I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 630 505. Unique Style

Chapter 630 505. Unique Style

"The interior decoration is also quite nice. You can see that the air in this garden is quite fresh. There is also a children's playground over there. Now Xiao Youyou has a place to play."

Li Kui came here sincerely to appraise the pros and cons of this house for Gu Cheng, so since he entered the interior of the community, he immediately focused his attention on the surrounding decoration facilities vigilantly.

This community not only has an independent small garden and a separate walking area, but also some open-air fitness equipment for community users to pass the time. Of course, there are also amusement facilities specially built for children, such as swings, trampolines and seesaws.

He narrowed his eyes and smiled at the corners of his mouth. While sharing his discovery with Shang Yan next to him, he turned his gaze back to the children's play area, as if he could already think of the scene where Xiao Youyou was playing here.

Hearing the praise from his friends, Gu Cheng also felt very happy. To be honest, when he bought this real estate, he really made the result after careful selection. If there is no accident, he and his daughter will live in this house It will take 5 to 10 years to move again when there is a suitable choice. Naturally, we are very cautious in the selection.

"Let's go, don't smear the ink below, let's go up quickly, see how the decoration style I chose, and give me some advice."

The three of them quickened their pace and walked upstairs. The elevator stopped at the floor, and Gu Cheng used the key to unlock the door of the room.

"What's your decoration style? How did I see it for the first time?"

Even if I have always believed in my friends' appreciation and matching level, after all, the old house, all the decoration facilities and drawings were all provided by Gu Cheng and then matched. The effect really feels like He is a literati and elegant guest, living in seclusion in this chic place in the steel forest.

But the moment they entered the room, Shang Yan and Li Kui were still shocked by the decoration style in front of them. The decoration style here matched it, and it didn't have any resemblance to all the houses they had seen.

"Is it an old hat? This is called the modern wabi-sabi style. It mainly advocates simple collocation and plain color style. Among other things, you just stand at the door and simply look at it. Do you feel that it is high-end and elegant? It has a unique beauty.”

Gu Cheng was very happy to see the stunned looks of the two friends. This was also the first impression of anyone who saw it after he designed the decoration plan.

It may be because of the experience in the previous life, and I have seen too many luxuriously decorated rooms, and I feel that the style does not meet the result I want, so I browsed through too many decoration directions in my mind, and finally chose This kind of decoration scheme that has been passed down from modern society creates a unique aesthetic feeling and style with simple collocation and stereotyped colors.

"But this is too simple."

Shang Yan and Li Kui looked at each other with some dismay, and they could still see the shocked expression in each other's eyes.

At present, in the decoration style of the entire Huaguo market, everyone still prefers a more affluent look, and what they are after is not the spacious and grand effect, but the first feeling that anyone who enters the room is that the house has a family.

It's amazing that some people who have received avant-garde education will adopt that kind of European-style decoration, or British-style decoration, but these two decoration styles are not the style chosen by Gu Cheng. They look so simple, and their decoration style is full of With a very unique iconic temperament.

For example, European-style design is composed of curves and asymmetrical lines, such as entanglement, sprouts, vines, insect wings and various beautiful and wave-shaped designs of nature, which are reflected in the decoration of walls, railings, window lattices and furniture. superior.

The British style combines the romantic feelings of nostalgia with the needs of modern people for life, and at the same time abandons overly complicated textures and decorations. Some rooms with floor tiles appear narrow, insect wings and all kinds of beauty in nature.Elegant ancient style, high column, bedroom generally adopts carpet.Of course, the essential fireplace is also indispensable, which immediately improves the temperament of the room.

However, Gu Cheng's decoration style is different from the others. It seems to feel the simple and pure alternative aesthetics in the imperfection. Although the first reaction is more like a plan made by a crappy second-rate designer, but after the The overall collocation can actually feel a quiet and free temperament.

The main color of Gu Cheng's room is a mixture of white and gray. In addition, the room itself is also a duplex layout. When you really walk on the floor, it feels like you are the only one left on the barren land. .

"In fact, wabi-sabi is a branch of the aesthetic consciousness that has just emerged in foreign countries. "Wabi" is the incorporation of simple beauty in simplicity and tranquility, and "sabi" is the beauty of time.Wabi-sabi represents a yearning for a free inner world. Although the colors are not so bright, it is to enjoy a free life in such a dark space. "

While explaining the meaning of this decoration style to his two friends, Gu Cheng looked at all the collocations and layouts of the room with pride.

To be honest, he has been a very insecure person since he was a child, regardless of his past and present lives. Sometimes he has worked hard outside the city for a long time, and he will spontaneously feel a lonely atmosphere, as if you do not belong to any The place is like a grass without roots.

Therefore, for this kind of person, home is a very cautious word, it is a place where he can find his soul sustenance, and it is also his most private living area, where he can be free from any pressure and troubles, and be able to Free yourself to let yourself go and enjoy a place of freedom and peace of mind.

It is precisely because of this reason that he is very cautious about the word home. When choosing a decoration style, he also proceeded in this direction. He tried many styles and did not find a design that made him feel at ease. When it came to this decoration plan, I really felt a sense of inner peace.

The biggest feeling that this decoration style brings to Gu Cheng is that the texture and texture of the original ecology, the seemingly casual decoration, the mottled walls and floors, and the unpolished logs or stones all present a natural and simple beauty.

I have to say that the decoration company selected by Gu Cheng is quite responsible. It satisfies the effect he selected to the greatest extent. The hard decoration is very simple and elegant, and a lot of thought is spent on the soft decoration.

(End of this chapter)

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