I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 759 634. Introverted fatherly love and undisguised maternal love

Chapter 759 634. Introverted fatherly love and undisguised maternal love
After lunch, Sun Ya came to the kitchen very obediently and began to finish the finishing work of the lunch feast. When she came here, she was not here to be a guest at all, because it seemed that she was a member of this family and had never left.

When she left Aunt Chun's place and returned to her natal home with the gifts she bought, Sun Ya stood at the door still hesitating, not knowing how she, an unfilial daughter who left home, should face her elderly parents.

I have been hesitating at the door for a long time, but I still can't force myself to take that initial step. On the one hand, I don't know what my parents' attitude is towards me now, and on the other hand, I feel guilty and guilty for the unhappiness when I left home. blame yourself.

As a result, Sun Ya and Xiao Mo, who were still pacing at the door, happened to be bumped into by their mother who was going out to pour water. After the initial astonishment, they quickly greeted them with surprised and happy expressions. There is no mother who would complain about her child. For the role of a mother, the happiest thing is to see her child go home.

Bringing the two back to the room, while hugging the granddaughter who hadn't seen each other for nearly half a year, while asking about Sun Ya's life during this time, when he heard that the two are currently living in a very stable life, and the boss It's not bad for her, the salary is also the highest in the industry, and the current financial situation of the family is not as difficult as before, so there is a proud and comforting smile on her face.

I know the character of my daughter very well. At the beginning, I just didn’t want my daughter to live so hard. You must know that the identity of a woman in this society will be subject to a lot of constraints and tempering, unless you have the ability Only when you are strong enough to a certain position will you increase your own evaluation in the eyes of the world.

But as a mother, if I have a better way of life, I definitely don't want my daughter and granddaughter to have so many ups and downs. It is also natural and ethical to find a partner for each other to take care of each other.

But the only thing they can't predict is that their daughter is as stubborn as she was when she was a child. She always feels that she can do it when facing unknown things. The relationship with the son-in-law is very sweet. Considering these things at this time obviously makes the daughter feel that it is a kind of betrayal of the feelings and emotions between the two of them.

These young people's emotional relationship patterns and ideas that are completely different from the old ideas are also the main reasons for the gap between the two generations. Each understands that the other is for their own good, but they are unwilling to make concessions.

However, in the days after the daughter left, the grandmother and grandfather did not think about this matter carefully. They are also old, and many things can no longer interfere with the child's thoughts and life direction, and young people just need some things Only by tempering yourself can you become more and more mature, after all, you can't control the other person's life for the rest of your life.

After figuring this point out, the relationship between the two parties has eased a lot. As a mother, the last thing I care about is face. If you need to kneel down to help your child, I believe many mothers will do it without thinking and consideration.

What face is shameful, it is completely useless to grandma, the most important thing is that her child finally gave up the previous misunderstanding, and the atmosphere of the family has returned to the original happy atmosphere, which is what she wants most s things.

Originally, the grandfather's immediate reaction upon seeing his daughter's return was astonishment and surprise, but this look only circled around his eyes, and then he returned to the previous state of Gujing Wubo. After all, in front of the younger generation, he had to maintain For the majestic image of oneself, some things cannot be done actively.

Seeing her father reading the newspaper unhurriedly, Sun Ya had a lot of apprehension on her face, and the respectful greeting only got a neutral response from the other party, but this sentence was enough for Sun Ya.

Regarding her father's impression, Sun Ya has always felt very warm. Unlike her mother's undisguised love and concern, her father's love and care is always felt in the meticulous details and many careless places.

I heard from my mother that when I got married, my father hid in the room and cried secretly for a long time after sending me away that day. After all, I was the only daughter of the other party. Scared of the character.

But as I get older, many methods of expressing love can no longer be used, and the father has also deliberately changed his role and caring methods, but the feeling of pampering the child has not changed from the beginning to the end of.

But since Sun Ya got married, her mother often brought up similar things, such as worrying about whether she would adapt to life in the new family, riding a motorcycle every day when she had nothing to do, and deliberately detoured from nearby villages to see, etc. Seeing the happy and happy smile on her daughter's face, she will return to her home contentedly.

Sun Ya has always experienced and felt this way of expressing love in a subtle and silent way, so for her father, she feels very guilty and remorseful in her heart.

After all, when I left home, my father was the one who quarreled the most. For his daughter's misfortune, his father was naturally in pain. A very well-behaved and filial child, why did he encounter such misfortune.

As the father whose daughter has always been more dependent, the thing that my grandfather blames the most is that he is not capable enough, so he can only vent his grievances in this quarrel. If he can be more capable, there may not be such a situation. The situation arises.

It was Sun Ya who was affected by this kind of emotion that felt that she had been targeted by the whole family, and there was no better way to express her emotions. That's why there was such an uproar and embarrassment that day, and Sun Ya even ran away from home on the spot , ready to live alone without relying on yourself.

Although the grandfather still can't let go of his face and majesty, this kind of emotion is only expressed when he is facing Sun Ya. After all, he is a father, but when facing his granddaughter, he does not hide his happy smile at all. Don't they all say that old people are relatives from the next generation? No matter what you think in your heart, you will show your most loving side when facing children.

Every time Xiaomo acted like a baby and wanted something, grandpa would unconditionally satisfy the other's request, and even cared for the only little baby at the dinner table, and gave him all the food that he thought was nutritious and delicious. other side,

(End of this chapter)

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