in the other party at the first meeting or not the first meeting when they just started contact really makes them feel 1 points of admiration.

Even after returning home, when communicating with Gu Cheng through text messages on his mobile phone, he couldn't stop admiring and praising the communication in his words. It can be said that Jiang Ning's task was completed very well today, and he successfully convinced Gu Cheng with his excellent performance. Two hard-core friends, even without any prompting from the other party, have already acted as an assist on the emotional road of two people without a teacher.

The rapport after the 1st night.Jiang Ning has also integrated into Gu Cheng's circle of friends very well, and has even exchanged basic contact information with several people, especially in this group, the only girl in this group is very fond of Jiang Ning, because they find that no matter what No matter what topics she throws at the other party, she can exchange ideas with herself in a gentle and elegant manner, and even share some cherished cosmetics very generously.

Among them, Su Su admired Jiang Ning even more, because he tried to attack Gu Cheng before, but he still failed to take down this difficult and outstanding man, although now he has forgotten this matter in his heart , and even the emotions shown are completely indifferent, but I am also very curious about what kind of girl can convince this seemingly difficult man.

This kind of care is purely out of curiosity and admiration. She feels that Jiang Ning must have many qualities and personalities that she does not possess at all, so that she can perfectly suit Gu Cheng's preferences, and finally succeed in doing what she has not done before.

After I really got to know Jiang Ning, I realized that the reputation was well-deserved. Just from my first meeting and the things I observed with the naked eye, I could analyze that the other party was an excellent woman who seemed to have no shortcomings at all. I can't even catch up with myself, and it is very easy and expected to be able to do things that I haven't done.

After the first day of recuperation, Gu Cheng and Xiao Youyou quickly recovered to a state full of vitality. The fatigue from the original journey seemed to have disappeared after a whole night of recuperation. After getting home, I was extremely excited, and began to re-explore this seemingly huge, but fresh field that seemed very intimate in my memory.

After Gu Cheng brought his life back to the normal track again, the first thing he did was to re-build his own circle of friendship and contacts, and then he sent the gifts he carefully prepared to everyone, and expressed his gratitude to each other. Share the harvest and some beautiful scenery from this trip together, and then start to pick up the old business that I have left behind for a long time, and start to use books and computers to record the life insights and thoughts I have gained along the way.

Some people say that traveling thousands of miles is worse than reading thousands of books. Gu Cheng found that traveling is a process of bursting with inspiration, and he even has a deeper understanding of the behavior of those painters and literati who like to go to some tourist attractions in other places to collect scenery.

Literature has never been something that can be done behind closed doors. Only when you have experienced enough people, enough things, and seen enough things can you perfectly combine your own insights with some unique writing techniques, and write Publish one after another great classic works.

If you simply shut yourself in a small room and have limited space for insight, what you may write will always be gorgeous and tasteless, which will not touch people's hearts at all, and will not touch the meaningless characters deep in emotion.

As for Gu Cheng himself, he felt that he had gained a lot from this trip, and his views on some issues had also changed, and he even felt that his soul had been washed.

After returning home for simple self-cultivation, he began to frantically use some recording tools to record every thought that popped up in his mind, trying to catch the flash of inspiration and creative desire , and then slowly plan to present these emotions and the words that burst out of my mind in other ways.

He has even described a considerable part of the plot in his mind, and he is even determined that the article he writes this time will definitely hit the softest part of people's hearts, and can make every reader click They all showed a knowing and comfortable smile.

Since he came to this world, although some of the works he described seem very intense and exciting, they only touched a relatively small area of ​​human emotions. After satisfying the needs of wealth and the possession of some status, Gu Cheng also I feel that I should extend my branches to higher regions.

Like many professional actors who are engaged in the actor industry, after the early arrangement of random dramas, their status and status have broken into the first-line standards. I want to leave my own mark in the history of this world, so I started to study acting slowly, and even wanted to be recognized by some awards, trying to use my professional skills to do something shocking and great.

Gu Cheng is also holding the same idea now. He hopes that when people mention his name in a few years, they will give him a thumbs up and look in awe without hesitation. I think he is an out-and-out literary figure, even He has made his own contribution to the development of world literature, not just an operator who relies on mystery novels to occupy a high position.

This seems to be the most urgent thing in the heart of any practitioner who is interested in or even loves this industry, and even in order to achieve this goal, he can dedicate his youth, life and everything.

Living in this world is always inseparable from two words, one is fame, and the other is profit. Gu Cheng has satisfied the latter now, and has a more noble pursuit for the former.

For the arrangement of his next work, Gu Cheng already has a rough plan and initial germination in his mind. After this relatively busy period passes, he will put away his messy thoughts and concentrate on dealing with his next work. Difficulties in a work plan, after repeated polishing, finally make my work successfully presented in the eyes of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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