I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 746 621. Spouse Selection Criteria

Chapter 746 621. Spouse Selection Criteria
For Jiang Ning, who exists like a wealthy princess, Gu Cheng doesn't have many ideas to offer substantive suggestions, but from his point of view, it is the only thing he can do to look at the problem with a very rational and objective attitude. Give the best solution.

And because I don't have similar feelings, I can't empathize with him. Even in his past and present lives, he hasn't been able to touch the threshold of a wealthy family. Maybe he can do this with his own ability in the future, but I believe that with his own thoughts and character, It should not be possible to achieve the atmosphere of Jiang Ning's current family life.

What he can do is to give his own advice through watching the intrigues of those wealthy families on the TV series. Instead of getting involved in this muddy water, it is better to turn around and open another pond, which will be refreshing and not sticky. Dust, how comfortable and unrestrained to live.

"It's easy to say, but it would be great if we can really achieve this."

While talking, Jiang Ning showed a helpless expression in his eyes. There are many things that are not as simple as what he said. Even if the emotional connection between family members is too weak, the other party is ultimately his own in this world. It is almost impossible to completely give up the close relatives who are connected by blood.

And as long as you are born in this family, it seems that you have some responsibilities and obligations when you just came into the world, and it is also the price you have to pay for enjoying these high-level life and other convenient services.

Once you have penetrated into this family and become very complicated with the other party, it is not so easy to think about your origin and leave.

However, she is very longing for the scene described by Gu Chengkou, imagining that if there is such a day, she believes that living in this family, her face must be full of satisfied smiles and a happy atmosphere every day.

However, for her, the biggest difficulty at present is that she does not have a suitable contact partner and a suitable investigation target.

In daily life, because of family reasons, the only blind dates and investigation targets that I can meet are boys from the same family background. Boys from this kind of family have to bear part of the responsibilities and responsibilities of family reasons. Under the circumstances, the living family formed in the future will not be so harmonious and happy.

It is precisely because of this kind of thinking and reason that Jiang Ning has rarely had too close contact and interaction with men since graduation. Every time he is just about to get on the right track, he will withdraw without hesitation She left because she knew very well that this kind of relationship would continue to perpetuate her fear and loneliness towards her family, and would put her future children in the same situation and situation as herself.

Every time Jiang Ning thinks of such consequences, Jiang Ning has a shuddering feeling, some things can be ended on his own body, there is no need to inflict this kind of pain on the next generation.

The best idea in her current state is to find a man with average family background and even little savings as a marriage partner. All the emotions and anxiety come from the greed for money. If you haven’t seen the scenery at the top, There are no longing thoughts in my heart.

But then again, it is difficult for a boy with little money to reach a consensus with Jiang Ning and have a good relationship with Jiang Ning in terms of three views, interests and other conversations. After all, some people have been cultivated by a good life, and the temperament in their hearts and bodies is fundamental. I can't hide it, and in this society, it seems that men's self-esteem is extra strong,
They can tolerate women who are stronger than themselves, but they can't tolerate women who are too much stronger than themselves. That kind of women who are too strong will make boys unconsciously feel inferior in the process of getting along, and even turn to change this emotion into resentment.

Jiang Ning has seen too many similar examples in his life. Whether it is a business partner with him or a white-collar woman who has a good relationship and worked hard, once he finds a boy who is weaker than himself, most people will end up in the end. It all ends in fragmentation.

I have seen too many similar things happen around me, and Jiang Ning unconsciously developed some fears about marriage. In addition, there is really no suitable partner around me, so this matter So it has been delayed and put down.

However, as far as my deepest thoughts are concerned, I have seen that some of my peers around me have already married and had children normally. Not only do they have their own children, but they also often share interesting stories about their lives with their children and husband in the circle of friends. Every time, I can get the sympathy and sympathy of many people. Only Jiang Ning sits alone on the side, just watching with a smile on the corner of her mouth, watching this group of people of the same age who are not far or close are exuding a happy atmosphere, and she is single. Ying couldn't get into that circle at all.

And when faced with other people asking about my love life, I just pretended to be very comfortable and used the excuse of wanting to put all my mind on work, but when I really went home, I saw that the whole house was empty and I lived alone. , Sometimes I still feel very lonely and lonely.

"A person like you should be surrounded by many suitors. How can it be difficult to find someone to associate with?"

Gu Cheng didn't believe what Jiang Ning said at all. After all, there are always too many outstanding girls who put their eyes on each other. Just insisting on the flies around is enough energy. It is very simple to choose one that suits your heart.

Besides, just by listening to Jiang Ning's description, you can tell that the other party's selection standard is not too high, and it is even low enough for such an outstanding girl. This standard should be faster and more accurate in selection.

But just looking at the other party's expression, he should have encountered some difficulties. The reason for this is rather puzzling and unimaginable for him. If Jiang Ning's standard can't find a suitable candidate, then it can really be regarded as a Men all over the world are blind.

"Perhaps I set the standard too low. When everyone heard this standard, they thought I was just joking, and like you, they thought that I must have a lot of people's attention, so no one took action, and slowly That's all."

The rebuttals and differences that Gu Cheng put forward were often encountered by Jiang Ning in his life, so he didn't feel that there was anything wrong. He was helpless and down-to-earth, explained the situation he was currently encountering, and then lamented for a long time With a cry, he turned around and set his gaze on the quiet sea.

(End of this chapter)

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