Chapter 750 625. Punishment
After more than half an hour of educating Gu Cheng, both Yu Qi and the remaining two employees have always adopted an attitude of full cooperation. With an open mind to listen.

Maybe they were moved by their attitude. The police felt that their words had an educational effect, so they finally let this group of people go.

"Considering that your case is relatively minor and your cooperation is relatively good, and it has not caused any major impact, mainly because no substantive actions have taken place, so I will not impose severe punishment on you for the time being. I won't leave this incident in the file, but."

When it came to this point, almost all three looked very surprised. After half an hour of education, they finally got some substantive feedback. This was almost the best solution they could imagine.

Not only can this matter be resolved quietly, but it will not have a relatively large impact on their own life and work, and it will not cause any hindrance to their future lives.

Just thinking of this is enough to make people feel pleasantly surprised and uplifted. As for other possible punishments, compared to the price they have to pay, they don't care too much at all.

"We are going to impose a fine of 500 yuan on you. This is only the first time. If you have this kind of behavior again, we can consider your previous convictions and increase the punishment. So in your future life, you must pay attention Focus on your own words and deeds and the bottom line."

In the thankful attitude of the three people, they followed the policeman and paid the fine according to the regulations. At the same time, they also got the serious assessment of the incident made by the policemen. The conclusion given above is only in the minor range.

That is to say, if calculated according to the current laws and regulations, their behavior is not considered illegal and worthy of detention. Everyone makes mistakes, but because the degree of mistakes is different, it will lead to various consequences. Therefore, when formulating laws, these factors are also fully taken into consideration. Generally, people like this will not have a great impact on social security, and people will be given a second chance.

After paying a fine, Yu Qi took her two subordinates and left the police station, which was particularly bright in the night sky, and stopped a taxi on the side of the road. The subordinate asked how to get back to the hotel room after leaving the police station, and walked away without saying a word.

And as a subordinate who has made a mistake, he also knows that his behavior is very bad and disgusting, and there is no possibility of excuse.He also stopped a taxi quickly, and followed the vehicle in front of him towards the hotel not far away.

Speaking of it, the two of them were really unlucky for eight lifetimes. Originally, because they had a lot of fun when they were playing around, the two of them also experienced a handful of local specialties.

People say that the two men are on a business trip, and they are not familiar with this place, so there is no one who is their own existence, so they immediately hit it off and are ready to enjoy a seductive experience that has always been the red light district with two people,
It was the first time I experienced this kind of thing, I felt very curious about everything, but I never expected the possible consequences, maybe because of the alcohol, the two of them pretended to be very mature and habitual, Follow everyone's guidance and observe the surrounding environment, and make corresponding responses.

A visitor is a visitor. Faced with this kind of tourists who come to the door by themselves, the staff does not have too much worry. After all, they need to receive too many such guests every year. After negotiating the price, they opened a hotel nearby Just finished the foreplay and before he could drive straight in, he was arrested on the spot by the policeman who received the report.

That is to say, they did not gain any practical gains from this trip, let alone experienced any substantive services. Even this action was stopped urgently at the very beginning, which is completely wronged .

When they were caught, their minds went blank, and they couldn't think of anyone who could help them. As for their family and friends, they absolutely couldn't contact them.

In desperation, he had no choice but to report the phone number of his direct supervisor, which was the main reason why Yu Qi was able to receive inquiries from the police.

Maybe when they were caught, they still felt some regret and helplessness that they didn’t get any substantive progress, but after they were really caught and punished, they were very grateful that they didn’t move so quickly. If they were like ordinary tourists Houji, he may have already completed his main task, so the punishment for meeting them will not be as simple as that.

After the taxi arrived at the door of the hotel, Yu Qi did not communicate with his subordinates during the whole process, and even deliberately avoided any possible contact with the other party, and went straight to his floor, opened the door, Immediately shut himself in the house.

The two subordinates who were at fault originally wanted to explain to each other, but seeing the attitude of their boss, they had no choice but to go back first, wash off the dirty marks on their bodies, and at the same time take a good rest. As for other things, it is better to wait until tomorrow when everyone is calmer, and then make judgments and explanations. .
After Yu Qi returned to his room, he still felt that the anger in his heart could not be well received by Bai Jie. In addition, because he might be woken up from the bed in the middle of the night, he was so angry that he was struggling repeatedly, wandering back and forth It wasn't until four or five o'clock in the morning that I really fell asleep.

Compared with the thrilling journey and rich life of the three people tonight, Gu Cheng and his daughter probably slept very soundly and devotedly because they were much more exhausted than before.

After they woke up, it was already the morning of the second day. The exhaustion of the body was well relieved and replenished, and the whole person seemed to be in good spirits, changing from the decadent state of last night.

And last night, Yu Qi thought that because everyone was traveling together, he specially edited a text message and told Gu Cheng the ins and outs of the matter. Gu Cheng, who had just woken up, naturally saw this text message from midnight , For a while, I also felt a little stunned and helpless, even a little ironic.

Because Gu Cheng who gets along with two people during the day will gradually increase everyone's feelings, so the impression of the two in Gu Cheng's mind should not be such a stupid behavior. Alcohol really makes people make a lot of wrong choices.

(End of this chapter)

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