Chapter 684 559. Gifts
If the other party is willing to come forward to persuade the number one writer of the publishing house, maybe it is really possible and necessary for things to turn around. This is like a glimmer of light in the dark night sky.

They also know that the editor-in-chief will come forward to make up for it, because of their negligence in work, it is indeed a bit too difficult, and it seems to be a bit of moral kidnapping, so almost everyone keeps silent, and puts their expectations and hopes on When it came to the editor-in-chief, I was ready to wait and see what kind of decision and strategy the other party would make.


At this time, Yu Qi felt that he had encountered the most difficult decision in his life, and was in a dilemma. On the one hand, he was planning to fight for the company for the rest of his life, and at this time, he was in a position where he could control the fate of this company. From the point of view, on the other hand, he is also a junior who has always felt very guilty. Since the other party debuted, apart from providing some insignificant help, he seems to have been receiving the other party's favor, and at this time he has to continue to trouble the other party, which really makes him feel If you can't open your mouth, you can't lift your face.

But at this time, he really has no better way. It seems that he wants to resume the unfinished layout in a very short period of time, and even improve the effect of the plan again, so as to fight a beautiful innovation and revolutionary battle for the publishing house. , it seems that besides asking Gu Cheng for help, there is really no better alternative in a short time.

"The public sector is going to prepare two gifts for me, the highest grade of the publishing house, and then Zhang Li packs up and changes clothes, and I will visit Gu Cheng's writer with me. It depends on God's will whether we succeed or not. Anyway, we have I have exhausted my efforts, and I hope this incident can teach everyone a lesson, if a company's fate depends entirely on seeking help from others, then this company is not far from extinction."

At this time, Yu Qi was even a little exhausted. He really didn't like the feeling of being pushed away by people or things, and preferred the pleasure of being able to control everything, but life is like this, and things can't always be done. When everything goes as expected, on the road of human life, there will always be various setbacks and tribulations. These setbacks and tribulations are also the hurdles and costs that a human being needs to overcome.

After Yu Qi left the office in a somewhat dispirited manner, the rest of the people did not leave immediately. They all sat in their seats and had a deep reflection. Indeed, if the fate of a company is really in the hands of one person Even if you can overcome this difficulty, you will feel slack, and you will use this method repeatedly to slowly wear away your goodwill in front of work.

"Okay, everyone go back to work, just as the editor-in-chief said, this time we really feel very powerless, and even have a sense of frustration, but this is only a temporary predicament we encountered, we must deeply Bearing in mind the frustration I had in my heart at this time, I transformed it into a stronger motivation to use in my work. The publishing house is like a big ship, and the editor-in-chief is certainly the captain who controls the direction of the ship, but he wants to move the big ship forward. It is also inseparable from the concerted efforts and endless support of our helmsmen."

The time and atmosphere froze for a long time, and finally another senior leader who was the deputy editor-in-chief stood up and made a summary of the incident, and at the same time, he used ingenious words to rekindle everyone's fighting spirit and energy.

After the deputy editor-in-chief finished the summary, everyone's eyes were filled with fierce eyes that could even ignite flames. They wanted to return to their jobs and use their harder and harder work to fight a beautiful turnaround , and at the same time use the facts to fight back against those competitors who use off-the-board tricks. In the subsequent competitions, they will stare at their every move and never let this incident happen to them again.

Everyone returned to their work departments, and the public relations department immediately prepared the main tasks that Yu Qi ordered just now. For a company like a publishing house that often negotiates and communicates with foreign countries, prepare some gifts inside the company for use. It is normal to attract customers and enhance the relationship with partners, and the public relations department is naturally the main department and scope of work responsible for these matters.

Of course, these gifts also account for a relatively important item of all the annual expenditures of the publishing house. Even the specifications and grades of the gifts are also differentiated, divided into four ranks: low-grade, mid-range, high-grade and top-grade.

The goal of Shimojima’s gift is only to have a contractual relationship with the publishing house, but within the scope of the contract, he has not been able to produce any conspicuous results and returns. In order to maintain the meager friendship between each other, he will also choose during the holidays. Some gifts are mailed to let the other party feel the enthusiasm and pattern of the publishing house.

After all, the profession of a writer is like this. Although it also relies on talent and ability, but more often it only relies on the kind of inspiration. It is uncertain when these street fighters who have been sinking at the bottom of the writer will work hard To write a shocking masterpiece, there are countless examples of this happening in history.

At that time, these original investments will be rewarded generously. The more players look forward to being valued, the more grateful they will be to every noble person who has helped him in his life.

The mid-range gifts are generally used for handover and communication with partners of similar strength and other relationships. The other party feels your friendship, and can you not make others feel that they have received too much favor, and treat the other party at the same level for dialogue.

And high-end gifts are generally used in those contacts who are very kind to the publishing house, such as friends of some high-ranking media editor-in-chiefs, writers who have made friends with the publishing house with the title of literary giant, Although there are very few times when the other party can help you, as long as you extend a helping hand a little, it may alleviate a major crisis you encounter. This kind of favor has always been used less and less.

People in this position don't care about the value of gifts. After all, these extraneous things have little impact on them. They pay more attention to the meaning behind these gifts, as well as to please and respect them.

After all, the older people are, the more they cherish their past glorious achievements and all the younger generations who know and admire them. After all, this is the only mark they left in the world worth remembering and commemorating, and it is also the only one who can prove that they have survived in this world Evidence.

(End of this chapter)

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