I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 715 590. Insincere words

Chapter 715 590. Insincere words

Zhoushi is originally an inland city, so there are not many opportunities to get in touch with seafood on weekdays, and Gu Cheng rarely tastes seafood in his daily life. The price of the same seafood sold at the seaside is completely different from that sold in Zhoushi. a grade.

Since Xiao Youyou was born, she has never seen such a strange thing.So I was very curious about the varieties of these seafood, and kept looking there with my own eyes.

Whether it's a gigantic crab or a lobster that's nearly the size of its own body, it's something completely shocking in her tiny worldview.

"Don't eat so much messy food anymore. Dad will get you a lobster. It's good for children to eat more seafood."

Gu Cheng watched his daughter continue to attack the various desserts on the plate in front of him, and he couldn't help but feel a headache. Maybe girls and boys have completely different views on many things. Girls only pay attention to this thing. Whether the appearance and shape are good-looking, but men are more concerned about the inside and whether the food is good or not.

Xiao Youyou felt a little confused about what her father said. She couldn't clearly understand the meaning of these somewhat complicated words, but she could feel it from the emotions expressed by her father. It seemed that her father was not very satisfied with the food she was eating now. .

Gu Cheng didn't continue to seek his daughter's advice, but stood up and quickly took a very delicious-looking lobster from the tray closest to him. White and tender shrimp meat.

Using his fingers to tear off the shrimp meat to a suitable length, Gu Cheng tried to stuff this food for his daughter to taste, but perhaps the ugly shell of the lobster had a great impact on Xiao Youyou's young mind. With an extremely resistant expression and tightly closed lips, it can be felt that she has no desire to taste this food.

"It's delicious. It's a good thing. Shrimp meat contains a lot of nutrients for babies."

Gu Cheng tempted his daughter with a very exaggerated tone, while continuing to try to make her daughter pick up interest in this food that she had never tasted before.

To be honest, seafood products such as lobsters are quite beneficial to babies and children, because these seafood products are rich in trace elements, especially lobsters are rich in calcium, which can promote the growth and development of babies to a certain extent.

Compared with those sweet and sour desserts, Gu Cheng felt that eating more of these expensive and cherished seafood would be more helpful to the body and promote the growth and health of the child.

But parents and children always hold completely different views on many things, which is also an indispensable disagreement in the process of caring for children.What Gu Cheng thinks is delicious, but Xiao Youyou finds it difficult to accept.

Gu Cheng put in a lot of effort, constantly tempting his daughter with words, but Xiao Youyou's insistence on his principles was relatively firm, and he didn't waver because of his father's few words.

Until Gu Cheng could feel tiny beads of sweat on his forehead because he was too anxious and often raised his arms.Holding the white tender lobster meat that had even cooled down in his hand, he still failed to deliver it to his daughter's mouth.

Gu Cheng even wondered if it was because his daughter had never eaten this kind of food, so he was wary of this kind of food. He even wanted to forcefully stuff the food into his daughter's mouth through his own strength, maybe he could feel it. Seeing the delicious and fresh taste of this food, it became much easier for my daughter to accept it.

But he saw it before the action started, because under his constant persecution, his daughter even had an aggrieved expression on her face, so he had no choice but to hold back the thought that made him feel a little moved, so as to push himself forward. Arm retracted.

"You really don't know what is precious. This food is so delicious. If you don't eat it, Dad will finish it."

Gu Cheng seemed a little aggrieved. As a father, he naturally wanted to give all the good things to his baby, but sometimes good intentions are not so easy to accept. No matter how young a child is, he still has his own. thoughts and desires.If you force the other party forcefully, it may cause some cracks in the originally very harmonious father-daughter relationship, and even make the daughter feel fearful and afraid of herself.

While angrily stuffing lobsters into his mouth, he also felt the unique taste, constantly fermenting on the taste buds in his mouth.

However, he still had another thought in mind. In the process of eating, he intentionally or unintentionally selected the meatiest part of the lobster and tore it into small pieces, and put them on his daughter's dinner plate casually. Unable to bear his own curiosity and want to taste it, it is not the result he can guess.

Although Xiao Youyou felt very wronged because of his father's persecution, but because his father did not take any substantive actions, his emotions were still frozen on his face and were not released.

Seeing his father gorging on the strange-looking food in front of him, and enjoying the expression on his face at the same time, Xiao Youyou couldn't stop muttering in his heart, did he judge the taste of this food? Question, maybe it is really as delicious as Dad thought.

Thinking of this, the bottom line she had always insisted on seemed to be shaken, and she kept poking the meaty food that looked like steamed buns in front of her with her fingers, wondering how the food tasted.

Taking advantage of his father not paying attention to him, Xiao Youyou quickly picked up one of the relatively small pieces of meat with his fingers.Then I stuffed the food mixed with pastries into my mouth and kept chewing. The more I chewed, the narrowed eyes opened wider. This surprising taste really seemed to subvert the idea of ​​what she had thought in her mind. Food all impressions.

"Want to want."

Now that he had tasted the sweetness, Xiao Youyou naturally wouldn't give up easily, and quickly stuffed the remaining pieces of lobster meat on the table into his mouth when his father turned his head inadvertently.After eating all the shrimps on the table, she immediately seemed not to care about her resistance at all, stretched out her palm and shouted loudly at her father, demanding to continue with an eager look on her face. Lobster Meat Supplement.

(End of this chapter)

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