I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 703 578. Perfect preparation

Chapter 703 578. Perfect preparation

During the period when Gu Cheng was urgently preparing the travel package, the publishing house was not idle. While contacting the recording program team that had already signed the contract, it also had to seize the time to determine the staffing for the business trip.

As far as the current situation is concerned, no matter what others say, Yu Qi will definitely go with him. After all, the other party is the top leader of this publishing house, and his presence will not only make those cooperating program groups not easily slack off, It can also express to Gu Cheng how much his publishing house attaches importance to the other party.

As for Zhang Li, as Gu Cheng's exclusive responsible editor in the list of people on this trip, it seems more appropriate for the other party to come forward to communicate with Gu Cheng on many matters.

But she didn't expect that other accidents would happen to her itinerary that she had already decided before the trip, because the responsible editor does not mean belonging to a writer, and Gu Cheng really doesn't have much work on her side that Zhang Li should be busy with. However, once it involves the other party, everything is the top priority of the entire publishing house, and her responsible editor has very little right to speak in it.

Considering the occurrence of this situation, Yu Qi assigned several writers to Zhang Li to be in charge of. These writers are some rookies who have just signed contracts. Facing this unfamiliar industry and all the unknown futures, they need to worry and work hard. There are still many things.

After Zhang Li took over these newcomers, the scope of work and daily life of the whole person became much more busy, and the whole person gradually enriched.

What happened this time was that a newcomer writer under the management of Zhang Li seemed to have had a conflict with another company such as newspaper and media, and the other party accused the writer of lying to them about the copyright of the article, and the whole thing was a mess. very large.

You must know that things like this kind of reputation are more prudent for a writer. Because the publishing house does not know the specific situation, it also needs to send a special person to inquire and verify.

If it is indeed the reason of the writers, they can also respond in a timely manner and deal with it accordingly. If it is not the reason of the writers, then it means that Haohan Publishing House's control over companies like this kind of paper media has declined, and it needs to be solved. Use Thunder's counterattack to reshape his right to speak in the industry.

No matter how this matter is resolved in the end, there is no way to bypass Zhang Li's operation, so facing this hurdle, Zhang Li had to temporarily withdraw from the ranks of the personnel on this business trip, and turned to solve another more difficult matter things.

However, if Yu Qi was the only staff member of the publishing house accompanying Gu Cheng, it would be too monotonous, so the publishing house hastily dispatched two middle-level leaders to go to the shooting scene together. The liaison between the publishing house and these column groups, on the other hand, can also make it possible to have someone who can take care of or even help when encountering any temporary situation.

After thoroughly confirming the list of business travelers on the publishing house side, the professionals in charge of the liaison department began to expeditiously book air tickets for several people, including the hotels they need to stay in when they arrive at the recording site and the daily meal standards.

It can be said that apart from bringing a bag and his own ID card for this business trip, Gu Cheng doesn't need to worry about anything at all, and everything will be fully borne by the publishing house.

Here, Gu Cheng is preparing the luggage needed for business trips. As I said earlier, since having a child, any trip is like moving house. His own luggage only occupies a small area inside the package. In addition to a change of clothes, there are some personal items such as ID cards and bank cards.

And the baby needs to bring too many things, even a simple suitcase is not enough, and an additional suitcase is needed to fully pack it.

You must bring diapers. Based on the calculation that you need 5 diapers for a whole day, you must bring at least a whole pack of diapers for this business trip.

Of course, if there are other temporary situations, you can go to the nearest maternity and baby store to buy according to this brand. Although there may be some differences in price, for the convenience of travel, some differences can be tolerated.

Special water bottles for drinking water, feeding bottles for drinking milk, special cleaning agents for scrubbing these things, and auxiliary brush tools. These things should be carried with you. It is a very laborious thing to go through high-temperature water boiling and disinfection. It is better to use the tools you are used to from the beginning.

Always prepare properly for a change of clothes. Two or three coats are enough, but you must prepare as many sets of close-fitting long underwear as possible. At this stage of the baby, it has completely changed from the original time. The posture that needs to be held by an adult has changed to being able to act independently.

Babies who are able to touch the ground have simply released their own seal. Generally, the range of activities and the amount of exercise on weekdays are more abundant than that of many adults. At this time, if you wear diapers, you will inevitably have some movements that will cause urinary incontinence. Wetness is out of the original control. This situation will inevitably leak some excrement that could have been smoothly wrapped, and the leaked things just stick to the baby's long johns.

In the state where the baby is now able to walk independently, Gu Cheng has discovered that such things happen many times, and sometimes even when the baby's stomach is uncomfortable, the number of times will increase in turn, and sometimes it is simple and whole. It is really a tricky situation to change two or three sets of underwear every day.

In order to avoid embarrassing situations when traveling, it is necessary to prepare for all possible situations in advance.

It’s not enough to just bring these. You should always bring some snacks that your baby likes to eat. In order to avoid crying or emotional anxiety on the plane or in transit, after all, let a lively and lovely baby stay in one place for a long time , It will definitely make them feel boring and boring, and they don't know how to express this emotion. They seem to have no better way to express it except crying.

When encountering this kind of situation, some familiar and favorite snacks and toys become the only magic weapon to relieve their emotions.

Because the baby's physical fitness is definitely slightly insufficient compared with adults, and there will be many more situations to prevent, such as special drinks for the treatment of gastrointestinal discomfort that are often used, or children's skin care for dry skin. Another example is emergency medicine that sometimes needs to be prepared for a fever and a cold, and a special thermometer for children to check body temperature.

(End of this chapter)

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